Ming God

Chapter 73 Shot

The mayor shouted, and a group of teenagers immediately jumped out of the yard. First, a half-sized son, was the mayor's youngest son. He rushed into the hall and shouted at Tang Lin, "Morning!" More than a dozen teenagers who followed followed also shouted in unison, "Morning boss!"

Tang Lin stayed in a cold sweat, and his feelings did not become a teacher but became the big brother of the underworld. He was not modest and waved his hand. There is a lot of prevention.


Yes! Boss!" More than a dozen teenagers answered in unison and dispersed to find their seats. These teenagers are all children of the younger generation of the war family, some of whom are more than 20 years old, and some are only seven or eight years old. Anyway, it was called by the town chief in accordance with the principle that it was better to kill than let go. It is called cultivating the next generation.

In the past few days, Tang Lin has been so tired that he wants to spit blood. He wants to cheer up these children one by one and teach them how to use it. It has become the other end tied in the mill in the backyard of the mayor's house. In response, our town mayor said to Tang Lin, "Well, although I also know some shallow Qigong, my Qigong is also passed by others for me. I don't know how to use it! Otherwise, I won't be the only one who can do martial arts at home. Mr. Tang, you can work more and take care of yourself!" After saying that, he looked at Tang Lin with pitiful eyes.

Oh, my God! If a big man with a beard and a face also looks at you with that kind of resentful eyes, I believe you have nothing to say. So Tang Lin was honored to become the head of the town.

The wind swept away the food on the table, and Tang Lin and the mayor walked to the square together. At this time, the sun was already high, and the children of other families in the town also came over. It was still spectacular to stand together with more than a dozen and 30 or 40 teenagers.

Dozens of people quickly stood up and bowed to Tang Lin standing on a stone platform and shouted, "HELLO, Mr. Tang!" Tang Lin stood on the stone platform in the sun like a layer of gold, emitting a terrible luster all over his body. Coupled with Tang Lin's past performance, these teenagers admire Tang Lin very much.

Tang Lin looked at the teenager under the stage, and a sense of pride gushed out of his chest. He stretched out his hand, calmed everyone's noise, and said loudly, "A few days ago, we focused on rejumation and fitness. Now, I am here to announce that whoever feels the sense of Qi first, I will open up the meridians of the whole body first. Think about it, at least I will be a martial artist at that time. Remember, work hard! Today, I'm going to dredge the meridians for the mayor of the town. Lao Li, it's up to you to train them. Remember, focus on the sense of anger. Uncle Li nodded and came forward to take over Tang Lin's work.

The mayor Zhan Bai also took a step forward and came to Tang Lin and said, "Let's go to the backyard. We need a quiet place to do our work." Tang Lin nodded. The two walked to the backyard.

Because two or three meridians have been ploughed before, the mayor's body has been damaged, and other meridians are also blocked like Uncle Li. This is the conclusion reached by Tang Lin after examining the mayor's body. Of course, it still needs to be slowly dredged.

An hour later, there was a painful scream in a small flower hall in the backyard, followed by a long silence. After a while, there was a weak voice in the room: "Mr. Tang, I'm fine."

Tang Lin looked at the mayor who collapsed on the ground and said helplessly, "That's all for today!" Your body can't stand it anymore!"

At this time, suddenly there was a footstep from the yard. The man ran over eagerly, and the voice came before he arrived: "Mayor! Boss Tang! No, something big has happened! Brother Jiu was killed!"

The mayor and Tang Lin were shocked and stood up. The man had opened the door. It turned out to be a little fat man. He saw the mayor and continued eagerly, "Mayor, you and the boss, go and have a look!" Just now, a group of people suddenly came to the town and somehow clashed with Brother Jiu. One person punched Brother Jiu, and Brother Jiu fell to the ground and did not move.

When the mayor heard the urgency, he hurried out, but his body moved and almost fell down. Tang Lin stretched out his hand to stabilize him.

"Let's go and have a look!" Tang Lin frowned and said. The three hurried to the front yard. Before I got to the front yard, I heard a huge noise from there. Turning around the wall, Tang Lin saw the situation in the square.

There is a group of people standing at the door, and they are obviously not locals. Here are the students in the town. Uncle Li stood in front of him and was loudly scolding the excited students. Brother Jiu lay next to the students and remained motionless.

The students finally calmed down when they saw Tang Lin and the mayor coming. Tang Lin separated the crowd and walked to Brother Jiu first. He squatted down and looked at Brother Jiu. He saw that his eyes were closed, curled up and lying still on the ground motionless. Blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and his pale face looked dazzling red. Tang Lin stretched out his hand to try at the end of Brother Jiu's nose, and found that he was still breathing weakly, touching his chest and heartbeat. Tang Lin was relieved. He helped Brother Jiu up and did it well, and his luck massaged him behind his back.

A moan came from the mouth of the ninth brother. He slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and saw Tang Lin's eyes lit up.

"Wake up!" Wake up!" Everyone said in surprise.

"Thank you, boss!" Brother Jiu said thank you with difficulty.

"Xiao Jiu, what the hell happened?" Tang Lin asked seriously.

Brother Jiu coughed and said, "Just now, my little brother came to me and said that my third sister had been arrested. I rushed there, but I met them as soon as I walked out of the yard." Brother Jiu said that he pointed to these people at the door. Tang Lin made a good number of this group of people.

A young man in his twenties in gorgeous clothes stood there with a whip in his hand and looked at the bustle. Next to him was a middle-aged man in black. Behind them were seven powerful warriors, one of whom was holding a girl in his hand. Tang Lin, the girl, recognized that it was the third sister of the ninth brother. At this time, her mouth was stuffed with a cloth ball, and she just struggled to speak.

"I came forward to argue, but I was punched away by one of them, and I fainted." Brother Jiu continued.

"I see!" Tang Lin nodded.

At this time, the mayor had walked in front of the group of people. He clenched his fist and said loudly to the young man, "This young man, no matter where you come from or what happens, do you let him go first!"

The young man shook the whip, glanced at the mayor, and turned his head and said nothing. A samurai next to him stood up and pointed to the third sister arrogantly and said to the mayor, "You are the mayor. Let me tell you, my young master has a fancy to this girl. You tell her family that it is the person who wants the family in Xianchi City.

The mayor's face immediately changed when he heard the name of the Sa family. At this time, it seemed that a gust of wind blew, and a shadow suddenly appeared in front of the warrior holding the third sister. In the blink of an eye, the third sister disappeared, and then a cruel howling cut through the sky. The man who spoke arrogantly just now flew out like a broken kite.

"Bum!" The sound of a heavy fall to the ground seems to hit people's hearts. The faces of those people have changed.

A voice sounded slowly: "Such an arrogant person! I haven't beaten you for a long time!"

Everyone's eyes shifted from the screaming warrior to the source of the sound. Tang Lin had helped the frightened third sister to stand in the middle of everyone. Tang Lin reached out and took down the cloth ball stuffed in the third sister's mouth, and the third sister cried out.

"Wow--" The third sister rushed into Tang Lin's arms and cried with infinite grievances and panic. The third sister is called Zhan Taotao. The person is very beautiful. The age of 17 is a good time in life. This cry is pear blossoms with rain and a face full of pearls. Crying makes people feel sad. Tang Lin patted her on the shoulder and handed her to the ninth brother behind him. Turn around and look at the group of people in front of the gate.

At this time, the young men in the town had already reacted and looked at Tang Lin's great power and cheered. Several activists shouted.

"Big Tang, you played well. It was the ninth brother who was beaten by the beast just now! Good fight!" Xiao Pang shouted first.

"Master Tang, that's great!" Boss Tang, you are so awesome! Teach them another lesson!" The young men were furious and couldn't wait to rush up and fight.

I don't know when Uncle Li walked behind Tang Lin and whispered to Tang Lin, "Sir, these people are good hands, and everyone is at least above the third grade. The young master himself is not powerful, but the man in black beside him said for a moment, and then took a look at the man in black and said, "At least more than five grades! I think it should be the six-grade strongman. If you want to do it, you should be careful!" Tang Lin nodded but did not say anything. Just looking at those people.

When Uncle Li talked to Tang Lin, the middle-aged man in black also whispered in the young master's ear. The man in black looked a little serious and excited. Tang Lin's movements were too fast just now. When they reacted, it was already late. Several warriors' eyes were full of shock. As soon as they didn't see Tang Lin's figure clearly, they were taken away from their third sister and injured a person. If Tang Lin wanted to attack them, it was just a matter of raising their hands. At this time, they also reacted and separated two people to bring back the man who was beaten out by Tang Lin. A warrior checked and found that he was not dead, but fainted. Several people stopped talking, but silently walked behind the man in black and the young master.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more depressing, Tang Lin took a look at the mayor. The mayor's expression just now showed a lot of things. At this time, the mayor had walked in front of everyone and stood with Tang Lin. It's just that my body is getting heavier.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" A burst of laughter sounded abruptly, breaking the depressing atmosphere. Everyone looked at the laughing person and saw the arrogant young master swinging the whip and pulling it up again. In fact, this young master in gorgeous clothes is also white and handsome, but he is really too arrogant and makes people don't like it. He slowly walked between the people on both sides.

He smiled and punched Tang Lin: "This young hero is really good. I'm afraid he has entered the sixth-grade high realm! Although I am not talented, I still don't want to do the robbery of a good woman, but this lady hurt a friend of mine at the beginning, and I just owed him a favor. That's why this is the worst solution. I don't know if there is a high man here today, which is really offended. The Sa family is not an unreasonable family. This matter is for the face of the young hero, and I will persuade my friend not to pursue it. What do you think of the young hero?

Tang Lin was originally very angry, but after coming to the alien world, he experienced a lot. He was no longer the simple teenager he used to be. He looked at the mayor's worried eyes and made up his mind. After listening to the words of the young master Huafu, I also know that things are not that simple.

Thinking of this, Tang Lin also smiled.

"Since the prince said so, let's stop this matter, but the samurai just now spoke really unpleasantly, so I will teach him a lesson. When I was in the teacher's school, my master often taught me to be modest and courteous, not to bully the weak. After going down the mountain, I remembered the teacher's teaching and dared not forget it. Today, I saw your warrior's words and deeds at a loss, so I think the prince would not mind me teaching him a lesson. After saying that, Tang Lin took a meaningful look at the prince of Huafu.

He didn't know that when he just talked about the master, not only the prince and his party, but also the mayor and Uncle Li were refreshed and listened quietly.

However, the prince didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Tang Lin's words and said happily, "No, it's just that the young chivalrous man is very powerful, which is really rare. I don't know what kind of teacher is?" After saying that, he carefully paid attention to Tang Lin's look.

Tang Lin didn't know what he thought and smiled mysteriously, "When my master came down the mountain, he told me not to say my teacher's inheritance, otherwise I would practice disorderly. Therefore, it is really inconvenient to tell you." He didn't say much. But the Chinese prince and the man in black, including the mayor and Uncle Li. Their eyes lit up when they heard Tang Lin talking about going down the mountain. If you think about it.

Seeing that the purpose of what he said had been reached, Tang Lin stopped talking. However, seeing that the mayor looked forward to him, he had to take the initiative to ask, "I don't know what to call the prince. Where did he come from in Tangzhuang Town this time?" He asked directly.

At this time, the middle-aged man in black walked to the young man and looked at Tang Lin thoughtfully. Seeing Tang Lin's question, the Huafu prince said politely, "My name is Jirong, and I am the main prison of Xianchi City. There is indeed an emergency in Tangzhuang Town this time. My grandfather was seriously injured in a few days ago. There is a medicine in the healing medicine that requires the bitterness of the snow shadow leopard, and it must be the snow shadow leopard gall for more than 50 years. Yesterday, I got the news that someone had seen a snow shadow leopard haunting nearby in Tangzhuang Town, so I hurried to look for it. If the young hero knows, can you let me know? Thank you very much."

Tang Lin saw the more respectful attitude of the Huafu and felt funny, so he didn't want to embarrass him anymore. He turned to Uncle Li and said, "Lao Li, if you are free, take him there!" Remember, Mr. Sa must not be a stingy person. He will lead the way and think that Mr. Sa will not treat you badly.

Uncle Li smiled and hugged his fist, "Yes! Son!"

Sa Jirong was overjoyed, quickly winked at the people next to him, and continued to say, "After talking for a long time, don't you know the name of the young hero?"

"My surname is Tang and my name is Lin. You have to remember." Tang Lin said with deep meaning.

Sa Jirong was overjoyed. At this time, the people next to him had taken a package with a heavy look. Sa Jirong pointed to the package and said, "Just now, a misunderstanding didn't expect to hurt Tang Shaoxia's friends. It's really a sin. Here are some gold tickets and loose gold coins. Although there are not many, I want to be a large number of young heroes. You must be able to feel the sincerity of someone. Tang Shaoxia, please accept it."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Since it's the soup fee given by Mr. Sa, of course I have to accept it." He waved his hand, and Xiao Pang cleverly came forward to catch the package in the warrior's hand, but he didn't expect that the package was unusually heavy. Xiao Pang almost didn't hold it as soon as he took over.

Sa Jirong smiled. The fine light flashed slightly in his eyes.

"If you are not in a hurry, you can take a rest in the town and look for the snow shadow leopard in the forest." Tang Lin said with a smile.

"Oh! This won't bother me. My grandfather is in a hurry to take medicine and can't delay the time. Tang Shaoxia's kindness is good. After finishing this matter, Sa will definitely come to visit, and I hope the young hero will not refuse to leave the door!" Sa Jirong looked at Uncle Li after saying that.

"Lao Li, lead the way. Watch out for the beast and come back early!" Tang Lin told Uncle Li to do so.

"Yes, son!" Uncle Li said in a low voice. After saying that, he walked to Sa Jirong's side.

"Then Sa said goodbye, and the young hero doesn't have to send him off!" After saying that, Sa Jirong, the man in black and several warriors quickly left the yard. Uncle Li walked at the end and gestured to Tang Lin before going out. Tang Lin was understanding and nodded.