Ming God

Chapter 14 The Mysterious Old man in the library


Tang Biao was defeated!

Facing a moment, everyone's hearts had a huge shock, but the bloody fact was in front of them. Whether it was Tang Biao, who was vomiting blood and struggling under the stage or Tang Lin gasping like a cow on the stage, it shocked everyone. How long has they never seen such a tragic struggle? Tang Biao's fierceness has It is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Tang Lin's outbreak was even more shocking.

Just now, the blood vessels of the two bodies were bulging, and the tragic scene of bone collision still lingered in their ears.

"You still can't save people!" An angry voice exploded from the high stands, as if there was a drought and thunder on the flat ground. Everyone turned their heads and saw the dark face of the patriarch of Tangfu that was about to drip water.

Several guards hurried out of the crowd and quickly came to Tang Biao's side. They lifted Tang Biao carefully and ran out smoothly and quickly.

On the stand, Tang Feiling's face was also a little ugly. He glanced at Tang Lin on the stage and said, "Father, I'm going to heal my brother!"

The patriarch of Tangfu said with a calm face, "Okay, you use snacks and don't let your brother leave any disease." With that, he shouted to a horse-faced old man not far away, "Liu, you go with Feiling!"

The old man with a horse face should bow.

When Tang Feiling and Guan Liu left, the patriarch of Tangfu stared at Tang Lin gloomily and stopped talking.

Tang Biao was seriously injured and carried away, and Tang Lin won. But the game will continue, and soon ** will calm down after the next martial arts competition.

When Tang Lin returned to his third uncle, the third uncle patted Tang Lin on the shoulder happily, laughed a few times, and said, "Okay! OK! OK!" It can be seen that Tang Lin is indeed a deep intention to make the third uncle, who has always been silent and cold, say three good and laugh so happily.

However, when the third uncle laughed, Tang Lin keenly felt that a pair of gloomy and vicious eyes were also staring at this side. The lethality of those eyes was so strong that he did not look at them in time. Tang Lin still felt the pain like a needle in his back. He knew who the man was and that the source of his assassination and snooping was that person, but he still dared not face him because he was not strong enough.

At this time, the third uncle suddenly moved his body and stood in front of Tang Lin.

"Rin'er, you did a good job this time. Don't worry about the following things. Just have a good rest for a while." The third uncle said gently. Looking at the fifth uncle not far away, he nodded.

The game is still going on, but the result will come out soon. Due to Tang Biao's serious injury and absence from the battle, the top five were quickly won by Tang Lan, Tang Lin, Tang Si and the remaining two teenagers at the peak of their strength. The remaining three-A matches have appeared without the competition. Naturally, the first place is Tang Lan, who is in a strong situation, and Tang Lin, the second place, is not allowed to be uny. Tang Si is in the third place.

"Well, the results of this year's competition have appeared, third place, Tang Si!" The fifth uncle stood on the martial arts stage and shouted loudly.

The elegant Tang Si walked up from under the stage, and a proud smile that a young man should have appeared on his face. As soon as he came on stage, he waved to the couple under the stage. The couple jumped excitedly and shouted, looking very excited. Tang Lin thought that the couple should be his parents. Because of this big match, many children's parents came to help.

"Second place, Tang Lin is on the stage!" The fifth uncle shouted again that Tang Lin ranked second because he took the initiative to admit defeat. For Tang Lan at the third level, I'm afraid he can't stand ten moves, so he didn't go up and lose face.

"First place, Tang Lan!" As soon as Tang Lan came on the stage, there was a burst of cheers. Although Tang Lan is a girl, she has been the first in the young generation for three years, and her prestige is much stronger than Tang Lin.

After the three came to power, the fifth uncle nodded and said with satisfaction, "You are very good, but if you win this time, don't be complacent and strive to continue to win next time. This is your prize, five elders. When they receive the prize, you can take them to the library to choose secrets. The fifth uncle said to an old man in his fifties around him.

The old man took out three boxes and sent one to each of them. The box was packed with Peiyuandan.

After receiving the prize, the three followed the elders and went to the library of the Tang Mansion. The library of the Tang Mansion is usually open, but the precious secrets inside are in the attic at the deepest of the library. An old man is guarding it every day, and no one can enter without permission. It is said that the old man has been in Tangfu for decades, and no one has ever been able to steal anything from the library.

Walking through a gloomy forest, Tang Lin came to the front of a three-story wooden building.

The elder did not go in directly, but stopped and shouted respectfully at the closed door, "Lord, I'm the fifth of the Martial Arts Hall. The three behind me are the top three compared with the Tang Mansion this year. I beg you to open the library."

When Tang Lin and Tang Si opened their eyes wide and thought that the elder's white-haired appearance was at least in his fifties, and he actually claimed to be Xiaowu to the old man who was reading the library. How big should this old man be? Over 100 years old?

"Squeak!" The door of the closed library suddenly opened automatically without wind.

There is nothing in the open door, which looks gloomy, like the giant mouth of a monster. At this time, an old and rotten voice came from the building: "Xiao Wu? Oh, I remember that you are the little guy who farts as soon as he practices his skills. Why, it's been a year. How time flies. I just slept, and a year has passed. Alas, when I'm old, I always can't lift my spirits. Oh, Xiaowu, you ask the canteen to bring me a jar of fresh meat. I have to eat something, otherwise I won't wake up next time. All right, you all come in."

The fifth elder swallowed a mouthful of foam, and obviously felt a little guilty. He waved his hand to the three people behind him and said, "Let's go!"

Tang Lin followed and stepped into the gloomy library. As soon as he entered the door, a damp mildew smell came to his face. The air was mixed with a disgusting smell like an old woman wrapped in a foot cloth. Tang Lin took a sip and almost choked to death. He quickly covered his nose and looked left and right. Tang Si was as red as himself. However, Tang Lan had already covered her nose with an embroidered handkerchief. When she saw Tang Lin looking over, she smiled narrowly at Tang Lin. Obviously, I have known the musty smell here for a long time.

This is a hall. Looking up, you can see the dome through the third floor of the second floor, but the dome is closed and there is no sunlight. There are stairs next to it, and there is a thick layer of dust on it. It seems that no one has come for a while.

"Cough!!" Two coughs suddenly sounded from under my feet.

Before the coughing sounded, the candles on the pillars in the hall suddenly lit up one after another, and then the dome, and the night pearl-like lights were arranged to bloom, illuminating the whole library. It took less than three seconds to turn from darkness to light. When Tang Lin's eyes adapted to the light, he was surprised to see that a thin old man in a gray cotton robe appeared in front of several people.

There was a table and a chair in front of the old man, and the old man sat on the chair, with his body slightly ricked and a high bulge on his back, which was obviously a pot. He lowered his head slightly, and his hair was gray but long, so long that he couldn't see his head and tail when he pulled it to the ground. Just glanced at the old man, Tang Lin's heart seemed to be grabbed fiercely. The old man's face was so thin that it was almost like a skull wrapped in a leather.

At this time, the old man raised his head slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Wu, are these three little dolls who want to choose secrets?"

The bright light shines on the old man's face, but it gives Tang Lin a gloomy and horrible feeling. Seeing the old man's face head-on is even more creepy. On the thin face, a pair of gray and godless eyes swept over them, like the sickle of death scraping over them. The hall was very bright, but the light could not illuminate the old man's side. It seems that the light becomes dim as soon as it comes to the old man.

Woe! There is strangeness everywhere!

Little Five Elder** looked at his cheek and coughed, "Yes, senior, these three are the winners of this year."

The old man grinned, "Hey, this little girl is here again, and it's not slow to enter the country. You have to choose well this time and stop choosing those useless things.

Tang Lan took a step forward and said in a coquettish voice, "Don't worry, I must choose a top secret book this time."

The old man nodded and said nothing, but waved to the little five elders and said, "Go out first. Remember to ask the canteen to bring the meat quickly. Remember, if it's late, I'll eat your meat."

The little five elder's body trembled suddenly and replied in a cold sweat, "Yes, senior, please don't worry. I'll let them send it today." He bowed and saluted and retreated as if he were running away.

Tang Lin looked at the old man. For some reason, an idea came to his mind that what the old man had just said was not like a joke. He did feel that the old man was going to eat human flesh, and it was not the first time.

Thinking of this, Tang Lin's heart tightened. The heart is pounding.

Suddenly, he felt that the old man was staring at him, and his gray and godless eyes radiated a death-like coldness, like a high god staring at an ant-like creature. A strong pressure pressed on Tang Lin's heart like a huge mountain. Tang Lin was frightened. As soon as he entered the door, he felt a faint pressure covering him. He thought it was his illusion, but when the old man really stared at him, the pressure had been real and completely oppressed him spiritually.

He felt that his mind was slowing down, and a strong fear filled his heart. His mind was running rapidly, his spirit was highly concentrated, his skin was tight and his hair was straight upright.

"Hey, interesting, interesting, it's actually a psychic constitution." The old man suddenly smiled, and his hoarse voice echoed in the gloomy library, which was particularly harsh.

"Senior, the thirteenth brother is a martial arts genius in our Tang Dynasty. Ten days ago, the thirteenth brother did not even reach the realm of accumulation. Such a good talent, do you have any guidance? Tang Lan's crisp voice suddenly sounded, which was regarded as saving Tang Lin's predicament.

Sure enough, as soon as Tang Lan spoke, the spiritual pressure dissipated in an instant.

"Okay, little girl, don't squeeze me with words. The next hour is the time limit for you to choose the secret book. Remember, each of you can only choose two books. Come here to see me an hour later. Don't try to procrastinate, or you will die ugly. The old man said gloomily. After saying that, he lowered his head and ignored them.

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