Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 178 Final Level

Gu Hengxuan hardly went far, and several zombies appeared.

smiled. It seemed that it was very difficult at the beginning, but in fact it was not difficult! Gu Hengxuan did not take the risk. He only saw two or three. There is still a long distance from the number he wants, which can be let go for the time being.

Bypassing the first zombies he met, Gu Hengxuan continued to walk along the road. Along the way, he gained a lot. He only walked for about 20 minutes and saw nearly 30 zombies.

This is just a rough estimate. Gu Hengxuan has brought a night vision goggles, and there should be many zombies concentrated here within the field of vision.

It seems that Gu Hengxuan basically can concentrate the zombies to a point without much effort. And this should be the place where they hid.

Gu Hengxuan felt that his job of attracting zombies should have been replaced. With Jessie and the four others, the zombies smelled and passed away. What he had to do was to lead the gathered zombies to the blockade line.

The zombies around gradually increased. Gu Hengxuan only attracted less than 20, and then followed the mark made by Luo Ziyi and began to walk towards the blockade line.

Gu Hengxuan's speed is not very fast, because he chose to keep a distance from the zombies and avoid the zombies in front of him.

The light in the forest has reached the point where he can't see his fingers. Fortunately, Gu Hengxuan has a night vision mirror, otherwise it would be difficult to find a place to put his feet.

Looking at more and more zombies behind him, Gu Hengxuan continued to move forward and roughly looked at the number of zombies. There should be fifty or sixty, which should be enough for the defenders to work for a while, right?

He laughed unconsciously, and Gu Hengxuan became more confident in today's action.

With the bait and at a relatively slow speed, Gu Hengxuan returned to the place where Jessie and his hiding place.

Seeing the zombies surrounded by the tree, raising their heads and roaring on the tree, Gu Hengxuan knew that his charm was far less than that of Jecca and others. It took him a long time to attract more than 20. They did nothing, and there were a group of people surrounded by many slow movements and did not surround them, but also It's not far away.

No longer keeping a distance from the zombies behind him, Gu Hengxuan ran to the bottom of the tree and approached the zombies under the tree, hoping that they could divert their attention.

An obedient zombie is not a good zombie. Gu Hengxuan's charm is still not as big as that of Jecca and others. There are only a few zombies attracted by them, which makes Gu Hengxuan have no sense of achievement.

Jesica and the others are sitting on the tree, which is frightening! When there were one or two zombies at the beginning, they could calm down a little. Later, there were more and more zombies, so they couldn't calm down.

In particular, Luo Zi saw that Gu Hengxuan had left. Instead of climbing up the tree, she ran near the blockade line to see the situation. The four of them sat on the tree, sweating coldly and holding hands with each other to give each other a sense of security.

Gu Hengxuan's return gave them a little hope. Unfortunately, he worked under the tree for a long time, but it was not effective.

It's the first time I've been surrounded by so many zombies. Although they can't hurt them, just looking at this number of zombies is enough for them to have a month's nightmare.

Looking at the disobedient zombies, Gu Hengxuan stood still and sighed helplessly. It seemed that he couldn't do anything. Thinking of this, Gu Hengxuan reached out and unzipped his coat to let his breath exude.

This method quickly became effective. The zombies under the tree and the surrounding them slowly turned their heads and began to look at Gu Hengxuan's direction. They seem to be determining whether this is the smell of food. After that, many people begin to give up unreachable food and walk towards the food they can catch.

Only a small number of zombies still insist on under the tree, trying to pull down the food on the tree, and a large part of them slowly walk towards Gu Hengxuan.

Opening his clothes, Gu Hengxuan laughed and thought to himself: Don't come here if you have the ability! If I don't make a unique move, you don't know how powerful it is!

With the speed of the zombies, Gu Hengxuan slowly retreated, and the rest had to wait for him to lead the zombies to the blockade line before coming back to solve it.

slowly led the zombies, approaching the blockade 200 meters away.

After Gu Hengxuan left, Luo Zi saw that Jisica and the others were safe, so she ran to the side of the blockade line to observe the situation of the defenders.

Like the last time they came, the number of them is small and the equipment is average. Because zombies around here rarely appear near the blockade line, and they are also relatively lazy. Usually at this time, they have just finished dinner and gathered together, either chatting or playing cards.

Imagine that when they are playing cards, holding cigarettes and talking about their romantic history, a large number of zombies suddenly appear, and then more and more, what will they react like?

It's not Luo Zi's bad intentions. For her own purposes, she had to start cursing these defenders as fools, only focusing on dealing with zombies and ignoring more important things.

A small sound suddenly came behind him, mixed with the hungry and hoarse voice of the zombie. Luo Zi did not turn her head and guessed that Gu Hengxuan was back.

He got up gently and turned around with a night vision mirror to look not far away. In the green field of vision, the familiar back was approaching his direction little by little.

Gently walked over, Luo Ziyi came behind Gu Hengxuan and patted him on the shoulder. When he turned his head and pointed to him in the other direction, signaling him to lead the zombies elsewhere.

This position is the place she chose to escape. To attract the attention of the defenders, you can't stop the zombies near here.

Gu Hengxuan nodded, and then began to change a direction and walk in the direction pointed out by Luo Ziyi.

When he turned around, Luo Ziyi saw that his clothes were pulled open. Slightly surprised, Luo Zi took a deep look at Gu Hengxuan, and the latter was mischievously stretching out his tongue to himself, and then continued to guide the zombies to approach the blockade line.

Bypassing the zombies in the brigade, Luo Zi quickly returned to the place where Jecca and they hid. There are still many zombies gathered under the tree, but this number is nothing for Luo Ziyi.

"Jessica, don't move, don't come down no matter what you see, remember?" Luo Ziyi's voice was not loud enough for the people on the tree to hear it. But the ** degree of zombies to sound far exceeds that of human beings.

As soon as Luo Zi made a sound, the zombies under the tree had already reacted. Although they could not feel her existence, several zombies still came in her direction.

The dagger slowly pulled out. This is the last level. Gu Hengxuan has staged a perfect opening. She wants to continue this high mood and make the next play a more perfect performance.

With a knife, the zombies in the front fell to the ground. Luo Ziyi didn't know what was wrong. Suddenly, she was very energetic. Every time she hit the knife, she was fast, fierce and accurate, which was much more serious than her previous gaming mentality.

Jesica and the four of them sat on the tree and secretly looked at Luo Ziyi's situation from time to time, but every time they looked at it, they shuddered.

It was very dark at this time, and they could only identify some hazy figures. Even so, they can see the fierceness of her hand falling from the shaking shadow.

She once said before that for all this, she regarded it as a real game. Whether it is zombies or survivors, it may be some settings in the game in her heart. Many times you don't need to be very serious, and there is no need to be serious.

But just now, while she made a sound to keep them from moving, Jessica and the others clearly felt the murderous atmosphere emanating from her.

Have you known Luo Ziyi for a long time? It may not be long, but they all know that she is a kind girl. However, at this time, they completely saw another Luo Ziyi, the murderous Luo Ziyi. Jiesika can even imagine her eyes now, focused, fierce and bloodthirsty...

The last knife fell, and the zombies fell beside the same kind. Luo Zi gasped and raised her hand to wipe the thin sweat on her head. Luo Zi stretched out her head and looked into the distance to make sure that no zombies appeared for the time being. She looked up and said to Jecca above:

"Let's come down! We are going to start preparing."

Ben and Chris jumped down first, and then they helped Jenny and Jesica down respectively and surrounded Luo Ziyi.

"When you get near the blockade line, you must be careful, because you will attract zombies, and their appearance is uncertain. I have to take care of the very difficult, so you have to be careful." Taking off his backpack and giving the big scissors he had found before to Ben, Luo Ziyi continued to whisper:

"Bun, the barbed wire of the blockade is left to you and Chris, Jessica and Jenny. You are responsible for watching the surrounding environment as much as possible. If Gu succeeds, the defenders will definitely shoot. As soon as the gunshot sounds, they are about to start to act..." While talking, a zombie suddenly appeared in the distance.

Before Luo Zi finished her words, she threw down her backpack and ran over to solve the zombies.

After walking back, she picked up the backpack on the ground and continued:

"The gunfire of the defenders will definitely attract more zombies, and our actions may also alarm the defenders, so I want to be distracted. You must help me!"

Looking at Jessie and the others in the dark nodded, Luo Zi smiled and let them walk away to the other side of the blockade line with a slight light.

"Luo, are you not going with us?" Jenny stunted forward and asked in a low voice.

"Yes! The quarantine area is much safer for me than outside. In addition, I have many partners here, and I can't let them go! You are not suitable to survive here. If one day, there will be a large-scale outbreak of infection, you may see me outside!" Luo Ziyi couldn't leave. Even if it was not to avoid Huiman Research Institute, she couldn't leave A Fei and others.

"Luo, we are friends, forever friends, right?" Jecca suddenly asked in a very serious tone. When Luo Zi looked up at her, her expression was as serious as her tone.

"Yes! Forever friends. However, you should remember that no matter what kind of friend you are, once you become a zombie, you can't be soft!" This is advice. Many people die at the hands of their relatives and friends.

Luo Zi has seen more of these things, and now she doesn't have much feeling. However, Jecca and others don't have it yet, so Luo Ziyi said that they are not suitable to live in the quarantine area.

The blockade line is right in front of them. This is not gorgeous and touching drama. What kind of final chapter will there be...