Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 51 Doubt

The early sun shone high. Qin Zhong got up early. After finishing everything, he pulled Guo Dafu to the slum again. This time, they did not go to the three people's home, but went directly to the door of the warehouse. Although it was morning, the door of the warehouse still gave people a late-night cold. At this moment, Qin Zhong suddenly I felt that everything in this big warehouse was changing.

Although it was gloomy here before, at this time, people went to the empty building, and the yin here bred faster, and the fog caused by the cold enveloped the whole warehouse in an air mass.

Qin Zhong looked around and found that there were blood vessel-like cracks on the floor of the three-high warehouse midfield building. These cracks seemed to flow thick black, which almost condensed all the essence of the yin qi here. Each crack was connected together, like a person's blood vessel, such as blue and purple. Breathing cold knots.

" boss, why is it changing so fast here? A few days ago, I saw someone here and seemed to be a little angry. Why can't I even see this anger now?" Guo Dafu also felt such horror.

Qin Zhong looked up at the sky and saw the blue of the whole sky, but there was a thick layer of dark clouds just above here.

"The weather has changed here, and our progress seems to be accelerating." Qin Zhong muttered, and he opened the iron door first.

The strange thing is that the iron door was locked by the old man a few days ago, but now it can be opened. The complete lock lock is locked with a thick chain, but the chain clearly only locked the post of one door and was not connected to another door, but why didn't the old man see it at that time? Did he dele his duty, or did he not find that he didn't lock the door, or did it intentionally?

These doubts passed through Qin Zhong's mind, but in the end, he thought that the door was opened later, because only the person with the key could open the lock intact and lock on another door, because he was sure that the door was definitely locked by the older man.

Guo Dafu looked into the yard and didn't seem to find anything. Next to the big iron gate was an empty doghouse. There were no dogs in it, leaving only an empty basin and a few broken bones.

"It's so quiet, a little cold!" Guo Dafu said and tightened his clothes.

Qin Zhong curled his lips and smiled, "Isn't it your courage? I think you heard that this was a prison before. I'm afraid there is a resentment here?"

Guo Dafu didn't like to listen. He just turned his head aside and continued to walk inside with his hands in his pocket.

Qin Zhong's eyes did not stop. He carefully observed every corner of the place, including the messy appearance of the receiving room, which was clearly seen by him. A wooden stick in his hand rummaged through the rags of the receiving room several times and did not find what he wanted to find.

"Hurry up and investigate as soon as possible before dark. As long as the sun sets and we don't go out, I'm afraid something that shouldn't happen here." Qin Zhong told Guo Dafu.

Two people started at the same time and quickly looked at the whole yard. Several newly built warehouses, the doors were open, the inside was empty, and the remaining pile of garbage kept moving with the wind.

The two large wooden doors in several old-fashioned warehouses made that old and ancient friction sound, which is not difficult to remind people of the helplessness of the prisoners' life here that day.

In a whole day, Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu looked through the whole warehouse and did not find anything valuable, except the three-story warehouse in the center. They did not set foot in it, but it was getting dark, and Qin Zhong decided to leave here first.

But it was very strange. I don't know when the dark clouds above their heads spread, becoming big and wide, covering the whole earth under the sky in darkness.

The crack on the third floor seemed to make a constant wailing, which sounded like an echo from the wind, but listening carefully, it seemed to be the sound of a child crying secretly, crying so miserably and tearingly.

"Daunt, it's fine during the day. I can't see the light, and the sound comes. This is really not a clean place." Qin Zhong muttered.

Guo Dafu didn't take over. He pricked up his ears and subconsciously leaned in the direction of the sound: "Big boss, it seems to be a little girl."

"Well, let's quit first, come back tomorrow during the day, and come to explore when the investigation is over." Qin Zhong's arrangement was not wrong, but when they walked to the two big iron gates again, Qin Zhong suddenly found that the chain on the iron gate seemed to bypass the posts of the two iron doors and was locked, and the door was locked.

"It's strange that the door was still open when I came, and we didn't find anyone here!" Guo Dafu said.

Qin Zhong stared at it, and he also felt quite strange in his heart. It was not clean. He did know it, but the sun had not gone down yet, so he began to perform the program, which did not seem to be reasonable.

"Be careful. If it really doesn't work, let's climb over the wall." Qin Zhong agreed to lean closer to the wall, but before the two people could move, there seemed to be bursts of low roars in the dog ring at the door.

"Wow!" Two sudden dog barks looked so violent. A sound of chains rubbing the iron pillar kept thinking, and a large black shell dog rushed to Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu.

Guo Dafu panicked a little. He staggered two steps and hid under the wall: "What's going on? When did you come out to live here again?"

"I just came out. Let's go. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. We haven't prepared anything at night. We can't stay here anymore." As he spoke, he was the first to rush to the wall, reached out his hand quickly, flew to the wall, took Guo Dafu's hand and pulled it to the wall.

Guo Dafu climbed up hard with Qin Zhong's hand and easily got up the wall. The two of them turned over and out of the warehouse, but the two dogs suddenly pounced on the iron door, and four vicious eyes stared at Qin Zhong, with yellow saliva on their sharp fangs.

Qin Zhong approached the two dogs. The two dogs were crazy. The dog's head was about to drill outside the iron gate. Fortunately, the width of the railing between the iron gate was absolutely not suitable for them to drill out.

"Puppy, you two have bad breath. If you have the ability to brush your teeth, come out." Guo Dafu counted two dogs.

Qin Zhong smiled bitterly, "Okay, let's go!"

Just as he was about to look back, he only looked at the three-story warehouse. A phantom appeared on the roof of the three-story building. From a distance, he seemed to be carrying something in his hand, but he could not see it clearly, which was also a normal phenomenon.

But the bell on the roof of the third floor that followed really made Qin Zhong's heart tremble: "Grandpa, isn't there anyone here? Why is the bell ringing and a little girl coming out? Even normal people have to be scared here."

Guo Dafu's forehead has oozed a little sweat. He is quite uncomfortable with everything that happens like this. There is no solution at all. He can only watch the virtual shadow cry all the time, and his voice is getting louder and louder.

"Prinieva, doll!" A very clear and clear voice sounded behind Qin Zhong.

He suddenly looked back. The little girl with a doll in her hand was staring straight at Qin Zhong. Her eyes seemed to be full of hatred. She looked up at the warehouse building on the third floor and turned around and disappeared.

Qin Zhong wanted to cry and had no tears. Now all his plans have been destroyed, and there is almost no way to do this, but the most painful thing is that he has been busy for a day. The end result is that he was chased by a dog and ran around. The matter has not been investigated, and there is no beneficial clue at all. He They were almost silent in an inexplicable loss.

Due to the appearance of the child just now, Qin Zhong was shocked and sweated coldly, but looking at the disappearance of the child, his mind gradually calmed down.