Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 146 Unexpected Ending

"You are happy now!" Chi Xiaomi roared at the cold.

Ye Mu Zhichen is her last relative in the world. Whoever hurts him makes her sad more than hurting herself!

Leng Han opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Chi Xiaomi roared loudly, "Don't talk nonsense to me that has nothing to do with you!"

"It's related to me, so what? You are here to provoke me, not to provoke you.

Although the words are cold, the tone is much gentler.

Maybe her cold heart has been melted by the crazy love of the day of the curtain.

Chi Xiaomi held Ye Muzhichen's arm and began to treat him with medical spiritual power.

The warm spiritual power began to slowly enter the body of Ye Muzhichen. Leng Han had been holding his body and did not let go.

After a while, Ye Mu Zhichen finally slowly opened his eyes, looked at the two people, and smiled weakly: "You are all... That's great. Don't fight anymore, okay..."

"Who likes to fight with her?" Leng Han suddenly said awkwardly and turned around and was about to leave.

Yamu Zhichen immediately grabbed her arm and asked anxiously, "Where are you going?" Cold sister..."

"I'm not your sister, let go..."

The arm caught by him suddenly burned badly, which scared her.

"Xiao Chen, don't continue to go crazy, okay? Be sober."

"Sister, I'm crazy! However, can you leave me alone? I have never been brave in my life... When my father died, when you died, I could only watch you disappear from my life... But this time I don't want Sister Leng to disappear from my life! I don't want it! It's not easy for me to know love, and I finally found the one I like. Don't let me watch her leave... That's too cruel for me..."

Chi Xiaomi is speechless.

The soft heart belonging to Chi Xiaomi suddenly woke up.

The most different thing between Ye Mu Zhiyue and Chi Xiaomi may belong to her ups and downs.

The moon of Yemu is the beautiful girl of heaven. She was born with strong spiritual power and the identity respected by thousands of people, but Chi Xiaomi did not.

But it's the same. Ye Muzhiyue doesn't know what love is, but Chi Xiaomi knows better than anyone else.

She knows best that falling in love with someone and falling in love with an impossible object will make people have no hesitation, but they are extremely brave.

Did she let Ye Muzhichen love... a cold protoss like this?

Is his love the same as Little Sweetheart?

Love of different races, a doomed tragedy?

In this stalemate, the dolphins on the stage suddenly sang.

The ethereal and high-pitted voice resounded in the empty performance hall, sad and desperate, singing the heavenly sound without lyrics, like the light of the god of love shining in every heart, so that everyone can see love, simple and beautiful, but sad.

The cold footsteps did not step forward.

She turned back to her body and looked at Ye Mu Zhichen, and her eyes were full of incomprehension.

She knows that all goblins are beautiful. She has always thought that beauty is just an illusion that confuses others, and the essence of goblins is despicable and dirty.

"Thank you!" Hua Yuanjie didn't expect that Leng Hanqi agreed so easily. He was almost grateful. He jumped on the stage and said the good news with the little sweetheart.

Chi Xiaomi still doesn't understand what this cold is going to do, or she never believes that she wants to be with Xiaochen.

Leng Han said to Ye Mu Zhichen, "Say goodbye to your sister... We're going to leave here..."

"Wait...what are you talking about?" Chi Xiaomi asked in disbelief, "Do you really want to take Xiaochen away?"

"The little sweetheart has given this flower cat. Why can't I take Xiao Chen away?" It's really unexpected to talk and do things coldly.

"Sweetheart and this are two things."

"It's obviously one thing. What do you know about the soul of a goblin and not a goblin?" Len Han snorted coldly, took Ye Mu Zhichen's hand and walked out of the door, "Xiao Chen, let's get out of here, and you and I will go to a place where no one disturbs us."

Seeing that Leng Han really wanted to leave, Chi Xiaomi hurriedly shouted, "Stop, you can't take Xiaochen away!" He is my brother! I don't want your blood. Give me back Xiaochen! Otherwise, even if Xiaochen doesn't want to, I will kill you!"

Ye Mu Zhichen turned around, with tears of joy in his eyes: "Sister..."

He broke away from his cold hand, rushed into Chi Xiaomi's arms, and cried bitterly with her in his arms.

" good sister, I miss you so much..."

It was not until this moment that he really regained his original mind. He was very happy to hear Chi Xiaomi's call. And his obsession with coldness was also left aside.

Chi Xiaomi happily held Ye Mu Zhichen. He has not seen her brother since Ye Mu Zhiyue died.

"Xiao Chen finally knew that his sister loved me, and he could give up his cold sister's blood and exchange it for me."

"What cold sister, I don't allow you to call her sister." Chi Xiaomi pulled down his face.

Ye Muzhichen straightened up. His handsome and immature face was so kind. Chi Xiaomi couldn't help reaching out and touching his cheek. "Xiaochen, you have suffered in the years when my sister was away. Go, meet my sister, and I will never leave you again..."

If it had been before, I'm afraid Ye Mu Zhichen would have jumped up happily long ago.

In the past, he liked to follow his sister, watching her manipulate all kinds of magical spells and spiritual power, watching the demons bow down to her, and looking at the beautiful and confident smile on her face.

But today, he took a step back.

"Sister... I'm afraid... I can't go back with you."


"I fell in love with a woman, and I want to be with her forever. Sister, I love her very much. I love her as much as I once loved you. I can't lose her..."

"Xiao Chen, do you want to go with her?!"


"You don't want your sister?"

"No... My sister will always be the sister I love. Even if I leave you, you are my blood sister. I will always be in my heart, and I will always love you. I know that even without me, you will take good care of yourself, and my brother-in-law Ye Qianxiu. He loves you so much that you will be very happy. However, unlike Sister Leng, she is just a lonely person without me, so pitiful..."

"She is not pitiful!" The cat demon has no time to sympathize with the Protoss, "Xiao Chen, what do you love her?! Are you still unconscious?

"No, sister, she is very pitiful. I looked into her eyes and knew that she had always been lonely. Her hands were very cold and she needed a partner who loved her..."

"Okay..." Chi Xiaomi sighed and interrupted Ye Mu Zhichen's words.

"Sister, I really love her..." Ye Mu Zhichen wanted to continue, but Chi Xiaomi's face was no longer right.