Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 83 Roadside Reunion

Looking at the retreating scenery outside the car window and the zombies still roaring, the people sitting in the car were silent.

The sound of the explosion of Huimanyang Research Institute still echoed in their ears, and the smile of the people who had been together all night was also faintly replayed in front of their eyes.

Luo Zi always looked out of the window without turning her face, but everyone else knew that she was crying.

Not to mention her, A Fei, Gu Hengxuan and Chu are not feeling well.

Although Mei Ning once concealed his identity and lied to them. But everyone knows that it is just a kind of protection for themselves. No one can really open their hearts to strangers, and they don't confess to others, do they?

At the critical moment, they still helped them, and in the end, she gave her life and said goodbye to them with a smile.

Holding Mei Ning's wallet in his hand, the two sisters in the photo smiled so brightly. The vitality of life is manifested in them. But now, the girl with a bright smile has disappeared with all the monsters in the underground laboratory and can no longer smile like this.

Thinking back on her last scene, Luo Ziyi's tears fell even more fiercely. Mei Ning's bloodless smiling face made her unforgettable...

"Go...go! I have already... felt the mutation... the mutation has begun! If...if I... also become... them, my sister... will be sad..."

Meining is smiling, as brightly as in the photo!

Sister, I hope you are safe. I... I can't help you clean up your room, pick you up from work, or cook dinner with you anymore! Sister, take care of yourself. I will continue to protect you in heaven!

Her consciousness has begun to blur, but she can clearly feel that her body has changed.

This monster is much faster than a zombie, and no one knows what she will look like. How ugly it would be if it became like these monsters!

" thing, I must... I won't say... I won't say, you... can guess! I... I don't want to... don't become... become... like that. Before...before mutation...let me...let me..."

Indeed, if she didn't say, Fei and others also knew that no one wanted to see themselves become a monster. Even if it was about to be destroyed, as long as they left her here, even if she mutated, she would die...

A Fei slowly pulled back a hand, pulled out his gun, and held it against Mei Ning's forehead, but he did not shoot immediately.

"Give... a piece of advice, don't...don't believe...believe Huiman! They...their purpose...very...very terrible!" She used her remaining consciousness to tell them what she knew. Her time is running out!

A Fei had a cold face and nodded. Luo Ziyi's eyes on one side began to turn red! She knew that she couldn't stop A Fei. Mei Ning had to die. Even if A Fei didn't kill her, they couldn't take her away.

Chu and Gu Hengxuan, left and right beside her, didn't know how to comfort her.

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. There is still one minute left to start the countdown!]

The electronic sound is constantly prompting them to leave quickly.

"Go ahead and leave it to me!" A Fei said softly, then opened the safety of the pistol and put his finger on the trigger.

Gu Hengxuan and Chu pulled up Luo Ziyi and slowly stood up. In less than a minute, they have to hurry up! Three people walked out of the door of the laboratory. Gu Hengxuan pulled up the two girls and began to run quickly in the corridor.

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. 40 seconds left to start the countdown of the plan!]

"I'm sorry!" A Fei looked at Mei Ning, who had begun to dilate his pupils, apologized gently, and then... pulled the trigger!


The bullet passed through the young girl's head, and the red blood splashed on the ground, infected his pistol, and flew to his face!

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. There are 30 seconds left to start the countdown of the plan!]

A Fei didn't have time to mourn for Mei Ning. He put away his gun, and A Fei raised his legs and ran out.

[Emergency plan is launched, please leave the laboratory as soon as possible. The countdown to the start of the plan is ten seconds left! Countdown begins: ten, nine, eight...】

Meining smiled and lay peacefully on the ground, as quiet as a sleeping person...

[Five, four, three, two, one! The emergency plan is officially launched!]

The walls around the laboratory suddenly began to explode, and every meter, there was an explosion point. And under the glassware, it also began to explode, blowing every vessel with monsters into pieces. And the monster inside, in the painful roar, turned into minced meat and thick blood, scattered around.

In less than ten seconds, the whole underground laboratory turned into a sea of fire, in which there was no sign of life. And the firelight soon swallowed Mei Ning's body slowly...

At the last moment, A Fei ran out of the building of the research institute, and the building behind him began to show signs of collapse because the underground building was destroyed.

For good, Fei and others walked fast, otherwise, they would be pressed down...

At first, because she used a lot of strength, she began to feel sleepy again, but the atmosphere in the car was so depressing that she sat in the back seat without making a sound.

"Xiaochu, if you are tired, take a rest!" A Fei saw the first tired appearance in the rearview mirror and made a sound of advice.

At first, he nodded, then curled up his small body and prepared to rest in his seat. Gu Hengxuan pulled her over and let her lie on his lap, so that she could be more comfortable.

"Next, what should we... do?" Luo Ziyi was still a little choked, and his eyes were still on the scenery outside the car window.

"Find Qilei and others first. I hope they are still waiting for us. After finding them, find a way to contact your father. He is an insider of Huiman, and a lot of news and inside stories are first-hand. He will help us in our next action!" A Fei had a plan in his heart, just waiting to find a place without zombies.

Luo Zi nodded and stopped talking.

The car was so quiet, driving on the streets full of zombies, slowly making a city without vitality.

Since they separated from A Fei and others, Guan Qilei and eight people and two cars have left Buyang at the fastest speed. After leaving Buyang, they drove to the suburbs and stopped ten kilometers away from the city.

I thought it would not take long for them to catch up, but he could wait for a full night and didn't see A Fei and the others appear.

If according to A Fei's intention, if they don't wait for a night, Guan Qilei and the others should leave and can't continue to wait. Huiman people can find them at any time. It will be dangerous to stay in one place for too long.

However, Guan Qilei still decided to wait for three days. If A Fei can't catch up within three days, there is no hope. So they slept in the wilderness all night.

The next day, after a day passed, they still didn't wait for people, hoping to gradually cool down from their hearts. From time to time, everyone wanted to look in the direction of the ocean, but there was still no one they were waiting on the highway.

Until the afternoon, the rookies were inspecting their equipment. Xia Fan stared at the computer and watched the movement in Buyang City. Suddenly, he found that a building had exploded, which attracted his attention.

They told Gu Hengxuan about the situation, and everyone had hope again - this must have been done by A Fei and others! They, at least at the time of the explosion, were still alive!

With hope, they were in a much better mood. Looking at Bu Yang, they were no longer so worried, but became expectations.

At sunset, a car drove at a high speed on the highway in the suburbs. Guan Qilei was sitting on the roof of his car. After seeing it, he jumped down from the top and walked to the edge of the road.

The car doesn't seem to be the one A Fei was looking for, but at this time, can it drive from the direction of Buyang? Will there be anyone else besides A Fei?

After the car approached, it slowly reduced its speed and drove all the way to Guan Qilei's side. The driver stepped on the brakes.

As soon as the door opened, A Fei and Luo Zi jumped down. Gu Hengxuan in the back seat also got out of the car and hugged the sleeping first.

On the roadside, Guan Qilei stood in line with the remaining seven people, as if they were waiting for the distinguished guests.

A Fei smiled and high-fiveed Guan Qilei, then hit his shoulder and patted him. A Fei said with a smile:

"I knew you wouldn't leave!"

Guan Qilei hammered him and asked Wang Xing to drive A Fei's car off the road.

Xia Fan turned off his computer and now there is no power supply. He must learn to save electricity. Walking to A Fei, he frowned and asked:

"Is that explosive building a masterpiece of you? Are you afraid that we think you can't catch up and deliberately remind us?

Hearing his words, Luo Zi's body stiffened slightly, and then quickly walked aside. At this time, she didn't want to mention it.

A Fei's expression was also stagnant, and then returned to normal. Looking at Luo Ziyi, who had gone a little far away, he pulled Guan Qilei and the others to sit by the car and briefly told them about the fact that they were trapped in Buyang during this period.

About Mei Ning's paragraph, A Fei said something regretful, and others also understood why Luo Zi got out of the car and stood alone in the distance as if she had something on her mind.

I didn't expect that A Fei and others had experienced so many things in such a short time.

As for the next plan, A Fei originally wanted to go to Shouyang, and Luo Mingjun and other senior researchers of Huiman were expected to be concentrated there. However, several cities such as Buyang have been infected with the virus, and it is estimated that they will be sent to safer places for the sake of safety.

A Fei now wants to bypass Shouyang and go to Lingfeng City on the other side. Although he is not sure whether Luo Mingjun will be sent there, there must be no zombies.

Of course, Guan Qilei and others had no objection to his plan, so they decided to continue on the road the next day.

This group of people gathered together again. In today's sunset, they spent quietly in the wilderness outside the ocean.

is racing with the virus. They must spread faster than the virus and always walk behind the zombies. They will not be safe. The sunset in the west burned red the clouds in the sky, like blood stains. When the next sunset comes, can they still breathe like this...