Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 82 Nightmare Cave 4

The first pupil has been shrinking, and the raised hand, as if holding something, should be clenched hard. With her movements, the monster's body, like an invisible rope, became tighter and tighter.

It is still struggling without listening, and at the same time, it keeps roaring, but its voice gradually lowered, giving people a feeling from anger to begging for mercy.

I wanted to get rid of this first, one less danger, one. Just as she wanted to kill, the breath of another monster suddenly rushed to her. She immediately bent down and rolled aside, avoiding the monster that sneaked on her.

When she stood up and looked up to observe, she found that the monster that had been almost killed by herself was standing side by side with the other one and roaring at herself.

Oh... It turns out that you guys don't only eat! The monster that attacked her was obviously about to save the one he wanted to kill. I have seen similar samples before, but those have no wisdom to speak of, and it is impossible to produce emotions. The sample here actually knows how to protect their companions. Is this a big breakthrough in the Huiman Research Institute?

Even if it's useless, today, she and A Fei and several others came to kill them. So, don't want to run out!

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned his head and closed the door to the outer laboratory strangely. The monster who wanted to sneak out while she was entangled with the two monsters was cut off by the first general's way before stepping out.

When the monster at the door saw that his way was cut off, he turned his head in the direction of the beginning, and there was a roar. Jumping onto the wall, its sharp claws are easily inserted into the cement wall to help it walk on the wall.

At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, and there were still two children waiting for her.

Gu Hengxuan returned to the main computer room and talked about the situation in a panic. Hearing this, A Fei stood up from the front of the computer. He reached out and pushed Mei Ning and asked her to continue to look for the emergency plan, and he took Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi out of the main computer room.

Follow Gu Hengxuan to the place where he had just met the monster and saw Chu and the two monsters confronting each other.

I heard from Gu Hengxuan that there are four monsters in total, and there are two in front of them, so what about the other two? Quietly looking around, A Fei saw a one walking up the ceiling above the door. Slowly looking up, A Fei patrolled the ceiling and only saw the one just now.

I can't take care of it for the time being. First, I have to deal with the one on the ceiling. As for the two in front of the first time, A Fei believes that she has a way to solve it.

Without a sound, A Fei walked short to the other side. Luo Ziyi did not act immediately, but squatted in place, frowned, and looked worriedly at Chu. Gu Hengxuan had just seen her first ability and was a little relieved of her, so he pulled La Luo Ziyi and pulled her away with A Fei.

A Fei walked behind a glassware and looked at the location. It was right in the middle of this laboratory. I don't know if the monster has found them, and it can't control so much now. Fei looked at the position, pulled out his pistol, and aimed at the monster's head.

Although I haven't seen this kind of thing, there should be nothing wrong with it. The heads of almost any creature are the key to them, and I believe this thing is no exception.

gave Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi a wink, so that they were ready to attack at any time. Both of them also pulled out their guns and aimed at the monster. Fei did not hesitate. When the two of them were ready, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The sound of the bullet coming out echoed in the laboratory. Ah Fei emptied a magazine, but he didn't hit a shot. The monster's Sudoku was so fast that it had jumped away while he shot. A Fei reacted fast enough, and then chased his figure and fired a few more shots, but he only hit his body and didn't hurt it at all.

Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi didn't shoot, because they didn't keep up with the speed of the monster, let alone shoot.

Replacing the magazine, A Fei had a cold face and thought about the strategy to deal with it. But he had just put the magazine on, and the monster that was attempted to be sniped by him jumped down from the ceiling and fell right in front of the three of them.

Now even Ah Fei was stunned. He subconsciously raised the gun in his hand and looked at the monster, whether it was head or foot, or a burst of chaos.

Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi were not idle, and the gun in their hands also aimed at the monster's head, trying to stabilize their minds and shoot at the monster.

It's just that the monster reacted too quickly and dodged left and right. Although it was also hit by a machine gun, it was not fatal. Those who were shot were all difficult and important positions, and did not cause any substantial damage to it.

The magazine of the three pistols was empty, but the monster had jumped up and rushed towards them. A Fei's reaction was the fastest. He reached out and pushed Luo Zi away first, and the other hand pulled out the dagger and hurled it at the monster's open mouth.

The dagger just pierced the monster's big mouth. A Fei pulled Gu Hengxuan, and the two hid in the other direction together.

Because of inertia, the monster rushed to the position where the three people originally stood, but because of the dagger in his mouth, it stabbed him. Although it did not kill it, it also made it painful that it could not care about A Fei and others.


The painful roar echoed in the laboratory, and the ground seemed to tremble because of the monster's struggle.

Before Luo Ziyi, who fell to the ground, could react, A Fei had changed the magazine and pulled the trigger at the monster struggling on the ground.

It was not until the bullet in the magazine was emptied again that A Fei stopped.

The monster finally didn't move. Its head was smashed by A Fei, and the flesh and blood were blurred, which made Luo Zi nauseal. Gu Hengxuan carefully bypassed the monster's body, walked to Luo Ziyi's side, helped her up, and blocked the bloody picture with his own body.

"There is another one that I don't know where it is. You two go to help Xiaochu. I'll find the rest!" A Fei glanced at the monster that had become rotten meat, turned around in disgust, whispered to the two rookies, and walked alone to another row of glassware.

After looking at A Fei's back worriedly, Gu Hengxuan pulled Luo Zi to find Chu.

At the beginning of being besieged by two monsters, it seemed much easier than A Fei and others, because these things could not approach her at all, but were injured by her.

The two monsters trembled with fear, and several attacks did not work, so they were injured. They are scared, really afraid.

At the beginning, they had an innate fear, but she was too small to seem to stuff their teeth, so they began to have a fluke mentality.

Looking at their unstoppable appearance, she smiled coldly, and the crisp children's voice sounded, and she spoke sarcastic language.

"The game time is over, and it seems that it's time to end your pathetic lives." Her eyes suddenly widened, and her pupils turned all black, and a powerful force suddenly covered the two monsters from her body.

I felt the danger, and the two monsters wanted to run. But when I just wanted to retreat, I found that my body could no longer move. An invisible chain from the beginning firmly fixed them in the distance. Not to mention struggling, I can't even move.

Gively raised one hand and clenched his fist at one of the monsters. The monster screamed sharply as if it were in great pain. But at first, there was no time to make more noise for it. With a pinch of the fist, the monster's head snapped and broke strangely.

Muscles and blood splashed on another monster. It roared desperately, but could only watch Chu extend his hand to himself.

Puff... The head of the second monster was also broken. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi, who came to help, also happened to see this scene.

Vomit... Finally, she couldn't help it. As soon as Luo Zi saw the two bloody things, she turned around and vomited. Gu Hengxuan couldn't bear it, so by appeasing Luo Ziyi, he quickly turned around and patted her back.

When she first saw the two of them, she wanted to walk over, but when she saw Luo Zi vomiting, she hesitated again. Has her existence become another kind of monster for them? Will they... start to be afraid or even hate themselves?

Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Zi's sad vomiting. He also felt uncomfortable. He turned his head slightly and saw that he was still in place. He whispered to her and said:

"Xiaochu, don't stand there. There is still a monster that hasn't been found. We have to help Fei!"

When she first heard Gu Hengxuan's words, she immediately laughed, moved her thin legs, ran to Luo Ziyi's side, and reached out to wipe the sweat on her face.

"...Let's go quickly! I...I can't stand it... disgusting..." Luo Ziyi was still nauseous, but she still took Chu's little hand and left the two piles of rotten meat with the help of Gu Hengxuan.

A Fei looked for a while, but the remaining monster still disappeared. He also thought that there might not be a fourth monster, but this idea just emerged and was rejected by him.

The original generation said that there were four, so there would be nothing wrong!

While A Fei was accelerating to search, an electronic synthetic sound suddenly sounded in the laboratory.

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. There are still ten minutes left to start the countdown!]

Meining succeeded! A Fei was overjoyed and turned around and walked back. Now it doesn't matter whether there is a fourth monster or not. This plan is launched and should be able to destroy this place. As long as they leave within ten minutes, today's operation will be successful!

Gu Hengxuan and others had the same idea, so they also ran to the main computer room.

Meining successfully launched the emergency plan and ran out of the computer room with joy. Seeing A Fei rushing over, she waved to him with a smile and shouted happily:

"I succeeded, I succeeded!" Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly shrouded in a shadow. Before she could react, a huge pain came from her shoulder!

"Ah..." Mei Ning screamed, and the voice came from far away. Fei looked at a monster in surprise, bit Mei Ning's shoulder, and took her to jump up the ceiling together.

The pistol appeared in A Fei's hand the next second and shot at the monster. At the same time, on the other side, there was also a rapid sound of gunfire. It was Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi who ran back!

Several people did not dare to shoot the monster in the head, because they were afraid of hurting Mei Ning, and a series of bullets shot at the monster's body. For it, it was not an effective shot, and the damage was not very big.

At the beginning, he raised his hand, and his pupils were once again enlarged to all black. The huge force abruptly pulled the monster down from the ceiling.

Faling to the ground, the monster spit out the food in its mouth. Before he could react, six guns pointed at its head and spit out bullets.

A Fei and the three of them emptied the magazine and put down their hands. Turning his head and looking at Mei Ning, whose whole body was covered with blood, several people surrounded him. A Fei helped her up and looked at her dying.

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. There are still five minutes left to start the countdown!] The electronic synthesis sounded again, reminding them that they must leave quickly.

"You...go away! Time... time is running out... Don't... take me out, mutation... mutation... soon... will happen..." Trembling hands, pointing to his clothes pocket, and then Meining said:

"Wallet...take my... wallet, find me... sister... tell her... I miss her so much! Let's go... Let's go!" Watching A Fei reach out and take out his wallet, Mening nodded and urged them to leave quickly.

In less than five minutes, A Fei and four others appeared outside the Huimanyang Research Institute and got on the car they picked up. Without stopping much, they left here.

The sound of the explosion of the research institute came to the ears of people who had gone far away, and the girl named Mei Ning was also deeply buried in everyone's hearts...