Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 1 Opening

Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu, who quickly left the lonely grave camp, abandoned the Korean army, causing the Korean army to scold his mother and help Qin Zhong wipe his buttocks, which made him unhappy.

" boss, what's the matter?" Guo Dafu didn't seem to know why Qin Zhong left.

Qin Zhong laughed loudly: "There are three reasons. First, I feel that my memory has recovered; second, I heard that my bedroom is on fire; third, we left Uncle Han there to rise to the grave."

Ah? No way, boss, what's your state, you!" Guo Dafu has never seen Qin Zhong so relaxed. Every time he does things with him, he is a serious and righteous person, but this time he feels so happy because he left the Korean army in the cemetery, which makes him very puzzled. Moreover, he also doubts whether Qin Zhong has recovered his memory.

Qin Zhong's double knives were in his hand, which was more skillful than any previous battle.

The two quickly drove back to the street-facing store on the first floor of Qin Zhong. The thick black smoke had covered the whole street. They saw that Na Yingzi held a basin in his hand and kept splashing water into the room, and the siren of the fire truck was getting closer and closer.

Qin Zhong's original expression was still relaxed, and he suddenly became solemn: "Damn devil, if you die, you will also leave us some disaster and destroy him, otherwise I don't know how many people will die in the future."

"Leave the idle people for the time being and stay away from the fire."

Two advanced fire engines parked in front of the door of the market. As soon as the side door box of the car opened, hundreds of buttons were displayed.

Qin Zhong sighed in surprise: "Da shit, who invented this? There are so many buttons for dry farts."

"Cut, boss, do you want to study? I'll buy you one." The real local tycoon was born.

Qin Zhong nodded: "Well, this can be considered, but it seems a little wasteful to just buy a fire truck to study. It's better to Baidu, and everything will be clear at a glance."

I can't believe that the two of them have reached such a point that the house is about to burn, and they still have time to study the fire truck.

"You! What are you doing? Don't come to help!" An explosive sound seemed to fall from the sky, like a shrew scolding the street, and like a nine-day thunder.

"Well, Mona, don't do this. If it catches fire, it will catch fire. The police are not here!" Qin Zhong felt very aggrieved: "Didn't they say that the idle people should not come near? Didn't I leave?"

Mona was confused. He leaned against Guo Dafu's ear and asked quietly, "What's wrong with your boss? Why does he seem to be a different person?"

"I don't know. I just had a fight with the devils, and now it seems to be idle." Guo Dafu told Mona what happened to them in the cemetery.

This girl is careful, but in the face of Qin Zhong's state, he also doesn't know whether he should believe that he has returned to normal.

Yingzi's face was covered with black and gray, and he came over with a basin in his hand. He came to Qin Zhong and stared straight at Qin Zhong: "Your room is burning, and all your information has been burned. I only took out this one thing." She handed over a threaded book in her hand to Qin Zhong.

"Wow, it's my wife. This ghost doctor manual is really important and nothing else matters." He held the manual in his arms and stood with his hands behind his back to watch what happened in the fire.

Yingzi was also dumbfounded. He looked at Qin Zhong in a daze and swayed in front of Qin Zhong with his hand: "What's wrong with you? Are you greedy for meat?"

"Well, I want to eat bread and ham sausage." Qin Zhong said and sighed, "It's good. It's a hundred. It proves that if we burn it clean, our fire will start again."

"Wow!" Guo Dafu, Meng Na and Yingzi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Qin Zhong said something normal.

The fire brigade quickly put out the fire, and after handing over the procedures with Qin Zhong and others, they also left quickly.

Guo Dafu was the first to rush into the room and looked around. It was dark and there was nothing left. Even the water millstone he used to sharpen his knife burned into charcoal ash. He scratched his head and turned around and asked Qin Zhong, "This fire is strange. How can the stone burn into charcoal ash?"

"Well, this is not an ordinary fire. If you guess correctly, my photo should be gone. He burned it first."

As soon as Qin Zhong's words fell, Guo Dafu immediately rushed into Qin Zhong's bedroom and saw that the wall of the photo was already black, and there was no trace of gray in the photo.

"It's no wonder that it's that photo."

"The little devil has to cheat his father even if his soul is destroyed. Fortunately, the turtle son has rolled into hell and suffered an infernal crime. I think we can live a suspended life. Damn it, take advantage of my memory and get a broken photo to punish me. I want to find a scapegoat, but there is no door." Qin Zhong said to himself, "Come on, let's go to your company to sleep today. This place needs to be renovated."

"Hey, let's renovate it."

"But I plan to set up a hall, a justice hall, put the statue of the eight-armed demon king in the hall, and then offer it to the three Western saints and Sanqing real people, which I don't think it's okay to purify the soul." Qin Zhong thought with a strange smile on his face: "In this case, it may be much cleaner."

Yingzi and several people were stunned. After Qin Zhong went out of the door with his back, Mengna muttered, "Is this memory recovery?"

Guo Dafu shook his head violently: "I don't know, it doesn't look like it."

"Anyway, he can do whatever he says. Maybe he is really open-minded." Yingzi was still soft-hearted, and her trust in Qin Zhong was very good: "For good, she remembered that I was his wife. Although she didn't go through the door, it was also determined by my grandfather, and she also agreed."

"Cut!" Mona seemed to be a little jealous and turned her head and walked away.

Guo Dafu looked helpless and immediately called to arrange the construction.

That night, Qin Zhong and several people rested in Guo Dafu's office building. In the office building that had just finished the supernatural incident, Mr. Guo invited a lot of senior monks and Taoists to pray for the building one after another. This was the comfort of the staff here. That night, Mr. Guo arranged everything and hurriedly drove to the capital again. Open an important meeting.

About two months later, the Justice Hall, which was transformed according to Qin Zhong's intention, was finally established in a roar of firecrackers. Qin Zhong stressed that this place is not for profit, but only for talented people who love metaphysics and supernaturalism to come here for discussion and research.

"The good time has arrived, good luck for the opening!" Qin Zhong shouted cheerfully, and the other hand gently pulled off the Hongjuan covering the three words of the Justice Hall, which was a cut.

Although this series of forms, Guo Dafu finally lived up to Qin Zhong's hope. He changed this place into a hall, a Zen hall, nearly ten lounges, and another study.

This kind of design is still designed by Guo Dafu from the national design institute, and the design cost alone is a sum of money.

"Well, today the Justice Hall is established. We will spread the news of accepting sages to the world and strive to turn this place into a high-level research institute. In this way, it fulfills my wish." Qin Zhong said, and his eyes turned, "Yes, I'm going to prepare a pile of professional books."

Qin Zhong's abnormal behaviors make everyone around him feel quite wrong, but even so, his actions do not violate the word justice, and it is also a positive act.

But just as Qin Zhong was preparing to pass on his message, someone came to visit, and there were not a few people coming.

"What a domineering name, Justice Hall, that's good, but I don't know what you do here?"

The lazy face who came in from the door, with a dog-like face and a pipe in his mouth, spoke extremely challengingly.

"We are the first place here to be closed, just a place for metaphysical ghost lovers to come here to make friends and communicate."

"Oh? Public welfare?" Without Qin Zhong's consent, the naughty dog picked up a chair and did it down: "Well, our brothers live here."