Ming God

Chapter 57 Night Interception

The exclamation of Shenzhou-1 also aroused Tang Lin's nervousness.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Tang Lin asked anxiously.

"Damn it, why didn't I think that those five spiritual weapons must be a complete set of spiritual weapons, so they were covered up by spiritual patterns. Miscalculation, miscalculation, this time it's really a miscalculation.

"Okay, I'll do the confession later. Now tell me what's going on?"

"Well, didn't I tell you that one of those five auras is very dim and faint? That spiritual weapon is the broken bowl that Mr. Zhang took away. The aura is so damaged that it is almost difficult to repair. I didn't pay attention to it. But I forgot that bowls are usually complete sets. The bowl is generally used as a mother device. In addition, the mother device generally has the ability to cover up the spirit of the child device and retract the controller. If I expect it, the other four spiritual weapons must be a set of spiritual weapons with that bowl, and they are also sub-arms of the bowl. If the four spiritual weapons must have been put into the bowl by the young man. So the breath of the four spiritual weapons just now suddenly disappeared.

"Do it!" Tang Lin cursed angrily and clenched his fist angrily. He worked hard to waste an invisible charm and lurked for so long, just to take the opportunity to steal the five auras. Unexpectedly, he was taken the lead by others. It's like the feeling that you spent thousands of taels to buy the right to comb a popular girl's hair, but was caught by others that night.

"Go, things must be taken back!"

Tang Lin turned into a transparent virtual shadow and came out of the secret room and came to the corridor that was already in a mess. Tonight, the two forces of the Shanhai Gang have obviously been plotting for a long time, especially Master Yao. In fact, when the father and son of the wolf minister contacted the prince, he had found that something was wrong, so it was better to do it first. However, he didn't expect that Master Fan was so well-informed. Before he finished here, he immediately brought people over.

Now that the contradiction is clear, it can only be solved by force.

Tang Lin looked at the blood-stained corridor and walked forward quickly while avoiding the fights of the elders or helpers.

" Shenzhou No. 1, which direction did he go?" As soon as the huge tower came out, Tang Lin couldn't wait to ask.

"In the northeast, the hill with purple bamboo."

"This guy didn't go out of the gate. Humph, this man is definitely prepared."


Ten miles away, Zhang Prisoner strode quickly to the capital. He touched a disk-shaped package in his arms, and his heart was burning. He didn't expect the trip to go so smoothly, but he made an empty promise to get the treasure. In his heart, he despised the people of the Shanhai Gang. Such a treasure was actually dusty in the warehouse room, which was really a violent thing. But fortunately, those idiots didn't know the goods, so they made it easy for them to get it.

He was excited at the thought of the master's reward after he went back.

Suddenly, Zhang Prisoner suddenly stopped, looked around warily, and shouted, "Who?"

At this time, Zhang Prisoner had come to a river bay, surrounded by endless reeds. His voice echoed emptyly over the reeds, but only a breeze brushed by.

Zhang prisoner stared around in surprise, and his vigilance became more serious. At this time, he suddenly felt that a danger behind him was slowly approaching, and the hair on his neck stood up. He was fright, but his rich combat experience made him make the most correct decision. He rose up and patted his hand back with all his strength. At the same time, his body moved to the right, intending to avoid the back Danger.

His decision was correct, but it didn't work at all.

"Bang!" With a sound, a feeling of swelling and pain filled his whole heart. Zhang Prisoner felt that his palm seemed to be slapped on a four- or five-meter-thick steel plate, and all the power of his palm was fed back and acted on his palm. The power of that moment was like countless steel needles piercing into the flesh, and the severe pain made him unbearable. But the pain could not hide his other fear.

When he patted his backhand, he saw a man in the corner of his eyes, a person less than 20 centimeters away from him. A person who comes out of nothingness like a ghost.

Zhang Prisoner has never been so afraid of anything. It was the fear of the unknown. He couldn't believe the scene he saw. The man, like a ghost coming out of the abyss, was surrounded by black fog, so abruptly and appeared beside him in less than a second, as if he was already there. That one.

Suddenly, he thought of the strange stories that the master told him. Isn't this scene in front of you the appearance of a strange story?

"Kka!" Zhang Prisoner was choked by a powerful hand, and a strong true blow poured into his body and quickly sealed his meridians.

"You...is..." Zhang barely squeezed out two words from the prisoner's throat.

Tang Lin looked at the man who was scared by him and felt funny in his heart. He just appeared in front of him with an invisible charm. He didn't expect this guy to be so bad. He had the ability to be scared and dare not resist.

Hang Zhang prisoner's neck, Tang Lin shook his right arm and threw Zhang prisoner to the ground. Since the other party is scared by himself, you might as well scare him.

"Humble human beings, you have offended my majesty, and you have to pay a price that you can't afford." Tang Lin said in a hoarse voice, and the black gas wrapped around him, reflecting his mystery and strength.

At this time, Zhang Prisoner's meridians were sealed, and his true qi could not work, and he became a lamb to be slaughtered. He trembling and said, "Big, my lord, I don't mean to offend your majesty. I don't know what's wrong with you stopping me? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Humble reptile, how can your low ability help me? I want to ask you a few things. If you answer well, I will let you go."

Zhang Prison nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, Lord, ask."

Tang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly, "Okay, the first question is to say everything you know about the thing in your arms."

Zhang prisoner looked awe-hearted. He didn't expect that the other party would notice the biggest secret in him at the first time.

"What, you don't want to say it?" The sound full of threats and murderousness sounded in his ears, like a bucket of cold water pouring on his head, making Zhang prisoner wake up.

"I, I said. This thing is a magic weapon called Jinlian Shengyunbo. It is also a complete set of magic tools. This is what I got from the Shanhai Gang. The adult's eyes are as wise as a torch, and he can see the true essence of this broken bowl at a glance. If the adult wants it, I will give it to you. I just beg adults to take my life."

"How do you know this magic weapon?"

"This is what my master told me. He said that there was a magic weapon in the Shanhai Gang and asked me to pick it up, so I came. The master has always been interested in these things and likes to collect them. He said that although these things are useless to us, if they are dedicated to the teacher, the teacher will reward him.

"Oh? Do you still have a master?" Tang Lin's expression moved.

"Yes, the master said that his division is very powerful and a group of immortals with incredible magical power. It is said that all of them can fly to the earth and live immortality. He is the true ruler of the world.

"Well, your master has some insight. The second question, has your brother Tang Feiling said anything to you recently?

The prisoner looked at Tang Lin doubtfully, and his face was a little strange.