Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 47 Dragon Land

In the puddle under the patio, there was a clear mountain spring. I thought it was a pool of dead water, but I found a bay of living stream. What was hidden in the underwater coffin? Qin Zhong and the others were very curious and put their hands into the water. It was so cool!

"The water in this mountain is so cold that I don't have this feeling under my feet. When I reach in, I feel that my hands can't move." Qin Zhong said to himself.

Youzi also felt very strange. He took the opportunity to put his hand into the bay and touched it with his hand: "Mr. Qin, it's really cold here."

"Be careful, let's try to open the lid of the coffin or drag it to the shore." Qin Zhong said and looked forward. There was a bright road in front of them. The water bay was not too big. In a few minutes, they could stand on the avenue and find a way to drag the coffin away.

But at present, they don't have any better tools to drag the long-buried coffin, and they can't fully grasp the size of the coffin, so they have to look at it from a distance to find another breakthrough point.

"Only by visual inspection, the size of this coffin has exceeded our ability. I'm afraid it's impossible to open it or drag it to the shore." Qin Zhongguang said here by his eyesight.

Youzi looked unhappy, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly and said lightly, "If there is really something worth receiving here, Mr. Qin, don't you think?" He stopped and didn't go on.

Chen Mu pouted and waved his hand and said, "If there is any treasure in it, we can't even go out of this forest. What's the use of having so many things?"

"It's useless. It's useless at all. I think this treasure is definitely a super dragon vein, otherwise the tomb owner here will never make so much effort to build such a hidden dragon vein tomb here." Qin Zhong said, and he slowly squatted down: "It's like the fine sand here. This is unique soil and the unique amount of sand." As he spoke, he slowly sprinkled the sand in his hand on the ground, but when he touched the sand again, he suddenly felt that his subordinates were a little cut.

"Qin Zhong, what are you touching in your hand?" Chen Mu said differently.

Qin Zhong suddenly looked back and felt a round skull in his hand.

"This!" Qin Zhong was shocked, looked down at the skull, and then withdrew. He let go of the sand under his feet. He carefully dug out the things in the soil and found that the skeleton in the sand was actually a complete skeleton.

"What is this? Why is there still a human body here?"

"With a bang!" A long iron nail was called out of the skull. The iron nail should be characteristic and should be a super hidden weapon. However, when Qin Zhong put it in his hand and watched it repeatedly, he suddenly felt that this thing was definitely not a metal product, but a bone product. This kind of bone should be...

"The teeth of the fierce beast?" Youzi's eyes were full of panic. He was a little panicked. He took the bones in Qin Zhong's hand and looked at them, and his forehead suddenly rolled down with cold sweat: "Mr. Qin, this is the long beak of the legendary desert eagle. His long beak has been inserted into the top of this person's head like this. It's terrible."

Looking at the bean-sized sweat still flowing from Yuzi's forehead, his pale face seemed to realize that something terrible was about to happen.

"Is there any amazing legend about this desert eagle?" Qin Zhong asked.

Chen Mu said in a low voice, "I'm afraid you don't know this. The teachers of our ancient tomb college all know about this. In the first few years when you went to Tianmu College, there was a feng shui teacher in our college. At that time, he was about to look for a dragon cave, but when he found a legendary tomb in the books, he Just look around for this tomb. It seems to be the same as the place he described at the beginning. I remember he also said that this is likely to be the nest of the eagle that day.

"What? If this is really the case, won't we go into the nest of the eagle that day, or are we going to become the food of the eagle? Qin Zhong was a little stunned. He didn't know whether the legend was true, but everything he saw in front of him was quite consistent with the so-called legend.

"Look at it?" Chen Mu pointed to the bottom of the skeleton in surprise, and another pair of bones appeared.

"And the bones, is this the place where the corpse is hidden?" Tomoko guessed.

Qin Zhong dug out the lowest skeleton again and put it in his hand to look at it: "This doesn't look like a human skeleton. Is it the skeleton of that heavenly eagle?"

"Yes, this is indeed like the skeleton of a bird, but how can it be here? Is this the deceased?"

"He should have subdued this Skyhawk, and then he killed himself." Qin Zhong analyzed: "Look at the appearance of these two skeletons, which is obviously the scene of fighting together for a long time. If such reasoning is correct, then this person must be a master. Not only that, he is also likely to be the person who found this dragon cave and the guardian of the tomb here."

"It sounds very reasonable, but who owns the coffin below? There will be such a master guarding him in this place, which is simply an aristocratic gesture, so the things in the coffin must be super valuable. Why don't you open it and have a look? Maybe you will find something magical from the middle."

Qin Zhong glanced at his friend and whispered, "Wait, let's dig out all the things below to see what's in the dragon vein, and find a way to expose the coffin before opening the coffin."

"I'm afraid that if we really dig this place, the coffin will look strange."

Qin Zhong frowned and said tightly, "Hurry up. I feel that the water here is not like this. There are so many fierce beasts here, so this must be a place worth their visit. Digging!"

The three began to peel off the mud and sand on the shore layer by layer, and dug out the bones of more than a dozen bodies and the bones of many large animals. After looking at the bones in this place, Qin Zhong looked back at the dead long snake. He was suddenly shocked and said, "I'm afraid we don't have time. More than that, this snake should be the hegemon here. The so-called species are interfering, so I'm afraid that more fierce beasts will attack here after this snake dies, so we will face those legendary mountain beasts.

"Then what should we do?" Youzi and Chen Mu have no idea.

Qin Zhong peeled off the last layer of sediment and leaked out the smooth rock ground, but the water in the depression behind them gradually disappeared. What's more, the fine sand there also began to fall along the gap of the giant coffin, but when the sediment fell, Qin Zhong and the others actually stood on a cliff-like rock. Above, under the huge coffin, there is a bottomless abyss.

"How can this be like this here?" Chen Mu's mouth is open, and his chin has sunk to the instep.

Qin Zhong carefully leaned under the abyss: "Strange, how can this coffin be a bridge here? Is this dragon cave the legendary dragon's mouth?"


"Yes, we are now at the mouth of Longkou. If that's the case, the wood when we came is the dragon's chin. If we go further, I'm afraid that the two peaks located in the main cave of Xuanwu in the north will be called Dragon Horn."

Chen Mu threw a look of envy at Qin Zhong. He didn't know why Qin Zhong knew so much: "Qin Zhong, I didn't expect you to know this difficult feng shui?"

"I don't understand. I just saw it in a book. This is what happened today and I remembered the previous knowledge." Qin Zhong answered, reached out and stuffed the two knives in his hand into his waist, dug out all the bones on the ground, arranged them neatly, and a soft smile appeared on his face.

"If this is the mouth of the dragon, then none of us can open this coffin, and there is definitely a peerless jewel in it, so this coffin is called the dragon ball in the dragon's mouth. So if this coffin wants to leave this place, it depends on the power below, that is, the volcanic eruption below." Qin Zhong explained heavily.

Such reasoning seems to be very reasonable, but in Chen Mu's eyes, such a place is just an adventure. When she heard what Qin Zhong said, she looked excited.

Youzi's face was pale and he said tremblingly, "If this is the case, if we disturb the coffin here, there will definitely be an explosive possibility of volcanic eruption."

"I don't think so. If there is a volcanic eruption here, there will definitely be omens. I think we can say that the lid of the coffin is opened, but we should be careful. If any one of us falls into the coffin, I'm afraid there will be no way out." Qin Zhong opened the backpack behind him and turned out three bundles of ropes from inside. Each rope was equipped with a seat belt: "Take it. Let's tie it separately. I think there may be a passage in the coffin."

"Yes, if there is no passage, how can there be so many funerary objects and corpses put in the huge coffin?"

After several people analyzed, they began to open the lid of the coffin. Qin Zhong tied his seat belt to an old mountain vine behind him and squeezed it hard with his own weight. After confirming the safety, he began to insert two wooden sticks into the cracks of the coffin lid. The three worked hard together to slowly put the thick coffin lid. Pushed up, the huge coffin has been pushed open through a long gap.

What will be in the coffin? Let's look at the next chapter decomposition.