Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 6 Wind Burial

With respect for other peoples and protecting Mona, Qin Zhong knelt down on the bear's heads and finished step by step as the shaman in animal skin said.

Looking at the shaman, he trembling all over and said in a low voice, "Kid, you are an outsider. For the sake of my people, I will forgive you this time. If you hurt our people, it will be your boy's death."

Qin Zhong curled the corners of his mouth, did not say anything, and bowed symbolically. Seeing that the shaman seemed to have finished with satisfaction, the big guy began to receive the bear meat on the bonfire shelf one after another, and the peeled bear meat was roasted on the bonfire.

Big teeth pushed their glasses and drooled from the gap between the two big teeth: "I really don't know what this bear meat tastes like. I don't know if it's illegal to take a bite of meat from national protected animals."

"It's against the law." Qin Zhong looked at his big teeth and raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "But in such a primitive place, where can people manage it? Besides, I don't know whether this is our Chinese territory or not. Maybe they have arrived in Russia."

Guo Dafu grinned and said, "It would be interesting if we went abroad for free."

Qin Zhong nodded and talked freely with the people of the whole tribe that night.

It was not until the end of the ceremony that the old man came to the stage and said to the clan: "We, the oldest virgin branch of the Orochun clan, are dozens of us in the northeast, so today's guests who come from afar are also predestined to us and follow the customs. Since they come to us, we must abide by our rules. Early in the morning, we will set out to bury bear bones in the wind to comfort the gods of our ancestors.

"Uncle means that we also have to participate?" Qin Zhong asked.

The old man brushed his beard and nodded: "You are bone senders, that is, the way to go, and the bear bones are all held by you."

Qin Zhong didn't ask more questions. He slept in the tribe that day. The next morning, Yingzi brought breakfast. Qin Zhong asked him about the shaman's anti-Japanese war, but she asked Qin Zhong to find his grandfather.

After communicating with the old man for half a day, he knew that the shaman who cleaned up the two squadron devils on that day was from their tribe. However, due to the repeated pursuits by the devils, the two shamans at the beginning no longer knew whereabouts were, so Qin Zhong had to put the matter temporarily and decided to send them off first. After the bone, he went to the direction he regarded as a sacred area.

On the day of the wind burial, Qin Zhong followed the shaman, Guo Dafu, Daya and Yingzi and his party out of the tribe. Similarly, Qin Zhong and others' eyes were covered with black cloth. When they came out of the hidden area and the black cloth was uncovered, Qin Zhong re-identified the direction and seemed to have found the sacred area found on that day.

"Well, do we have to go to the designated place to be buried?" Qin Zhong asked.

The shaman thought for a moment: "This is unnecessary, but we must go to a windy place."

Qin Zhong looked down at the bear bone wrapped in wicker. He deliberately began to turn the direction of walking in the direction of the divine realm and walked through two mountains. Qin Zhong felt that the place he found was not far away, but the shaman didn't know why he had been fiddling with a handful of chopsticks in his hand. When he played with it for a while, his face suddenly turned big. Change.

"It's broken. We're going in the wrong direction. The weather is going to change here!" When the shaman spoke, he looked up at the sky: "When we reach the highest point, there will be a big disaster. If it is broken, the bear bones have been invited out. If we go back again, our ancestors will still blame us, and our tribe may be destroyed, hey."

Qin Zhong crooked the corners of his mouth and said, "Then continue to go up the mountain. We'll leave when we're done."

"I'm afraid we can't get down."

Qin Zhong's doubts about the shaman did not see it. He hugged the bear bone wrapped in the wicker in his hand and walked in front of him. Of course, Guo Dafu followed him recently, and Daya also followed him closely. Only Yingzi and the shaman fell behind.

In less than half an hour, Qin Zhong and others went to the top of the mountain. He put down the bear bone and looked at the bottom of the mountain. A piece of dark clouds were under his feet. Suddenly, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the shaman's face had turned pale. He hurriedly ended the bone-giving ceremony and pulled the people brought by Yingzi and ran back.

Qin Zhong whispered, "Big teeth, go back with them, you must remember the road and go quickly." He knew that he would follow them to the tribe at this time. The shaman would not remember to put a blindfold on his big teeth, and then he grabbed Yingzi: "Woman, don't go, just wait with your brother Zhong."

"You! What are you going to do?"

"I want you to be our guide, and we are here waiting for the blizzard to come." Qin Zhong's words seemed to be crazy.

Yingzi trembling and said, "You are crazy. The ceremony is finished. There is no one waiting for a snowstorm here. Anyway, you have to find a cave."

"The cave? Did you see the cave along the way? Qin Zhong said that he turned his head and ran down half of the hillside. The shaman and big teeth had gone down to the bottom of the mountain, and they stopped halfway up the mountain and found a place that seemed to shelter from the wind.

Because of the strong wind, the thick snow on the pine tree was blown down mercilessly by the strong wind and hit Qin Zhong and Yingzi's heads.

Qin Zhong hugged Yingzi's head tightly, and his head tried his best to hide under his armpits. In a few minutes, the three people were buried in the snow. I don't know how long it took, Qin Zhong reached out and dug out, digging around, digging a hard thing: "Strange, not yet. What is this?"

He first put his head out of the snowdrift and pulled Yingzi out of the snowdrift. At that end, he shouted Guo Dafu. Dafu also stretched out his head and took a long breath: "Damn it, it's really enjoyable."

"Okay, is Yingzi all right?"

Yingzi blushed and shook her head, as if she was a little embarrassed to be held by a man like Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong pushed away the snow with his hand in the hard place just now. After he pushed away the snow, what appeared in front of the three people was a tombstone that had lost its color.

" boss, this!"

"Mom, we came into the cemetery." When Qin Zhong was making a difference, he looked back at Yingzi: "How can there be a cemetery in this place?"

Yingzi shook his head like a rattle: "I have never been here, and I don't know if it is inhabited, but there is a cemetery in such a primitive place, so it may not be a modern cemetery."

Qin Zhong seemed to have some truth when he heard this, but the celestial phenomena he saw the day should not be a cemetery. Although he didn't know much about tombs and other knowledge, he now understood that people should find a good place, let alone the dead.

He immediately plucked the snow again, cleaned the surroundings of the tombstone, and carefully distinguished the words written on the tombstone: the tomb of the Anti-Japanese Warrior.

"It's normal for the anti-Japanese fighters to come here. Why are they buried here? Have they ever fought fiercely here?" Qin Zhong asked himself, and his eyes asked Guo Dafu to push away the surrounding snow. It was not until he swept away the five meters square that Qin Zhong found a very magical phenomenon. There was actually a snow ditch in front of the tombstone, and hot air emerged from the snow ditch.

And there was hot water circulating in the snow ditch. Qin Zhong stretched out his hand to touch it. The water was actually hot. He suddenly remembered that Grandpa Yingzi told him the story of the shaman defeating the two squadrons of the Japanese army. It seemed to be related to several fighters of the resistance. Is it just these people? Can't be so lucky, although This is a sacred area, but it is likely that this is the place where the bear bones are buried by the wind, or the holy place where the ancestors are buried.

Just when Qin Zhong was puzzled, there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the ground. The sound seemed to be an earthquake. Guo Dafu came to Qin Zhong and coaxed two times under his feet. The frozen snow seemed to be stepped on, and when Yingzi was surprised, Qin Zhong suddenly felt that the ground under him began to sink. .

Qin Zhong and the three quickly ran to the top of the mountain, and they arrived at the place where the wind buried bear bones and found that it was actually a cliff. However, when Qin Zhong looked down the mountain, the dark clouds had just now dispersed, and the scene under the cliff appeared in front of Qin Zhong. At this moment, he had a new decision and was ready to go down the cliff.