Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 46 Water Coffin

Just as Qin Zhong was about to do it, he suddenly felt a wailing from the gorilla, and there seemed to be a trace of prayer in the painful wail.

"Big monkey, do you also know how to beg me? I think you are also a creature of heaven and earth. Anyway, I have to give you some face. Just because it is not easy for you to survive, I will bring you some divine springs back later. Remember, you must wait for me to come back. Qin Zhong touched the gorilla's head with his hand, which seemed to comfort him, but there was a kind comfort in it.

Youzi couldn't wait to kill the big monkey immediately, but looking at Qin Zhong's face, he still put away his blade.

Qin Zhong left some of the dry food in his bag to the gorilla: "I leave these things for you. Eat two bites when you are hungry. Don't be greedy. I may not be able to come back. The rest depends on your fate. Anyway, I will come back. Trust me."

This compassion and comfort made the corners of the gorilla's eyes shed tears.

Qin Zhong and the other two simply ate two bites of things and walked carefully along the sound in the patio. Under the patio, there was a feeling of green moss on the ground, but their feet were slippery. If they were not careful, they were likely to fall down.

"Mu'er, be careful. The road is too slippery, and there is a deep ditch below. If we fall at this time, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to climb up again." Qin Zhong told him.

Just under the path they walked is a deep gully. On the top of the gully is a half-arm wide crack. If a person falls down, it is stuck in the crack. To be honest, no matter who it is, there is basically no way to save the fallen person. At the feet of Qin Zhong and several people, there is a round rock, in the rock The stone was already covered with a roaring layer of yellow moss, on which a group of black nematodes kept squirming.

Through this road, in the place where the divine light on the patio appeared, there appeared. The water in the water in the depression was clear to the bottom. The fish swimming around there. Qin Zhong tested it with his hand. The water was not as deep as his knees. He first inserted a long wooden stick into the water and tested his feet. The road ahead is the next step.

"Follow my footprints. You may not be able to stand anywhere. Maybe the next step is a deep pit." Qin Zhong told again.

While the fine sand in the water flows slowly along the water flow down above, there is a place that looks like a whirlpool in the upper reaches of the water, sometimes opening and sometimes locking. Such a place is really wonderful.

"Mr. Qin, why do I think it looks like a big mouth, flashing, or?" He took a look at Qin Zhong.

"God Spring?" The two looked at each other, but in an instant, Qin Zhong suddenly had a wonderful feeling: "No, this divine spring can't be found so easily. Even if it's simple, it can't be here. How far is it? Besides, this is not a real upstream. This is a downstream place, but look at that one. I vaguely found that it was the gills of a fish interacting.

Youzi looked at it, picked up a stone, and threw it at the closed place. The stone fell into the water, but strangely, it was sucked in by the joint force.

"Strange, where on earth can such a big stone be swallowed?" Tomoko said to herself.

But just as he said, Qin Zhong found that a powerful splash suddenly rushed out of the water, in which a stone was pushed towards Qin Zhong.

"Hide!" Qin Zhong pulled Chen Mu and sank his body down. He turned around and flashed the flying stone to one side.

"My God, why did this stone bounce back again?" Youzi said differently.

Qin Zhong shouted, "Get ashore quickly. There is something wrong with the water under your feet." He turned his head and was about to run. At this moment, there was a very strong twisting feeling under his feet. He always felt that they were standing on a super body. Just as soon as the three of them came ashore and had not yet stood firmly, they saw the water in the water in the watershed spewing high and suddenly drilled out of the mud and sand at the bottom of the water. The black thing.

"So thick?" Qin Zhong was surprised and his face turned pale: "This is a snake!"

"Black snake?"

A strong fishy smell floated from under the water, and the snake's head was actually full of Riley. The two long fangs and a forked snake letter rolled out, and white ** flashed out of its mouth.

"It's strange that there are such creatures here. Damn, no wonder the old man won't let us in. This is really their paradise. People come in to die and are ready to do it." Qin Zhong's double knives were just raised, and the black snake lazily looked down at Qin Zhong and others. The snake curled up its body and slowly rushed to Qin Zhong and the others.

When he was about to touch Qin Zhong's body, the snake opened its big mouth angrily and was about to bite down.

Qin Zhong slammed the two knives in his hand into the snake's head. The snake twisted his body very deftly, turned to the west of Qin Zhong's two knives, and attacked Qin Zhong again.

"Do it, the snake hit seven inches, and then take him first." After Qin Zhong said that, his body suddenly pulled back, but at this most critical moment, he actually found that his feet slipped gently and his body immediately tilted back. He pushed Chen Mu up. The snake did not bite anyone at a bite, and his whole body crawled on Qin Zhong's body, ready to go to Qin Zhong's body. The entanglement went away.

Qin Zhong hurriedly shuttled up and twisted. It didn't take long to rush to a place more than ten meters away.

"Mr. Qin, grab my hand quickly." Youzi grabbed Qin Zhong's hand and pulled it violently.

Qin Zhong's face was cold and his heart was not good. The two knives violently cut off the body of the snake. It could be seen that the two knives fell, and the silver light flashed everywhere, and the violent sound made the shocking echo of the whole patio.

"Horth!" A strange cry came from the belly of the black snake. Seeing that Chen Mu had already inserted the short blade he had brought into the snake's belly, and then suddenly scratched it up until the blade crossed the snake's head, and a thick black blood oozed out of the black snake's forehead.

After seeing the snake collapse, Qin Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and kicked the snake. Suddenly, he felt that the snake was not the same kind as he usually saw on the ground. His body was Xichang, but he could obviously see that there was an obvious row of feet under his abdomen. After the snake was cut open, he was instantly paralyzed. Soft into a puddle of mud.

Qin Zhong pushed the snake aside. The smell on the snake alone made him unbearable. When he took a breath and looked into the water depression again, the turbid water just now returned to Qingning.

"Do we still have to move forward?" Youzi seems to be a little timid.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Forward, we have come here. Even if we die in it, we have no regrets, because we have done it. If we look back now, we will definitely be ridiculed and go down."

He walked in front, rolled up his trousers and felt that his ankles were a little cold. When he walked to the whirlpool just now, he suddenly found that the snake was coiled on an object at the beginning. In the sand at the bottom of the water, a corner was stretched out. Two green dragon dragon heads obviously appeared on the exposed corner. Qin Zhong used his hand. The stick gently stroked the sand under his feet, and the things hidden under the water gradually revealed his figure.

"What?" Qin Zhong stared at the boss and said, "Without such a big coffin, we might have been swimming in the water.

"Coffin? Another coffin? Where did the coffin come from? It's very difficult for normal people to come in. What kind of coffin can be hidden here? Youzi shook his head all the time. He really didn't like to see any coffin or something from the bottom of his heart. He always felt that most of the recent events had brought him fatigue, but in his opinion, seeing the coffin was purely a ruthless torture.

Qin Zhong slowly squatted down and looked carefully at the coffin. Suddenly, he found a shallow ditch on the coffin, which happened to be the place where the snake lay down just now. I'm afraid this is also the place left for the snake. Is this the legendary water coffin?

"Water coffin!" Chen Mu knew that this way of tombs is a water coffin. The obvious water coffin sinks under the water, covers the surface of the coffin with yellow sand, indicates that the yellow sand is gold, and then raises a black snake in the yellow sand. This snake represents a dragon, which is the dragon guarding the mausoleum, and also symbolizes the dragon nature of this water. It is the treasure place that nourishes the dragon cave. Moreover, this place is also looking at the sky. The sunlight shines in from the outside and shines on the two carved faucets of the coffin. The bead in the head reflects a beam of super light through the underwater light.

Qin Zhong said coldly: "This water coffin has been found twice in history. Once in the coastal area, the sea burial was not buried, but hung directly on the seaside. This is called a simple water coffin. The other time it is in the river, the Yangtze River running endlessly. When some scientific researchers went into the water to detect, they found once when the Three Kingdoms The water coffin of the period is estimated to be the coffin of a distinguished official at that time. Because of the war, there was nowhere to be buried, so we had to hide it in the river. This time, we met that we did deliberately hide the coffin in the water, and it was such a patio, which was simply a century-old, so we need to open the coffin to see what was inside. Compared with the things inside, it will definitely surprise us.

"Qin Zhong, if you really want to open the coffin, do you have to consider whether the body inside can bear it? Otherwise, it's not good to be washed away by water."