Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 179 Final Level Next

With a night vision goggles, Luo Ziyi focused on the surrounding situation. The zombies around her are still haunting. She has to deal with it at any time and monitor the defenders of Country A on the other side of the barbed wire.

The place where the five of them are hiding is less than 50 meters away from the barbed wire. With night vision goggles, she can clearly see what the soldiers there are doing.

Jesseca all lay on the ground and lined up in a row, while Luo Ziyi was about five meters behind them, holding the dagger in his hand, but in a moment, five zombies were solved.

From time to time, looking at the direction Gu Hengxuan left, Luo Zi raised her hand and looked at his watch. He had been walking for ten minutes, but there was still no movement in the distance.

I couldn't help but feel anxious. The longer it takes, the more worried Luo Ziyi is. Gu Hengxuan was followed by too many zombies. If he made a mistake, his life would be in danger.

Regret! Luo Ziyi felt a little regretful. She had better do it by herself. At least she didn't have to worry so much. But if you go by yourself, the person who is worried is Gu Hengxuan, right?

Comfort yourself in your heart, because the speed of zombies is very slow, so Gu Hengxuan's speed is not very fast, so he is so slow, so... so she doesn't have to worry too much.

Luo Ziyi felt that Gu Hengxuan's skills were better than hers, and there should be no problem. It's just that if you don't know something in your heart, you won't think about it.

Looking at the watch again, why did it only take a minute? Why does Luo Zi feel that it has been as long as the past hours? Although he was worried about Gu Hengxuan's safety, Luo Ziyi did not distract him too much.

The zombies behind appeared again. Luo Ziyi quietly got up again, ran over, quickly cleaned up the zombies, and then returned to the original position to continue to guard Jessica and the four of them.

The four people who lay on the ground and dared not move much can also clearly feel Luo Ziyi's anxiety. They are also very worried about Gu Hengxuan's situation. After all, what he did was too dangerous, and he also pulled away his equipment.

The magical equipment on Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan is the life-saving trump card of the two of them. It is because of this dress that the two of them dared to take four super rookies into the dangerous forest and want to cross the blockade line and escape from the quarantine area.

But just in order to attract the zombies, Gu Hengxuan pulled away his clothes, which made the zombies follow him obediently, and the remaining number of zombies was not large, and Luo Ziyi, who was driven back, was solved.

Without the barrier, Gu Hengxuan's situation is much more dangerous than theirs. There are still a few zombies who followed him. The main reason is that Luo Zi can't get close to the four of them as soon as he finds it. Gu Hengxuan was different. He was followed by dozens of zombies, and he also had to lead them to the edge of the blockade line smoothly so that the defenders could find them.

The task is relatively difficult. Of course, they don't want him to fail, and this quiet waiting is the most tormenting.

It has been 20 minutes since I kept looking at my watch, but there was still silence in the distance and there was no sound. Fifty meters away, the soldiers of Country A are still leisurely smoking, chatting and playing poker!

Luo Ziyi has no other way but to wait. If she leaves Jessica and the others, she will soon hear the screams of the four of them, and then come back to face the four people she knows, turning into zombies or being killed directly.

If they take them over together and are afraid of going halfway, Gu Hengxuan's action will be successful, and they don't have time to come back here to carry out their escape plan.

In a dilemma, Luo Zi chose to continue to wait. She believes that Gu Hengxuan will succeed, because if she and Gu Hengxuan's tasks are reconciled, she will definitely come back alive to see Gu Hengxuan. In this regard, she believes that she is exactly the same as his thoughts.

Time passed slowly. Just as Jenny couldn't wait and turned her head to urge Luo Zi to assist Gu Hengxuan, a gunshot they had expected to sound in the distance.

As soon as Luo Zi heard the gunfire, she smiled happily, but the next second, she cleaned up her joy, calmed down Jenny, who was a little excited, and carefully looked at the reaction of the soldiers outside the quarantine area.

"Quick, fast! Go and support. Some zombies suddenly appeared. There are a lot of them. You guys go and support them!" A shout in the distance made the soldiers scared by the gunfire quickly threw away the cigarette butts and cards in their hands, picked up their own guns in a panic, and wanted to make a sound and run away.

After the first gunshot, a series of gunshots began one after another, and there were many shouts, greeting their companions and going there to support.

As soon as Luo Zi saw that several soldiers in front of her had left, she patted Ben and Chris on the shoulder and asked them to move quickly. The two boys were also unambiguous. They picked up the big scissors given to them by Luo Ziyi, ran to the front of the barbed wire and began to cut hard.

Lapping Jessica, Luo Zi whispered to her:

"After going out, walk along the edge of their tent, and you can leave their defense area. Don't turn back, don't slow down, keep running, and run to rest after you have no strength at all. You don't bring much food, so you must save it, otherwise you will starve to death if you don't get to a safe place.

He explained very quickly that this may be their last conversation. Although they were sent out of the quarantine area, it did not mean that they were safe. They must get to the place where there are people, and they are really safe.

During this period, it is also necessary to prevent them from being found by the military of Country A and pursue them. Why didn't you explain it when you had time just now? Luo Ziyi was a little regretful, but she was still searching for something they should pay attention to.

"Ah... By the way, don't walk along the blockade line. Less than five kilometers away from here, it is the relatively strict blockade line of Country A. There are more defenders there. If they find it, there is only one end..."

Just as Luo Ziyi was still talking and telling Jessica to pay attention, the person who was instructed suddenly reached out and hugged Luo Ziyi and whispered in her ear:

"Luo, don't worry! We will definitely escape safely. Remember your words. We are friends and friends forever! I know that my ability is insufficient, but I will do something outside for you, for ancient times, and for people who live a difficult life in the quarantine area.

Jessica has made up her mind that as long as they can go out alive and reach a safe place, she will use her own efforts to make Huiman Research Institute pay the price!

Jenny also came over. Although the barbed wire had not been cut, she already knew that in a short time, she would split up with Luo Zi.

This girl has saved herself more than once. No matter what her purpose is, she is a good person. But this good man said that she was much safer in the quarantine area full of zombies than outside. What a world is this, or how this originally beautiful world has been ruined by people.

"Luo, I will always remember you! You have to live longer than zombies, and I will miss you!" Jenny cried and hugged Luo Ziyi. At this time, she suddenly found that she was much taller than Luo Ziyi.

And it is this petite oriental girl who created a miracle for them!

"I will also miss you. One day, we will meet outside. I hope there will be no zombies at that time. We can eat, watch movies, and go shopping together like normal friends..." What a beautiful dream. This beautiful dream woven by Luo Ziyi has become another hope in Jessica and Jenny's hearts.

Ben and Chris cut the barbed wire very hard. After a long time, they finally cut a cut. After the experiment, Chris can pass through smoothly. If his figure can pass, the rest of the people will have no problem.

took the lead in getting out of the barbed wire, and Chris pulled the cut part hard outside, so that Ben also got out.

Seeing that they succeeded, Luo Zi smiled for a while and pushed Jessica and Jenny back to the edge of the barbed wire, so that they should not linger.

"Hurry up, you still have a long way to go. Don't delay here." Pushing Jessica and Jenny out of the barbed wire, Luo Ziyi closed the place where it was cut and closed back to its original position.

"Luo..." Jenny shouted in a low voice, and tears flowed down even more uncontrollably.

"Don't say anything. The road ahead depends on you. You have to live. Only when we live can we meet one day. So do I. I will try my best to keep myself alive and definitely go out. Luo Zi smiled without any sadness.

Because this is a good thing, four people have left the quarantine area, and they can live a normal life and return to normal people. Don't worry about being chased by zombies every day, and don't worry that other survivors will attack them because of food.

"Let's go! Hurry up!" Luo Ziyi urged the four of them that they would be found if they had been delayed for too long.

Ben and Chris never said anything to Luo Ziyi, but looked at the girl with admiration. One by one, holding Jessica Jenny, the four began to run away along the soldier's tent.

Looking at their figures and disappearing in sight, Luo Zi turned firmly and walked back to the place where they had just stayed, where a straight figure had been standing for a long time.

The sound of ping-pong gunfire in the distance is still going on, and it is estimated that it will not stop for a while.

looked in that direction and saw nothing except trees. With a smile, she withdrew her sight and went to Gu Hengxuan's side and threw herself into his open arms.

"I sent it away!" Gu Hengxuan hugged his girlfriend and said softly.


"What about us? What are you going to do next? He listens to everything. As long as she is happy, there is no problem even if she spends in this forest.

"When we go back to Kancheng, I don't think I'm strong enough to compete with Huiman!" Luo Zi said softly. She wants to become stronger. Only in this way can she fight side by side with A Fei and save her father from the Huiman Research Institute.

"Okay, no matter where you go, I will be with you!" Gu Hengxuan shook gently, and the two hugged each other in the long-lost gunfire.

The game is here, and a level set by themselves is over. However, this game is far from being so simple. There are still many things they have to face. However, they would not expect that the four people sent out this time would be their greatest help on their future journey...