Ming God

Chapter 75 ambiguity

Tang Lin woke up from his sleep and only felt a splitting headache, and a smell of wine lingered in his mouth. I only want to make people vomit when I hear it. The body is fine. Looking around, this is a simple room, a pine carved table, a few simple pine chairs, and a curtain lying on itself, which is not like the room I used to live in the mayor's house.

"Squeak!" The room was pushed open and the sunlight shone into the floor through the door. A slim figure fell. People came to see that Tang Lin had already sat up. Shocked: "The prince woke up!"

Tang Lin saw that it was Zhan Taotao. At this time, Zhan Taotao had changed into a long water-green skirt, with a slim figure and a white face, which was indescribably touching. Tang Lin's heart jumped at a glance. Of course, he knew why Zhan Taotao was dressed like this today. I had to look away.

"Why are you, Taotao, aren't you taking care of your brother?" Tang Lin stood up from ** and asked. However, as soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy, and his body involuntarily turned aside. Zhan Taotao hurried forward to help Tang Lin up.

Standing Tang Lin's nose smelled a fragrance. Taotao held Tang Lin's left arm and sat down, unaware that Tang Lin's arm had touched his softest part. Tang Lin put down his arm awkwardly and said, "Okay, Taotao, let go. Why don't you prepare for the gathering in the city tomorrow?"

Two red clouds flew on Zhan Taotao's face and whispered, "I went to the city once, so I have nothing to prepare. This time I'm just going to buy something. The mayor said that the mayor said that the prince drank too much yesterday and would definitely feel uncomfortable today, so let me take care of the prince.

Smell the fragrance close at hand, and looking at the beautiful red face in the white, Tang Lin somehow suddenly remembered the beautiful face of the fairy sister. I was crazy for a while. Zhan Taotao stood next to Tang Lin and was talking in embarrassment and suddenly found that Tang Cheng was motionless. He looked up and saw Tang Lin staring at his face in a daze, and lowered his head in panic for a moment.

Tang Lin was also very embarrassed when he came to his senses. Suddenly, he found that he was only wearing one pajamas and his clothes had been taken off. Tang Lin glanced at Zhan Taotao and knew what was going on. Looking around, he didn't find his clothes, and Tang Lin was more sure of his guess.

Looking at Tao Tao just standing there with his head down and silent, Tang Lin had no choice but to say, "Taotao, do you know where my clothes are?"

Hearing Tang Lin's question, Zhan Taotao was shocked and said, "Oh! I forgot to take the prince's clothes. The prince will come after I go there. After saying that, he ran out as if flying. Tang Lin couldn't laugh bitterly at this time.

After a while, Zhan Taotao brought in a new robe and clothes. When she saw Tang Lin, she wanted to come forward to put it on Tang Lin, but her natural shyness still asked her to hand the clothes to Tang Lin. Tang Lin asked, "Where are the clothes I wore yesterday?"

Zhan Taotao had returned to nature at this time and said, "Yesterday, the prince was drunk and vomited all over his clothes, so I took it to wash it. This is the new dress prepared by the mayor for the prince.

Tang Lin's heart jumped when he heard this and blurted out, "So you took off the clothes for me yesterday?"

Zhan Taotao lowered his head and blushed again, just whispered: "Hmm!"

Tang Lin looked at his heart and said, it's over!

"Cough! Cough!" Tang Lin coughed dryly and asked, "Oh, by the way, what do you have to prepare when you go to town?"

"Our town is next to the forest, and we all hunt for a living. Therefore, they usually only sell some animal fur, as well as the internal organs of some animals that can be used as medicine, and some restaurants also collect the meat of some animals. Some people go to the forest to collect medicine and then sell it to the city. In addition, some people in the town will make hand-made straw mats and other things. That's all." Zhan Taotao said as he went to the door, brought a basin of water and put it on the table, and put a white hand towel in the basin. The wet hand towel was handed to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin put on his clothes, took a hand towel and wiped his face, and said, "Is the mayor at home?"

"The mayor went out and said he wanted to teach Brother Hu how to lead the team. They went to the warehouse early in the morning. The mayor said that if the prince wakes up, please have breakfast first. Today, the kitchen has prepared food for the prince. Brother Hu is the eldest son of the mayor, named War Tiger. He is about the same age as Brother Jiu, but he is very steady. He is carved like a model with the mayor, and he is also a beard.

Tang Lin didn't say much after hearing this. He went to the front yard to see if the mayor was away, and said to Taotao, "I'm going to find the mayor after dinner. If you have something to do, go!"

"Hmm!" Zhan Taotao agreed and turned around. Before leaving, he seemed to peek at Tang Lin.

After eating in the kitchen, Tang Lin went to the warehouse. The warehouse is next to the town yard. There are three tile houses, which are very strong. Usually put some weapons, food and other things. When Tang Lin arrived, the front door of the warehouse was already drying up, and mules and carriages were crowded in front of the door. Weapons, fur and other things are piled up outside. The mayor is pointing to a pile of fox skins and saying something to the tiger. I saw Tang Lin coming. I patted my eldest son on the shoulder and let him go. Go straight to Tang Lin.

"The prince is up! Let's take a look. These are all the things to be sold in the city this time. Hi! That's twice a year, once for now and once for the Spring Festival. I have accumulated a lot every time. Some have gone on the road. The town leader said loudly to Tang Cheng.

"Isn't it good to have more? Then you can change something more."

When the mayor heard this, he approached Tang Lin and said, "It's not bad. It's just that if you bring too many things, the robbers will pay attention to you!" So if I go, I dare not bring so many things, but this time Mr. Tang will come out, of course, I will bring more. Haha!"

Tang Lin also had to smile bitterly. What an unscrupulous mayor!

"Yes!" The mayor suddenly patted Tang Lin on the shoulder and said, "Sir, do you want any weapons? I have everything here, such as a big knife, a mace, an iron bar, and a steel fork. Let's choose one, too!" Tang Lin waved his hand repeatedly and said, "No need! I have a sword, just a sword.

"Oh! Yes, right! I almost forgot that the prince came with a sword. Uh-huh! Why don't you usually take the prince with you?" The mayor first suddenly realized and asked strangely.

"It's nothing! It's just that I don't usually use it!" Tang Lin replied carelessly. Seeing that Tang Lin didn't want to say more, the mayor no longer asked questions. Just change the topic and say, "Xiaojiu can't go this time. You can't walk so far without recovery. This time I let him rest at home.

Speaking of Brother Jiu, Tang Lin was a little worried and said to the mayor, "I'll go to see Xiaojiu and come back later!" OK!"

Brother Jiu's house is in the south of the town and will arrive in a few days. A three-meter-high courtyard wall surrounds several houses made of bluestone. As soon as Tang Lin entered the door, he found Brother Jiu sitting in the yard, Taotao and Xiao Pang sitting next to him, and the three of them were chatting. Seeing Tang Lin come in, Xiao Pang said happily, " boss, you also came to see Jiu Ge."

Tang Lin took the bamboo chair handed over by Taotao and sat down in front of Brother Jiu, waved his hand to let the several people who stood up also sit down. Reach out and hold Brother Jiu's hand. After a moment of silence, Tang Lin exhaled and said, "It's much better. Take a good rest!" Brother Jiu said with a depressed face, " boss, I'm fine. Let me go this time!"


The next day, the town became lively early in the morning. In fact, everything was ready yesterday. Today, you just need to go on time. However, this is the only major event in the town in 12 months of the year except for the Spring Festival, so the hunters in the town are very happy. They have already got up before dawn. People who don't travel are allowed to travel. Prepare things and tell the travelers to reconsider what they have not forgotten. It's just that everyone has a happy smile on their faces.

Tang Lin still slept at the mayor's house at night and waited in the front yard early in the morning. He did not bring anything but a long sword, so he was the most leisurely one. Seeing that everyone was busy preparing, Tang Lin felt so bored that he had to sit on the stone platform in the front yard and meditate cross his knees. Close your eyes and practice.

Tang Lin is very strange to talk about practicing qigong. He said that his body is Qigong, but all kinds of magical things can't be achieved by Qigong. Look at the Shenzhou No. 1 sword and you will know that it is the originator of Tang Lin's physical change. No matter how you look at it, it is not ordinary. Naturally, Tang Lin, who has been cut through it, will not be ordinary. However, Tang Lin himself did not know how to practice, and did not absorb the aura of heaven and earth into the body as described in the book, which has achieved the effect of increasing his power. Tang Lin only controlled the airflow in his body to swim through the meridians. In this way, he felt that the airflow in his body was increasing day by day, and his power was getting deeper and deeper. That's strange!

Tang Lin sighed from time to time, hasn't he used up the energy to change his body last time, and now he is slowly coming out of his body and becoming his own power? Such magical energy still seemed to be a little more aura, so Tang Lin had to brazenly call the airflow in his body Reiki.

Practice is a very boring thing, at least for Tang Lin. He uses the aura in his body to swim through the body over and over again, but only feels slightly cool. If you don't practice, you can make your spiritual platform clear and quick-thinking. Tang Lin prefers to have a good sleep.

Sitting cross-legged for a long time, Tang Lin suddenly found that his surroundings were quiet and slowly opened his eyes. A group of young men were looking at Tang Lin with their heads hooked at the gate. At this time, the mayor finally came out and shouted to Tang Lin, "Mr. Tang, everyone is ready and is about to leave."

Tang Lin answered, and his figure flashed out of the door, and then flew like a bird and slowly fell from the air. It looks unrestrained and charming. As soon as Tang Lin landed, there was a shocking applause outside the door.

The mayor took the opportunity to shout, "Let's go!"

So, a convoy of dozens of carriages slowly walked out of Tangzhuang Town like a long dragon and walked down the mountain.

Tangzhuang Town was originally a small village town built on the top of the hillside. Go down the hillside and go east. Not far away, it is a stone mountain. However, this mountain is not a low hill, but a real mountain. This stone mountain is about five or six hundred feet high and steep. It blocks the road into Tangzhuang Town like a barrier. The mountain can't be walked, so the mountain people have to take a detour from the foot of the mountain, although it is farther away. Of course, the motorcade in Tangzhuang Town is no exception.

Tang Lin thought it was just this mountain. Unexpectedly, in the next few days, the road passed by the convoy was all like this. No wonder the mayor said that although the town was only 300 miles away from Xianchi City, it would take many days, so he asked the convoy to leave early.

Tang Lin's identity was special, so everyone arranged a carriage for Tang Lin to sit in. Although Tang Lin tried his best to refuse, he couldn't stand everyone's advice, so he still had no choice but to sit in the carriage. Only the next day, there was one more person in the carriage - Zhan Taotao.