Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 44 Bride of the Ghost 6

The ghost soldier stopped outside. Lian Jian looked back at him and walked in boldly without saying anything.

The road was a little winding, and the forseng walked step by step along the candlestick. The cave was very quiet, leaving only the footsteps of the fortight.

Going deeper and deeper, the candlesticks are slowly decreasing, leaving only a few scattered ones. The fort's fingers gently pinched the charm. Although she had no weapon, the charm still existed.

At the end of the road is a not very wide hole, with a candle lit on each side, but inside the hole, it seems to be dark.

Forsythia took a deep breath gently, and she took a step forward, but stopped in place.

I don't understand why. At this moment, there is a little panic in my heart.

Calm down, calm down, calm down... The ghost soldiers have reminded her just now, don't panic, otherwise she may be desperate to go out.

Lian Jian comforted in her heart. She slowly leaned against the candlestick beside her, then stood on tiptoe and took down the candle on the candlestick.

With such a little light, Forthia carefully entered the cave.

The candlelight is slightly excited, but the firelight is too small to let the forthia see the environment inside. Even if it is just by feeling, it can be sure that this is a very deep place.

Lian Jian is facing a large area of darkness. With this little light in his hand, how can he see where the young master is? Or should she call? Forthia stood still and began to think.

However, before she could figure it out, a strong wind came from the front and instantly flew the candle in her hand. Lian Jian was shocked and took a step back. The candle fell to the ground. Although it struggled, it was extinguished clean.

"How dare you light the lamp, are you tired of living?"

She was scolded and her body trembled. Realizing that this might be the voice of the young master, she quickly forced herself to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here."

Although the fortear's face was a little pale, the voice was well stabilized and there was no trembling.

"New?" The voice was a little loud in the empty cave, and the tone was full of precautions and rude.

Although Foreng can't see anything now, he can feel a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark.

To be honest, forearlia is very afraid of blackness.

Her legs and feet want to tremble, and she can only suppress it desperately to make herself look too panicked.

"Yes, I was just brought here today... They said that the meal was ready, and let me serve the young master to change his clothes."

The sky didn't say anything, but still sat on the wide **, staring coldly at the foreared forear.

For a while, the room was so quiet that fortear could fully hear his heartbeat.

"What's your name?" After a long time, the sky opened its mouth.

"If you go back to the young master, my name is Lian... Hua."


"Yes, Lotus."

Suddenly there was no sound again, and Lianqi only felt a numb scalp, because she could feel that the sight did not leave her for a moment.

But she can't do anything. She just quietly lowers her head, looks at her nose, nose and heart, and constantly comforts herself in her heart. It's okay. It's okay. Don't be afraid. Don't worry, he won't hurt you.

As long as you follow the words of the ghost soldier just now, nothing will happen.

"Come here."

"Well." Lian Jian was a little stunned.

"Come here!" The sky had very little patience, and the fortachio didn't understand a little, so he immediately sank his face.

"Yes." Lian Jian lowered his head. Although he couldn't see it, he slowly moved forward.

She only walked a little bit at each step, and the forear went forward step by step. Although her eyes were wide open, she still couldn't see the way ahead.

The strange breath was getting closer and closer. Lian Jian suddenly stopped and was still very nervous, but she had to say:

"Young master... Can you let me light a candle?"

"Do you want a light?! What are you doing!? As soon as he heard that Lian Jian wanted to light the lamp, the sky immediately stormed away. LianQI felt a breath coming to his face. Before he could react well, he immediately looked into a pair of gray and purple eyes.

He was shocked and took a big step back.

Seeing Forage's behavior, a burst of anger burst into his gray-purple eyes.

"How dare you tell me that you need a light!? OK - you don't want to live, do you?"

"No, nothing..." Lianqi couldn't help stammering, but still tried to say it completely: "I, I want to live..."

"Do you want to live?" The gray-purple eyes suddenly disappeared in front of her, and the forsythia only felt that there was wind around. Obviously, the young master walked around her.

Suddenly, I felt that the neckline was tight, as if I had been grabbed.

"Woman, I'll tell you! If you dare to show this look again, I will dig out your eyes immediately!"

The purple-gray eyes suddenly approached the for forsia, and the fortear's breath suddenly tightened. Before it could speak, it was thrown aside by the sky.

The whole body was not stable, and the forsythia jumped directly to the ground. She touched a hard object between her fingers - the candle that had just fallen off!

The strong breathing sound is behind, because it has never encountered such a thing, and the forearm is still relatively helpless.

But she knows that at this time, the only person who can save her is herself! If she doesn't find a way to protect herself quickly, I'm afraid she will die before the meat comes!

Holding the candle in both hands, the fortear stood up from the ground as fast as possible.

Finding the position of the young master by feeling, she lowered her head, looked stable, and her tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

"I'm sorry, young master, it's not my fault for asking to light the lamp, but... Because I'm a human constitution, I can't see things in such a dark place - I can't see anything, and I may fall down even when I walk, let alone serve the young master to change clothes... The first time I came here, I didn't understand any rules. Please teach me more about the lost place. Lotus promises that there will never be a next time.

If you want to say everything you want to say, Lian Jian is more calm. I don't know why. She felt that although the young master's temper was very bad, he should not be an indiscriminate killer.

The room fell silent again.

I don't know what he was thinking. After too long, even the hands holding the candlestick trembled slightly.

At this moment, a sound that should never appear came out of the fortighty belly.

embarrassment immediately appeared on his face——

This, this, this...

The sky still stared at Forthia, and her expression changed slightly when she heard her belly announce her hunger.

However, there is still stubbornness and arrogance on his face that ordinary people can't understand.

"You don't have to wait for me. I'm going out now."


"You wait here. You are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission."

"Well, that--" forsythia instinctively shouted.

The sky did not reply, but stopped and looked at Lian Jian with a very bad face.

"I...really hungry..." Lian Jian's voice is so small that ordinary people can't hear it at all.

"So what."

"I want I don't have much food, a little bit is enough... Well, a little more..." Forage tried to bargain. After all, I really don't know when he will come back when he goes out.

Dizzy, she can't starve to death.

The sky lowered its eyebrows for a moment, and finally said:

"I'll have someone prepare it for you--but you have to remember my words and never leave this room, otherwise--"

"I understand! I won't go anywhere until you come back!" Lian Jian quickly took an oath.

"Very good!" The purple-gray eyes looked at Foreng meaningfully and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Fee that the young master had left, and Lian Jianqi exhaled a long breath. I don't know how long the time had passed. Lian Jian only felt that in the face of this young master, this minute and a second was really difficult.