glazed tile

Chapter 87 Guess

Lan Shu has a big deal in his heart, and he is naturally in a good mood. She left the rockery where Huo Qiyu was imprisoned, returned to the "Mo Shang Hall" with a brisk step, and smiled at the close palace man. "The princess hasn't come for a long time. Tonight, my family will cook in person and fix a few delicate dishes for her. Remember to send someone to invite her over."

The palace man was full of surprise. Lan Su cooked in person, and it hasn't happened for nearly ten years. She vaguely remembered that she only did this to please the previous state owner when her seat was unstable. Later, she sat in a more stable position than the state owner, so she never cooked a meal by herself.

In her life, every step, every action, every expression has a clear purpose. She doesn't want to waste time or expressions.

In this world, she is completely unrequited, and Miro is the only one. Unfortunately, Milo doesn't seem to appreciate it.

The palace man should only be, and there is inevitably a burst of sadness in her heart. She doesn't know whether Lan Shu did this, simply to connect the mother and daughter, or to compensate Milo's biological father who died young, perhaps the only warm light in her lonely life.

Lan Su walked in front of her and didn't know that her face looked sad. She looked at the corner of the sky above the red wall and blue tile from afar, and her heart was relaxed that she had not had for a long time.

As long as Huo Qiyu lives up to her expectations, she and Milo will have a chance to leave here. She has not smelled the air outside the imperial city for a long time.

When Miro arrived at the "Mo Shang Hall", it was completely dark, and the dinner time had already passed. Lan Su rarely lost his temper and still sat on the couch with a smile and looked at his daughter lovingly.

Yuan is really good to Miluo. At least on the surface, it looks like this. Miluo has been fostered for many years. In order not to cause murder, he has always been low-key and how to raise it. He only seeks warmth, and does not pursue luxury.

Now, she is wearing a green jacket and goose-yellow moonlight skirt made of the top clothing of Beijing gold, a small cloak with a snowflake, small boots with snowfed fur under her feet, a pair of hair, and a pearl head flower on the same time. Each of the beads has a thumb belly, shining soft. The light sets off Milo's small face as if it were mixed with gem powder, which was quieter than usual.

Lan Shou waved to her with a smile, "Come on, is it cold outside? Is it freezing? Come and sit here.

Miro was still very wary of her. He didn't move when he heard the words, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes. He hummed in his nose, "It's naturally very cold. What's the matter with me?"

The smile on Lansu's face condensed. When her close palace people saw that Milo was so oily and salty, they felt more and more worthless for Lansu, and there was inevitably some resentment on her face.

Lan Su secretly patted her hand, but felt a little warm, her eyes were wet, and she resisted it.

"It's not a big deal. I just think you've been busy recently. I'm afraid that the people in the palace will not do their best and lose their bodies." She suddenly came to stay and came to Milo. She wanted to reach out and pull her. After all, she didn't dare to lower her hand. "These are a few dishes prepared by my mother for you. Is it suitable for you to eat?"

Miro rolled his eyes and planned to turn around and leave, but he glanced at the table and saw a small charcoal basin under each dish to keep warm, and Lan Shu looked at her with some begging, longing and pitiful eyes.

Although she and her biological mother are not deeply in love with her mother and daughter, she also know that her temperament has always been tough, especially after becoming a queen, she almost refused to allow people to disobey her. Such a high-ranking woman actually showed weakness to herself.

Even if Milo is cruel, she is just a teenage girl. The other party is Lan Su, who gave birth to her in October. In the end, the blood relationship can't allow her to be too decisive.

Her heart softened and sat at the table half on the spot.

Lan Su had already prepared for disappointment, and a pair of beautiful eyes were filled with tears. Unexpectedly, Milo was so easy-going. At present, he was overjoyed, but he felt that his nose was sour and took a lot of effort to force his tears.

"Try this soup." Miluo personally picked up the long handle soup of blue and white porcelain and scooped a bowl of dark red soup soup in the ink jade bowl for Miro. "The good blood swallow is served with red dates and longan. Although it is not new, it is the best for girls."

She reached out and touched Milo's hair. "If it's cold today, you have grown up. Take care of yourself."

Miro understood what she was saying, and her cheeks turned red. The little witch who was usually reckless and fearless actually showed rare shyness. Lan Shou covered her lips and couldn't help laughing. Only when her daughter looked like this did she look like a girl.

She should have grown up like this and become a royal princess who is ignorant, naive and decent in her eyes. It was them, those greedy men who deceived her and made her what she is now.

Miro took the soup bowl with a rare shy look in a hundred years and drank it spoon by spoon. Between her and Lan Su, it seems that there has never been such a quiet and peaceful time. Under the warm yellow light, a pair of almost equally white and beautiful mother and daughter sit side by side to eat. The room is only filled with the fragrance of food. I don't know when it is like invisible water vapor, which makes people gradually Gradually relax.

Milo still doesn't have much words, but his forehead has sweated slightly. Lan Soo pitifully took out a veil to dry her, and personally picked up a piece of yellow pastry and put it on the small plate in front of her. "This is golden coconut cake, which is also common, but..."

She lowered her voice. After a long time, she said sadly, "It was your father's favorite food when he was alive."

Miro's back stiffened imperceptably. She lowered her head and suddenly flashed a trace of sarcasm in her eyes. Finally, she came and finally got to the point, she thought.

Lan Soo's eyes leisurely turned to the distance, as if the person she was thinking was there, and she didn't notice Milo's strange expression at all.

"One day, you will know that it's all for your own good." Lan Shu said slowly, "At that time, you won't blame me."

The alarm bell in Milo's heart was loud, but he really didn't expect that Lan Su would do anything behind his back, but the wall in his heart stood up again, which was indestructible. She hated her mother in her heart, but her face did not show anything. She still slowly sent the coconut cake to her mouth without saying a word, chewed it, and finally raised her head to Lan Su's smile and said, "It's delicious!" ......

Wei Jia's recent situation is getting better and better, and Yingluo is indeed much more relaxed. It's not that she doesn't want to serve her eldest cousin, but that she is fine, and she will complain less about herself.

Yelai's attitude towards her has also changed a lot. Although she still doesn't like to talk to her, at least she can be polite when they meet, and no longer regard her as a broom star dragging Wei Jia.

Yiluo knew that it must have been what Wei Jia said in front of him, and she felt more and more about Wei Jia. Originally, they might have only seen a few cousins in a lifetime, but with this experience of life and death together, the relationship between the two was much better than before.

There are more and more times when they come to look for Wei Jia at night. Although the generals in the camp have not said it clearly, they all know it. Needless to say, Yelai was happy all day long and seemed to forget that the war was imminent. Rarely, Wei Jia did not look unhappy, but it was deep and unexpected.

It seems that the change of love to a woman is really complete.

She looked coldly and only felt that Yelai was really impeccable except for being younger, but her age, identity, family background, etc., should have been ranked behind in front of love.

In addition to sometimes when she was outside and heard the low but extremely pleasant laughter from Wei Jia's tent, she was happy for her cousin and inevitably thought of herself.

A few days have passed since Huo Qiyu sent the last letter, but it has been silent from beginning to end. Sometimes I can't help thinking, is it just her own dream? At this time, she ran back to the tent, turned out the thin letter paper sent by Huo Qiyu from her bedside, and put it on the softest place in her heart, as if she could feel his breath.

In fact, Beijin Imperial City is not too far from the camp of the "Wei Army". Sometimes Yingluo walked outside the camp and stood on a small hill, and could see the magnificent palace from afar. Like Dayun's imperial city, it was a yellow-green glazed tile of the red palace wall, with mythical beasts and ice hanging down on the eaves.

I just don't know where Huo Qiyu is. The side hall of the main hall in the imperial city is like the stars in the sky. She has to look at it from afar, but she can't get close to it.

Although I was a little depressed, I didn't want to give up hope. As early as when she was still in the boudoir, the eldest sister Shen Xuanji said a word to her. Don't give it when there is hope, because you don't know when you will be desperate forever.

She didn't understand it at that time. In fact, she didn't know much when she grew up. Shen Xuanji was born in a high school and has always been spoiled from princess to queen. Her life is not good. There is really no reason to say such negative words.

However, she still kept this sentence firmly in her heart. When it was almost the end of the road, she recalled it again and finally felt some meaning. Sometimes blindly deceiving yourself will not make you feel better. Such an alternative encouragement to cut off the way back makes people more courageous to survive.

The familiar laughter came to his ear again. His voice was clear and matched his appearance, but it was very out of tune with his usual "I" and "Little Master" speaking style, so that he could make Wei Jia laugh. Yingluo listened to a few words and laughed a few times. The more she laughed, the more she wanted to cry in her heart.

She also needs a place to vent well, otherwise, she is really afraid that she will go crazy.

She put down the basin in her hand. Anyway, when the night comes, Wei Jia will definitely get the best care. She returned to her tent, put on a blue fox-skin cloak, and then went out of the camp to the hill.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Huo Qiyu, I hate you! Where are you!" At this time, the sun had completely gone down, and no one had come around this small hill. When she first came, she took care of it and regarded it as her own land. It is true that she is a gentle and polite lady, but the pressure from day to day has condensed a sense of resentment and anger in her chest for many days. The letter sent by Huo Qiyue a few days ago did not ease her mood slightly, but what is more hateful is that he has been silent for so many days. How can Yingluo not be angry?

Reasonably told her that Huo Qiyu was doing some major things for the country and the people. She should be his virtuous assistant and wait for him to come back in the "Wei Army" station, but emotionally, it didn't seem to be the same thing.

She and Huo Qiyu have been waiting since they were moved by each other. When they arrived at the edge, the two of them had been in love for many years. The days when they really got together before and night added up to less than three months. When he was newly married, his whereabouts were unknown. How could he not call her? Even if Guanyin Bodhisattva encounters such a thing, I'm afraid he will drop the jade bottle!

She shouted a few times but felt not happy enough, and kicked the pebbles on the ground vigorously. If she kicked the small tree, she was afraid that the small tree would not be able to draw new buds in the coming year. Anyway, the stones did not hurt! Just like Huo Qiyu, he won't feel heartbroken and won't think about her! She thought hatefully and suddenly felt that someone behind her was tiptoe towards her.

The cold hair on her back stood up. She stood on the ground as if she had been struck by lightning, and she didn't know whether she should move or not. At this time, she began to regret a little, and more disliked herself. I'm always like this. I went on a date in Yuanyu alone before, but today I'm just focusing on venting and running to this hill that doesn't shit. When she calmed down, she could think about things well, but for a moment, she couldn't control her actions. Shen Yuluo, she gritted her teeth and cursed herself. You are really incompetent!

And the man got closer and closer, and his breath had been sprayed on the back of her neck. Yingluo's body trembled slightly, and suddenly turned around, and a snowy edge flashed between his fingers, "Where is the thief? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Wow!" The person didn't expect that she was going to kill. She seemed to hold the hard guy in her hand and quickly avoided it. However, she hesitated for a moment. Although she could avoid the danger of the blade stabbing her throat, she was inevitably brought on her front, "You are going to murder your own husband!"