Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 145 Aiben Mad Devil

"Idiot, crazy, why should I bring you here..." Chi Xiaomi sighed, "Why do you remind me that you are my brother... Why... You will fall in love with a god who will make you doomed..."


"Xiaochen, it's very dangerous here. Sister, can you take you home... Sister finally remembers who you are, don't leave my sister..." At this time, Chi Xiaomi already has all the memories of the day of Ye Mu, but only some of his memories, and other memories are still sealed by the curse of taboo, no Fully recovered.

He sneered, "Leave? You provoked me and still wanted to leave? Today is your cemetery, and all the goblins are going to die!"

The proud protoss self-esteem was stabbed, and the cold murderous heart has arisen.

In fact, Leng Hanyu is just a little indifferent, but she is not addicted to killing or perverted. She just uses her ability to seek a glimmer of life in Aixi City and provide some information to her clan by the way. She has never used her ability to slaughter creatures. Even few animals died in her hands. She herself is a vegetarian.

But at this moment, her murderous heart was aroused for the first time!

Dignity is absolutely not allowed to be violated!

How can the blood of the Protoss flow out of the body like this! How can such precious blood be beaten out at will? Looking at the blood on the ground, how can she not be angry!

Then, let the guy who came to provoke her be the first person to start the operation!

"Come here..." The cold eyes began to rotate again, and the strange whirlpool hid the devil's heart and the anger of killing.

Chi Xiaomi smiled indifferently and said, "Protoss, save your energy... Your magic power is invalid to me, no, it's not invalid, but it's effective when I want to be effective. When I don't want to obey your orders, it's invalid."

"...hehe..." Leng Han obviously didn't believe what Chi Xiaomi said, because she had just fallen from the air because of her magic power.

"I'm not a human or a goblin... You must want to ask me what I am... Ha ha... Maybe you are effective for the owner of this body, but you must have seen that I am the soul of possession. Your gifted power is effective for all spirits, but it is about the body of all spirits. And I am a soul without a body. That's why I can wake up, right?

"You're wrong... What I can control is an attached soul in the soul. Anyway, I'm going to kill you. It's better to let you die. What I can control is the darkest possessive soul in the soul of the creature, the demon soul,... I remember you cat demons call it... spirit demon.

"The ability to control spirits and demons?"

"Not bad..." Leng Han raised her chin proudly. She was quite conceited about this ability. "All creatures in the world have souls, and there is the darkest soul in this soul. This soul is usually suppressed by the real soul, and will only appear when it receives serious stimulation. Human beings have a kind of mental illness called... Schizophrenia is the result of the stimulation of the soul and the normal soul competing for the body at the same time. And you cat demons, if you are controlled by this kind of soul, you will be doomed. However, I can make the souls of all living creatures obediently obey my orders. Have you never heard of this gifted divine power?

The pride is beyond words.

"Hahaha--" Chi Xiaomi suddenly laughed wildly.

She didn't understand this smile coldly. Is she really scared and the spirit demon automatically ran out? It doesn't look like this. Most of the time, it's really crazy...

Then she won't talk nonsense with the madman.

Thinking of this, she looked at Chi Xiaomi attentively, "Be obedient and die."

Unexpectedly, Chi Xiaomi's eyes didn't follow her eyes at all, but laughed and said sarcastically, "Damn it."

"This is impossible. Why are you not controlled by my divine power?" Leng Han asked in disbelief.

"If you explained your magic power so carefully just now, I might as well tell you. I am a soul without spiritual demons and spiritual demons. How can I be controlled by your talented divine power... Hehehe... Of course, if you want to know why I don't have a spiritual demon, I can also tell you. I think you also know the Witch Horse God Clan... There is a boy in the Witch Horse God Clan who likes me. In order to purify me, he used his special divine power to destroy my spiritual demon. Now, do you understand? You can't control me at all, so damn it, it's you!"

What Chi Xiaomi said was the time she fet with Wu Ma Jingfu. Wu Ma Jing used the trick of creating the world to divide the spirits and demons that controlled her. So now the cold talent has no effect on her, and the reason why she fell from the air before was because of Chi Xiaomi's own spiritual demon.

Speaking here, in fact, it is necessary to explain the whole process of the reincarnation of the moon.

The moon of the curtain in the second life, that is, after the death of the unbroken princess of Ye Qianxiu, she also summoned the reincarnation boundary, used her last spiritual power to put her soul into the boundary, and crossed the space to find a carrier that could be reincarnated in the human world.

It is said that the cat demon has nine lives.

It is not every cat demon that can have nine lives, but the reincarnated boundary that can only be summoned by the most powerful wizard.

This boundary can keep the soul alive for fifteen days after leaving the body. In fifteen days, if you can find a newly dead cat demon or any creature and attach your soul to its decaying body, you can borrow the corpse to return the soul.

When the moon of the curtain went to the human world, it happened that Xiaomi died.

At that time, Chi Xiaomi happened to be three years old.

The law of sky shielding says that the descendants of human beings and cat demons can't live more than three years old, which is actually real. The real reason why Chi Xiaomi can live until now is that the soul of Ye Muzhiyue is attached to her body, and her real soul has long left her body and disappeared by the law of heaven.

However, in this second reincarnation, the memory of the moon of the curtain will be suppressed by the taboo boundary in the reincarnation boundary, and she can't think of everything in the previous life, so she has been growing up as a newborn baby and an ordinary Chi Xiaomi.

However, Chi Xiaomi's spiritual demon did not disappear with the disappearance of her real soul, but survived with the powerful soul of the reincarnated Ye Muzhiyue. Therefore, what was controlled coldly just now was the real Chi Xiaomi's spiritual demon.

To be true, Xiaomi has not died for a long time, and the current Chi Xiaomi is the month of the curtain, the month of the curtain that does not restore memory.

All her powerful abilities are not flying from holes, and even the medical spiritual power is also because the cat demon blood of Huang Yeyuan stimulates the medical spiritual power that originally belonged to the month of the curtain.

After saying that, the scepter of the moon in her hand has been summoned back. She can summon the scepter of the moon, and she also wants to thank the little cold blood for unblocking all her abilities. Now the memory of support has not been fully recovered.

With a wave of the supreme scepter, the colorful spiritual power once again aimed at the cold impact!

I was shocked. I just wanted to avoid it, but I knew that it was too late. The speed of light was much faster than the speed of the human body's reaction.

In this moment, Ye Mu's Chen flew in front of the cold.

The rainbow light penetrated his body in an instant. His body suddenly straightened, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on his cold face.

With a cold and fierce excitement, Ye Mu Zhichen's body fell forward, and she instinctively caught his falling body.

A heavy boy's body touched by his hand.

It's so heavy, but so warm.

For the first time, Leng Han knew that the blood of the goblin was so hot that it spread through the palm of her hand and burned into her cold heart, and her heart jumped violently.

"Xiao Chen!"

Chi Xiaomi was shocked when he saw Ye Mu Zhichen coming out to block the attack. He didn't care about killing Leng Han, so he rushed to hold Ye Mu Zhichen's body with Leng Han.

"Xiao Chen, why did you do this?! Are you hopelessly crazy? This woman is the old enemy of our cat demon! How can you save her with your own body?!"

Tears flowed down Chi Xiaomi's eyes in an instant.

"Sister... I'm not crazy... I'm sober... Don't hurt Sister Leng... I like her, I don't like her to die. It doesn't matter if I die, but she is the only one and the most special... She died, and there is no such special cold sister in this world..."

Ye Mu Zhichen said vaguely, and the corners of his mouth kept spitting blood out.

The cold dagger has seriously stabbed him before, and now Chi Xiaomi's fierce colorful spiritual power almost kills him. Even if he is a cat demon, he can't stand such a series of heavy wounds.

"Silly brother... Do you like her that much..."

"I think... It's a little more complicated than liking... I love Sister Leng... Although I haven't loved any opposite sex, I thought I didn't understand love... But when I saw Sister Leng, I suddenly realized the meaning of love... Sister, Sister Leng... Don't hurt each other, okay... You guys ...It's all my favorite...puff--!!"

Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and Ye Mu Zhichen's body straightened and fainted.

"Xiao Chen!" Chi Xiaomi grabbed her body and cried bitterly, and the cold and originally indifferent and calm heart suddenly set off a huge wave.

The goblin in front of me... said he loved her...

He also proved with his actions that he cares about her so much...

To be honest, she has always felt that love is humble and unreasonable, and it is a kind of irrational. To put it bluntly, only when she is crazy can she fall in love with a person.

But she suddenly understood that this kind of madness was involuntary.

Because her heart suddenly felt uneasy.