glazed tile

Chapter 27

After Prince Yuan Li returned to Beijin, because of the careful treatment of the imperial doctor and the careful service of the queen Lan, the queen of the country, he quickly recovered ten*. He spent almost all his time practicing martial arts and training his dead soldiers. It was really a great shame for him to lose to Yelai outside the city of Liyi. He was determined to save his dignity.

In the early morning, before dawn, he came to the school, and there was no one else except two guards. The two were used to seeing him coming, but they saluted respectfully and walked aside knowingly. Yuan Li didn't like to be watched by someone when practicing martial arts. They had known his habit for a long time.

The air in the morning was very fresh, and the cold wind in winter was extremely cold. The two compartments met and was sucked into the nasal cavity. He felt that the bottom of his cavity seemed to be frozen, but it burned rapidly, making his heart and lungs burn.

He was refreshed and pulled out the dragon spring at his waist. A set of swordsmanship made him free and refreshing. He only felt that in the middle of the leap, he seemed to have become a bird, with wings under the threat, and could almost fly to the sky.

If he can fly, can he leave here and go back to that small town?

He was a little distracted, and the sword in his hand gradually slowed down. When he stopped, there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"You are absent-minded." Suddenly, the lazy female voice scared him. Yuan Wei subconsciously turned around and said unhappily, "When I was practicing martial arts, I didn't like anyone watching me. Don't you know?"

Lan Su came over. She was wearing a blue-purple peacock gold thread on her body, slightly revealing the corners of her smoky purple skirt, and her face became more and more white as bright moon. When she heard Yuan Li say this, her eyes flashed sharply, and her delicate jade hand stretched out and slapped him in the face.

Yuan lowered her head, and her eyes could only see a pair of gold-stranded lanterns embedded sapphire pendants swaying on her ears.

Lan Shu's tone was very fierce, "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this?"

Yuan's heart was cold, like a heart thrown into the ice water, so cold that he curled up all over.

But Lan Shou suddenly smiled. She was not young, but such a smile was more beautiful than many girls. Her eyebrows were bent and the corners of her lips were slightly raised, looking delicate and beautiful.

"Look at you, you came out to practice martial arts so early in the morning, with a sweat on your face, and carefully suffered the wind. Go back with your mother."

Yuan nodded, as if he was used to her abnormal behavior and had no resistance. He followed Lansu back to the "Mo Shang Hall" very obediently.

Lansu walked ahead and looked back at Yuan from time to time. There was a smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes. Yuan Wei looked a little confused. He unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and looked at him smiling. In fact, he was faintly disappointed. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

He didn't realize that Lansu had understood that she was familiar with such an expression, but Yuan Mingming was trapped in lovesickness and didn't know it, but he didn't know who the woman like him was.

But whoever dares to rob her must die. Lan Shu secretly clenched his fist and said to himself in his heart.

Yuan's body was still weak. After following Lan Xu back to the "Mo Shang Hall", he was a little dizzy. He lay on the couch and vaguely felt that a hand was touching his face.

"I'm all for your own good. Don't betray me." She said.

Yuan felt very tired. When he was staring at him, he suddenly felt that it was completely meaningless. He practiced martial arts, studied, trained dead soldiers, and led soldiers to fight almost regardless of life and death. What on earth is all this for?

This problem is too big and too serious. Before he figured it out, he felt extremely tired.

He shrank into the quilt, but a figure faintly appeared in front of him, wearing a green dress and a veil on his face. He wanted to reach out to hold her, but he had no strength.

"Don't go..." He whispered, "I still don't know what you look like..."

Lan Shu sat next to him. His voice was very low, but he was still listened to by her. A fire suddenly burned in her heart, but her face was still as calm as water. She slowly stood up and ordered the palace people around her to say a few words.

The man took the order and left. She tucked the quilt for Yuan and came out of the bedroom.

The person she ordered to find quickly, and by the time she came out, she had kneeled respectfully outside, waiting for her summons.

Lan Shu nodded with satisfaction, "On the way to check the prince's battle, he has been somewhere, and no place should be missed, starting from the day he took people out of the city."

The man answered "yes" concisely, and then asked, "If it is found, what should I do?"

Lan Soo smiled leisurely, "It's not the first time you've done a job. How can you ask such a ridiculous question?"

The man quickly pleaded guilty, and Lan Soo waved his hand to signal him to go quickly. The man hurriedly turned around and left, but secretly prayed for the unlucky man who he didn't know who it was, which was also a means to eliminate his sins.

And all this, Yuan Li, who sleeps in it, knows nothing about it.

Since the person who claimed to be Yuan Bing left without saying goodbye, she has been very worried almost all day for fear of causing any disaster to the magic doctor and the medical center. Although the magic doctor is also a little uneasy, he can't bear to watch her blame herself every day. During this period, she has been eating tastelessly and sleeping at night. His eyes turned and he thought that it was time to have a follow-up visit in the "Wei Army" camp these days, so he planned to take Yingluo for a walk. Although it's colder outside and the road is a little difficult to walk, it's better than nesting in this small hospital.

Yingluo listened to his advice and was willing. She hadn't gone out since she came to Liyi, but she felt a little bad, so she frowned and asked, "Isn't it inconvenient for me to go to the barracks like this?"

The magic doctor shook his head, "Even if Miss Wei recognizes you, she is not a talkative person. You can rest assured."

Yingluo got this and was also a little vaguely looking forward to it. Thousands of miles of sky, borderless territory, hunting flags, and leisurely Qiang flutes are the magnificent scenes she once yearned for.

The magic doctor has a straightforward personality. Seeing that she was willing, he went to pack up the medicine box and ordered several apprentices to go home under the board. They didn't have to come these days. He looked at Yingluo wearing neat cloaks, snow hats and leather boots before taking her out of the hospital.

When I went out, I happened to meet Sailor with Ami and Adou making a snowman outside the door. When I saw them come out and greeted them with a smile, "The magic doctor, Yingluo, Miss Yingluo, are you going out?"

Ami and Adou are also monkeys on Yingluo, "Sister Yingluo, where are you going?"

Yingluo couldn't tell the specific place to go, so she replied with a smile, "Go to see a sick brother and come back in a few days."

Ami and Adou seemed to be a little disappointed when they heard this. The expressions on the faces of the three brothers and sisters were exactly the same, and the magic doctor also felt funny.

Yiluo had no choice but to smile and make a wish to them, "My sister will really come back soon. You have to write down the words and ancient poems I taught the day before these two days, and I will come back to check it."

Ami and Adou were still tingy, but they also nodded.

Sero also came up and said, "Doctor, don't worry, I will help you pay attention to the door." Although he was talking to the magic doctor, his eyes had been looking at Yingluo, but he felt that her grand winter dress was very different from usual, but it was equally beautiful.

The magic doctor thanked Cerro and left with Yingluo. The two walked out far away. As soon as she looked back, she could still see Silo standing in the snow with her younger brother and sister, with three figures, one or two small, staring at her motionless.

Her nose was sore, and she didn't know where tears came from. She quickly lowered her head and didn't want the magic doctor to see her cry.

The magic doctor didn't look back, but sighed in his heart. This stupid boy was so hearty about her. If he saw that man in the future, he didn't know how sad he would be!