Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 11 Snow moth

Qin Zhong and the three were shocked by this rapidly growing soft thing, and after climbing up the ice curtain, they quickly turned into groups of white-haired moths.

These white-haired moths make a desolate and struggling sound one by one. Looking carefully at their expressions, one by one is more ferocious. With the emergence of more and more of these moths, the group of ten groups of eight suddenly mixed into a group.

"What are these?" Guo Dafu shouted in shock.

Qin Zhong was meditating. Suddenly, he found that the four flags floating in the air suddenly began to change. The four flags quickly approached the shaman's robe in the middle and began to rotate rapidly around the suit, gradually condensing all the airflow in the palace around the divine clothes, and those The moth also flew quickly to the divine clothes. In this strong airflow, each moth seemed to begin to condense the frost of the camp.

Qin Zhong looked at what happened in front of him and finally whispered, "These are snow moths."

"Snow moth?" Yingzi also seemed to know this name: "I seem to have heard Grandpa tell me about this. They are one of the shaman witchcraft. Is there a shaman's soul behind that set of divine clothes?"

"What is the soul of his female horse? I said it was a devil!" Guo Dafu was straightforward, and the trigger in his hand had been turned over.

Qin Zhong grabbed Guo Dafu: "Don't be impulsive. Let's lean towards the windy place. If we can escape, why do we have to toss with these fat bugs?"

"Good!" Guo Dafu seemed to be a little afraid of tigers, but after listening to Qin Zhong's words, the three of them went to the corner door of the palace together.

Before they approached the corner gate, the thing Qin Zhong didn't like to see happened. The snow moth around the divine clothes twisted into a ball, like a hungry tiger pounced on food. One by one, they flapped their wings and pulled their long tones and rushed to Qin Zhong.

In a critical situation, Qin Zhong pushed away Yingzi. The two knives in his hand were broken. He tried his best to accelerate the speed of the knife in his hand, flashing white light in the snow-white moths, and the white light was gradually intertwined into a beautiful net.

And the pistol in Guo Dafu's hand sounded. After all, the bullets were limited. He shot out and seemed to scatter a large group of snow moths, and the bodies of the snow moths fell to the ground and turned into a mass of black mud after falling to the ground.

After Qin Zhong's attack, his body was forced to retreat near the ice wall. He felt that this was not the best way. The attack method of these snow moths was mainly his curly straw-like mouth. If he was really inserted into the meat by this mouth, it was very likely that the blood in his body would be sucked dry by it, so he I dare not relax at all.

But he and Guo Dafu have forgotten Yingzi beside him. Yingzi only has the flag in his hand, and the power of this flag is insignificant. After all, these snow moths should rely on those flags hanging in mid-air and the shaman clothes.

While Qin Zhong was thinking, Na Yingzi's arm seemed to be pierced by a snow moth. The snow moth began to suck blood. Yingzi's flags kept hitting the snow moth, but the snow moth did not respond at all. Gradually, due to the blood entering, the snow-white wings began to turn red. In an instant, the snow moth stood That is, he put away his habit-like mouth and suddenly flew to the divine suit. After it flew into the divine suit, there seemed to be anger in the divine suit, and a looming figure appeared.

"Yingzi, come here, don't let them suck blood anymore. If they suck more, the divine clothes will be resurrected." Then he turned around and told Guo Dafu, "Take a shot at the magic clothes, quickly."

At this moment, Guo Dafu's face was also bitten by the snow moth, and a table tennis-sized bag appeared on his face. He seemed to be a little annoyed and hit the remaining bullets from the pistol at the divine suit.

It's strange that after the divine suit was drilled through a few holes, it shook a large circle, and suddenly turned into a shadow with a outline. The shadow looked very strong, carefully identifying his face with strange lines drawn on his face.

"Go quickly and out of the corner door." Qin Zhong said and tried to push the corner door of the palace. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, the door seemed to have no response.

And the snow moth's attack did not seem to stop at all. Qin Zhong was sweating like rain, and bean-sized beads of sweat fell down. When you look further to the ground, the body of the snow moth was almost covered with crystal ground.

" boss, there are no bullets." Guo Dafu shouted.

Qin Zhong then flew out the pistol around his waist. Guo Dafu quickly grabbed Qin Zhong's pistol, raised his hand, and hit the surface of the divine clothes. The divine clothes seemed to have been beaten into honeycomb coal. As the strong shadow slowly fell to the ground, the snow moth flew high. The intensity of the attack has weakened a lot, and many of the snow moths seem to have fallen to the ground by themselves.

Qin Zhong was optimistic about the opportunity, as if stepping on the hot wheel, and an arrow rushed out. The two knives in his hand rudely split into the divine suit. With few knives, the divine suit had been cut into pieces by the blade in Qin Zhong's hand.

At this moment, the four-way flag was also broken by Guo Dafu's atmosphere. This flag was a great disrespectful act in Yingzi's eyes, but at this time, Yingzi did not show anything, just holding his hand and meditating helplessly.

Qin Zhong saw that the fragments of the divine clothes had sunk into the ice, and the hand drum had been clenched in Qin Zhong's hand. He used his last strength and stabbed the drum fiercely with a knife to smash the magical hand drum. In a blink of an eye, the hand drum was torn into eight pieces by Qin Zhong, scattered parts scattered all over the ground, sinking Into the ice.

At this moment, the snow moth fell into the ice like dumplings and turned into a pile of mud.

And the strong body in the divine clothes also showed its original shape at this moment. The strong outline gradually turned into a dry old man. The old man's beard was half curled up. It seemed that the old man was weak and plastered. Looking at his lingering and panting, Qin Zhong seemed to have understood the old man's situation at this moment.

His knife forced the old man's neck mercilessly. Qin Zhong asked with a short breath, "What are you doing here?"

Guo Dafu was really angry when he saw this. His eyes seemed to be able to emit fire. He rushed to the old man's beard, grabbed the old man's beard, gritted his teeth and asked, "You old man, you are disrespectful to the old man, relying on the old man, and shameless. What kind of big play are you singing with us here?"

"Cough, ha, you are finally here. It seems that I have survived." The old man kept coughing.

Qin Zhong himself didn't want to leave the old guy behind. He just wanted to ask what happened to the snow moth: "Tell me, who are you and how can you be here?"

Yingzi hurried over at this moment and opened his big watery eyes: "Isn't this the grandpa in the picture?"

Grandpa? You still call him grandpa, his grandpa's. How can grandpa hurt his offspring? Guo Dafu is really angry.

Qin Zhong did not stop Guo Dafu this time, but pushed the knife in his hand to the old man's throat again, as if the skin on the old man's neck had been cut out of a small mouth.

Yingzi grabbed Qin Zhong's wrist: "Brother Qin, don't do it yet. I know him. There is a statue of him hanging in my grandfather's room. He is the an antor of our tribe."

"Hmm?" Qin Zhong's sweat seemed to have disappeared. He said that he didn't care about what had just happened. After all, his own lives were not in danger. He was just a few mouthfuls of blood drunk by the snow moth, as if he had been bitten by mosquitoes. It was nothing.

Qin Zhong asked more closely, "What is the snow moth? Explain this first, and let's talk about the relationship between you later."

"Haha, cough, I used to be a shaman, but when I built this ice palace, I was responsible for guarding here, but I didn't expect that the big shaman died before I lifted my blood curse. The old man has been waiting here for hundreds of years. Fortunately, you are here."