Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 10 Ice Palace 4

In addition to marveling, Qin Zhong and others still returned to reality. What they had to do was to find the gap out of the hole. Qin Zhong was in front and Yingzi was in the middle. After Guo Dafu's cushion, the three people continued to move forward. After several twists and turns, they seemed to have found a small palace. In Qin Zhong's impression, the location here should be a side door. A place, but when he compared the surrounding environment, he found that the location of the palace seemed to be different from that drawn on the picture, and it was much worse.

It may be due to geographical reasons. At the beginning of construction, the geological structure here should have been deeply considered, and the ice pieces were transported in piece by piece, and the remaining question left is that when the palace was built, did the craftsmen die directly after building the palace, or which direction did they go out?

Considering the factor of transporting ice cubes, they must carry ice up from a gentle place, and the route of the construction is the cave on the top of the mountain. In the end, they sealed the palace door and went directly from the transport port, which is very reasonable. After all, if the ice cubes are put here, they must not understand it alone. They must use some kind of big The type of tool puts the ice in a reasonable place, so it is absolutely unreasonable for them to come in through the ice mouth.

So the route that Qin Zhong and others went down here is the route taken by the workers who built the Ice Palace at the beginning, which is absolutely not natural.

In this side room, all you see is some sacrifices that are like funeral objects, some rough magic weapons, and some ice porcelain.

But when the three were about to leave the room, they strangely heard a grunting sound in the room. The originally quiet palace became so lively. Qin Zhong and others were stunned. They didn't know where the sound came from or whether there was anything else in the dusty underground ice palace. Other creatures.

" boss, listen, why does it seem to be the sound of water, and it seems to be the sound of water snoring?" Guo Dafu's beard leaned against Qin Zhong's face.

Qin Zhong was furious and pushed away Guo Dafu's face with his hand and said, "No matter what he is, don't put the beard on your face so close to me in the future. Be careful of my wildfire."

"Oh, they know, can't you shave your beard this time?"

"Look at the door, look at the top!" Yingzi pointed to the top of the ice.

At the top of the ice, it seems to be located on the ice surface. This pool of water has been bubbling. It seems that the water in the ice palace came from here. In addition, the warm water they saw in front of the tombstone of the martyrs of the Anti-Union, it is not difficult to imagine that it should also be a spring, but they don't know this Where is the source of the spring?

Just as Qin Zhong was about to continue to march out, he looked outside the small palace, and the ice wall suddenly turned golden yellow, which proved that the light of the sun had shined directly into the palace. It didn't matter, but when Qin Zhong saw something, he immediately became energetic.

He actually found a dark fox shadow on the golden ice wall. With the passing of the fox shadow, the fox's head in the fox shadow was still as big as the fox shadow's head. The huge fox's head was not difficult to remind Qin Zhong of the situation after he came out of Geng's village.

Just after the fox shadow, another figure flashed. This figure is vigorous and extremely sensitive, but from the shadow, this person still has no hair and wears a black ninja suit.

Qin Zhong whispered, "Let's not talk. Let's go. It seems that a tail has followed here."

"Tail?" Guo Dafu blinked and didn't seem to understand Qin Zhong's words very well. Of course, it was normal that he didn't understand.

Yingzi had no unnecessary nonsense. All he knew was that he followed Qin Zhong. The three people wandered around the palace all day. It was easy to guess that according to Qin Zhong, it seemed that he had walked to a super-large palace. In the super-large palace, there were seven or 49 ice-nine ice-carved pillars, a leather chair, and stood two The civil and military ministers next to him are lifelike one by one.

It is said that the characters in the wax museum are realistic, which makes Qin Zhong think that all the ice sculptures here are better than them.

On the ice wall at the end of the palace, there is a huge painting carved, which seems to be similar to the mural that just came in. Although the things in the painting seem to have changed, there are many protagonists in it.

It was not until this place that Qin Zhong felt that the place he guessed in his grandfather's notes was this place, but there were no two god-level shamans mentioned in the notes. On their heads, even Zhu Laoliu paid great attention to the pair of yin and yang pearls.

Just as Qin Zhong was still thinking about this matter, he suddenly found that a blood stain suddenly appeared on the top of the palace. A figure with a knife in his hand seemed to be cutting something, and soon the shadow disappeared.

Now Qin Zhong really has some ideas: "How did this guy follow here? Damn it, he can't let this guy find himself. If he really finds out, this guy won't have to turn this place upside down. But how on earth did he find it here? These things made Qin Zhong still unable to understand.

He suddenly thought of something. There seemed to be something on his body. Is it a GPS positioning device? He immediately dragged his coat clean and touched it with his hand in all corners of his clothes, but he touched it for a long time and didn't touch anything. But when he touched the trouser legs, he felt that there seemed to be black glue in the trouser legs. The glue had never been washed off. After he pulled the glue off, it was really there. There is a small black thing.

Qin Zhong suddenly realized that he was still negligent. He stepped on the positioning device a few times with his feet before it became broken, and then carefully walked all corners of the whole palace.

Suddenly, the four top corners of the palace suddenly fell down. These flags were all used by shamans, Xuanwu, rosefinch, green dragon, white tiger; and in the middle of the ice, a set of shaman costume suddenly hung down, the bells on the belt sounded, and the hand drum hanging in the air kept being blown by the wind. The blowing soft whip beats with a very rhythmic sound.

"No, there is a difference!" Qin Zhong shouted, and Na Yingzi suddenly pulled out a set of three-inch-long flags from his back.

Guo Dafu nervously put on the pistol he brought and pointed it at the shaman costume hanging from the middle: "What is it? If you move me and shoot me."

Qin Zhong's eyes widened. After carefully looking at the divine costume, there seemed to be no abnormal movement, and all these sounds were caused by the wind that did not know where it came from.

And in this almost sealed ice palace, there can be another gust of wind, which is enough to show that the ice palace is ventilated, and through the power of the wind, it is obvious that the vent is not far from here.

Qin Zhong attached a hand to his back and tightly grasped the handle of the daggers.

I don't know if the flag in Yingzi's hand can be used as a weapon, but the girl seems to be used to it. After raising the flag, she seems to say something in her mouth.

"Don't read or attack. Let's wait and see what happens. Be careful." Qin Zhong said a few words and took the lead to lean against the ice wall.

The literary and military ministers of the ice sculptures in this last big palace seem to have begun to change as the divine clothes hang down. The light collected from the outside of each statue suddenly condenses at a point. The heat of this point seems to be able to melt in an ice sculpture in an instant, but these ice sculptures are as strong as iron, and the light point It seems that only their heads are melting.

In a blink of an eye, a fist-sized hole broke out from the top of each statue's head, and there was a slowly rising heat from the hole. After the heat rose to the top of the ice, it turned into an instant condensed ice beads. The ice beads gradually became curtains, hanging to the top of the heads of the ice sculptures, and along the ice beads began to Some creeping software squirms upwards.

" boss, what is that?" Guo Dafu was dumbfounded. Fortunately, he knew that he was tireless.

But Qin Zhong could not explain this phenomenon. He took a look at Yingzi, and Yingzi didn't know what it was, but while the three were a little confused, the things that crawled out one by one quickly became bigger after touching the ice curtain.