Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 7 Ice Palace 1

One is a cliff, and the other is a broken wall that has fallen. Qin Zhong and others have no way out.

At this moment, Qin Zhong looked at the bottom of the cliff, but he saw that he could clearly see the honeycomb coal-like holes. Although he didn't know what these holes were, he knew that they could only escape to the caves under the cliff. .

Looking back is to fall into a dark pit in the bottomless snow. Only by moving forward can they get the hope of life.

Guo Dafu never thought that he would meet Qin Zhong in such a place and meet such a thing.

"Well, we don't have time to think about it. If we consume too much physical strength, I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to jump off the cliff."

After all, Yingzi is a girl growing in the mountains. She stretched out her hand and is relatively much more agile than Guo Dafu and Qin Zhong, but Qin Zhong still walked to the front. He grasped a deep-rooted pine tree growing on the edge of the cliff, stepped on the angular dead stone above the cliff, step by step, and approached the first hole.

A stone slipped from the top of the cliff and rolled down the mountain. It was Guo Dafu, the last to enter the first cave, who almost slipped from the stone wall on the cliff to the bottom of the cliff. If it went down, it was estimated that only the tragic echoes before his death were left.

Yingzi approached the mouth of the cave and looked around. It turned out to be a dry hole three or five meters square.

Qin Zhong came to Yingzi and asked with concern, "Have you ever been to such a place before?"

"Where have you been here? Who can climb up in such a high place? But I heard from Grandpa that there is usually such a dead hole in such a high place. It should be the place where some big birds have lived, but when winter comes, they will fly away, so this should be the place where we can take a break for a break."

Facing Yingzi's understanding of the natural situation of this generation, Qin Zhong felt that this explanation was quite reasonable: "Well, it seems very reasonable, but we'd better take a break and continue to go down later, hoping to reach the bottom of the mountain safely."

" boss, this seems to be a hot and strange place." Guo Dafu touched the stone wall in the cave with his hand.

Qin Zhong came forward and touched it with his hand. It was really warm, and the closer he got to the stone wall, the warmer he would feel.

"Yingzi, let's warm up here for a while, take a break, and get ready to go to the next hole." Qin Zhongyan said.

But when Yingzi came to the stone wall in the cave, a dark shadow seemed to appear in the sky. The speed of the shadow was quite fast and rushed to the place where they were staying.

At this moment, Yingzi suddenly turned around and suddenly felt a cool back: "It's bad. Isn't it warm here? The big bird flew back?"

Qin Zhong stared at the boss. When he looked out, he seemed to hear something again. The sound of the roaring engine made him feel relieved: "Come here, this place is high enough. That shadow should be a plane. Don't make such a fuss."

While the two were talking, Guo Dafu got a pile of hay from nowhere, spread it on the ground in the cave, and slept soundly close to the stone wall.

Qin Zhong took a look, and the remaining hay on the ground was enough for him and Yingzi to spread another place to rest.

After half an hour's rest, Qin Zhong opened his eyes. He lay at the entrance of the cave and looked down at the mountain. The dense cave at the foot of the mountain made Qin Zhong very annoyed. If they continued to walk, they would be exhausted and be stunned by these holes.

But he had no choice but to climb up Guo Dafu and Yingzi: "Hatch the time and let's go."

The three people made three unextended holes in one breath. When they went down to the middle of the cliff, they suddenly found that there was almost no place to step on the cliff that went down, and there was no place for them to continue to go down. If they continued to go down, 100% of them would be killed.

Qin Zhong looked up in the cave. There was also dense honeycomb coal on the top and dense honeycomb coal on the bottom. This time, there was no way to advance or retreat.

He was silent, holding one hand on the wall of the cave, thinking about how to get out of the current predicament, and one hand kept tapping on the wall of the cave.

But just because he knocked so randomly, he seemed to feel that the back of the stone wall seemed to be empty, and he actually made a thong echo.

"It's strange, where is this place?" Qin Zhong said, and his hand knocked on the wall faster: "Come here. It's empty. Come and help to see if there is a way to open this wall."

As soon as Guo Dafu heard this, he immediately became excited: "Really? Boss, get out of the way, I'll do it!" He spoke quickly, pushed his body to the mouth of the hole, rushed a few steps, flew up, and kicked fiercely on the wall mentioned by Qin Zhong.



Qin Zhong looked helplessly at Guo Dafu's painful expression, his face was full of rainstorm-sized sweat, his face was as white snow, and his big mouth twitched up and down.

"Brother, you won't be able to live with yourself like this. I said it was empty inside, and I didn't necessarily say that you could kick the stone wall away with your feet. Then you are too awesome." Qin Zhong said and pulled out the two steel knives in his back. He felt empty on the wall and began to open the stones one by one and slowly peel them off.

When he peeled off the stones and was dug an arm-sized hole in the wall by Qin Zhong, emitting a damp smell in the cave. Due to the wind at the bottom of the cliff, the airflow from the hole seemed to be singing.

As soon as he heard this, Qin Zhong was endlessly excited: "We have a way. The hole here should lead to an open hole. Listen!"


Guo Dafu's pain just now seemed to have been relieved. Yingzi came to the hole and looked inside with her eyes, as if she didn't see anything.

Qin Zhong opened Yingzi and said, "I'll come."

He stretched out his hand into the hole. He wanted to use his power to pull part of the wall open so that the hole could continue to expand and allow people to penetrate.

But because of this idea, after putting his hand into the hole, when he worked hard, he suddenly felt as if he had touched something, dry, crispy, and hard, as if he had made a sound of puffed food being crushed.

Qin Zhong didn't have so many scruples. He just pulled behind him vigorously. A large wall was pulled down, and the breakage below was exactly the place where Guo Dafu had just kicked.

A burst of yellow dust floated up, and Yingzi sighed in surprise: "Wow, there is such a place here. It's amazing."

But it was dark inside, and only gusts of wind blew out of the hole. Qin Zhong suddenly expanded the hole, enough for a person to stand upright through the crack.

He escaped from his arms and shone into the hole. He couldn't see the bottom, but on the edge he had just caught, there seemed to be something. After Qin Zhong shone the beam of the flashlight on the broken stone wall, he found that there seemed to be something in the middle of the messy stone.

The brittle thing he touched just now, like a bone of something, turned into a fossil after weathering.

When Qin Zhong pushed away these stones, he saw that there was a huge skull inside, and half of the skull had been grabbed by Qin Zhong. The remaining half of the skull also looked a large circle larger than the normal head.

Are there any other races here? Is it a giant?

Qin Zhong took a closer look at the skull again. It was indeed the head, but there was no other part there. He couldn't judge what was going on with the huge head, so he had to never think about it. The flashlight shone into the hole, and he went into the cave one by one.

"Hey, boss, how can there be such a big head here?" Guo Dafu is not afraid of these things at all.

Na Yingzi was somewhat shocked. After all, she had never seen such a big person's skeleton.

Just as Qin Zhong was about to go to the depths of the cave, he smiled happily: "This time, we can go out."