Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 93 Desert Battle 1

This is a thousand-year-old earthen building.

After so much wind and sun, this two-story wooden house with a huge circular area still stands, witnessing many classic moments in the northern region. Due to its unique geographical location and excellent natural barrier, it is planned to be implemented here.

In the last few days, there were disciples of the five sects inside and outside. They would check all the entrances layer by layer. In this case, it is impossible for idle people to want to enter!

Time passes little by little.

Many patrol disciples around the earth building walked in a tight and orderly manner, and the people guarding the door also increased their vigilance by 120,000 points.

And in the middle of this earth tower, that is, the door of the sleeping room where there is the future night god Cang Liusu, the five leaders and Fu Zishu are guarding outside the door together. On the other side of the chair sat a man who looked almost in his 20s. It's just that the man is also unconscious. It seems that he is the person they have prepared to store the power of God.

The disciples standing on the lighthouse suddenly sent out a signal of battle. The disciples on the periphery were all quickly arranged and saw a huge green thing coming quickly.

"Quick! Stop it!" A middle-aged man leading the team shouted.

The huge green flower demon came to them with the momentum of thunder. On the flower demon's shoulder stood a woman in cyan clothes. Her long hair danced behind her, and the ice-blue sword in her hand showed cold air.

The disciples behind did not see what had happened at all. After a blast, many disciples in the front row fell to the ground! The huge flower demon never stopped its movements and made a deep mark on the place it went.

More disciples came, but the two kept breaking through the gate of the earthen building!

"No, it's not good!" A disciple stood up awkwardly from the sand. He wiped the sand on his face with his hand and hurriedly ran in, "We can't stop it! I'm going to tell Senior Fu! - Mu Lianqi is here! She's coming!"

Foria, this is the person they tried their best to stop. They were fully prepared, but they were caught off guard by this sudden attack!

Obviously, everything is planned. Except for Forsythia and Mu Abao, the rest of the people in the Mu family are all on the way - because Mu Abao can fly, senior Fu specially spent a night doing the boundary in the air. Originally, I thought they would retreat knowing the difficulties, but I didn't expect! They unexpectedly attacked from the front without fear!

The empty mountain disciple was still running, but was pulled up by a force. When he came to his senses, he saw the green vines wrapped around his body. He swallowed a heavy mouthful of saliva, slowly turned his head and looked at the woman on the shoulder of the huge flower demon.

"If you don't bother, I will go there in person to greet Fu Ziji."

The voice of forsythia is very calm, and all her internal forces are constantly releasing outward. Many disciples were shaken away on the way. The eyes of the person who wants to report the news are full of fear - is she, the current head of the Mu family?! With such amazing internal strength, coupled with this huge flower demon, it is impossible for them to stop her!

"You, you! You went in - it's just looking for death!!" This disciple suddenly remembered the senior Fu and several leaders guarding in front of the Cangliu Su Gate in the depths of the Tulou. That is the strongest force of the human race now. No matter who this woman is, she will definitely die!! Thinking like this, he is a little bolder. But the next second, the vines on his body tightened twice, making him moan in pain.

"Tut talk!" Bao looked at him dissatisfiedly and threw it casually. His body fell heavily from the air. Fortunately, he was picked up when he fell down. Otherwise, he would be disabled at this height!

"They... haven't come yet." Lian Jian looked around and saw that they were all disciples of several sects, and there was no important person.

"What should I do now?" Bao asked.

"Abao, when I get to the ground, you will minimize the escape from the crowd - I guess the person who can store the power of God must be in this earthen building, and after you find him -" The forsythia's voice stopped.

"And then? What should I do?" Bao asked quickly.

"Kill him!" Lian Jian's eyes sank, took off from Bao's shoulder and fell to the opposite roof.

A Bao saw that the forsian had left and minimized it in an instant. This time, it was simply smaller than the ants. Coupled with its light skills, all the disciples only saw that the huge flower demon disappeared in an instant! Bao easily bypassed the crowd and walked into the interior of the earth building, leaving a forsythia stand alone on the high roof.

The ice-blue sword in the woman's hand exuded a chill, and the leader's face changed and suddenly shouted, "No!! She's going to kill!!!"

The disciples were shocked that there were all the disciples of the five sects here, and once this woman kills one of them, she is tantamount to being at par with the five sects! - She! Are you crazy?!

Fortear gently hooked the corners of his lips, and the moves in his hand were like lightning, making people unavoidable!

Her body immediately flew down from the roof, during which the long sword flew in her hand, and the moves spread from her body to all directions. Many disciples who did not run away were stabbed by the sword and fell to the ground and rolled around in pain.

Good luck avoids the key points, but bad luck! - Die on the spot!

Everyone retreated repeatedly, and their eyes were full of horror. The head of this exorcism family actually used such fierce tricks! That's obviously going to kill them!

Seeing that no one around her could catch up, she used her internal force to shake away to the west. Almost in an instant, the surrounding houses collapsed one after another and fell into the desert.

Her eyes became empty in an instant. She sarcasticly said, "If Fu Zishu and your leaders don't come for a moment, then I can kill a few - die, let's die together!"

"Crazy, crazy!!" The leader shouted, "You really killed our people!! You are a Mu family, you are a depressed family of exorcism, how dare you be the enemy of the whole human race?!

"You're right, I'm crazy." Lianqi turned slightly and looked in the direction of the depths of the earth building. Her eyes were full of regret. "I was so stupid that I handed him over to Fu Zishu... As early as Huajiazhai, I should have thought that Fu Zishu, a person with absolute justice, would harm him and hurt him!" Lian Jian's mood became more and more excited. When she thought that she had given the meat to Fu autistic by herself, she just did it!——

"You... all want to kill him..." Lianqi turned around with a fierce determination in his eyes. "If I can't save him, we will die together!"

Forever rushed towards the leader with a long sword. The man retreated and hurriedly resisted with a sword, but the sword was easily blown away by the fortear. The next second, the fort's sword penetrated his body!

"You, you, you..." His lips have been trembling, and now he can't even say a word.

Fortear pulled out Bo Yunlongxi, and his body fell to the ground.

The disciples around them have kept a certain distance from Foreng. No one dares to go forward, and no one dares to fight against it!

"Does it hurt?" Lian Jian asked.

"You, you..." The leader gasped, but the air became thinner and thinner. He finally lowered his head slowly and did not close his eyes until he died.

"It's just a sword to die. What's the pain? But he is different, but he is going to be pulled away from his body little by little by little by you, and then die slowly..." Lianjian's eyes glanced at Bo Yunlongxi's red sword, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Good people...bad people...what is good? What is bad? She has always wanted to be a good person, so is it a good person to collect the four artifacts? If they are good people, why should they treat meat so cruelly? Thanks to what they thought of... Meat... It took a lot of hard work to get the power of God... And they actually wanted to get it without effort and receive it all... Why? Why?!

She never thought that these spells that she practiced so hard, which should have been used to exorcise demons, would kill the people of the five sects at this moment! - How ironic!

But if her heart is soft, then she will be trapped here, and then she can't save the meat...

Several strong breaths approached from the rear, and the corners of her fortight's mouth bent. She turned her head, looked at several people walking side by side, and laughed, "You are finally here."

The head of the Wangchen School, the head of the Dong'e School, the head of the Butterfly Dance School, the head of the Shang Tomb School, and the head of the Kongshan School all came together. Behind them, there are a large number of elite disciples.

Lian Jian quickly took a look. Yes, the head of Kongshan is coming, but Xiangyou Xianfu is autistic and in the future.

It seems that he guessed what she thought.

...That's right. That was her poor plan to rush to the doctor. How could Fu autism not know? She wanted to lead all the masters here and let A Bao do other tricks. Now he stays there with the elite disciples of Kongshan, Bao... Although Bao has made great progress, he can only... depends on luck.

"What? Worried about that little flower demon?" The head of the butterfly dance school is a masked woman. She saw the worries flashing in Forage's eyes and deliberately mentioned it.

"Isn't it normal to worry about your disciples?" Forthia can't see the appearance of the butterfly dance leader, but with her words, her impression of her is extremely bad!

"Mu Zhangmen, I kindly remind you that what you have to worry about at this time should be yourself."

All the leaders of the five sects came in person, which undoubtedly increased the morale of the disciples around. Not only that, but also many other disciples came. This time, in the ruins of the desert, the inner three outer three layers surrounded the forsythia. Mu Lianqi is in this place, and Mu Abao should go to the place where Mu Sheng is, so people in other places can tear it down, because Mu Sheng has a wandering fairy elder guarded by himself, so there is no need to worry at all.

This time, for forearcture has fallen into extreme danger.

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