Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 9 Appeal

Qin Zhong watched the man's body gradually expand, as if it were a huge ball, which seemed to explode.

"Bum!" With a sound, the man's body was blown up, and the corpse that had just penetrated into the body was blown in all directions by the explosion of the body, flying everywhere.

The man's body was blown into pieces of meat foam, scattered on the ground, and the strong smell of the corpse was even stronger.

Qin Zhong handed the girl to Chen Mu, twitched his hands with two knives, and a big green light wheel blocked the corpse from spraying himself like raindrops.

" boss, why did you come here? I just came to see you and found that you were all missing." Guo Dafu didn't know when he hurried over from outside.

Qin Zhong ran and shouted, "Let's go. Don't stay here. The couple is crazy. One of them has died. I don't know whether the rest is dead or alive."

The woman did not chase Qin Zhong. He squatted down and leaned on the man's dead ground. Tears flowed from his face and cried.

Qin Zhong hurried out of the alley and arrived by the road. He looked back. The woman seemed to have lost her mind, and there seemed to be a white light behind her. The girl stood next to the woman with a doll in her hand, looked up at the woman's face, and kept in Qin Zhong's ear. It echoed that sentence.

"What about the boss woman?" Guo Dafu asked.

Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, "Go and grab the woman."

"Okay, come with me." Guo Dafu took the lead and rushed into the alley crazily and came close to the woman. Guo Dafu slapped the woman unconscious. The two of them carried the woman and got into the car, but the girl with the doll in her hand suddenly followed the woman.

When it came to the side of the car, the car started quickly, but the girl hid outside the car without any movement.

Guo Dafu sneered: "The little girl still wants to catch up with her brother's car. This time, I have to make you confused in the night for a while."

"Don't talk nonsense and drive well. That child is not simple. He seems to be in trouble. This woman's man has died. Damn it, he died too miserably." Qin Zhong said speechlessly.

Guo Dafu frowned: " boss, that's not the case. I didn't see him there at all just now."

"The man was fried to pieces just now. Where can you go to see him?" Qin Zhong said.

"Squeak!" Guo Dafu braked sharply, and the car driven by the little brothers driving in front of him seemed to stop.

Qin Zhong looked forward and was stunned: "Why did that girl follow me again? Is it over?"

"Big boss, no way, we didn't provoke her. The two people in the car should also be innocent. What on earth does she mean?"

"I don't know. Wait for me for a while." Qin Zhong said and looked back at the child. The little girl lay in Chen Mu's arms, constantly trembling and muttering that sentence in her mouth. He pushed the door and saw the girl in the white light holding a doll and staring at Qin Zhong coldly, but there seemed to be no intention to attack.

Qin Zhong put away his knife, took a long breath, and asked calmly, "Girl, what on earth do you mean? Why did you come here? Is there really any hatred between us?

"Prinieva, doll!" The girl kept speaking in Russian.

Qin Zhong found that the girl's ghost seemed to only speak, but there was no movement on her body.

Qin Zhong asked, "Well, let me ask you, just nod, okay?"

The girl stopped talking, and there seemed to be a calm look in his eyes, and the doll in his hand waved a few times.

"Do you need me to help you?" Qin Zhong asked, the girl's face remained unchanged and looked very quiet.

"So have you lost something, or have you not finished anything and asked us for help?" Qin Zhong continued to ask.

The girl is still so quiet.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Well, you go back. We're leaving too." Qin Zhong saw that the girl should have been appeased, so he got into the car and let Guo Dafu drive.

Suddenly, the girl's facial expression changed and became very angry, and the words in her mouth shouted in a hurry.

Qin Zhong suddenly felt something wrong, and the girl's eyes stared at Qin Zhong again.

"What do you mean? Well, since you asked me, I will promise you that I will investigate this matter. You won't say anything, and I won't ask you, but you are not allowed to pester these two. The man is dead, and I still need your mercy." Qin Zhong is not pleading, and he is not afraid of this girl. He just doesn't want more things to happen. He hopes that this will end as soon as possible, and he also wants to use this incident to deter the feng shui hall around his Justice Hall.

Tears seemed to flow from the girl's eyes. He kept saying that sentence. Qin Zhong seemed to understand the girl's meaning. He nodded and said, "In this case, give me some time not to let these two innocent people have anything to do. I will find a way to investigate your affairs, but I don't know anything about you. I'm afraid. Time will be longer."

When the girl heard this, a white light girl's shadow disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

Qin Zhong knocked on the window of the car in front of the car: "Let's go!"

The driver in the car was so scared that his face turned pale, and the sweat on his forehead rolled down.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" The driver said, the accelerator under his feet rumbled and the car started.

The group hurriedly left the poor area. Qin Zhong sent the woman to his own justice hall again, and the little * also placed the baby** under the statue**.

Guo Dafu waved his hands and approached the *: "Little girl, if you are running, be careful that I don't care about you. Don't talk."

"He can't speak. He needs someone to take care of here. Mu'er, just stay here. Call Mona and Yingzi tomorrow, and it will be handed over to the three of you. Dafu and I are going to look around the warehouse. I think the girl appeared in front of the warehouse, which proves that there must be a shadow of her in the woman's prison. Son, then this matter will be investigated from there.

"Ha, boss, it's good to have something to do again. If you are like this now, I'm sure you must have recovered from memory loss." Guo Dafu said.

Qin nodded and stared at the *. It took him for a long time to recover: "The way a man dies is extremely special. Just now, he didn't look like what he did. It is likely that other things are doing."

"What is it?" Guo Dafu asked.

Chen Mu also held his chin and analyzed: "In my opinion, the girl seems to be very innocent. She doesn't want to see the man end up like this, but this family of three is too pitiful. I will never let this woman have an accident with his *. I decided to call a few students from the ancient tomb college to help. ."

"This is the best, but I'm not safe here. After all, the statue of the eight-armed demon king has not been shaped yet. The vast righteousness in my body can't communicate with the statue, so it can't be used for the time being. I don't want to provoke him for the time being." Qin Zhong said, as if he had seen through the whole thing.

Guo Dafu asked Qin Zhong about the context of this matter. Qin Zhong's view on the whole matter was just from the girl's eyes and his immature movements that it was impossible to make the corpse worm blow up the man's body, and she would not have such a strong ability.

"If you say so, the girl is just a bait, right?"

"I don't know. It will take a little bit of our future investigation to get what's behind it. Let's forget it today. I'll set out with Dafu tomorrow morning, but before leaving, I'm going to design it well. I can't conclude this matter so simply, but help the girl complete him first. Wish is the key.

After saying that, Qin Zhong closed the door of the Justice Hall. That night, the three people slept soundly in the Justice Hall.