Ming God

Chapter 41 Diving into the cabin Second Update

Facing the respectful eyes of Chen Benlei, Tang Lin did not feel relaxed at all.

"Brother Chen, this is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave!" Tang Lin said.

Chen Benlei nodded and said angrily, "This Tan family is obviously a trap. Poor thing, we bumped into it. This revenge is not a human being. Let's go back to the boat."

At this time, a man stumbled over from the corner door. The man was covered with blood and had a knife wound directly to his chin on his head, which was described as very embarrassed. As soon as he entered the corner door and saw Chen Benlei, he immediately shouted, "Master Chen, it's not a big deal! Our boat was occupied by the Tan family, everyone was arrested by them, and they killed people indiscriminately.

Chen Benlei grabbed the man's arm and said anxiously, "Monkey, make it clear what's going on?"

The young man he called a monkey said breathlessly, "After you left, we found someone to clean the bottom of the boat as usual. As a result, in the middle of the night, those who came to wash the bottom of the boat suddenly took action, and many people came to the shore at the same time. The brothers were caught off guard, captured and killed, and the whole ship had been occupied by them. I tried my best to escape from the dock.

Chen Benlei's face was so ugly. He clenched his fist and pulled the monkey: "Let's go back."

Tang Lin's long sword blocked their way.

"Brother Chen, let me tell you some bad news. This old man in Tan is very likely to be a congenital strong man. He disappeared as soon as the birthday banquet ended, and he must have gone to the dock. If you go back now, you may be in the trap. You have to figure it out."

Chen Benlei turned pale and paused, but gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Tang, no matter what, I can't ignore the life or death of my brothers. I have to go back and have a look."

Tang Lin was a little embarrassed. According to his idea, Chen Benlei should not go back. The Tan family deliberately set a trap to lead them to the bait. There must be some pictures, and the things he wanted must be on the ship. Moreover, Mr. Tan is also a congenital strongman. He really doesn't want to compete with that old guy. However, he has promised to join the Shanhai Gang, but he can't let Chen Benlei be killed, which makes it really difficult for him.

Chen Benlei saw Tang Lin's expression and knew that he was in a dilemma. He said, "Brother Tang, you have helped me enough. This matter is really dangerous. Why don't you take Xi Linger and others back to the general altar first. I'll just go back and have a look alone."

The monkey grabbed Chen Benlei's arm and said, "Master, you can't go back. They are so many people that we will die when we go back!"

Chen Benlei shook off the monkey's hand: "I have made up my mind that you are injured. Let's go with Brother Tang."

Tang Lin sighed and said, "Brother Chen, I'd better go with you. However, Xilinger and others do not have the power to protect themselves. Let's take them to a safe place first.

Thirty minutes later, Tang Lin and Chen Benlei returned to the dock.

Hid in the dark, the two looked at the ship at the dock and saw that the ship was brightly lit, and dozens of Tan family were busy carrying something on the boat. In the bow, a tall, powerful man stood tall, and just looking at his back made people feel extraordinary.

Tang Lin whispered to Chen Benlei, "Brother Chen, wait a minute, I'll explore it on the boat. If you have anything to explain, you can say it now!"

He fixedly looked at Chen Benlei's eyes, and his clear eyes reflected the lights of the dock.

Chen Benlei didn't dare to look into Tang Lin's eyes. After thinking about it, he said, "Brother Tang, in fact, there is a task for us to return to the general altar this time. There is a treasure on this ship, which was originally taken back by the old master from the Fulong Gang. I think the Tan family must have attacked us for this treasure.

Tang Lin was stunned: "What treasure?"

Chen Benlei said, "That's a knife. Legend has it that it is a magic weapon used by immortals, with infinite power. And it is extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud, which is a valuable treasure. The knife was placed in the floor mezzanine of my room. The place is very secretive and they may not be able to find it. After you go in, save people if you can. If you can't, take out the knife first. Of course, safety comes first.

Tang Lin nodded and said, "If the action doesn't go well later, we will meet in the stormy pavilion 30 miles away in the north." Come on, he sneaked into the night.

Chen Benlei looked at his disappeared back and said to himself, "I hope you can succeed..."

In the dark, Tang Lin dived into the river, came to the bottom of the boat like a fish, and then climbed up along the side of the boat. When he climbed three feet high on the surface of the water, his long sword was inserted and easily broke through the wall of the ship. Then the true air poured in, quietly crossed a circle, and a hole that could be entered by one person appeared. Tang Lin gently put the cut wooden cover on the water and gently entered the hull.

He stayed on this ship for a few days, so he is not strange. The place he entered is the bottom cargo compartment of the ship, where there is usually no one.

He walked gently in the dark cabin, and there was a faint voice above his head, which was the guard of the Tan family searching the cabin. He went up from the cargo hold and found that he had to penetrate two houses to Chen Benlei's room and penetrate directly from below. But he found that there were many people in the middle house. He walked lightly in the cabin, silently and no one found it.

"Hmm?" He found that the road ahead was blocked by two people, and the room he was going to go to was about to pass through here.

The two Tan guards were on both sides of the passage, smoking with tobacco leaves found from nowhere. Looking at their intoxicated appearance, the tobacco leaves must be good. The urine smoke permeated the passage and was not clear.

"Lao Shen, I didn't expect that there were a lot of good things on this ship. This time we didn't come for nothing."

"Hey, what is this cigarette leaf? They are happy with scars. They found several beautiful women on the second floor and heard that they were rewarded by the young master. I guess they are having a good time now.

"Come on, let's not think about that kind of good thing. It's good to be able to smoke a few cigarettes. Those who stay at home are unlucky and can't catch anything."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense. How can Boss Geng not get it? At that time, there must be a lot of these things to be given to them."

"You're right, hey hey..."

The two talked and laughed, smoking happily, thinking about the beauty of the future. Unfortunately, this was also their last imagination.

Tang Lin, like a spirit cat, suddenly appeared in front of them, piercing a guard's neck and cutting his trachea. The guard on the other side looked at the sudden man in horror and opened his mouth to shout, but found that his neck had been strangled. Tang Lin turned into a big hand and twisted the guard's neck.

The two guards died in less than a second, with their eyes open until their death.

Tang Lin held their bodies and slowly put them on the ground. Then he opened the cargo hatch next to him and stuffed the bodies of the two people in. After solving the problem of the two, Tang Lin slowly walked forward and walked along the passage to the third floor of the cabin under Captain Chen's cabin. This is a room with drinks. It is full of wine cans bought by Chen Benlei from the south.

He looked up and said to himself, "Chen Benlei's captain's room is on the first floor, and this is the third floor. To go there, you must open two layers of wooden boards, but there is an activity room above, and someone must be there. It seems that I should create a little chaos!"

[Yesterday, it was written that I fell asleep, and then slept until dark. Sorry, this chapter is from yesterday.]