Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 38 Little Brother

When Qin Zhong saw this, he suddenly felt that there was indeed another person who entered the Korean army villa that day, and this man's kung fu was quite good. The technique should be a climbing master, which gave him an idea, and he immediately left for the Korean army's villa.

After Qin Zhong entered Han Jun's villa, Han Jun was studying his ghost shelter array in the yard. He scattered the ghost shelter beads and put them almost every corner of the yard, and in the corner, he seemed to add some five-color flags.

"Uncle Han, what are you doing?" Qin Zhong only saw some things such as the so-called flag array in the book and his grandfather's notes.

When Han Jun saw Qin Zhong coming back, he said, "What did you do when you rest at home?"

"Don't you have a rest?"

"Did you see that the female ghost made a lot of things in this yard lack of positive power last time, so I still need to rearrange this place." The Korean army is cautious, which may also be due to his age.

Qin Zhong did not pay special attention to the decoration of the Korean army and immediately explained his intention: "I came here to see something, because." Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and signaled that it was not convenient for the Korean army to speak here.

After the two entered the house, Qin Zhong lowered his voice: "Take me to the back of the yard and the roof to have a look, because I found something we didn't find in the video."

"Well, let's go to the backyard first." As he spoke, Qin Zhong turned DV over, and the two went to the backyard to record the ground and the whole wall.

Then, Qin Zhong climbed up from the stairs on the side of the wall and went to the roof. Sure enough, he found a mystery. There were obvious traces of being trampled on on the roof of the villa of the Korean army. He lowered his head and shouted to the Korean army waiting downstairs, "Has your house been waterproof recently?"

"No, I haven't been to the roof for two years."

When Qin Zhong heard this, he knew that all this happened was man-made, and there was a mark on the room where the aunt's statue on the second floor was obviously hooked by a sharp weapon. He squatted down and watched it carefully. This trace should have been hooked by the three-claw hooks introduced in his grandfather's notes and books.

Such things are rare in this era. They are nothing more than some special industries and special people that can be used. What kind of person will it be here? Is it the Japanese that the female ghost said? Is it a Japanese ninja?

In history, there has been a detailed description of Japanese ninjas. Qin Zhong knew that the Japanese ninja was a senior spy at the beginning of Japan. In ancient times, their super hidden ability and super personal ability were displayed in everyone's vision. In fact, their task was to do some things that spies, such as Intelligence spying and so on.

When Qin Zhong thought of this, he felt that this matter was relatively reliable. With this imaginary Japanese ninja, it seems that the whole thing can find a cohesion point. Then, all these things can fall on one person, that is, the person with Japanese ninja skills.

And he took out those triangular footprints and the fox footprints and took a closer look. The two footprints also have something in common. Those footprints on the Korean military villa are triangular. Because the front of the boots worn by the ninja are pointed, and when he goes upstairs with a rope, he needs topped points and jump on the wall. Go up.

Qin Zhong is thinking about the zombie fox. Although the footprints are small, if you reprocess them with something, or flatten all a few points of the fox's footprints, they are also sharp, which is in line with the characteristics of ninjas running.

Qin Zhong's heart was suddenly enlightened. In his mind, he had locked the characteristics of this mysterious man as a bald man with ninja skills. But if he wants to go again, Lao Geng's affairs and the fox shadow. Lao Geng's tomb is operated by a shaman's method, which means that this person should know some shaman's prescriptions.

And virtual shadow, it is likely to be projection technology. Although there is no light source, he operates it with moonlight. This is also a super technology. Combined with these things, Qin Zhong seems to be sure that everything is out of one person's hand, which is the Japanese descendant of the female ghost.

Japan's imaging electronic technology is relatively mature, and the rest of the things are in line with the characteristics of ninjas. Japanese, ninjas, and baldness are the characteristics of locking this person.

Qin Zhong squatted on the roof and breathed a sigh of relief. After he seemed to connect everything together, the whole thing made great progress.

Just as he was thinking about it, he found that there seemed to be a shadow flashing in the grass behind the Han Jun villa, but a virtual shadow, the breeze swept by, and the scene regained its original tranquility.

Han Jun shouted downstairs, "Xiao Zhong, my big array has been laid. Haven't you finished yet?"

"It's over. I already know who it is. I don't think this guy will hide for long." Qin Zhong said this because he saw a strange movement just now. Whether the ninja was monitoring himself or not, he was playing psychological tactics.

Qin Zhong slowly came down from the ladder by the wall and went down to the ground. He saw that the large array of the Korean army had succeeded. In the whole yard, eight flags were placed in eight directions, and every circle, there were new eight flags, a total of five circles, but it was said that this array had wrapped the whole villa tightly.

Qin Zhong asked curiously, "What is the function of your flag?"

"My flag is very useful. I'll tell you in detail when I have a chance. First of all, tell me what you just found on the roof?"

Qin Zhong smiled lightly: "Nothing, there are still a few marks. I think this is enough to explain my guess. I'm going back to sort it out. The next step is to use these 137 caves to make an article and wait for the bald man to appear."

The Korean army did not stay with Qin Zhong for a long time. Qin Zhong hurriedly returned to the archives. His memory was so strong that he could remember it when he saw the real thing. Especially the formation set by Qin Zhong just now, what he thought was to put such a formation within his own scope of activities in the archives, but he only had his own ghost-avoidance beads.

Thinking that he was going to crush the ghost Zhu, mixed with some other exorcism items, and put them in a group and put them in all corners of the archives.

After arranging all this, Qin Zhong felt that he really should have a good rest. He put down the quilt in the lounge on the first floor and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

I don't know how long he slept. Suddenly, he was woken up by a noise outside. Qin Zhong rubbed his eyes, pulled open the curtains, and saw that it was bright outside. When he looked at his watch, it was the next morning.

"Dong-dong!" There was a rapid knock on the door, and someone outside the door shouted, "Curator, curator, someone is smashing the scene outside."

Qin Zhong knew it was the sound of big teeth. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the big tooth's face was green, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. The circled glasses were beaten out of fish scales. The corners of his eyes seemed to have been torn, and from a distance, it seemed to be a deep fishtail pattern.

"What's the matter? I haven't hit him again?"

"Curator, there is a fool outside. This guy doesn't break the law to kill people. I dare to provoke him. I think we'd better close the door as soon as possible." Daya looked back and said in panic, "Come on, curator, he's coming, close it, close it!"

Qin Zhong's eyes were dim and stretched out his head to look out of the door. Before he could see the appearance of the person, he suddenly felt a burst of soreness and heat on his cheeks.

Qin Zhong received a punch, and of course, his heart was absolutely unbalanced. He was enlightened by the fire, clenched his fist in his hand, waved his two fists, and flew up. The visitor collapsed to the ground without waiting to feel anything.

Qin Zhong did not stop. He flew to the person and rode a horse and waved his fist. In the future, he would scream. After waiting for Qin Zhong to take out the antique dagger at his back waist, his face suddenly turned white and his eyes were like a water balloon.

Qin Zhong shouted, "Are you still convinced?"

"Do you not accept it?"

He raised his knife and fell, and the knife just pierced the thigh of the person. Of course, Qin Zhong would not use such a valuable antique to do such a stupid thing, which was nothing more than scaring the person.

People felt the unbearable pain on their legs and shouted, "Brother, I'm wrong. Put away your knife and hang out with you later!"