Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 10 Fox Mei Niang

The old mushroom said, Qin Zhong and others looked at the old mushroom curiously: "What do you think of?"

"It used to be more than just a ghost. Now I'm not sure whether the guy I said is there or not. If it's really him, then we will take the resentment from him." The words of the old mushroom have never been seen through.

And Qin Zhong couldn't take his eyes off what happened to the comfort monument, until the sharp mouths on the comfort monument disappeared, and suddenly a large number of plush tails appeared. These tails fanned back and forth on the comfort monument, and suddenly, the many tails disappeared.

I don't know where a very dazzling light shines on the comfort monument. In this strong light, a huge shadow actually appeared. When Qin Zhong and others saw this shadow, they were all dumbfounded.

"Fox, charming, mother!" The old mushroom spoke without hesitation at this moment.

Qin Zhong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his back was chilling. In that light, a huge fox shadow seemed to be the shadow made by the ninja, but the change of this shadow was amazing. In the shock of everyone, he slowly stood on his legs, and the huge fox tail swung back and forth, and the fox suddenly He became half a human and half a fox.

Looking at the foundation of a beautiful woman's embryo on the fluffy face, and then the corners of Mei Niang's face were slightly raised, and there was a burst of proud laughter in the air. The laughter was creepy. Guo Dafu, who was lying on the ground, got up and came to Qin Zhong.

" boss, who laughed?"

"I know. It seems that it's really not easy to talk about things here, but what Qin Zhong has decided has really not been discounted. Let's talk about this matter in the long run. I'll go to see the old guys I found by your father tomorrow. I want to know all about the fire here." After Qin Zhong finished speaking, the light on the comfort monument quickly slid down and suddenly shone on Qin Zhong's face.

Qin Zhong suddenly covered his face with his hand and couldn't see what was standing in front of him: "What is it?"

"Bah, what is it? You guys are talking to yourself and talking nonsense here?" Three old men appeared in front of them, with red armbands wrapped around their wrists one by one. You can faintly see the words above. What is it?

Guo Dafu moved his nose, rushed to the three old men, looked at several old men, and said solemnly, "Several uncles, we have very important things to do here, so please don't hinder us, okay?"

"A lot of things to do?" Those old men asked.

Qin Zhong opened Guo Dafu and said, "Of course, this matter is of great importance. It is related to the people who burned in this consolation monument. They don't know how to die. How painful it will be, right?"

Three old men looked around Qin Zhong and others: "I think you are sick, right? I don't sleep in the middle of the night and wander around here. The young one, call the mental hospital. I think they are really sick!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. We're not sick."

"Oh, brother, you see that they are really sick. They are all like this, and they still say they are not sick. Wait a minute, I'll call you right away." The talking old man turned out a big brother from the 1980s and went to the broadcast number: "Hey, mental hospital? We found two men and one woman with neuropathy here in the comfort monument. Please come and pick them up quickly so as not to endanger the normal order of socialism.

When Qin Zhong heard this, his eyebrows were high and low. He really didn't know whether these old men were a magic road, but this caused the old mushroom to laugh behind Qin Zhong and almost laughed. He suddenly got into Qin Zhong's steel knife, and the steel knife automatically flew into Qin Zhong's back knife.

Yingzi pushed Qin Zhong and said, "Brother Qin, we are not sick. Why do they say we are sick?"

"I don't know. I think they are probably sick. I will know when the car of the mental hospital comes." Qin Zhong said.

A burst of ambulances sounded an emergency siren, and suddenly stopped behind Qin Zhong and others. Seven or eight people rumbled down from the car and went straight to the three old men and came to them. The two of them controlled one person and drove into the car.

Qin Zhongben thought that these people were his own, but he didn't find that these people directly pulled away the three old men. It seemed that they were the real patients.

Until they got into the car, another man suddenly stuck his head out of the car and shouted, " Long live communism, we are not afraid of death. These hateful reactionaries will take away our bodies, and our hearts will always belong to the party."

When he heard this, Qin Zhong sweated profusely. What kind of goods are these old men, and the flashlight they were carrying in their hands...

"Oh, boss, their flashlight was thrown here. Do you think we flooded up?"

"Forget it. We can't get in here tonight. Let's go back first and talk about it tomorrow." Qin Zhong said, and the figure of Hu Mei Niang always appeared in his mind, but the huge figure was chilling, but what happened in such a large theater was definitely related to this Hu Mei Niang, or indirectly.

Yingzi followed Qin Zhong closely and watched the three old men being pulled away by the neurological hospital. At the same time, a plan for the next step had already sprouted in Qin Zhong's mind.

Qin Zhong came to the comfort monument and said, "Mei Niang, we have a chance to meet. I'd like to see how you have been confused for the rest of your life."



A low voice should be the ghost in the comfort monument. The later laughter seemed particularly harsh, which made Qin Zhong feel very unhappy. His eyes were slightly heavy and he shouted, "This matter is not over. Since I have come here, there will be more things to do next."

The next morning, Qin Zhong found a picture similar to Hu Mei Niang from the computer, and someone had marked some legends under the picture.

Legend has it that Hu Mei Niang likes to manage the marriage between men and women in the world, and he is a guy who is willing to find love everywhere. But in the end, he wanted to practice and transform his human form and come to the world. Unexpectedly, Hu Meiniang never mentioned the meaning of finding a man, but helped people complete their marriage. Sometimes, he is also in an evil state. If it makes him unhappy, then it's OK. As a person, he can choose to be tortured. Dead and alive.

Later, I heard that Hu Mei Niang's cultivation had made great progress and actually grew a human body, but his support position was transferred to the Manchurian stage, and what happened behind her was unknown.

After reading the legend, he tightened his clear acupuncture point, and his eyes seemed to relax a lot. Guo Dafu came in from outside the door: " boss, those old guys are all here, we?"

"Go, I really have to ask them these things. If you know yourself and know your enemy, you will win a hundred battles. Ask!"

Several well-dressed old men came in from the door, all of whom looked nearly 100 years old.

Qin Zhong arranged Yingzi to eat tea and asked bluntly, "Old man, what can you think of when you look at the comfort monument behind?"

Some of the old people were really a little addicted. When they looked back and saw the comfort monument through the window, their faces suddenly pulled out a few times. After turning their faces, the dull look was very disturbing.

Suddenly, one of the old men twitched all over and blushed his face. The charming smile made it difficult to find resonance on the wrinkled face.

"Hey hey, that comfort monument, many people died in those years, and it's really tragic. If I tell you, I think I'll have to start with burning the Fox Fairy Hall!" The sudden change in the old man's mental state shocked everyone else present.

Qin Zhong suddenly took a cold breath: "No, this old man has been tricked. Copy the guy!"

Several people who did beside the old man suddenly tilted to the side, as if they were a little afraid of the old man.

Qin Zhong immediately grabbed a bead in his hand and stuffed it into the old man's mouth.