Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 24 Fox Tomb 3

After Qin Zhong and the others saw these words, Meng Na's face was full of surprise. Looking at the sudden tombstone, they didn't feel anything at all. He came forward and touched the tombstone with his hand and said, "Brother Zhong, who is this king of the road?"

"King of the Road? In ancient times, I didn't hear about this person. I'm afraid this is a member of the Wang family or some other family. Qin Zhong's mind kept recalling things about the characters recorded in his grandfather's notes, but no matter what he thought, he did not mention the person with such a name.

Guo Dafu didn't know where he had gone at this moment. When Qin Zhong walked around behind the tombstone, he found that Guo Dafu actually dug a hole behind the tombstone with his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Qin Zhong asked.

Guo Dafu looked up and grinned, "Hi, boss, I'm burying my bones!"

"Buried white bones? You mean to bury the boss's bones here? Qin Zhong asked in surprise.

Guo Dafu nodded and said, "Yes, you said that the old man has been possessed. What will his daughter think if we take him back? Since he likes to hang out with his boss so much, it's better to bury him here with his boss."

"Do you know his boss is here?" Among them asked.

Guo Dafu said, "Look, if you are killed by the boss, then his possession will be seriously injured. Then he is seriously injured, just like me, where can he go?"

Qin Zhong scratched his head and thought of a little: "If you say so, if you bury the white bone here, it may produce unexpected results."

The reason why Qin Zhong said this is that he thought of a problem. In fact, what Guo Dafu said is not wrong. Here, whether the king of the road is true or not, it is already a kind thing for him to bury the old man here. On the other hand, as Guo Dafu thought, buried here, Chang Daxian may choose Choose back and choose the bone. In that case, that little Japan is likely to appear again, which may lead to new progress in Qin Zhong's investigation of the big stage fire in Manchuria.

So at this moment, Qin Zhong sneered: "Since that's the case, you can bury it and dig down as you want, but I can lend you a knife."

Really? Boss, have I become smarter? Dr. Guo grinned and seemed to swell a little.

For about half an hour, Guo Dafu has dug a pit more than two meters deep from behind the tombstone. Looking at the sweaty Guo Dafu and the deep pit with nothing, Qin Zhong has a new idea in his mind.

He took a closer look at the scene under the deep pit: "This tomb is wrong. It seems that there is a strange and rich man here. Bury first, fill the soil and we will leave. Seeing here, we can't help but find this cemetery. The tombstone is here. The real cemetery may be somewhere else!"

" boss, is that right that I just did it?" Guo Dafu is a little proud and inflated at this moment.

Qin Zhong only said simply, "Hurry up, we're going somewhere else. This is not the place we're looking for."

" boss, it will be ready soon." Guo Dafu buried the white bones and followed Qin Zhong out of the open space. They began to circle around the wall made of blue bricks and turned around the hole that began to come in. In addition to the garden gate just now, there was a small narrow road. After Qin Zhong and others walked around the narrow road, the sky was blue. It has become dark.

" boss, we have all circled here three times. We have been walking on this path for ten minutes, and we haven't seen anything different."

"Don't worry, this place should be a passage from the design point of view. If it's not important, will you design it so simple?"

Mona and Guo Dafu shook their heads like rattle drums. Qin Zhong nodded and smiled, "Yes, it is because there is such a design here that it is more suspicious."

Finally, half an hour later, the three finally came from the narrow path to another empty square, but there was nothing in this square, but in the middle, there were several very strange squares, which were taken into nine squares of three squares.

"Nine Palace Map?" Qin Zhong said involuntarily.

Mona blinked her eyes: "Brother Zhong, what is Jiugongtu?"

Guo Dafu proudly walked to the front and began to explain: "Nine Palaces are from our Chinese Taoists, and as for the mystery... Please tell you about this matter. He will definitely be more detailed than me."

Qin Zhong glanced at Guo Dafu, looked at a few squares on the ground, and muttered to himself, "Well, the tomb owner here also seems to be a practitioner. At least he knows how to set up a nine palace map here. Do you know how many kinds of nine palace maps there are?"

"How much?"

"The nine palace drawings have changed, and there are countless appearances. No matter who, if they don't know what the design began, that is, the drawings, no one can crack the meaning of this graphic." Qin Zhong said.

When Guo Dafu heard this, his eyes widened: "My God, no way?"

"But there will be a hint in ordinary cemeteries and other places. Only if we understand this hint, we can think of the meaning of this nine palace map."

"What about the hint?" Mona said.

Qin Zhong held his chin and said, "We look around, but I don't think there is anything on this picture. I suspect that it is the original picture that has not been touched. If it is really the original picture, we can walk from beginning to end and follow the order of the nine palaces. If there is no accident, we will normally enter the place designed by the designer. Fang.

"Then aren't we still in the range designed by others?" Mona said.

Qin Zhong nodded: "Well, of course, but even so, what they designed for this is the tomb owner's tomb."

Qin Zhong said and let Mengna and Guo Dafu wait aside, but he walked up according to the nine white green bricks on the ground in the picture of the nine palaces. Before three circles, Qin Zhong only felt that the green bricks under his feet began to sink. After Qin Zhong suddenly jumped from the green bricks to the ground, the green bricks fell down. And a very spacious step was exposed in the nine-fast green brick square just now, and the bottom of the steps is the left and right black rock passage.

"If I guess correctly, the left and right channels here should be the same. Maybe the hole should be connected. If you walk around, it should definitely not be a problem." As he spoke, he began to go down the stairs, down the stairs, and walked straight down to a road, but strangely, he really came out in a big circle from inside.

In this circle, Qin Zhong felt that this should not be the main tomb, and this is just a tomb used to mislead tomb robbers. Unfortunately, a good place must be designed as an ancient tomb. It seems that he really needs to think about it here, but this will actually Use the map of nine palaces.

When Qin Zhong was surprised, he didn't know when a few skeletons suddenly grew from the ground. It was strange to see Qin Zhong and others not react at all. They just walked back and forth in the whole tomb, confused, as if they had forgotten their souls, but their bones walked around. The messy sound is really creepy.

" boss, what does this skeleton mean?"

"I don't think this is, maybe it was the original grave protector here, but this is not the main tomb, so here... By the way, it should be a place where a large number of sacrifices and funeral objects are placed, so these skeletons growing on the ground are funeral objects?"

Guo Dafu didn't seem to understand. Mona read the Bible silently. The Bible made the skeletons trembling one by one, and they limped.

When the three were confused, they suddenly felt a strange smell floating out of the cave and a low roar. From the entrance of their stairs, a hole the size of a cylinder mouth appeared, and the yellow air coming out of the hole became stronger and stronger.

"Quickly, exit, it's dangerous here."

"Big boss, why are you coquettish!"

"Yes, Brother Zhong, is the same smell as the beginning?"

Qin Zhong pulled Mona, and Mona pulled Guo Dafu out of the hole. The yellow smoke floated out of the hole again and filled the air.