Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 9 Soul-sucking corpse worm

As soon as Qin Zhong finished his words, the three suddenly heard a rustling sound behind them. The sound came wonderfully. A gloomy wind blew violently, with a little yellow sand and dust in the wind.

The three carefully turned around and forgot to take a look. A piece of paper was blown high by the wind and flew straight into the crescent door. It landed. There was a gust of wind, and the paper suddenly fell into the living water under the comfort monument.

"Look, there is really water down there, mother, why didn't you see it on the first day?" Qin Zhongyan said.

Guo Dafu squeezed his dogskin jacket: " boss, there is absolutely no problem to take a good look at so many things we prepared when we come back."

"Don't be so confident. Let's see how Brother Qin arranges it first." Yingzi still organized Guo Dafu's sudden expansion.

Qin Zhong's feet are slightly heavy. After all, this is the burial place of thousands of people. Anyway, there will be some indescribable pressure in his heart.

When Qin Zhong squatted down and looked down at the flowing water under the monument, he suddenly found that the underworld paper that had just floated in suddenly burst out. Although there was only one fire, soon Qin Zhong strangely found that the paper that had been burned to ashes suddenly melted into the running water.

Yingzi seemed to see the doorway. He asked in surprise, "Brother Qin, what's wrong with that paper?"

"I don't know, I'm watching!"

Guo Dafu leaned in front of Qin Zhong and looked back and forth: "It's strange. Why can't I see it?" As he spoke, he walked back and forth with Qin Zhong. After a while, his buttocks rubbed against the stone tablet, but strangely, Guo Dafu did not react at all this time.

And Qin Zhong and Yingzi never cared about Guo Dafu's situation. When Qin Zhong looked at it for a long time, he didn't seem to find anything. He only saw a few oily floating objects in the water.

Just when Qin Zhong was depressed, the two steel knives behind him seemed to have a sense. The old mushroom had been comfortable in his steel knife. I guess he couldn't stand the cohesion of the yin here at this time, so he said, "I said, Brother Qin, you can't understand it here, no But go out and let me out, and I'll help you."

When Qin Zhong heard this, he patted his steel knife and said, "Can you help me? How can you help me? Do you know what I'm going to do?

"Hey, you are a hard man. The yin here is too heavy and I can't get out. I'm afraid of being sucked in. Let me go out and talk about it."

"Cut, just say that you can't stand it. Come on, I'll throw the knife out directly. If you come out and watch, I don't have time to talk to you." Qin Zhong didn't pay attention to the old mushrooms at all. A person who studied animals all day knew nothing about ghosts and things.

The old mushroom rolled out of the fence with the steel knife. As soon as it landed, a ghost appeared from the steel knife.

"Cough, little bastard, do you want to turn to death?"

Qin Zhong ignored the old mushroom and just stared at the flowing water and the oily thing on it. He didn't know how such a thing could arouse Qin Zhong's concentration.

Yingzi also squatted down, but at this moment, a smell of something burning floated over.

Qin Zhong was looking everywhere, and suddenly his eyes were straight when he looked at Guo Dafu.

Guo Dafu blinked his eyes and looked at Qin Zhong: " boss, what's wrong?"

"Don't you think your buttocks are hot? Do you want to roast sausages or eggs? Qin Zhong asked.

Guo Dafu looked back and got up in an instant. He jumped high and slapped the flame on his buttocks with his hand.

Qin Zhong looked at Guo Dafu and was fascinated, because the place where Guo Dafu was burned was the dog jacket. It seemed that the dog jacket could not be ejected, but now it did get up, and it was very serious. Guo Dafu's clothes were not found anywhere. Seeing that the dog jacket was burned into a piece of carbon, At this time, Guo Dafu was pushed out by some force and flew out of the iron fence horizontally.

"Oh, what the hell is this?"

Qin Zhong took a cold breath, with a slight sweat oozing from his forehead, with a dog skin jacket soaked in black dog blood, and Guo Dafu, who avoided ghost beads, was simply bounced out. The tower is too indescribable, but thinking about the dead old lady, this may be a benevolent means of the ghost in the tower.

Qin Zhong lowered his head and said silently, "You dead, I'm here to clarify your history and let future generations know this history. Will this be pushed out by you, which proves that you have a problem. This must be strange, and it is definitely not so simple."

"Little bastard, you come out for Grandpa. I'm going to recruit ghosts." The sound came from the old mushroom. Looking at the flags in the hands of the old mushroom suddenly together, a dark shadow rushed straight to the stone tablet. When the shadow fell to the ground, a series of rows and rows climbed up along the stone tablet.

Not long after, the black object crawled all over the comfort monument. When Qin Zhong looked at it, these black objects were actually the smiling corpse worms. These corpses seemed to have a strong sour smell.

Qin Zhong's eyes widened and turned around and asked the old mushroom fiercely, "Old man, you old man, are you trying to kill us?"

"Where, I asked you to come out quickly. If you don't come out, then I can't control it. Anyway, if I want to understand the problem here, I think there is still quite a way for me."

"What kind of bugs are you? Aren't they just insects that specialize in eating rotten meat?" Qin Zhong questioned.

Yingzi seemed to know these things. He approached Qin Zhong and said, "Brother Qin, this is not a single corpse worm."

"What is that?"

"What is the old mushroom?"

"Old mushrooms are ghosts!" Qin Zhong answered without hesitation.

Yingzi nodded and said, "That's right. These are the souls of corpses and insects!"

Ah? The soul of the corpse worm? What's the use of letting them come? Can't they be used to attract ghosts? Qin Zhong seemed to understand the mystery, but he still wanted to ask the last question.

The old mushroom sneered: "You look down on me too much. I can't do anything else. There is still no problem to find two ghosts. The soul-absorbing corpses I have cultivated for nearly 200 years are not given for nothing. You two come out to me!"

Hearing this, Yingzi pushed Qin Zhong out of the iron fence: "Let's go, Brother Qin, let's trust him once. Didn't we all see that happened when Dafu approached the stone tablet just now? At worst, come again tomorrow night."

Qin Zhong also felt that Guo Dafu's sudden ** situation was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that the resentment of this comfort monument was so heavy that such a line could not avoid his evil spirit, and even the South Korean army's proud ghost beads.

When Qin Zhong and Yingzi came to the side of the old mushroom, the old mushroom whispered, "You watch it. If it doesn't take more than a quarter of an hour, there will be a strange movement in this consolation monument."

As time passed, about a quarter of an hour as the old mushroom said, the soul-absorbing corpse on the comfort monument began to change. Suddenly, a larger corpse worm suddenly turned into a black light and disappeared, followed by a mouth that stretched out from the comfort monument, with a sharp mouth, and that The action of eating corpse worms is very animalized.

Old mushrooms? Don't say that the mouths of the ghosts you recruited are sharp!" Qin Zhong asked.

The old mushroom stared at it with wide eyes and took a cold breath and said, "What is this? How can it be like this? How can the mouth be so familiar, but I can't remember what it is.

"Look again, this is the first one. I guess it will be clear in a moment." Yingzi interrupted.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "It seems that your worm can really attract something. Look, another one will come out!"

Just as several people were talking, a dense mouth appeared on the comfort monument in an instant. Each mouth was sharp, and the corpses of the old mushroom lost more than half in an instant.

"Bold, I remember what it is. If it is true, it will be really difficult."