Ming God

Chapter 58 The Man-eating Monk

Seeing Zhang Prisoner's hesitation, Tang Lin shouted, "Speak quickly!" In order to add a threatening effect, Tang Lin asked Shenzhou-1 to simulate the sound of ghost laughter in the black gas.

For a moment, the surrounding ten meters were full of ghosts and wolves howling. In addition, Tang Lin was black and ghostly, just like a ghost king crawling out of hell. Zhang Prisoner trembling all over, and he was scared to pee. He hurriedly lay down and howled, "Your Majesty, calm down your anger, I said, I said!"

"My younger brother Tang Feiling only returned to his master a few days ago. When he was drinking yesterday, he chatted with me and said that something had happened in his family. One of his younger brothers killed several clans and then absconded guilty. He looked for the man everywhere, but he couldn't find it. Looking at his appearance, his mood is not very high!"

"And then?"

"Then? No, and then we got drunk!"

"Real, since there is no then, then you don't have then either."

"What? You...ah!" With a short scream, the prisoner's neck was already missing six catties and seven taels of things, and blood splashed out like a pillar.

He took a cold look at Zhang's body, and Tang Lin took out the magic weapon.

Looking carefully in the moonlight, there are four golden lotus flowers in the broken bowl missing. These four lotus flowers are the size of a thumb and are very finely carved. In the moonlight, the four golden lotus bloom a little golden light, which seems to be nothing, like an entity, floating on the petals, which is very beautiful. The shabby bowl and the beautiful lotus are put together, but there is a strange harmony.

Tang Lin reached out and entered the bowl, but at the moment he entered, his fingertips seemed to touch a thin layer of water lines. The plane of the bowl rippled gently like a deep pool of water. Several golden lotus flowers were originally like flowers and bones, but at this time they bloomed softly, and the petals stretched one by petals, beautiful luster. It appears on the petals. Tang Lin felt that his fingers touched a cool softness, and the breath entered his palm and went up along the meridians, feeling very comfortable.

While he was immersed in this feeling, a loud warning from Shenzhou 1 suddenly sounded in his ear: "Tang Lin, hide quickly. Someone is coming!"

Tang Lin was stunned: "What?"

Shenzhou-1 was very anxious: "Come on, hide. A monk flew this way. He must have sensed the breath of the golden lotus holy cloud bowl just emitted. That monk's breath is very powerful. You can't beat it. Hide quickly!"

Tang Lin heard clearly this time that the person who can make Shenzhou 1 so nervous must be a first-class magical monk. He knows how serious the situation is. So without saying anything, he stepped up a few steps and rushed to the river. He was going to enter the river and leave. As long as he enters the water, he is 30% sure to escape.

At this moment, there was a brilliant golden light in the sky. This golden light was extremely brilliant, like a meteor falling from outer space, pulling a long tail in the sky and quickly rushing to the ground. But the meteor did not have any heat or flame. When the golden light fell, it just arrived at the rocky beach by the river. A flash of golden light and a figure appeared on the beach.

Tang Lin stopped and looked at the man less than ten meters away from him. His whole body tightened.

After the figure fell, he did not look at Tang Lin, but took out a small light blue bottle from his arms, then opened the cork, and then put a golden light on the bottle. Just as he covered the mouth of the bottle with golden light, only a sharp scream piercing the eardrum came from the small bottle, and then a little purple light rushed up from the bottle. The speed is as fast as lightning.

I only heard a muffled sound, and the purple light hit the golden light at the mouth of the bottle and was stopped.

At this time, Tang Lin saw clearly that what flew out of the small bottle was a rabbit-shaped little thing that had been reduced by more than ten times. The little thing was in a translucent state, and the whole body was purple and cute. But at this time, the little rabbit seemed to be very frightened and irritable, as if he wanted to escape from the small bottle. But it was repeatedly impacted and blocked by the golden light.

At this time, the man pinched his finger and pinched the little rabbit in his hand very accurately.

"Don't eat me--" The little rabbit screamed in horror, and the sound was like a sharp sound that cut through the glass almost pierced Tang Lin's eardrum.

The man sneered, pinched the little rabbit and threw it into his mouth. He chewed hard a few times, and the scream never appeared again.

Tang Lin's teeth trembled, his whole body was tense, and he stared at the man with extreme nervousness. The little rabbit the size of a thumb was obviously some kind of intelligent life, but it was eaten by the life. This completely subverted Tang Lin's impression of those magical monks. In his impression, the monks should all not eat the world's fireworks, drink dew, and fly above the nine heavens, and have a fairy-like image. But the monk in front of him is obviously not a good person. But it is a demon who chewed up an intelligent life.

After eating the rabbit-like life, the man took a breath of satisfaction and seemed to recover a lot of vitality.

At this time, Tang Lin noticed that the man's abdomen was covered with blood, and a fist-sized blood hole was exposed to the air. Even Tang Lin could see the river behind him before. The blood hole actually pierced the man from front to back.

Oh, my God, what kind of force hurt him like this?

It's too horrible. Ordinary people are injured like this. I guess it's not far from death, but this person doesn't look at all. Is this the magical power of the monk? For the first time, Tang Lin had an intuitive yearning for the power of monks.

At this time, Tang Lin was shocked to see that the flesh and blood of the man's abdomen began to squirm by itself. Fresh flesh and blood grew out around the blood hole and quickly repaired the wound. The blood hole was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than ten minutes, the injury was estimated to recover.

Tang Lin was shocked again: "It turns out that that rabbit-like life is actually an elixir? What a powerful medicinal power, it can actually grow white bones and grow bleeding meat.

"Human, you are very sensful and didn't escape when I healed, otherwise you would become a corpse." A negative sound sounded in Tang Lin's ear. Let Tang Lin wake up from the shock.

Tang Lin subconsciously took a step back and swallowed his throat and said, "I don't know what the senior has to tell you?"

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Tang Lin saw the man's face clearly. The man's appearance was very strange, his eyebrows were high, his eye sockets were deep, and his eyes were golden and his pupils were large. The bridge of his nose is particularly high, and the tip of his nose is golden, like a cuticle. But the mouth is small. The whole face looks wide and narrow at the top. Moreover, his ears are different from ordinary people. They are a small round ball, hidden under his messy hair and can't be seen without paying attention.

When Tang Lin looked at the man, the man's eyes fell on the golden lotus holy cloud bowl in Tang Lin's hand.

The hoarse voice echoed in the air: "Give me that magic weapon!" The tone is full of commands and irresistible.