Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 15 The Wish of Pucao 5

The chilly sword spirit came from behind, and Pu Cao immediately jumped away. Several times later she jumped and landed steadily in front of the crowd. How could such a flexible speed be an ordinary little girl?

The meat with a sword suddenly felt pain like a needle when he saw the forsythia lying on the ground. He squatted down and carefully held the fort in his arms from behind.

The fierce crowd calmed down, and everyone watched the sudden arrival of papyrus. Her body began to be surrounded by red light, and gradually rose into the air.

Standing quietly in mid-air, her long hair couldn't help floating in the cold wind, and the heavy bangs on her forehead blocked her eyes. From afar, only the red birthmark on her right face shone. The rose-colored lips slowly raised a touch of mockery. She raised her head and withdrew her shadowed eyes with a trace of blood.

All the demons present knelt down, including the "Red Shara Girl" who was seriously injured by meat.

Pucao slowly spread her right hand. On the golden lucky bag, the black Xizhenwan exuded its powerful aura. Her eyes fell on the forsythian body, and there was no fluctuation between her eyebrows, unlocking the seal of magic power. At this time, her eyes also turned cautious red.

"Miss Forsythia, do you have any last words to explain?"

Lying in the arms of meat, Lian Jian coughed several times and wanted to speak, but his voice could not make a sound anyway.

"Who the hell are you!" Hongshang covered her bleeding arm. She just saw that Lian Qiao killed the monster to save this person! But this person...

"Me?" The red pupils of Pucao gave people a feeling that they were about to bleed, and her eyes were still fixed on Lian Jian's body. "One of the twelve demon girls around the demon king, known as the Red Lord."

After saying that, Pu Cao still stared at the forsythia's face, wanting to see every trace of her expression - regret it? Handing over Xi Zhenwan to her with your own hands? Now that I know that she is a red girl, I regret it!'s like this...

Lian Jian looked at the figure that people didn't dare to look directly in mid-air, and saw her long black hair flying in the wind, and even the conspicuous birthmark faded on her flame.

The eyes lost their luster little by little, and Foreng felt that their eyelids were so heavy. The meat hugged her tightly, and the brown pupils flashed a touch of sadness.

Thinking about her experience these days, she seemed to see a lot of pictures in front of her, including meat, red clothes, big brother Lan Ming and little crescent. In the end, all the pictures dissipated in the wind and appeared faintly, but the papyrus facing her in mid-air.

Fortear finally opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at the blood-red eyes, and a smile slowly appeared in his mouth.

Pucao... Such a you... unruly you... so beautiful...

All her strength was drained from her body in an instant, and she completely fell into a coma.

"Forsythia!!!--" The little crescent moon and the red dress in the crowd shouted her name at the same time--no! No!

Pucao slowly turned sideways, with a little more disdain on his face.

"At the order of the Demon King, Xi Zhenwan has arrived. The task is finally completed. I'm going to finish it now. As for those who still want to fight, just keep it and continue to fight.

As soon as her voice fell, she turned into a red light and flew out of everyone's sight in the shortest time.

The little demon left behind looked at each other in consterance, and Lan Ming and others all exuded unprecedented anger. The most obvious thing was meat. He held the comatose fort fortula, and there was a faint blue light on the ground a few meters around his body.

The young man in blue closed his eyes and squeezed his thin lips tightly. The anger in his heart was self-evident, and even the sword at his waist made a "buzzing" sound. It seems that he wants to break out of the shell the next second and cut everyone's throat!

Many little demons have retreated, and the red evil girl has left. Who can suppress the four of them on today's battlefield?

Thinking this way, everyone ran away, and almost no one was stupid enough to stay and die. In the end, only the fake Luo girl, who was seriously injured, crawled on the ground and moved forward.

Give the fortia to the red and the little crescent that rushed over, pulled out the sword on the waist and slowly walked to the person who was crawling forward.

The fake Luo girl saw the extra shadow on the ground. Before she could react, the person in the shadow raised his sword and suddenly scratched it down. There was a blue glowing crack on her back. The body injured by the sword continued to suffer and could not stand the pain. She raised her face and screamed, and instantly turned into a newborn snake.

The meat's expression did not change at all. Then he gave another sword to the witch who had been beaten back to its original shape. The blade of the sword penetrated its body and fixed it to the ground. Although the little snake was breaking free, there was nothing it could do. Gradually, even its remaining body turned into a bubble.

The gods are all destroyed.

The meat pulled out the sword, and there was still a fierce anger on his body. His eyes stared at the direction in which the grass disappeared, but the original brown pupil slowly deepened its color, getting darker and darker, so black that even the night sky could not be compared. Just as Lanming showed a surprised expression, the meat suddenly inserted the sword into the sword at his waist. Sheath, turn around and walk towards them.

Every time the dark blue Taoist robe fluctuated like an invisible tear, it fell to the ground. The teenager had a pale face, and the murderous spirit just burst out disappeared without a trace, which made Lan Ming feel that he was dazzled. The meat squatted down and gently wiped off the blood stains on the fort's mouth. Finally, the red man next to him couldn't help crying.

- hopeless! It's hopeless! Lian Jian was hit by the center of the witch's palm. Now even if it is treated by the immortal doctor of Linjiang, Lian Jian is powerless to return to heaven!!

At this moment, the fortear, with only one last breath, gradually disappeared in a coma...


At noon in early summer, the sun was warm and shining on every passer-by on the street, making these slightly tired faces a little more sleepy.

The forsian lying on a wooden chair in the park slowly opened his eyes.

I feel dizzy...

Her expression was uncomfortable. She began to massage her head slowly and gently, and the dizziness seemed to gradually disappear. When she opened her eyes again, she clearly saw what was in front of her, and her pupils dilated in an instant.

- Linjiang Park!

She suddenly stood up. She slowly looked around and saw the familiar hillsides and roads, as well as the lake shining in the distance. She was 100% sure that this was the Linjiang Park she had played since she was a child!

This...this, this... her breathing became rapid, and there was a layer of water mist in her eyes in an instant. Did she really come back???

Because of time, there are relatively few people in the park. At this time, Forsis walked out of the shadow of the tree and stood on the cobblestone-studded path. During the period of time, she did not miss home, but she knew that it was difficult and difficult to come back, but now...

Wipe away the slippery tears with her hand. She smiled at the sky, but she laughed and cried at the same time.

Who can understand her mood now? Who can understand the sadness and joy of a person who has been away from home for a long time and sees the scenery of his hometown?

"Brother Chen... I'm so thirsty. I want to eat popsicles."

The tender baby sound came from behind, and Forsythia turned her head. She saw a little girl with horns standing at the commissary on the other side of the road, with a trace of desire on her face.

Hearing the little girl's words, the little boy began to turn up his clothes up and down, but after seeing that he had only five yuan, he was silent for a moment and then said:

"However, if we buy a popsicle, we won't have enough money to eat."

The little girl lowered her head and seemed to give up. However, when the two left, they looked at the commissary reluctantly and went far away but still looking back. Her expression was seen by the little boy, and finally, he took the little girl to the commissary...

The fortear's expression was a little dull. She looked at the excitement of the little girl when she took the popsicle from the aunt of the store, the satisfaction of the little girl eating the popsicle, and the smile on the little boy's face.

This picture coincided with one of her memories. She slowly raised her right hand and found that her right hand was transparent in the sun! And there is no shadow around her!

A bolt from the blue.

Is it...not that she came back... but her soul... that came back?

So...what about her body? ...Is it still there? If the soul is not there, does that mean...

She lowered her hand feebly, and after a long time, she slowly smiled.

It seems that she is really going to come to an end. It turns out that when she is about to die, she will go back to the past, look at the pictures she has experienced, and look at the traces of her growth.

The little boy and little girl in front of the commissary has gone far away. Of course, she knew that later, because she bought a popsicle, the rest of the money was only enough to buy a bowl of noodles, so the two children sat in the noodle restaurant, using the same bowl.

It's just that the little boy put down his chopsticks without eating a few bites and said he didn't like the taste. And he also told him that you should eat them all.

The little girl sucked her chopsticks with her mouth, nodded after hearing his words, lowered her head and took a big bite.

After she was full, the little boy took the bowl and drank all the rest of the soup. Facing the little girl's sight, he touched his stomach and burped. I like soup best, don't you know?

How old was that year?

Walking on the road in the park, she found that no one could see her. She recalled what happened when she was a child. She calculated that she might be six or seven years old. That day, it was because there was no one in the two families. However, it seems that this did not happen later, because Jiang Beichen has liked cooking since then and went to the kitchen every day at a young age.

is still wearing a gray-white exorcism robe, but the fort's face is full of smiles, a little happy and a little joy. If she learned to cook because of this... she lowered her head gently.

"Maybe... he may... like me?"

Walking like this, Lian Jian found that the surrounding scenery began to change significantly, and the sky began to rain heavily, and her place changed from a park to a community.

A figure holding an umbrella faintly appeared in front of her. After approaching, the foreared found that it was her mother she hadn't seen for a long time!

I couldn't help taking two steps forward. Of course, the woman in black professional clothes couldn't see her, but forsythia could see clearly, and her expression was the same as if she had just cried.

I don't know where my mother is going. Lian Jian walked to her and followed her.

The mobile phone rang in the bag.

The woman picked up the phone.

A trivial message came from the mobile phone, and the woman took a deep breath.

"I tell you, divorce is okay, and you don't want any money, but Xiaoya must follow me."

The heart suddenly hurt, and the forsythia looked at the woman beside him.

Tears slowly flowed on the delicate makeup, but tried to stabilize the voice, so that the person on the other end of the phone could not hear a trace of sadness.

Because for her, that man is not a dependent who can cry with him after being wronged, but destroys her happy enemy.

After hanging up the phone, the woman held back her tears and walked in a certain direction in the rain.

At this moment, she lost her husband, family, and even the only opportunity for promotion was missed because she was pregnant with fordyly. But at the moment when the man left, she didn't want anything. She just wanted foresia.

Forgingia followed her mother all the way to the door of the kindergarten, where there were many people. She watched her mother walk towards the kindergarten. At this time, she is about to leave school...

Unconsciously, the forsaritan standing in the rain has already burst into tears.

It's not that I haven't complained, why I don't have a father, why my mother is always so busy, and why is she alone in the parent-teacher meeting class. All the reasons are completely untied at this moment. Now fortia is no longer the same child. She has grown up.

She has begun to understand how difficult it is for a woman to pull up her child alone.

And her mother has since firmly believed that it is better to rely on herself than on men. Mom uses all her energy to work. In the workplace, she is no worse than any man.

The crying fortearm suddenly fell down, and at the moment of landing, all the surrounding scenery disappeared. She found that she suddenly moved from a heavy city to a desert with a poisonous sun.

She is the only one in the vast desert. She fell to the ground feebly and felt the poison of the sun. She found that the water in her body was gradually losing...

It's so hot...

She wanted to get up, but found that she had no strength at all...

Her consciousness began to blur, and she seemed to fall asleep, but her throat was thirsty and uncomfortable.

Water...she wants to drink water...


The second child in the store sent something. When everyone saw the item, they were all stunned.

Remove the shell of the envelope, which contains a golden lucky bag with an elegant lotus embroidered on it...

"Isn't that true..." Hongshang looked at Xi Zhenwan he took out of his lucky bag and muttered.

"Even if it is, it can't help the forsythia..." Lan Ming looked at the forsythia with almost no breath. Not to mention her current situation, even if she is alive, she has no power to absorb the essence of Xizhen pills...

The little crescent sitting by the bed is rarely silent.

The dark blue figure suddenly flashed, grabbed the medicine from Hongshang's hand and threw it into the air.

He raised his head back, opened his mouth, and the black pill fell into his mouth accurately.

"Kka, Kaka..."

The sound of chewing pills came into everyone's ears. They stared at the teenager who swallowed Xizhen pills, and their expressions became dull.

"Hey...I said..." Xiaoyue was the first to open his mouth, with a slightly gloomy expression: "You guys ate the only life-saving thing forrenqi..."

The only life-saving thing for forsythia - the wild cat actually ate it??!!!