Ming God

Chapter 37, son, you are so kind!

In the bright cabin, Tang Lin stared intently at the green ** at his fingertips. This green ** is the size of a thumb, churning and rolling at his fingertips, but it can't fall off. It seems that there is a force binding it. There is a flash of green light in the green liquid, which seems to be the breath of life. With this breath, a faint and fresh breath in the cabin dispersed.

His forehead was covered with sweat, but his eyes stared sharply at the mass ** motionless.

"I have failed three times, and this time I must succeed!"

Tang Lin took a deep breath and hooked his right hand, and a herb fell on the palm of his hand. As soon as the herb touched his palm, it began to wither and turn yellow, and finally turned into a piece of debris. At the same time, a small ball of green ** flew out of the herb, fell into the palm of his hand, and then was attracted into the large green liquid flowed into the tip of his left hand.

The green liquid has become stronger!

At this time, Tang Lin's expression became very solemn. His right hand changed, and he bent his index finger and put his index finger on the forearm of his left arm. The true air gushed out of itself and pushed his finger little by little along his left arm. Every inch of push made the green liquid of his fingertips float endlessly. With the advance of his right hand, his left hand began to turn red. . And the green liquid also began to emit curling smoke, as if something was heating them.

The green liquid suddenly bulged a bubble, "Puff!" It broke immediately.

Tang Lin's face changed, and the speed of his right hand immediately slowed down. This is the fusion of medicinal properties. He uses Zhenqi to heat the medicinal properties and has high requirements for the micro-control of Zhenqi, so he failed in the previous few times.

After a pause, he continued to push the heating, and the real gas gathered from his arm to his fingers, and then passed it to the green liquid. The green liquid began to change irregularly, and the bubbles kept bulging and disappearing. Soon, there was a fragrant and attractive smell in the room, which was full of vitality and made people feel refreshed.

Tang Lin's face was more serious at this time. At this time, his right hand had pushed into his left arm wrist, and his eyes stared at the changing green liquid. When the green liquid gradually became crystal clear, his right hand was a little fierce, and a true air surging out, and suddenly a heat wave came up from the palm of his left hand, through his fingers. Enter the green liquid.

I only heard a sudden sound.

The green liquid rose a strong medicinal mist. With the dispersion of the medicinal mist, it began to solidify. The green liquid, which was originally the size of a table tennis ball, solidified only the size of grapes. The emerald Danwan seems to have luster flowing on the surface, and a layer of halo reflects the light in the sun. It just looks very strange. Not to mention the fresh medicinal fragrance of the room.

Tang Lin held the elixir, and his face showed undisguised joy.

The significance of practicing this elixir is too great, which means that he will have a very strong ability, a skill that can make him settle down. He does not need an elixir furnace, an elixir room, or many items that are helpful for alchemy, but the elixir he has practiced is a first-class elixir, which will not dissipate, will not dissipate the drug power, and will not produce defective products.

Each of the elixir he refined will be 100% perfect quality.

After successfully refining the first elixir, the following elixir is easy to refine. This time, he refined Peiyuan elixir. He chose common medicinal materials. It can be said that he refined a simple version of Peiyuan elixir, but the medicinal properties are no worse than the original Peiyuan elixir.

After an hour, he refined 18 Peiyuan Dan. At first, he was very careful. With the proficiency of refining, his speed accelerated a lot.


, he swallowed an elixir and felt that the qi and blood began to recover immediately, and the originally depleted vitality began to gradually recover.

Suddenly, Tang Lin stopped refining the elixir, put the refined elixir aside, and looked at the door of the cabin.

"Bum bang!!!" There was a knock on the door.

"Tang Gongzi!" Xi Linger's unique soft voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in!" Tang Lin already knew her arrival from the sound of footsteps. With a wave of his hand, the hatch opened automatically.

Xi Linger came in from the outside with a smile, quickly swept her smart crystal-like black eyes, and then said, "Mr. Tang, how about living in the new room? Even our Hongjie can't live in such a cabin. It's a great face that Uncle Chen can live for you."

Tang Lin raised his eyes and smiled: "Little girl, he lived in this room for me, but for the sake of the elixir I gave him. Otherwise, there is no free lunch in the world. It's you. You came so late and had so much fun with your sisters.

Xi Linger muttered, "Call me little girl, you are not a little child." Looking up and seeing Tang Lin staring at her, she immediately changed the topic and said, "I didn't hang out with my sisters. I just went to the city with Sister Hong and bought some things for the troupe. We are going to Tan's house tonight to celebrate Mr. Tan's birthday. We have to prepare now.

As she spoke, a look of disgust appeared on her face: "This time I went, Mr. Tan must be pestering me again. I really don't want to go. I just pleaded with Sister Hong, but Sister Hong said that Uncle Chen had agreed. I can't go. Oh, what a bad luck." When she spoke, she secretly glanced at Tang Lin with the corners of her eyes from time to time.

Tang Lin said quietly: "Oh? Then go. Can he still eat you?"

Xi Linger was a little anxious and said with a long coquettish accent: "Tang-gong-zi, you can do it. Tell Uncle Chen and don't let me go. He will definitely agree for your sake.

Tang Lin smiled, reached out and scraped her nose, and said with a smile, "You little clever guy, turn around and want me to help you, right? You should know that my strength is not revealed, and what I said may not work. But since you brought it up, it would seem unkind if I didn't care. Don't worry, I will protect you well this time. It won't hurt you."

Xilinger clapped her hands happily: "Thank you, thank you, as long as you go with me."

Tang Lin flicked her forehead and said, "Ok, it's time for me to fulfill my promise to you. Are you ready?"

Xi Linger was shocked and said with a red face, "Now? Right here?"

Tang Lin looked at her in surprise and said inexplicably, "When do you want to wait?

Xi Linger blushed and said shyly, "Is this at least until the evening?"

Tang Lin is still confused: "Night? Why do you have to wait until the evening? Don't you have to go to Tan's house to perform at night?

Xi Linger's misty eyes swept the cabin and said in a mosquito humming voice, "Well, at least close the curtains!"

Tang Lin looked at Xi Linger's face strangely and found that the girl blushed like an autumn apple, which was really strange. Is it so shy to just refine the meridians? However, Tang Lin thought that this might be a unique hobby of a girl. He turned around and closed the windows and pulled up the curtain.

"All right, let's get started!"

Xi Linger bit her lower lip, pinched the corner of her clothes and blushed and said, "You, turn around."

Tang Lin was even more confused. He shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "My little sister-in-law, what on earth do you want to do? It's just to refine the meridians for you. Is it so grand?"

Xi Linger's face turned redder. She looked up and glanced at Tang Lin and found that Tang Lin was looking at her. She immediately moved her eyes away, but still stubbornly said, "Do you turn around!"

Tang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, okay! I turned around."

As soon as Tang Lin turned around, he heard the rustling sound behind his back, which seemed to be the sound of skin rubbing the clothes. Listening carefully, he found that it was indeed the unique sound when people took off their clothes. Tang Lin was shocked: It was difficult for this girl to take off her clothes. No matter what kind of heart it was, Tang Lin suddenly turned around.

"Ah!" The short scream suddenly faded. Xi Linger covered her chest and looked at Tang Lin in panic.

Tang Lin glanced at it and happened to see Xi Linger's white and soft smooth jade back. Her delicate skin had a ceramic-like luster, and her smooth jade-like skin did not have any flaws. A red ribbon went around her chest from behind and covered her plump chest under a pink belly pocket. The semicircular bulge was squeezed out of a wonderful arc under her arm, and under her armpits, the two white edges revealed half circles.

Xi Linger stood there at a loss, pitifully.

"Cough!!" Tang Lin coughed twice and moved his eyes awkwardly. He said, "Why did you take off your clothes?"

Xi Linger lowered her head and said like a mosquito and flies, "I, I used to peek Chen Hu's blood circulation for Sister Hong, but Sister Hong took off her clothes."

Tang Lin patted his head and scolded in his heart: It's shameless for these two dog men and women to go to the world under the pretext of opening up the meridians. It's nothing to mess with you, but don't let others see it. Let's see if it has also damaged our pure Xilinger. I just don't know if she saw what they did later. If she thought that blood circulation was to go to bed, it would be bad.

scolded in his heart, but Tang Lin said on the surface, "Well, your Chen Hu's level is too low, so you need to take off your clothes. I'm an innate strong man, so naturally you don't need it." With that, Tang Lin added another sentence: "However, taking off your clothes can indeed better attract the truth."

Hearing this, Xi Linger blushed and dared not look at Tang Lin. She just bit her lip and said, "Well, since we took it off, let's start doing it now!"

Tang Lin looked at her with a strange expression and felt that his throat was a little dry. He hummed and said, "Okay, okay, then do it!" As soon as he said it, he felt that the words were particularly awkward, as if the dialogue could only be used on a special occasion. The more ambiguous it is, the more ambiguous it is.


Half an hour later, the hatch was opened with a hula. Tang Lin came out of the room sweaty, and he was soaked. Sweat dripped down the hair. It looks awkward.

After wiping a handful of sweat, Tang Lin felt thirsty and unbearable. He took a deep breath of the cool breeze from the window, and his mood slowly calmed down. He has survived for half an hour.

Behind her, Xi Linger came out wet all over, but her face was red and bright, like a woman who had just finished her sex. Her clothes were as light as gauze, soaked with sweat, and clung to them tightly. There is no doubt that her graceful figure will be revealed. She looked at Tang Lin's back with a complicated expression, and then quickly ran along the cabin to her room.

Far away, Xi Linger's soft voice came: "Son, you are so kind!"