Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 94 Desert Battle 2

"Ren me go! Let go of me!!" Bao, who was tied to the tree, couldn't help struggling, and his face was unyielding - he failed! It tried to kill the man who could store divine power, but failed!! It was caught by Fu Zixi and tied to a tree, guarded by Lan Ming and Mu Yu.

"It's almost time." Fu Zi closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Alan'er, open the door."

"Yes, Master." Lan Ming said and turned around. Just as he was about to walk to the meat room, he saw a figure quickly attacking from the rear. He immediately turned around and jumped away. The person who came steadily fell firmly in front of the door. Bao's eyes lit up and shouted, "Lianqi!!!"

The noise was from far to near, and several leaders and many disciples arrived later. Lian Jian was seriously injured because of the battle of trapped beasts just now, but they also suffered heavy losses! Several leaders thought that the head of the Mu family could be subdued as long as there were more people, but they didn't expect... she broke through the obstacles and came here all the way!

All the houses along the way were destroyed, and the collapse and collapse looked like a place of ruins. The whole earth building is only behind the fortified, which is complete.

"Lian Jian..." Lan Ming's voice was a little hesitant. He looked at Fu Autistic. At this time, Fu Ziutistic also looked at her, but there were no instructions.

"Holy daughter, it's your help." The head of the butterfly dance school turned slightly and said to a woman behind him.

This woman wears light blue clothes and has a good face, but she is faintly cold - although she is only 16 years old, she looks quite mature.

The saint... Forsythia's eyes showed a momentary trance. She suddenly remembered that the sisters who died at the hands of the demon king... Her sister Qingyou was the last saint of the butterfly dance school.

The saint came out of the team with more than a dozen people from the butterfly dance. Forthia healed her wounds slightly in the gap just now. Although it was not effective, it was thought that it should not be a problem to deal with these dozen butterfly dance girls.

When she came, she seemed to have planned to act, that is to say, it was not far from the meat coming out...

Just hold on a little longer.

As long as... hold on a little longer.

Forever rushed into the array of more than a dozen women alone. Her playing style seemed to be reckless, but in fact it was fierce. Of course, forsythia underestimated them - how can the butterfly dance school become one of the five sects? If it hadn't had been replaced by its own ability, it would have been replaced! However, they have inherited from generation to generation, and the greatest credit is the butterfly dance array!

The butterfly dance array is a formation composed of thirteen women. The blue clothes are flying in the blue sky, and the dancing sword flowers are as dazzling as flying butterflies. Although it looks like dancing, the power is all integrated into it. It can't be fatal, but it can gradually attack from all sides, which makes people unable to defend against it. Bao nervously looked at the difficult forsian in the formation. It struggled desperately, but he didn't know what was used to tie it, making it impossible to break free at all!

Fortear was forced to open her eyes by this dazzling swordsmanship. She suddenly remembered that when she was in the demon world before, Shun Ling told her to close her eyes and feel it with her heart. Another fierce attack, Lian Jian was beaten back, and the original wound on her body was faintly painful, so she no longer hesitated, and she immediately closed her eyes.

The moves in the hand can't be delayed for a second, but the disciples of the butterfly dance school feel something wrong. The forsythia closed her eyes and judged these attacks with her hearing and senses. Her body cleverly shuttled through the array and avoided those deadly attacks. Not only that, she also found the leading new saint among the thirteen women and took her out of the array with a sword--!

Raise your seat and be shocked!

All the disciples of the Butterfly Dance School looked at the fortear incredibly, and she actually came out of the formation?! She actually came out!! This butterfly dance formation would not have been possible without a person with particularly deep internal strength! She! - A sharp flash flash flashed in the eyes of the head of the butterfly dance school, and the head of a small school actually broke their butterfly dance array. If this person is alive, how can their butterfly dance school do in the future?!

The idea of the head of the butterfly dance school is also right. In the eyes of the head of the butterfly dance school, one of the five major schools, the plummeting Mu family is an unknown small sect. This defeat has put a layer of humiliation in her heart - after all, she has never heard of the name Mu Lianqi before!

The new saint was injured by forearm, who fell back to the door of the earth tower. Although she won this battle, her face was ugly, because she came out of the formation, and the old wounds were cracked, not to mention the new wounds were added. Now her whole body can't stop trembling because of pain...


The heavy breathing slowly floated in the wind. It had just experienced a life-and-death struggle. The fortight in front of the earth building wiped the blood stains on its mouth with his hand, and its clear pupils flashed a touch of mockery in the wind and sand.

A vast desert.

The stormy earth tower stands in the desert.

The forsythia guarding in front of the door has been severely injured, and the knife wound on the shoulder keeps bleeding out, sliding down his arm to his fingers and dripping on the thick yellow sand.

Dozens of meters away from her, the five sects add up to thousands of people. Everyone glared at the woman in front of the earth tower. Between them, there were dozens of corpses, all of whom had just fought fiercely with Forte.

Feeling the uncontrollable trembling of her legs, Liaoli tried to stabilize her body. The exhaustion of her power had made her have little strength to stand, but she still gritted her teeth and straightened her back. Facing the powerful team, there was no fear in her eyes.

"This is the so-called decent family."

The tired sound is like a late winter spring dripping on the rock, crisp and pleasant.

Fu Zishu, standing in the center, frowned slightly.

"Forsia, if you are willing to put down the sword in your hand now, we will not embarrass you."

"Put it down?" Lian Jian seemed to hear the funniest joke and looked up and laughed, "Hahahaha..."

Seeing her appearance, the eyebrows of the leaders of other factions were twisted in one place, as if they were eager to come forward immediately and slap the woman who prevented them from doing great things to death!

He shook his head slowly and sighed gently.

"If you insist on going your own way, then I..."

"Pay self-closure!" Lian Qiao suddenly roared. This was probably the first time she was so rude, shouting the name of the old senior Youxian, "Don't pretend to be so kind. Let me tell you, I feel sick. And you - you! You, you, you!"

Blood-stained fingers crossed the body of each leader with the sight. Although the wind and sand flew all over the sky, the fortears could still see each of them clearly.

"All of you, don't pretend to fight in the name of 'exorcism'. Now it seems that you are not as good as the Demon Lord!"

" Shut up! What's the right thing for a person like you who doesn't even care about the world's lives? The sacrifice of the Shang Tomb Sect looked at the forsythia with a gloomy face, and there was a dark purple breath in his right hand. After waiting for the leader's order, he came forward to poison the person in the way!

"I'm not qualified?!" When Lian Jian heard this, her eyes were almost red. Her voice was hoarse, but she glared at a group of people opposite, and every word was forced to ask.

"Okay, I'll ask you! - What do you need to seal demons? Need a demon-killing sword, who will kill demons for you?! - It's me, it's us!"

"Then, then the ghost exorcism plate. Who painstakingly took the ghost exortion plate from the king of resentment?! - It's me, it's us!"

What's next? Magic needle? Who got the magic needle?! - Huh?!" The fort's voice trembled. Although she didn't shed tears, she hoarsely: "For this shit, everything has changed!!!"

"Last! - What's the last?! Finally, the magic mirror! Who got the mirror?! Who unlocked the seal?! It's me and him! Me and him!!!——"

In the face of fortight's forced questions, no one could answer. The most noble wandering fairy Fu closed his eyes slightly. Although the wind and sand were big, his fairy body was not stained with a trace of dust.

"And now, after we have gathered the four artifacts, you have to use his blood to shape the gods that can be controlled by you - you can kill them after using them, can they?! - Huh???"

No one speaks, only the wind in the desert.

After a long time, the head of the Butterfly Dance School looked at several other leaders, took a step forward and answered:

"Miss Forsythia, I know that you have spent a lot of energy to gather these things. However, Miss Lianqi, now that the vitality of the Demon Lord is about to recover, if we can't create a new night god earlier, the continent will be destroyed, do you understand?

"Night God?" Lian Qiao repeated, then turned her body and pointed to the earth tower behind her with the right hand of the sword. She looked at these famous families angrily, and her tone was full of provocative.

"Isn't the night god in your mouth right here? He will come out later, and he still needs you to shape it?"

"Girl forsythia, you know that he - he is not likely to help us exorcise the demons."

"So you are going to kill him when he is most vulnerable and use his blood to create a god at your mercy?"

"Miss Lianqi, this is the only way to defeat the Demon Lord. If you are so obsessed, we will not show mercy." It's really unreasonable. Liu, the head of the butterfly dance school, frowned and his tone was murderous.

"Oh? ...It turns out that you just show mercy." Lianqi slightly raised the corners of his lips and showed a light smile. The words of the head of the butterfly dance are in sharp contrast to the forage with bruises all over the body.

Facing Quan's want to rush up and kill her, and then enter the earth tower to kill the meat that is about to come out of the state of "shield", Lianqi slowly raised the sword in his hand, and the sand on the ground rotated quickly with her movements.

"I said, none of you can enter from here unless I die."

What the world, what the people at dawn, these people are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, and their hearts are extremely cold.

She finally understood why meat would put her safety first in every crisis, and everything else was not important. Thinking that he had always stressed over and over again, it was wrong for him to do so - forsythia's mouth couldn't help opening a smile.

Always teach meat, can't be so selfish to only care about herself, but in the end, she is not the same. Everything is left behind, and she doesn't want anything. Even if she risks this life, she just wants to ensure the safety of meat.

Before the meat came out of the earth building, he was extremely fragile and almost broke at a touch.

So! She must guard the entrance and never let anyone get close!

Sanyou Xianfu still closed his eyes. The four leaders behind him, as well as the proud disciples behind the leader, all came out and slowly turned to Forte.

The twelve people who came towards fortear in the wind and sand are the most powerful forces of the four sects. Fortear has been seriously injured. If they are met, she will definitely die.

The fortear maintained the standing posture just now, with cyan alien clothes flying in the wind, and long black hair fluttering wantonly.

This time, she knew that there was no chance to live again.

She is not afraid. Even if the twelve people have stopped and are ready to attack together, she is not afraid.

It's just a pity...

It's just a little regret.


"The first time is a cat, the second time is a 12-year-old Zhengtai, and the third time is an 18-year-old boy - the fourth time, if the meat comes out again, isn't it a 20+ man?"

"It seems so."

"Wow, I'm looking forward to it! It must be very handsome!"

"I think so too, haha."


"No, it's for forearm that you said I'm handsome."



"When you come out of the 'shield' state next time, am I going to call you meat, or call you... Cang Liusu?"





"If that day really comes, if I really forget you if I become the god of night..."


"Please be sure to tell me that I love forsibi and I love her."


Ah, the meat in his twenties must be very handsome.

Even if she closes her eyes, she can still see the beautiful pupils of meat.

It seems that... she may never see the meat later. What a pity...

However, the meat after rebirth will be very, very powerful, right? At that time, a thousand people in this area waited, what could do to him?

Well, the meat will come out safely.

became the second night god of the continent. He has supreme power, and no one can kill him anymore.

As long as this...isn't that enough?

That's enough.

Even after coming out of Tulou, he no longer remembers anything about her. Even if he forgets the color of her pupils, her name and her face.

It's like meat. At this moment, he is the only one she wants to protect.

(Well, it's finally written here! Follow me all the way~~ You must know!)