Ming God

Chapter 33 Scream in the Flower Boat

The voice of Shenzhou No. 1 was very anxious. Tang Lin was shocked and hurriedly asked, "Who chased me, where, and how long will it take to get here?"

"Oh, don't ask. Hurry up, hide under the bottom of the boat with turtle breathing skills, and use the river to cover up the breath of secrets." Shenzhou-1 is a little anxious.

Tang Lin frowned and put the invisible charm in his arms back to his chest. After urging the invisible charm with true air, he quietly opened the hatch, took a deep breath, and jumped into the river. He moved very lightly and came to the bottom of the boat like a gecko swimming against the wall of the boat. The river flooded his head and was cold and piercing.

The river is turbulent, and Tang Lin can only instill his hands and feet with true air on his back to close to the bottom of the boat, so as not to be washed away by the current. His whole body was attached to the bottom of the ship, and the turtle's breath well covered his breath of life, but the secrets in his arms were still transmitted even in the water.

As soon as he hid for a minute, he felt two powerful breaths flying from the land. Even if the two breaths were far away, he could feel their strong and true spirit. What's more, the two did not hide their strength at all, like two bright lights in the night exploring everywhere. Tang Lin's heart was awe-inspiring, and the turtle's work was running more quickly.

Above the river, the boatman was holding the boat. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the river in the distance.

He saw two people walking on the river, with their feet gently on the river. The water was rippled, and people were more than ten meters away. That's as simple as walking on land. It's not that the boatman has never seen a martial arts master, but such a thing as walking on the waves and flying by the water is unheard of.

He opened his mouth wide and forgot to shake the oars. But then he saw that the two seemed to want to fly by themselves.

The two figures skimmed dozens of meters of river between several breaths and jumped gently to the deck of the ship. At the first time, his clothes were floating, young and handsome, and two ribbons fluttered in the wind, which was quite elegant. The man behind was dressed in a gray robe, describing him as withered and skinny, like a dead man crawling out of the grave. As soon as the boatman saw the two people, his hands and feet trembled.

"Ship family, don't be afraid. Let me ask you, have you seen a teenager pass from here?" The elegant young man asked with a smile. The divine eyes seemed to be magical, quickly relaxing the boatman.

The boatman muttered and stammed, "Your Excellency, he is on the boat!"

The young man and the thin old man were shocked together, "What?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly with a "ho" sound, one person jumped by and fell behind the cabin. One of them blocked both ends of the cabin in the front and one behind.

"Tang Lin, come out!" The thin old man shouted loudly, like a bell, resounding over the river.

The boatman was shocked and almost fell into the river with a trembling foot.

But there was silence in the cabin, and only the voice of the thin old man echoed on the river.

The old man and the young man looked at each other and hit each other. In the roar, they lifted the board of the cabin. The two stared at it, but found that it was empty and there was nothing.

The old man looked angry, grabbed the boatman's collar and grabbed him in the air. He said angrily, "I'm tired of living. How dare you lie to us!"

The boatman kept struggling and his face turned red: "Your Excellency, I didn't lie to you. He was still here just now. I really dare not lie to you!"

The young man next to him suddenly said, "Brother Canglan, put him down. He should not have lied to us. The boy should have just left here. Although he is a little lighter, I can still feel the breath of the Taoist scriptures. We still have time to catch up."

The thin old and young people are naturally the immortal masters of Freesia and Huaxian Sect.

When Cang Lanzi heard this, she snorted coldly and threw it casually. She threw the boatman more than ten meters away and threw it into the river. However, before the boatman entered the water, the boatman's neck had been distorted and had obviously been broken by Freesia.

The immortal master frowned and said unhappily, "Brother Canglanzi, your murderous spirit is too heavy. This boatman is just an innocent person. There is no need to kill indiscriminately.

Cang Lanzi sneered: "Kid, don't think that you are an immortal old man who is afraid of you. We are just cooperating temporarily, and it doesn't mean that I will listen to you. If you want to take the scriptures, I will take people. We each take what we need, and no one owes anyone. Therefore, you'd better not mind your own business."

The young man's face darkened, but it immediately returned to normal. With a blank face, he said, "Well, let's still look for Tang Lin. Just now, I felt that the breath of the Taoist scriptures was very strong, but after coming here, the breath suddenly weakened. It can be seen that he already knew in advance that we were coming, and what measures should this boy have to detect our breath. Next, we should make a good calculation and not act recklessly.

Cang Lanzi sneered: "I didn't expect that this little guy had cultivated to the Yuanli realm and done so many things."

The young man also sighed: "Yes, if it hadn't been for the news from the wife of Tangfu Laowu, I'm afraid we would still be in the dark."

Canglanzi said, "That boy has many tricks. Maybe he hasn't left here yet. You can feel the breath of the Taoist scriptures, and you can look around downstream. I'll stay here in case he escapes.

The young man nodded: "Okay."

Tang Lin at the bottom of the ship restrained his heart, and his whole body seemed to be a stone without life, but his senses were still there, and he could hear the conversation between the two above clearly.

How's it going? Regret. You shouldn't have let that woman go at the beginning. If you killed her at that time, there would have been no later and your plan. Now, instead of fighting, they joined forces to search for you. I'm afraid you can't escape!"

"Shenzhou No. 1, don't say anything. Now what we should do is to find a way to escape from here."

"What can I do? I have to wait!"

As time passed, the thin figure of Freesia stood on the bow deck, motionless like a sculpture. He didn't move, so Tang Lin naturally didn't dare to move.

"shen zhou-1, I'm dying. Think of a way." After a long time, Tang Lin's silence was almost to the limit.

It's just that Shenzhou 1 didn't answer again.

" Shenzhou 1, I really can't stand it." After a long period of closed air and lack of oxygen, although there was a restraining skill such as turtle breathing, Tang Lin still began to feel dizzy and conscious. It's just that he knows that he still can't move. Once he is found by the freesia above, he will definitely die. Slowly, he felt very sleepy and sleepy and wanted to fall asleep. His consciousness began to fade.

At this moment, a sigh sounded in his mind: "Oh, I'm really unlucky to meet you in the abyss. If you had known today, why did you do it earlier? Now I can only use my own strength to help you escape."

Hearing this sound, Tang Lin felt at ease and finally fell into a coma.

What he didn't know was that after he fell into a coma, a clear light quietly appeared from his body, wrapped him in it, and was covered by this clear light, and his originally pale and blue face returned to red. This clear light took Tang Lin and began to go down the river. Tang Lin turned into a fish in the river and swam further and farther in the water quickly and smoothly.

After a while, a young man from Huaxianzong flew by on a river water wrapped in Tang Lin's clear light, but the young man did not feel the breath of Taoist scriptures in Tang Lin's arms at all. Just pass by Tang Lin.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how far it drifted along the river. The light wrapped in Tang Lin began to thin and fade. Finally, when the light disappeared, Tang Lin was stranded on a reed beach.

"Alas! Xiao Tanglin, this consumption is really too great. I'm going to fall into sleep. I can't help you in the future. Take care of yourself!" A whisper in Tang Lin's ear, and the voice of Shenzhou No. 1 disappeared in Tang Lin's ear.

I don't know how long it took, Tang Lin felt a noisy sound come to his ear. Then he heard the sound of the oars paddling. I faintly heard someone talking.

"Come and see, the big head, there is a child here."

"Let me see, wah, he is still alive. This child is quite handsome. I guess which young master fell into the water."

"The big head, this child is so beautiful, why don't he let him learn to sing with our sisters in the future!"

"Anyway, save him first."

Then Tang Lin felt that he had been lifted up. After a bump, he fainted again.

I don't know how long it took for Tang Lin to wake up from his coma. As soon as he woke up, he felt dizzy, and his head seemed to be pricked by a needle. The severe pain made him completely wake up from the blur. He knew that this was the reason for his excessive mental loss. He slowly woke up and remembered the last sound of Shenzhou-1.

Tang Lin lay in a daze, staring straight at the dark place above his head. After a long time, he felt that his mind had recovered a little, and he began to observe the environment around him.

In the narrow dark space, a palm-sized window leaked some light, making it clear that this narrow room was actually just a bottom cabin. In addition to some sundries, there is a strong fishy smell around, which seems to have been loaded with fish before. His bed board is just a bed covered with a layer of coarse cloth put together by several large boxes.

Tang Lin shook his head and sat up from **. He vaguely remembered some memory fragments and knew that he had been drifted thousands of miles by Shenzhou 1 along the river, so he was safe for the time being.

"So, I was rescued. Who saved me?" He jumped from **. Although his brain was still a little painful due to the loss of a lot of mental strength, his body was not greatly damaged.

He walked to the door of the room and opened the wooden door hard.

He looked up and was just facing a pair of clear and beautiful eyes. Under his beautiful eyes, a towering plump twin peaks immediately reflected into his eyes. The plumpness and softness were so white, tender and dazzling that he was so dull for a moment. Subconsciously, Tang Lin made a first impression of the plumpness: Well, it's pink and beautiful.

Then, a hysterical scream cut through the silent night.