glazed tile

Chapter 42 Under Natural Disaster

Shen Xuanji solved the urgent need for Wei Xi, but he didn't expect that he would soon be worried. Summer has arrived. This year, there has been more rain than in previous years. There is a river in Yaodi, not far from the Qiongjiang River, which is called a treasure bottle. Because the rain has been raining for several days and nights, the river continues to rise and burst the dam. The people on the riverside and even Yaodi have been flooded. For a while, there were displaced people everywhere, and the people who lost their homes were shocked. God.

Naturally, such a big thing was soon heard. Xue Zhen was so angry that his face turned pale. He immediately sent someone to thoroughly investigate whether anyone cut corners during the construction of the embankment. At the same time, he asked the Ministry of Household to seize the disaster relief and the Ministry of Industry to send people to rebuild the dam. He was so busy that he stayed in the study for several nights and could not afford to go back to Shen Xuanji's "Fengzhao Hall".

When Shen Xuanji saw him working so hard, he was anxious but did not dare to disturb him. This was the first natural disaster since Xue Zhen's accession to the throne, perhaps a man-made disaster. How would he deal with it and whether such a treatment in the eyes of his subjects was a very important test for him.

Fortunately, Shuangchi is very skillful. When he sees Xue Zhen idle, he will send people back and forth to Shen Xuanji. Only at this time can Shen Xuanji send his carefully cooked soup snacks. This is also the only time for the couple to get along with each other during this period. Shen Xuanji cherishes it very much.

"Your Majesty, try this." Shen Xuanji stretched out his chopsticks, put a piece of cake for Xue Zhen, and scooped another bowl of soup. "This cake is also ordinary. Lan Qing squatted in the small kitchen for three hours."

Lan Qing hurriedly waved his hand, "The maidservant just looked at the fire. These were all made by her mother."

There is something in Xue Zhen's heart. It can be seen that his wife also loosened her eyebrows and reached out to hold Shen Xuanji's hand. "Thank you for your hard work. It tastes good."

Shen Xuanji was slightly stunned, "Why did the emperor be polite to me?" She wanted to laugh a little, but seemed to feel that she couldn't laugh. Xue Zhen's face was also embarrassed. Shen Xuanji felt sorry for his hard work, quickly suppressed the little unhappiness in his heart, and continued to persuade him to eat and drink soup.

Lan Qing and Shuangchi did not see such a subtle emotion revealed by their master. Seeing that Xue Zhen had finished the midnight snack, they took the initiative to ask someone to come in and clean up the cup, and retreated out at night.

As soon as Xue Zhen finished eating, he came to the desk and frowned at the folds sent by the people below.

Shen Xuanji was afraid that he would accumulate food, so he had the intention to tease him to say a few words and rest for a while before looking at it. Seeing Xue Zhen's appearance as a big enemy, he still stopped talking and polished ink for him beside him.

If it was a weekday, Xue Zhen would definitely smile and praise "red sleeves add fragrance", but he was indeed not in such a good mood today, and his eyes did not leave the folds. After looking at it for a long time, the more angry he became, and finally fiercely folded his hand and slapped the marble ground.

"These slang ministers! You really don't pay attention to me!"

Shen Xuanji was shocked by him and went down to pick up the fold, but he didn't look at it. He put it on the case. "Your Majesty, why are you angry? Since they dare to ignore the decree, they will be punished according to the law."

Xue Zhen sighed long, "How easy is it?"

Shen Xuanji heard this and put down the ink stone in his hand. "Does Your Majesty still think it's not the time to use heavy classics?"

She believes that Xue Zhen is as clear as she is, even better than her. The former emperor is not a wise emperor, and the treasury, officials and even the army of this country are not so satisfactory. The power of the family is great, but they also have their own thoughts, and after a long comfortable life, they may not have the intention and preparation to serve the young emperor. In the face of the impact, in order to ensure their glory, wealth and noble status, they would rather not make any change, and their idea must also It will be indoctrinated to Xue Zhen.

Although Xue Zhen had his own opinions, Shen Xuanji did not want him to hear such voices every day, and finally destroyed his fighting spirit and ambition.

Going to the throne as emperor is definitely not his last step, but just the beginning. His goal of achieving a great Yun empire in Heyan Haiqing is far from being achieved.

When Xue Zhen heard her words, he also felt abrupt. He seemed to think of what he had said to Huo Qiyu, which often echoed in his ear in the past 20 years of life. Why has he only been an emperor for a year? These words are rarely remembered by him?

He felt that he needed to think about it calmly, so he walked to Shen Xuanji and gently took her hand. "Give me some time to send you back first and rest early. You must be exhausted today."

Shen Xuanji wanted to speak and stopped, but still nodded. He had the intention to tell him that Yiran had been talking about his father these days. After thinking about it or giving up, he nodded and smiled at him, "No, Lanqing is very appropriate. 'Fengzhao Hall' is not far away. I walked by myself and dispersed the heat. Your Majesty, don't stay up too late. There are still many things to do in the future. Don't lose yourself.

She told Shuangchi a few more words before she took Lan Qing out of the "Yuantai Hall". At this time, it was a midsummer night, and the sky above the imperial city was dense and clear. Compared with Yaodi, which is still raining, it is much more comfortable.

Shen Xuanji took a deep breath, and the night breeze was cool, with a good smell of plants. She was about to say something to Lan Qing when she suddenly felt dizzy and her heart was stuffy for some reason. Lan Qing saw her staggering and hurried up to help her, "What's wrong with the Empress? But what's wrong? Do you want to call the doctor to have a look?

Shen Xuanji shook her head. She knew her physical condition. Her childhood had not come this month, and recently she often had chest tightness and nausea, which was almost the same as when she was happy. She almost didn't have to find an imperial doctor, and she had seven or eight points in her heart, and she was probably pregnant again. Although her mood is not as excited as when she was a mother for the first time. When she opens her eyes every day, she feels that the whole world is extremely beautiful and flashing with pink happiness, she is still full of expectations for this child.

She used to think that as long as she and Xue Zhen's child, she thought it didn't matter whether it was male or female, but now, without a legitimate son, people in the world can criticize her, let alone so many coveted waiting to send her beautiful daughter to the prince's family in Xue Zhen's arms. Even Mrs. Ye couldn't calm down and specially sent Ye Dongyu and Qi Yujing to the palace to send some secret recipes for giving birth to children that she had heard or practiced over the years.

This child came without warning. Shen Xuanji originally wanted to call the imperial doctor to confirm and give Xue Zhen a surprise. Who knew that people were not as good as God's calculation. Yao Di was affected by the disaster. Xue Zhen was so busy that she naturally couldn't add trouble for him at this time, so she called the imperial doctor to invite his pulse. The plan was also postponed, and even the imperial doctor who came to invite Ping Anmai every few days was stopped.

"What a big deal? If you go to Xuan Taiyi so late, you will have to make trouble in the palace." Shen Xuanji calmed his face and scolded Lan Qing, "The emperor has been upset recently. He must know that he will be more worried when he calls the imperial doctor. You have been following me for so long, why don't you even have this calculation?

Lan Qing blushed and hurriedly knelt on the ground. "It's my maidservant's fault. I'm not well thought about it."

Shen Xuanji pulled her up and said, "Okay, I just casually said to you, go back quickly. The night wind is getting colder and colder." She held Lan Qing's hand and said in a low voice, "I don't know why everyone has become unfamiliar when entering this imperial city..."

It's a pity that God didn't fulfill people's wishes. Shen Xuanji originally planned to wait for Xue Zhen to tell him that he had happy news for a while, but the child and his wife had no chance. After a few days, they quietly fell away.

Shen Xuanji was sad, but after all, the month was still young. Although the pain was only for a while, Xue Zhen knew that she was pregnant and did not tell herself, but his heart was uncomfortable.

He doesn't know what he is uncomfortable for, but he just feels that this is not what he wants. Shen Xuanji saw his depressed face and thought that he was angry with himself. The pain of losing his son was like four points, but his husband's inconsiderate heartache for him was six points. The husband and wife, for the first time in their lives, had a quarrel.