Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 42 Butterfly Dance (11)

A violent cough came, and Lan Ming nervously leaned forward half of her body.

"Xiaoxiang, speak slowly, don't worry..."

"Well...I...I don't believe it...Even if my sister, even if my sister says those words to my mother...Even if my brother Lanqi goes back on his word and help my sister...I, I think...If I am in danger, you will definitely come to help me...So..."

Licking the dry lips, such a fragrance of smoke is as coquettish as a child.

"I'm stupid, right? ...Using such a method... Because, I want to know... If my life is threatened... Brother Lan Ming, and sister... Will... Will..."

She couldn't continue to say the following words. She closed her eyes and her tears kept slipping. Qingyou kept wiping her tears, and she also burst into tears.

"We will." Lan Ming and Qing You said in unison.

The fragrance of the year of smoke nodded repeatedly.

"I know, I know..."

She saw it. Just now, Lan Ming's brother and sister were ready to die for her, and she saw it...

Every time she is bullied, every time she compromises in order to live, although she has always denied it, she knows that she has never stopped missing her sister and brother Lan Yu...

When she was a child, she had been protecting her sister and brother Lanming. If they saw her being bullied like this, she would definitely come to help her, right? Is that right?

In order to get this answer, even if you give your life, you will not hesitate.

Because, in this world, there are still people who care about her.

People who love her with their lives exist!

A childish smile bloomed on her face. Yan Nianxiang opened her eyes to look at Lan Ming and then at her sister. Her expression was unprecedented satisfaction in ten years.

She held Lan Ming's hand in her left hand and her sister in her right hand, and began to tell her last words.

"I, I'm dying... But I hope... I hope my sister can be happy with Brother Lanming... Don't be sad, because you can die beside my sister and Brother Lanming. I already feel that God is very good to me..."

Little crescent looked at several people in front of her. After hearing this, she turned her back to the crowd. She lowered her head slightly, and something seemed to flash on her face.

A trace of unnaturalness flashed on Lan Ming and Qingyou's faces, and the two turned their eyes to one side - after all, it has been ten years. I have never met him for ten years. Even if I had a hazy love before, it has disappeared in the past ten years.

Although the three of them still care about each other so much, it is only a bond of life and has nothing to do with the wind and moon.

Yan Nianxiang seemed to see something. She just wanted to open her mouth, but the meat squatted down and pulled up Lan Ming's clothes, "teared--" and pulled off a large piece.

Yan Nianxiang's sword wound was in front of her chest, and the meat was entangled in her wound layer by layer without saying anything, and Yan Nianxiang shook her head.

"Don't work hard. It's impossible to live."

"Why is it impossible?" After the meat was wrapped up, look up at her.

"My heart has been pierced by you. Even if it is a demon, it is impossible to live."

"It didn't pierce the heart."


"My sword has deviated by three centimeters."

The whole room was silent.

Gradually, Lan Ming and Qing's face showed joy.

"You, you mean... Xiaoxiang..." Qingyou was a little excited.

"One of the twelve demon girls beside the demon king, if you can't stand this little injury, it will make the dead soul who died under your sword come back to life."

Slowly lowered his head and looked at the wound that the teenager in front of him had bandaged himself, and his fragrant eyes showed doubt.


In such a situation, he should have killed himself without hesitation, but why did he? ......

"I am self-aware. If you don't care about saving my life, how can I still be alive." Slowly standing up, he smiled at the fortally opposite and began to walk towards her.

Ah... It turns out that this teenager knows it... Yan Nianxiang smiled and is really smart.

"Oh, that's right." The meat stood still, turned his head and looked at the three people behind him, with faint eyes: "Yan Nianxiang, in return, I want your clothes."

When is it? I just can't forget her clothes...

It's better to say that no matter when, you can't forget the forearm.

"Pum..." Yan Nianxiang couldn't help laughing, and Lan Ming and Qingyou were also full of smiles.

Lian Jian smiled and breathed a deep sigh of relief. This time, everyone is really happy.

"It feels good... right?" Lian Jian turned his head and asked the little crescent beside him.

But I found that the little crescent moon that was still beside me just now disappeared...

"I didn't go far, it should be in the bow." Meat seemed to know Lian Jian's worries, and he said.

"Meat, take the three of them back to the inn first, and I'll come."



The forsian passed through the long corridor and came to the bow.

From afar, she saw a warm yellow figure sitting on the edge of the boat, staring at the dimly lit streets in the distance.

I don't know when her long hair was untied by her and flew in the wind.

Slowly leaned towards the small crescent, and at this moment, the forcisia suddenly found that the small crescent was much more mature.

I have always regarded her as a child. Although I know that she likes Lanming, no one can rest assured. No matter which girl is, you can't stand the scene that happened on the ship just now, right? Seeing the person he liked, he fought for his life to save others. When he saw him look at other girls, his eyes were cherished and gentle... Lian Jian slowly squatted down and sat next to the little crescente.

The evening breeze is blowing, and the lake is sparkling. Lianqi turned his head to look at the little crescent moon and saw her young but heavy side, and felt a little confused.

After all, he is only 12 years old.

The big watery eyes are full of emotions that Lianqi can't understand. The little crescent moon looks at the night sky in the distance, quietly and doesn't speak.

With a gentle sigh, Forcisian put his arms around the shoulder of the little crescent moon.

Let her head rest on her shoulder, and Lian Jian comforted: "Actually, there is nothing to be sad about. After all, they... After all, in the memory of Brother Lanming, they are real and cannot be erased. Don't get along with yourself, okay?"



"Twelve-year-old little girl likes it, no 'adult' will take it seriously, right?"

The fortear was silent.

"Fortear." The little crescent moon opened again.


"I envy you very much."