glazed tile

Chapter 85 Vol.

"Do not suppress me in the name of my father and mother!" In Fengzhao Hall, Shen Xuanji sat on the couch, and his face was as cold as ice. In her own palace, she only wears a ginger queen's regular dress, wearing two or three pearls on her head, which is not unattainable and noble, but a little approachable.

Yulang sat under her head, Nuo said yes, and made a plential look at Xue Zhen, who was sitting on the other side.

Xue Zhen himself has no younger brothers and sisters. Naturally, he feels a little sorry for him when he sees him grow up and become such a handsome and heroic teenager from a pink jade boy. He put down the tea bowl in his hand and cleared his throat. Just as he was about to laugh, he saw Shen Xuanji's pair of eye knives flying over coolly.

Xue Zhen was stunned and felt that someone was blowing cold air on his neck, and he was scared to swallow a word.

He looked at Yulang with embarrassment and gave him a look of "self-blessing".

"How's your book going?" Shen Xuanji pressed Xue Zhen and turned his face to the direction of Yulang, "Are you listening to my words now?" She turned her eyes to Fang Chen, who was sitting on one side, "It's getting more and more ability. Who supports you?"

Xue Zhen also looked at Fang Chen with her eyes, and saw that his whole body was cramped, his face was slightly red, and he couldn't sit still with his ears scratching his cheeks.

Xue Zhen wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of annoying Shen Xuanji, which made her vent her anger on herself again. She was already in a bad mood these days. She had worked hard in Qiongjiang's circle of beautiful women before, but she didn't find a woman who could match Xue Zhen in her eyes. She was already very annoyed and frustrated.

Xue Zhen knows what's on her mind. He doesn't want to choose a concubine. At least it's not the right time. But Shen Xuanji did not allow him to show this intention. As soon as he mentioned it, she cried and said that it was a curse for her to be slandered by the world. Every time she says this, Xue Zhen feels a little powerless. How can she say this in person now? Or does Shen Xuanji not know what humility is at all?

He stood up and pretended to say that there were still some things in his imperial study that had not been dealt with, so he stopped listening to their sister and brother.

Shen Xuanji has no problem. Xue Zhen is here, so she can't spread out to clean up the two people. Naturally, she wants him to go to the imperial study earlier.

Before Xue Zhen left, he did not forget to look at Yulang and Fang Chen. He saw two faces, one big and one small, one black and one white, all showed the same look of panic, help, helplessness and fear. He almost laughed and finally walked out of the gate of the "Fengzhao Hall" before laughing wildly.

Shuangchi naturally knew what he was laughing at, and he also thought it was very interesting. Fang Chen and Yulang were a little unruly and bullied him a lot. Unexpectedly, there would be today. It's really gratifying!

Shen Xuanji looked at Xue Zhen's figure and faded away. A sinister smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and slowly turned his face to look at Yulang, "Okay, your brother-in-law is gone." She pulled out a long and thin rattan from nowhere, "I can also clean up you..."

Yulang's head buzzed, and the rattan had broken through the air, carrying a sharp and crisp wind.

"Oh!" He subconsciously rose up, "Sister, what are you going to do?"

Shen Xuanji smiled wildly and said leisurely, "I'll kill you."

She is really super-level today. Some of the moves she has learned with the martial artists in Shen's house have made them unimped, and she even amazingly chased Yulang from the outside to the inside.

Lan Qing and Fang Chen stood on the ground with stunned eyes, and they didn't know whether to go in to persuade or stay here and not to go anywhere. The two of them looked at each other and couldn't say a word.

At this time, it is estimated that Yulang has been captured by Shen Xuanji, and a few sounds of rattan hitting his body came out. Yulang screamed in pain and jumped around on the ground, "Sister! You are serious!"

Shen Xuanji smiled and said, "Naturally it's true. Will the enemy play with you when you go to the battlefield?"

Yulang was running for his life and didn't hear the voice of her words. Fang Chen's eyes lit up, but he didn't dare to enter the inner room without authorization. After all, this is the queen's bedroom. As a foreign minister, Xue Zhen is particularly grateful to come in, because he knows the truth about him, and if he gets another inch, he will be criticized.

Listening to Yulang still crying and howling by Shen Xuanji inside, he thought that one was the inner place was narrow, and the other was that Yulang would not really compare with his sister, so he let Shen Xuanji vent his anger a few times.

Fang Chen said loudly, "Yulang, your sister agreed. Why don't you come out and thank the queen."

Yulang's figure, who was migrating randomly, stagnated and was beaten several times by Shen Xuanji. He reached out and rubbed his body with pain. Shen Xuanji heard Fang Chen's words and pulled his face and said loudly, "You are much better now."

Fang Chen watched her come out with a calm face, but there was a look of joy in her eyes. Knowing that she was not really angry, he was relieved. He didn't stop Shen Xuanji's heartbeat. Unfortunately, even if she knew, she would pretend not to know.

At this time, Yulang understood what his sister meant and quickly said to her, "Thank you, sister, when will I leave?"

Shen Xuanji pushed him, "Go away, rubbing my arm hurts!"

She handed the rattan in her hand to Lan Qing. She sat on the couch and took a sip of tea before saying, "You are going to join the army and tell us what you think in detail. No one will stop you and make such a big noise that the old lady and the prince can't sleep well all night. I have been worried about you these days. Courour. Is that right?"

Yulang scratched his head. He originally planned with Fang Chen yesterday. Taking advantage of the quiet night, he turned out of the Duke of Anguo Mansion. Fang Chen was wrapped around the outside to respond. He had been half successful, but he didn't expect to be found by Qingyuan by chance.

It was enough to find out, but they quarreled. Not only did the two cousins see their embarrassed appearance, but also provoked Mr. Yun to reprimand him, and forced himself and Fang Chen to go to the palace early this morning to explain to his sister.

He doesn't complain about Mr. Yun in his heart, and he doesn't know his sister's temper. Isn't he pushing himself into the fire? My brother-in-law is the emperor, and he is like a god to his sister. He broke in by himself. Can there be any good fruit to eat?

Fortunately, now that my sister has agreed to her request, Yulang feels that everything is worth it.

He listened to Shen Xuanji's words and quickly patted his chest and said, "Sister, don't worry, when I get home, I will apologize to the old lady and uncle. They will definitely not blame me!"

Shen Xuan glanced at him and turned his face to look at Fang Chen. He was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm always bothering Brother Fang. This time, I'm going to take him to the side in person."

Fang Chen really can't stand her like this. His face changed and his voice trembled, "Emperor, Queen, Empress, Big, Big Girl, you don't have to do this..." You're welcome.

Shen Xuanji is proud that if he doesn't treat you, you still don't know how powerful I am. She looked at Fang Chen with a smile and looked at your frightened look. I'm really happy!

Fang Chen and Yulang got up early the next morning and rushed to the edge. Xue Zhen also specially gave them a pair of precious pony to help them arrive as soon as possible and help them come at night.

With the help of Qingying Zhenren, the extracted new poison has almost been tested and can be used almost at will. He only felt that this side was like a powerful tiger now, and he couldn't wait to set out immediately and give Dayun's "Weijiajun" a good look.

Naturally, I didn't know that the other party had a secret weapon, but I didn't dare to slack off at all. Beijin has not taken any action yet, so he does not take the initiative to attack. It should be noted that those who go out first between the "Wei Army" and Yuan Yu, who can be regarded as well-known enemies, will first expose their weaknesses to the other party, and may be hit by the other party. Even if they fight back in the future, it will be too late.

The battle between the two sides is like a master's battle. Yelai will never take the initiative to take risks until a last resort. Although he is young, regressive and lonely, and sometimes he is impulsive and irritable, but he dares not disobey Wei Ye's teachings and Wei Jia's orders in such a general situation that often involves tens of millions of troops.

Wei Jia still didn't get up. Yingluo still took care of her by her bed every day. The air pressure in the camp was still very low, but she was much better than before.

Because she received a strange letter early that morning, like Yuan Li's invitation that day, I don't know who sent it, but it was also sent to her through the primary school.

That's Huo Qiyu's handwritten letter.

Yiluo almost cried with joy, and tears gushed out uncontrollably. She was afraid of getting the letter paper wet, so she quickly reached out and wiped it. She took a deep breath before she began to read the letter.

Huo Qiyu didn't say anything substantive, but told her where he lived. He asked her to keep it a secret until the next time he took the initiative to contact her, and she followed the instructions in his letter.

"It's a big deal, remember, remember!" Huo Qiyu's handwriting is very well. The words are like his own people. The ancients did not bully me. Compared with his, Yuan's words are more beautiful and stable.

"Is he in the Northern Golden City?" Yingluo was not very surprised about this matter. When Yuan Yu said that he knew the whereabouts of Huo Qiyue, she guessed that she was inseparable. Since Yuan Li knows, his whereabouts must be near Yuan Li. It's just that she didn't expect that he was trapped under Yuan's eyes.

Xiao's gratified smiling face became solemn again. She also knows Yuan Li. Huo Qiyue can be said to be a big enemy in his eyes. How can she protect herself and come back to reunite with herself?