Ming God

Chapter 72 Town

A thin layer of clouds shrouded over a village on the hillside, which is called Tangzhuang Town. The name is very appropriate, because the village is exactly seven miles long and wide on the top of the slope.

Even on the top of the slope, the land is not flat, so the households in Tangzhuang Town are only 100, and the population is only 600 or 700. But such a place is the most concentrated place for hunters hundreds of miles.

At the west end of the town, there is a house closest to the hillside. Inside the mud wall more than two meters high are three newly repaired houses. The door was also painted with new paint. At this time, the sun had gradually risen and the mist had slowly faded away.

"Oh!" A shout suddenly came from the yard, shocking countless birds on the tree. A big man in the yard was holding a stone mill plate with sweat on his head. **'s upper body muscles rose. The millstone weighed at least 400 to 500 pounds. The big man was a little powerless after only lifting it for half a minute, and his arms began to tremble violently. Seeing that he couldn't support it, the big man shouted and stood again. His arms were no longer shaking, so he just stood. It was not until a minute passed that he put down the stone mill heavily.

"Bum!" The stone grinding disc hit the ground fiercely. The big man wiped the sweat from his face and looked back to find that a 17- or 18-year-old boy was sitting on the stone bench at the door of the house. Looking at him with a smile.

Of course, these two are Uncle Li and Tang Lin. It has been many days since Tang Lin came to the town. Since he came to the village that day, he has lived in Uncle Li's house. When the mayor learned from his nephew Jiuge that the lifesaver was actually a congenital strong man, he quickly came to visit him and wanted to learn from each other by the way, because the mayor himself was also an energetic master, but he slapped him. After breaking the huge stone that the five people couldn't hold together, they never mentioned this again. However, from that day on, the hunters in the town knew that a master had come to Uncle Li's house and came to visit him one after another, saying that they would worship their children. This is so busy Tang Lin. He can't do anything now. How can he teach them? And he doesn't understand the language and can't teach him!

Tang Lin told everyone that he would not talk about worship until he learned everyone's language, which stopped this trend.

Four months have passed in the blink of an eye, and Tang Lin has no big problem communicating with them. During this period, he also went hunting in the forest with Uncle Li and Xiao Pang. Of course, Tang Lin has gained a lot every time he comes back. This makes Xiaopang and Brother Jiu very happy. Every time they return to town, they are arrogant and have a sense of heroism.

Speaking of Xiaopang and Brother Jiu, Tang Lin later learned that Xiaopang's real name is Tang Tang. Because he is fat and cute, the women in the town call him Tangtang, and men call him Xiaopang. Xiaopang has been depressed about this for a long time, but there is nothing he can do. After a long time, Xiao Pang accepted it. For Xiaopang, two months before Tang Lin came, there was also a well-known thing in the town: a Taoist priest passed through Tangzhuang Town one day and said that he took a fancy to Xiaopang's qualifications. He not only connected Xiaopang, but also passed on a set of Qi-raising techniques for Xiaopang. Finally, when he left, he left his swords to Xiaopang. After the Taoist priest left, Xiao Pang practiced diligently every day.

Two months later, the little fat was stunned. In everyone's own eyes, I saw the sword split a big tree held by one person. Since that day, Xiaopang has been known as a genius Xiaopang.

And the ninth brother, as the name implies, ranks ninth not at home, but ninth in the clan, and the mayor is one of his uncles. Brother Jiu is young and handsome, which attracts many young girls from hunters, but the mayor's uncle is strict. Brother Jiu doesn't want to marry a daughter-in-law in a muddle, so he has been delayed again and again, and Brother Jiu has to stay alone in the empty room.

Here I want to explain that people in this world generally want to live a long life, and ordinary old people can live to about 100 years old. If you practice kung fu, you may live longer, so although Brother Jiu has not married yet, it is not a rare thing.

Tang Lin saw that Uncle Li had put down the stone mill and asked with a smile, "Lao Li, how's it going? Are you familiar with the application?

Tang Lin originally wanted to call him Uncle Li, but he insisted on refusing. Just let Tang Lin call him Lao Li. Tang Lin couldn't resist him, so he had to follow him. Uncle Li's name was Li Yi. He was not from Tangzhuang Town. He came to settle down in Tangzhuang Town alone a few years ago. At that time, the mayor saw that Uncle Li also had a second-grade martial arts cultivation, and of course he agreed. Unexpectedly, Uncle Li had a lot of experience as a hunter and soon won everyone's recognition. Because of his superb strength, everyone called him Uncle Li. But no one knows his origin. Tang Lin saw that Uncle Li was a person with a story, and he didn't ask him without saying anything.

Uncle Li also responded with a smile, "It's enough, prince, thank you for your kindness to me, otherwise I will be an ordinary warrior all my life."

"Lao Li, you are here again. With our relationship, this little thing is nothing! Well, it's getting late. It's time to go to the mayor's house for dinner!" Tang Lin stood up from the stone bench, straightened his new silk shirt, and walked out first. ( Of course, this dress was also made by the hunters in the town. Why? What do you think?)

While walking, Tang Lin recalled a day a month ago. That day was also in the morning. Tang Lin was learning some boxing skills with Li Yi. Because he knew that he was highly skillful but did not know how to use it, he learned martial arts from Uncle Li. Of course, Uncle Li taught each other. When he was squatting, he suddenly felt a numbness in his eyebrows and felt very uncomfortable.

This is something that has never happened when he came to the alien world. Now Tang Lin is in very good health. Not to mention getting sick, he doesn't feel any discomfort at all. Especially the longer he goes, the more he can feel that his skills are continuing to grow. Tang Lin was shocked by such a thing. In an eye, his eyebrows suddenly hurt, and Tang Lin suddenly felt that countless steel needles pierced into his eyebrows.

"Boom" seemed to explode, and the pain suddenly disappeared. Tang Lin stood there with great puzzlement and couldn't come to his senses.

Tang Lin was shocked and didn't know what had happened. He picked up Uncle Li and saw Uncle Li frowning, his forehead and face were full of sweat and his body twitching. It seems to be very painful.

"Lao Li, how are you? Do you have a word? Tang Lin shouted anxiously.

Uncle Li twitched the corners of his mouth and said with difficulty, "Son, don't be nervous. I'm fine. It's normal. I am old, the veins are seriously stagnant, and the meridians are difficult to open. It's okay. Let me take a break and come again. With that, Uncle Li struggled to sit up and sat cross-legged. After a while, Uncle Li really replied. He just looks pale and slightly tired.

"Lao Li, why don't you forget it today?" Tang Lin said worriedly.

"It's okay, prince. I can still hold on. You can do whatever you want. Don't worry." Uncle Li said with a firm face.

"Well, okay, I'll be lighter!" After saying that, Tang Lin put his hand on Uncle Li's back again. With the last experience, Tang Lin was very careful this time. He slowly pushed the airflow to the original place in Uncle Li's meridians and pushed forward little by little. Although Tang Lin was very gentle, Uncle Li's meridians had been blocked for a long time and almost solidified, so he moved forward. After pushing forward, Uncle Li's face turned pale, but he resisted and didn't even shout. Tang Lin saw it and secretly praised in his heart that he was a man!

Finally, Tang Lin opened up a meridians. Tang Lin's long-term subtle control was also unbearable, and Uncle Li was even more unbearable. After completion, he fainted. Since that day, Tang Lin has had to open up the meridians for Uncle Li every day, and he himself feels that his power and spirit have obviously improved since his spiritual platform can also gushed out of the airflow.

Tang Lin's five senses are more sensitive. He can hear the birds flapping their wings in the distance, the earthworms arching the soil, and even some special sports of two people in the village at night. This is what Tang Lin didn't expect. The poor bloody teenager won't sleep well at night.

The changes in his body made Tang Lin more confident. It was also a kind of cultivation for Tang Lin to dredge the meridians for Uncle Li every day. He gradually became clear about the veins of his body, and then compared with Uncle Li's feelings, which made him gain a lot. Finally, a month later, Uncle Li's body was fully connected by Tang Lin, and Uncle Li could also feel the sense of breath. That's why Tang Lin just asked Uncle Li if he was familiar with it.

Tang Lin's dredging of the meridians for Uncle Li still spread. After all, everyone looked up and lowered their heads, and they couldn't hide anything from their neighbors. This is very anxious for the parents who want to worship the teacher, especially after the affirmation of the townmaster that Uncle Li has the strength of a strong martial artist after passing through the pulse. Even more unbearable, he hurried to visit Tang Lin at Uncle Li's house with gifts.

Tang Lin can now understand their words and did not refuse. A few days ago, he announced that he would gather at the mayor's house every day. So Tang Lin and Uncle Li have been going to the mayor's house for dinner these days.

Tang Lin went out of the door first. At this time, the streets of the town were already bustling with people, going out to hunt, picking vegetables in their own field, washing clothes, weaving straw mats, and morning exercises in the square. When everyone saw Tang Lin coming out, they greeted him enthusiastically.

Tang Lin also responded with a smile. He has been here for four months. Tang Lin has integrated into the town. The people in the town also respect him very much and will send him food and clothes every day. Feeling the enthusiasm of the hunters in the town, Tang Lin slowly walked to the gate of a large yard.

This yard is on the slope to the east of the town. It covers a large area and is the mayor's home. The front yard is a solid flat land, which is counted as a square. In the past few days, Tang Lin has taught everyone Qigong here.

As soon as Tang Lin arrived, the door opened and welcomed a handsome young man, who was the ninth brother. The ninth brother's surname is Zhan, and his name is Zhanchang. This name is interesting. When Tang Lin heard the name of Brother Jiu for the first time, he, who was drinking tea, sprayed out the tea. On the contrary, it made everyone inexplicably wonderful. Tang Lin wants to teach Qigong, and of course, Jiu Ge is the first batch of students.

Seeing that Tang Lin was still standing in front of the door and didn't come in, Brother Jiu said with a smile, "Master Tang, why don't you go in? There will be dinner soon." Because Tang Lin wants to be a master and young, everyone unanimously decided to call Tang Lin the boss. If he is not old and small, how can that generation be chaotic?

"Lao Li hasn't come yet!" Tang Lin said.

"Let's go, prince!" Uncle Li ran over. Three people entered the door together.

"Big boss, what are we learning today?" Brother Jiu asked with a hippie smile, "Do you still want to learn frog jumping!" It turned out that when Tang Lin opened up the meridians of the legs for everyone the day before yesterday, he proposed to focus on exercising leg muscles and making everyone learn frog jumping. As a result, those kids were addicted to jumping. Tang Lin did not stop him for a day, but just smiled and watched. As a result, the next day, everyone's legs trembled.

"We'll talk about it later!"

Turning around the open space, several people walked to the back house, passed through a doorway, and through two living rooms, and arrived at the place where they ate every day. A large round table is placed in the middle of the spacious hall. It is already full of steaming food.

"Hahaha!" With a burst of laughter, a middle-aged man in his fifties walked into the hall from the yard. The man came in a standard samurai suit with a five-foot knife in his hand. With a broad nose and big ears, he also has a beard, but a pair of thin eyes are flying between them. This person is the mayor of Tangzhuang Town - Zhanbai.

You heard it correctly, it's a defeat! Tang Lin was also very surprised when he knew the mayor's name. How could the people of the Zhan family choose such a personality? One stationmaster is not good, and another is defeated. However, the name was given by the elders, and even the mayor could not change it.

I heard that the mayor had been a small general in the army before. He fought bravely and had a good future, but once their army was defeated, and the superior officer thought it was bad luck caused by his name, so he sent him back to his hometown.

The mayor picked up the sweat towel hanging on the wooden shelf in front of the hall and wiped his face and said to Tang Lin, "Mr. Tang, don't refuse any more today. I'm ready!"

Tang Lin said helplessly, "Mayor, this matter will take a long time. It may not succeed. Because you have practiced qigong and passed through several meridians, but other meridians are almost frozen, I can't guarantee that it will be opened, and the process will be extremely painful. Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

"I've thought about it. Even if I can't get through, my skills are just like this. Lao Li has persisted. Why can't I?" The mayor's beard was upturned and said unconvincedly.

"Okay! Then I'll do the work for you today and have a try!"

"Is that it? All right, rabbit door, it's time to eat!" The mayor turned around and shouted at the courtyard.