Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 10 God's Gift

Standing quietly at the door of the abandoned warehouse, everything became particularly mutated and dead. Guo Dafu stood beside Qin Zhong, stimulated by what happened in the whole warehouse, and his messy beard on his face stretched out in all directions.

Qin Zhong squatted down, looked coldly at the almost crazy vicious dog, and cursed secretly, "I really don't know when you dogs will be real working hours."

"Isn't it out? Shall we go back or stay here?" Guo Dafu spoke a little trembling. Maybe it was too empty here, and the cold air at night forced him to tremble all over.

Qin Zhong thought about it for a long time, and finally said secretly, "I'll put up with you for a day and kill you, this vicious dog tomorrow night."

The two turned around and spit on the vicious dog and turned away.

" boss, let's spit, can the dog understand what it means?"

"In the early years, I remember that the old man said that spitting on something unclean sometimes has some incredible effects and will hit their self-esteem, resulting in a short circuit of their brain waves, which I only discovered recently." Qin Zhong seemed to recall a lot of things he learned in the ancient tomb college, and his memory almost returned to normal.

Everything is normal in the Justice Hall, and a peaceful night is spent peacefully.

In the early morning of the next day, when Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu came to the warehouse again, the door was opened again, which was really strange as it was the night before.

"Hey!" Guo Dafu laughed proudly: "I expected it for a long time, boss, look at me." He pulled out a long chain from somewhere, slowly pushed open the big iron door, and blocked the big iron door near the kennel door, so that he could lock it with a chain.

Guo Dafu clapped his hands and grinned, "I love to do such a thing as killing two birds with one stone. You can see that the door is locked, and the broken dog can't get out." He seems to appreciate his achievements.

Qin Zhong looked at it and seemed to feel that such a practice was a little strange, but it was indeed killing two birds with one stone. He smiled and went straight to the three-story warehouse and looked up at the top of the warehouse. The yin in the huge crack still existed, but it seemed to be deep in a hole in the roof. At the bottom, and inside the warehouse, it seems to give people a sacred atmosphere.

He scratched his head. What kind of place is this? It's really incomprehensible to have such a feeling.

Guo Dafu slowly pushed open the heavy wooden door of the warehouse, and suddenly a strong black gas gushed out of the warehouse. Because of the great power of the black gas, the two people retreated one after another and made a road. The black gas actually went straight up against the wind and rushed straight to the world.

"Be careful, it's really strange here. Is there such a place in a prison? Is it a place to worship?" Qin Zhong said.

Guo Dafu nodded naively: " boss, I feel like, have you found the piety of Mona's worship? This is a must to clean people's hearts."

"Less poor mouth, go in." Qin Zhong probed his head into the warehouse and toured around. It was empty, with more than a dozen rows of seats, a main podium in front of it, and a huge portrait of God behind the podium. Looking up, the high floor separated the three-story warehouse into two halves, which seemed to be the owner's place. Is it so elegant. , as expected, it is for people of faith.

Just in the middle of the sarcophagus, there lies a girl with blonde hair. At first glance, it is a Russian breed. The girl seems to hold something in her hand, but it seems to be missing, but the body, which should have been rotten, is quite well preserved in this coffin. Not only that, but the corpse smell is actually the nosey fragrance here, like spring flowers, emitting that intoxicating fragrance.

"Really, there is still a fragrance here. What kind of technology is this?" Qin Zhong was surprised.

Guo Dafu was stunned. He stared coldly at the person in the coffin and suddenly remembered the girl standing at the door. The two people seemed to look the same: " boss, is the soul of this corpse the child we saw?"

"It should be, but there is no doll on this body!" As soon as Qin Zhong mentioned this word, he suddenly felt as if he had said something more: "Doll? So what's the girl's name? He immediately looked around the coffin for words, and finally found a line of Russian at the head of the coffin, and a string of Chinese below, which revealed words that Qin Zhong did not want to see.
