Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 25 Fox Tomb 4

The yellow smoke at the entrance of the tomb really made Qin Zhong and others feel a little uneasy.

Qin Zhong immediately blocked his mouth and nose with his sleeve and said in a muffled voice, "Everyone gagged your mouth and don't let the yellow smoke enter."

"What is this yellow smoke, boss?" Guo Dafu gagged his nose with one hand and said it wordy.

The three were confused by the appearance of the yellow smoke, and several skeletons that climbed out of the exit of the tomb road screamed in pain.

"Skull, boss, be careful!" Guo Dafu grabbed the Bible from Mona's hand and wanted to sing!

His move made Mona so embarrassing that she put down her hand that blocked her nose and said, "Guo Dafu, what are you doing? Can you sing the Bible to you?

"Why not? I'm protecting the boss. Now the boss has the ability to protect us." Guo Dafu's words seem very reasonable.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows, covered the most and said, "Shut up, you two, you two don't want to die!"

"Hey, boss, don't you see that these cigarettes are useful for those skeletons? What are we afraid of him doing? Guo Dafu's words seemed quite relaxed, as if he didn't take the yellow smoke seriously at all.

As soon as Qin Zhong heard Guo Dafu's words, he raised his hand and slapped him. The head of Guo Dafu buzzed, and then Qin Zhong opened his mouth and scolded, "Your third aunt's second uncle, do you know what this tobacco history is?"

"Yellow smoke!"

"Papa!" Qin Zhong slapped again, and Guo Dafu only shouted.

"Your uncle, didn't you smell the fox just now? This is a serious fox fairy smoke!"

"Fmoke?" Guo Dafu still had a different face. After blocking his mouth and nose again with his hand, he said, "Then I just took two bites. Am I fascinated?"

"I don't know, at least I can't see what symptoms you have now, but if something really happens, there's nothing you can do!" Qin Zhong said very seriously.

When Guo Dafu heard Qin Zhong's words, his heart began to be desolate: "Then I was really tricked. Is there really nothing I can do? Then Mona also sucked it!"

"I've told you that people have divine power. You are born unlucky. You have just been bitten by a poisonous snake, and it's really hard for you to smoke in the clock."

"Don't say fucking, just don't be a period."

"Get out of here, don't do that, go out quickly, and come back when the smoke dissipates!"

Just before Qin Zhong's words landed, a sharp voice came from the tomb road: "I didn't expect that a knowledgeable person came. It seems that the funeral goods this time are really delicious."

Just after saying a voice, a relatively old woman's voice came: "No matter whether he knows how to do it or not, how can we not find a funeral companion? If it's been so long, it's just that more people have come back."

"No, it seems that it's not just a dead fox. I have a job to do this time. Rich man, you and Meng Na, get out of here quickly and wait for me at the tomb just now!" Qin Zhong began to arrange it soon, but his voice was strangely heard clearly by the two guys in the cave!

"What a big tone. Anyway, we fox fairy are also an immortal. You don't have to look down on us like this. If you have the ability, we have been able to fight recently. At that time, we will know who can do it and who can't do it?"

The two foxes didn't take Qin Zhong seriously, so they shouted for two times. One was at the entrance of the tomb and the other two were in the depths of the tomb.

It didn't take long for the fox to start cursing because Qin Zhong kept opening his mouth to stimulate the two foxes in the tomb.

"Don't say it's pleasantly. You are not dead foxes. To put it bluntly, you are dead foxes, stinky foxes, not even a fox spirit."

Qin Zhong kept stimulating the bottom line of the fox. Finally, a few times, the two fox hurried out of the tomb.

That's really a wonderful fox coquettishness. If ordinary people smell it, they will take more than ten steps back to avoid the disgusting feeling.

"Little rabbit, don't run away and let our sisters clean up and deal with you?"

As the two voices got closer and closer, the steel knife in Qin Zhong's hand became tighter and tighter, and he almost sweated!

It didn't take long for two things that were not too big to drill out of the tomb.

Guo Dafu sneered after seeing it: " boss, these two things are so funny. If you are not as big as a dog, how dare you call yourself a fox fairy?"

Qin Zhong stared at Guo Dafu and said, "Don't underestimate this fox. Be careful!"

As soon as the two foxes came out, they saw that Guo Dafu, Qin Zhong and others did not have any special performance. They just came over and sniffed the smell of Guo Dafu's body.

When they still wanted to smell Qin Zhong and Mengna, because Qin Zhong raised his knife to split them far away, but because Meng Na snatched back the Bible from Guo Dafu, they could not get close to Meng Na, so they could only get close to Guo Dafu.

But after approaching Guo Dafu, the two foxes were very proud. After turning around and dodging away from Qin Zhong's attack, they squatted at the entrance of the tomb seemingly very interestingly.

"Are you two stinky foxes going to become dogs? Run away after smelling enough?" Qin Zhong hesitated to save his physical strength and didn't chase them. After all, the two foxes were too dexterous to cut them at least several times faster than them, which would consume too much physical strength.

The two foxes squatted up and laughed: "Well, you don't have to be rampant. How dare you be wild when you come to our land?"

The two foxs actually spoke, but no matter how Qin Zhong heard this sound, it came from the tomb. But as soon as the voice of the fox fell in the tomb, I only saw the two little foxes suddenly shaken, and two young girls appeared in a hard voice at the mouth of the tomb!

As soon as they saw this scene, Qin Zhong and others were immediately dumbfounded. Guo Dafu opened his mouth, and his saliva almost flowed to the instep: "My God, can a fox grow like this?"

Qin Zhong grabbed Guo Dafu and said, "What are you going to do? Can you admire these two goods?

Guo Dafu said confusedly, "No!"

Then Guo Dafu came over to the two girls. No matter how Qin Zhong pulled, he couldn't help Guo Dafu's body.

For a while, Guo Dafu seemed to be possessed. His eyes were white and his saliva flowed, as if he were poisoned.

In addition, the two foxes have become beautiful women, and there are very few on their bodies. One three points, slender thighs, well-proportioned breasts, and the seductive eyes, don't let Guo Dafu be seduced. Even Qin Zhong is also resisting the hormones secreted by the prostate at high speed.

Only Mona, a woman, curled her lips: "What's the matter? It's not just a dead fox!"

Qin Zhong suddenly shook his head and suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking at his hand, he had already been separated from Guo Dafu's clothes. When he was reminded by Meng Na, he also recovered: "Dafu is back!"

But his words are useless. Guo Dafu has followed the two beautiful women to the grave.

Qin Zhong patted his head and shouted loudly, "Fox, come back."

But while Qin Zhong was talking, two foxes came out of the tomb. The two foxes seemed to be bigger, but as soon as the two foxes came out, they began to help the other two foxes and pulled Guo Dafu to the tomb.

Qin Zhong chased after him, but in the end, in the depths of the tomb, a semi-circular cave appeared in front of him.

When Qin Zhong saw the white bone skull in the cave, and the man whose face had just been sucked dry, his face was black and skinny, he was full of breath and the coquettishness provoked by the fox, and Qin Zhong smelled a headache.

"You foxes, how many people are going to kill in a day? If I, Qin Zhong, don't vent this evil breath for those dead people, I will act recklessly." As soon as Qin Zhong's words fell, the steel knife in his hand had been raised high. With a knife down, a white firelight jumped out.

But when Qin Zhong's steel knife was vigorously probed back by the bone, he found that what he had hit was only a wall, and all the scenes just now disappeared.