Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 45 The Bride of the Ghost 7

"How's it going?" Hongshang saw the meat coming back from outside the door and quickly asked.

"I didn't catch up." The meat slowly shook its head and looked heavy - the greedy woman has always been cautious, and their territory is probably difficult to find.

"What should I do?" Hongshang walked back and forth. If they didn't go earlier, I really didn't know the forearm...

"There may be someone who can find it." A person's face appeared in the meat's mind. Although it was not cooked, the meat thought that he should help.


It was getting late, and the meat poured a cup of tea for himself.

"Yin Guangyao."


As soon as the young master of the ghost clan left, someone came in behind him. The candles in the hole lit one after another, and the forcisian still held a wax table in her hand. She went to the table and put the wax table on.

"Is that you?" Lian Jian saw the face of the person who came, which was the ghost soldier who reminded her before.

"My name is Daqi. Girl, you are very lucky.

"Thank you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Daqi looked at Forsythia for a while, then turned around and clapped his hands, and several maidservants of the ghost clan came in with plates from outside.

A dish was placed on the stone table, and forteared looked at the delicious dishes and was quite at a loss.

"This is what the young master ordered, girl, just eat whatever you want."

"He? ..." Lian Jian obviously didn't expect that the man would ask someone to prepare so many dishes for her just now, but he was really hungry. Lian Jian sat down at the stone table, picked up his chopsticks and began to eat.

I don't know why, maybe he communicated more with Daqi here. Lianqi felt that he was a little kind, so some words blurted out.

"I thought I was a prisoner, but I didn't expect to eat so much delicious food, just like your distinguished guests."

The other maidservants put down the dishes and left, and only Da Qi was still here - of course, this was the order of the young master.

He didn't react much when he heard Forthia's words, but he also seemed to be interested in speaking.

"Look at what the girl said, you are originally distinguished guests. You know, you are all likely to marry the young master. Of course, we will serve you well.

"But we were still in prison just now." With chopsticks in her mouth, she looked up at Daqi, with some complaints in her eyes.

Daqi lowered his head and smiled.

"That's the beginning, and it won't happen again. You will all have a place to live."

"Actually, I don't understand. I heard what others have said that many girls have been sent before - don't you young masters like one?"

"This matter can't be made clear in a few words." Daqi gradually restrained his eyebrows.

"If this is the case, isn't your young master's vision very high?" Forcisian lifted the lid of the clay pot and began to put soup in his bowl.

"No, that's not it." I don't know if it's the illusion of fortear. Under the candlelight, forear seemed to see a wry smile on Daqi's face. Our young master's requirements for the future wife are not high at all.

"If it's not high, why haven't you married yet? I heard that it has been five years..." Liqi said while eating. She saw that Daqi did not refuse to talk to her and thought that she could know more from him.

"Da Qi, the other girls who came with me today, I don't know if you have noticed."

"Basically, it's all over."

"Two of the girls are very watery!" Lian Jian told the absolute truth - that skin and posture made Lian Jian, who is also a girl, secretly envy.

"Our young master is not a greedy and beautiful person."

"Is that so?" Lian Jian is eating well and his mouth is bulging.

"Looking for so long, our young master just wants to find someone who can treat him sincerely."

The forsythia movement paused for a moment, and his mouth chewed fiercely - delicious, this ghost food is so delicious!

"About this, it's not easy to find - but it's not too difficult. Love can come at any time.

"For ordinary people, it's very simple - but for young masters, I'm afraid it's difficult."

"Why? Er...your young master..." There was a dish in the forsythia chopsticks and thought: "I didn't see him just now. He didn't let me light the lamp... Well, a little fierce, a little rude? ...But it doesn't look like a bad person - you see, he also prepared this table of dishes for me! I thought he would only give me two steamed buns.

"Really, girl really thinks that our young master is good?"

"Isn't it bad - is your young master very bad?"

"No, no, no, our young master, in fact, people are very good, really good!" Daqi looked a little excited, "If it weren't for him, Daqi would no longer be alive!"

"Ah!" Forsythia suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I heard them say that the girl who was sent before - was clicked by your young master?"

Fortearm made a neck cut with his hand, and then quickly bowed his head to drink soup.

Eat as soon as you are still there.

"It's not done by our young master, it's done by the lord."


"Yes, our young master's mother, the greedy woman." Daqi said this, and may also think that the fortibi may be the person they have been waiting for so long, so he simply said, "Girl, if there is a chance, I hope you can learn more about our young master. He is really a good person."

"Young master, he is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"But you told me before that I should pay attention, otherwise I will have a life to go in and come out."

"I say that because if you offend the young master, you will be given by the lord-

After eating for so long, in fact, the forsever was full, but when she saw that there were so many dishes, she continued to stuff them into her mouth. You must be full, otherwise you don't know when to eat the next meal.

"Well, Daqi, I just want to ask you a question - will your young master kill me?"

"As long as the girl is honest, he will never kill you."

"Is this true?"

"Real seriously."

Fortight nodded, wiped his mouth with the hand towel prepared beside him, touched his round stomach with his hand, and said lazily:

"I'm full - it's delicious, thank you."

"Girl, don't thank me. This is all done by the young master." Daqi turned around and clapped his hands again. Several maidservants at the mouth of the cave came in together and quickly took out the dishes on the stone table.

"Yes, I don't know the girl's name yet."

"My name is Lian-Hua."


"Yes, Lotus." Lian Jian burst into seven smiles.

"Okay, Miss Lotus, just wait for the young master here."

"Are you going out?" Lian Jian looked at Daqi and seemed to be ready to leave.

"Yes, the young master will come back soon. It's not appropriate for Daqi to be here." Daqi said and walked outside, but it seemed that there was something else he wanted to say to for the fortsia, but he didn't seem to say anything. So for a moment, he looked quite melancholy.

"Da Qi, do you have anything to say to me?" Daqi did not hide his emotions, so Lianqi suddenly felt it, "If there is anything to say, I'd be happy to listen to it."

"Miss Lotus, in fact, there are some things I want to tell you, but I can't say - if I say it, the young master can't find a real person - but I still want to remind the girl."

"No matter what you say, I will keep it in mind." Forte leaned against the chair. In fact, she wanted to stand up and deliver seven, but she ate so much that she felt tired even moving.

"Don't say what you shouldn't say. Don't do what you shouldn't do - especially, don't fantasize that you can escape from here.

The Lotus girl can be left behind by the young master, which shows that the young master is still special to her, but she can't be happy too early.

Some girls were left behind by the young master before, but later they all did disappointing things and were sent to the altar by the greedy woman. Miss Lotus is an easy-going person, hoping that she can pass layers of tests and become the bride of the young master.

At least at this moment, Daqi feels that among these 20 girls, Lotus has the greatest hope.

"Remember, don't think about running away - if you dare to escape, you will really die."