Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 41 Butterfly Dance 10


Foria stubbornly looked at the meat.

Yan Nianxiang turned around, saw the foreared look, and gently raised her eyebrows.

"Ah, it seems that you still don't believe that he has been killed by this demon girl? Ha ha... It's so naive, you."

"Impossible...impossible..." Forsian couldn't help whispering.

"Don't be impossible. Why don't you come to the autopsy? You know, I just used ten points of strength..."

The witch's voice suddenly stopped, and the forsythia opposite opened his eyes in surprise--

is meat! The meat that fell to the ground suddenly stood up when Yan Nianxiang turned his back to him, and the silver sword pierced the heart of Yan Nianxiang!

Pull out the sword little by little, and there was no emotion in the flesh's eyes, and the fragrance of the smoke in front of him slowly showed a self-deprecating smile.

"Ah... I was... cheated by you..."

The little crescent moon is also incredible. She didn't feel any smell of meat just now. Is it all hidden by him? - If so, then the meat now is really more than three times stronger than before!

covering the wound on her chest, Yan Nianxiang suddenly sat on the ground. Through the shadow of the ground, she saw the meat behind her slowly raising her sword, as if she wanted to die immediately.

Oh... There was a smile on the corners of her mouth, and she was actually deceived? Ha...

Slowly close her eyes, and she is ready to die.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time was quietly lost, and there was no sound in the whole cabin. Listening carefully, you can actually hear the night wind outside the boat.

Lian Jian stood still and looked at the scene in front of him, with a flashing expression.

"Cut..." The little crescent turned his head and didn't want to see it.

Hmm? Yan Nianxiang slowly opened her eyes and appeared in front of her, which turned out to be...

Sister...and...Brother Lanming...

Qingyou, who was trampled on by her broken hamstrings, lying in front of her, leaving blood marks all the way from her position to here... She was naked, but she looked worriedly at the fragrance of Yannian, with her hands supporting her body, with a trace of forbearance in her eyes.

Lan Ming, who was seriously injured by her, sat weakly in front of her, but held the sword with both hands. The wound on her body was still bleeding, spreading drop by drop to the board of the boat, dyeing the corners of her skirt red.

The meat behind maintained the posture of holding the sword, and there was a stiff atmosphere between the four people.

Meat, the fragrance of smoke, and even forsythia - I can understand...

Qingyou's legs can't move, but at this time, she holds her upper body with both hands and stares at the sword in her hand without blinking. As long as he swings his sword down, she must do her best to hit her body and block his deadly attack with her own body!

Lanming, desperately supported the body that was about to faint, holding the sword tightly in his right hand. As long as the meat attacked, he would try his best to stop it. Once such a violent action was exhausted, it would be death to greet him.

Yan Nianxiang stared at the two people in front of her, the two people who were seriously injured by her, but why them, why them! ...It turned out to be...with life...

"Xiaoxiang... Don't be afraid... My sister said... will protect you..."

"Well, Brother Lan Ming also said that he would protect you for the rest of his life."

"Don't be silly. You protect her. When she hurt you just now, she was not soft-hearted." The meat narrowed its eyes and seemed to want to kill her.

Shaking his head gently, he looked at the fragrance of smoke in front of him, and tears slowly flowed down.

"Xiaoxiang... Hate my sister... Although my sister doesn't know what you have experienced in the past five years... but... my sister knows... It must be a very difficult and difficult journey..."

"It's my sister's fault. My sister used the wrong method. Xiaoxiang... You are too young. You don't understand... Saint... The saint of the butterfly dance school... That's bound all your life..."

"No friends, no relatives, no lover, nothing... Just lonely, live to death... Xiaoxiang, do you understand, my sister only wants you to grow up happily like an ordinary girl... In the future, you can marry a good family, and when you get old, you can be full of children..." < /P>

"Is that so?" Yan Nianxiang asked gently, and she looked at Lan Ming on the other side with tears in her eyes.

Lan Ming nodded.

"If there was no fire. Now, maybe... you should be my wife..."

What?! Yan Nianxiang looked at Lan Ming in surprise, and her voice trembled.

"Lan, Lan Ming's brother... you and your sister's... marriage contract..."

"If your sister is a saint, the marriage contract will naturally be cancelled."

"Sister..." Why, sister? Don't your sister and brother Lanming fall in love with each other? Yan Nianxiang looked at the quiet and slowly knelt on the ground, still supporting the ground with his hands.

Gently wiped away the tears from her face with her hand, and the quiet saint smiled gently.

"My sister knows everything..."

The little girl is waiting for Lan Ming's brother to appear every day. Her eyes have been falling on him, but because of her sister, she dares not say it or even think about it.

These...these...she, as a sister, all know.

"I think, if Xiaoxiang goes to be a saint and finds that it is different from what she thinks, you will regret it... So, I think that you will want and marry Lanming more than the saint..."

Tears slipped to the ground, and I couldn't help sobbing.

"I'm sorry... Xiaoxiang... I didn't ask for your opinion, so I will help you arrange your future life according to my own ideas... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

With his hands gently placed on her face, he raised his head quietly and saw the gentle eyes of Yannian.

Cherishly wiped away her tears. She wanted to say something, but she spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell down.

Qingyou quickly stretched out her arms and caught her sister's figure.

Leaning her head in her sister's arms, Yan Nianxiang looked at her sister and smiled slightly:

"No...apologize...Sister, you think of everything...You really don't need to apologize..."


"I... Actually, I deliberately... I deliberately didn't kill this young man... I deliberately saved his life... I deliberately turned my back to him... deliberately let him hurt me and let him kill me... I just want to... I just want to... want to know..."

Tears slipped out of the corners of her eyes, gently wiping the blood on her mouth, and Lan Ming beside her also held her hand.

Feeling the warmth from her hands, Yan Nianxiang cried and said, "They all said that I was a young prostitute that no one wanted... But I didn't believe it! ...Cough, cough, cough! Cough..."