Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 14 Pucao's Wish 4

When he saw Lan Ming again, his face was not very good.

Gathering everyone into a room, Lanming, dressed in blue, walked around the room. Hongshang yawned and complained, "Hey, don't turn around - if you have something to say it, why do you are turning around -"

The little crescent moon played with the teacup on the table, with two round buds on his head, and kept studying the patterns on the porcelain cup.

The fortear began to be sleepy now because they slept less. Sitting next to her, they could vaguely feel that they seemed to have encountered difficult things.

"Cough..." Finally, Lan Ming coughed gently and said, "A group of bad people came to the store early in the morning. I'm afraid we're going to get out of the siege."

Huh? The three girls looked up together, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Who dares to stand in our way?" The red man frowned.

"Wow, it's fun, oh yeah!" The little crescent moon is full of excitement.

"Why?" Forthia is very puzzled. How low-key and low-key they should be along the way. How can anyone stop them? Moreover, is it difficult for the other party to deal with?

"It's difficult." Lan Ming sighed: "The other party is from the demon world, nicknamed Chishara, and it is directly under the jurisdiction of the demon king. She is one of the twelve demon princesses in the demon world.

Although it doesn't sound very clear, Forthia feels that it seems to be very powerful.

"Red evil girl..." Hongshang knows the name: "Legend has it that bloodthirsty and cruel, killing has always been to cut off other people's meridians first, and then cut them on their bodies with a knife, and really remove eight pieces."

When the little crescent moon heard the red man's words, she put the teacup on the table and straightened up with a smile on her face.

"It's not just eight yuan. If you start from scratch, it's really eight yuan. But she can also cut vertically, so, together horizontally and vertically, it's 24 yuan in total!"

Looking at what she said so easily, Lian Jian felt cold. There was really such a perverted killing method... She put her arm around her shoulder, half of her body lying on the table, and her voice was very low.

"In the demon world... Is it because our purpose was known by the demon king... so..."

Joke, what they have to do is to reshape the demon-killing sword. For the whole demon world, this is absolutely not allowed!

The meat sat on the stool and closed her eyes gently from beginning to end. The red girl may indeed be sent by the demon king, but...

"We are the only ones who know about this. At present, we have done nothing, and it is impossible for us to be known by the demon king.

Lan Ming's eyebrows kept frowning. Hearing the meat's words, he also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, the master's orders are very secretive. I'm a little confused..."

"Foria, do you know what's in the lucky bag in your arms?" The meat suddenly turned its head and looked at her.

"Well?" Lian Jian was stunned for a moment, then took out the lucky bag, looked at it for a while, and then said, "I don't know..."

Lan Ming looked at Forsythia's hand. At this time, she was pouring things out of the lucky bag. After seeing its real appearance, his pupils suddenly enlarged--

"Xi Zhen Wan!"

"Xi Zhen Wan?!--" Hongshang and Xiaoyue brushed their teeth up. The two stared straight at the things in Lian Qiao's hand and saw a black pill lying quietly in her hand.

"What's wrong..."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lian Jian took the pill in her hand and looked at it again and again. She really couldn't figure out what was special about it. If it was spiritual power, she didn't feel it at all.

"This, this... Is this really Xi Zhenwan?" Hongshang's spell is not very high, so she can't feel the magic power of Xi Zhenwan.

Little Crescent put her hands on her chin and stared at the things in Lianqi's hand without blinking. Unfortunately, she was not sure.

Lan Ming is not very sure, but he can indeed feel the aura emitted by the pill after it comes out of the lucky bag. If it weren't for Xizhen pills, what would it be? Thinking so, he looked at the meat.

The young man in blue nodded slowly.

"What the hell is this?" Lian Jian asked doubtfully.

Lanming looked at the pill again for a while, and then slowly said, "Xi Zhenwan is a magic elixir secretly made by Lord Yao Xian as a medicine during the war of immortals and demons a thousand years ago. At that time, it was to save Lord Night God who was about to die, but unfortunately, he didn't catch up. And Xi Zhenwan's whereabouts are also unknown in the war..."

"I use myself as a medicine..." Lian Jian was very surprised. If he dedicated his life to it, then... "Isn't this, Xi Zhenwan... very powerful?"

"Well, the more powerful a person is, the more powerful he can improve his ability. And the dying person, whether because of illness or poison, can recover as long as he eats it... However, ordinary people can't eat it. Even if they eat it, they can only change their skin at most.

"What does it mean to change the skin?"

"That is... If a woman eats it, her skin will become very good, and she will still be as smooth as before at the age of 50."

"!!!--" The three girls at the table heard that their eyes are brighter than the other. The little crescent and the red man only know how to detoxify and increase their strength. About beauty and skin care, wow, isn't this an immortal elixir!!!

That's what every girl dreams of!!!

Lian Jian was obviously surprised. She didn't expect that this was such a powerful thing that had been brought to her for some time.

Lan Ming is also a little puzzled. Many people are looking for Xizhen pills, but no one can find them. This is the only one in the whole world. How can it be in the forte hand?

"Forsia, how can you have this thing?"

"This... This was entrusted to me by a girl in the Hundred Flowers in the Imperial City. She asked me to send it to Senior Fu.

As soon as the words fell, the meat immediately stood up, grabbed the forsythia's arm and ran to the window. He pushed open the window, and he jumped down with the forsythia. Then, the little crescent moon and the red man also jumped down, and Lan Ming was at the end.

All of the five people felt the approach of malicious people except Lian Jian, but they didn't expect that the whole inn was surrounded by demons. At this time, it was a group of little demons who blocked their way.

"Persimmons are not powerful, do you really think I'm soft?" Seeing that the road was blocked, Hongshang immediately drew his sword and rushed up. The white robe flipped in the air. Of course, the little crescent was unwilling to lag behind and began to implement illusions in the whole world, suppressing many little demons with lower mana than her.

Lan Ming rushed out for a long time. Only the meat had been guarding Lian Jian with a sword. Maybe he felt his murderous spirit, and no demons around them dared to approach them. Not long after such a battle, more powerful demons came.

led by a woman wearing a mask, wearing a big red demon dance dress, and her long snow-white hair fell behind her like a waterfall.

"Be obediently handing things in front of Xi Zhenwan, I won't torture you and give you a happy way to die." With the back of his right hand in front of his mouth, he laughed a few times: "Oh, hehe... I've always been so reasonable."

The fleshy eyes suddenly fell on her, and the brown pupils flashed fiercely.

He raised his leg and took a step forward, and he blocked the fortightforia.

The lucky bag can block the spiritual power of Xi Zhenwan, so now they don't know who Xi Zhenwan is on, so there is still a possibility that Lian Jian will be rescued. Now they are facing a strong team, and even the leading Chishara women have appeared in person, so the five of them...

If it really comes as a last resort, even if he fights for this life, he will take the foreng out of the siege!

After waiting for a while to see that they did not respond, the red girl slowly narrowed her eyes, but her voice looked very innocent.

"What? Don't want to? Then there's nothing I can do."

Seeing the gesture of the boss, all the little demons coaxed up. The amount of meat he faced this time could not let him guard the fore. He could only wave the sword in his hand and fight against a group of monsters.

Although Lian Jian pulled out her sword, she avoided it step by step. So far, she has never killed a person with a sword.


Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure, and Lian Jian's eyes were shocked. It was the papyrus that came out of the backyard to cut firewood, but accidentally got involved in the battle.

I have never seen so many strange things. Pu Cao covered his mouth in horror and retreated step by step. His whole body was attached to the wall, but he was still targeted by the sharp-eyed monster. Seeing a red monster approaching Pucao, Lianjian couldn't hold it any longer, clenched the sword in his hand and rushed in their direction.

It's close, it's close!

The monster raised his right palm ferociously.

Pucao curled up in the corner with his head in his arms.

The fortear rushed over from behind and saw that the monster was about to touch the grass. She jumped up and cut it down with a sword. From head to toe, the big red monster was split in half by her.

The expected pain was not felt, but the sticky thing dripped on his head. Pu Cao slowly raised his head and saw the forsythia standing in front of him with a sword, gasping for breath, just like when he took her out of the inn in the morning.

The blood stained on the sword was still slipping drop by drop. Pu Cao looked at the forearc in a daze and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Maybe she stood aside and waited for fatigue. The red woman tidied up her hair and was ready to go out in person.

The people who slowly wandered in the battlefield and finally locked on the forsian.

This girl...

"It's really unpleasant to look at." She sneered.

I'm weak to death, but I'm still protecting others. Since I'm so eager to die, let's die.

Thinking of this, the Red Lady rushed to Forte at a very fast speed and slapped her body before everyone could react, and the forearm was immediately shot ten meters away.

This attack stunned the meat and others. The forsythia fell on the periphery and spit out a big mouthful of blood, followed by another mouthful. The dazzling red color made the meat almost crazy.

He turned the direction of the sword, rushed to the figure of the red lady, and fought fiercely with her at an absolutely surprising speed, which made the unset Luo girl retreated by him.

Hongshang and Xiaoyue are not in good condition. They are more or less injured. Lanming is not difficult, and they have been besieged. If they continue to fight like this, everyone's strength will be exhausted sooner or later. Lian Qiao looked at the red man who had no time to distract himself in the battle and thought, is it possible that they are all going to die here today...

Pucao's back pressed against the wall and moved towards the forage. Seeing that all the monsters were attracted by the four people, she quickly ran to the foreared and squatted down.

"Foria...Foria! Are you all right?"

"I...m fine..." The forsythia's voice was very weak.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Pu Cao's hands grabbed the soil, and tears slipped down. She closed her eyes and trembled all over: "It's all me... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... If it weren't for me... It wouldn't have happened to such a thing..."

"What are you talking about..."

"I'm an ominous person... All the people who are close to me... will be very miserable by me... Forcisian, Licisian now... Licisian also..." Pu Cao answered.

Slowly stretched out her hand, and Lian Jian stroked the birthmark on her right face, moving gently and cherishingly.

"It's not... It's not because of Pucao... It's just... coincidence..."

Pucao looked at the dying fortsia. She didn't expect that fortear would say such a thing. Why do you always believe that she didn't bring this scourge? Since I met her, haven't there been many accidents in the life of Forsia? She should push these accidents on herself like others...

"Yes..." Lianqi suddenly thought of something, withdrew her hand and began to grope in her arms. Finally, she took out the goose-yellow lucky bag. She struggled to put the lucky bag on the hand of Pucao.

"Inside, there are... Xizhen pills... Pucao ate it quickly... It can be, it can become beautiful..."

Become beautiful... Pu Cao looked at her in a daze, obviously no longer knew what Forage was talking about.

Forear knows her body, and she feels that her strength is losing little by little, and even her vision becomes blurred. I'm afraid that she can't complete the entrustment of Miss Fengling for her, but it's better... She smiled...

"Really... If you eat it... the birthmark will disappear... Pucao, Pucao will... It's very beautiful..."

"Why give it to me?"

"Because it's papyrus."

"You can also eat it."

"I ate... and it's useless..." For ordinary people like her, Xi Zhenwan can't save lives at all.

"Why did you give it to me?" Pucao lowered her head, the lucky bag was tightly grasped by her, and the problem came back here.

"Because... I don't want to... watch you cry again... I hope, I hope... Pucao can... cough... have a good life..."

There was a feeling of numbness in his throat, and he opened his mouth with another mouthful of blood.


While no one notices the papyrus now, so run away!

Pucao squatted quietly on the ground. After a long time, she raised her face.


Lian Jian opened his mouth, but didn't have the strength to say a word. He just looked at her with care in his eyes.

Pucao stood up from the ground and reached out to take off the wooden hairpin behind his head. His long black hair fell down in an instant and flew with the cold wind.

The red birthmark on her right face began to emit a faint light.

The dust is pervasive, and there is a constant sound of fighting in the distance.

Pucao looked down at forage, and a strange smile slowly appeared in his mouth.

"Xi Zhenwan, I was reluctant to accept it."