Ming God

Chapter 74 Cultivation

Tang Lin watched the group of people fade away with his hands behind his back until they disappeared. I just turned around. Looking at the mayor, the mayor also looked at Tang Lin with a sweaty face and thanked him, "Thank you, Mr. Tang! Let's talk in the backyard!" After saying that, start and leave first.

Tang Lin turned to Brother Jiu and said, "Xiao Jiu, you can follow me to heal your wounds. Taotao, come here!" He also said to others, "Uncle Li is not here today, but don't be lazy. You have also seen it. You have no power to fight back. What if you meet such a person again in the future? Practice your sense of anger and don't let me down." After saying that, he walked to the backyard. The ninth brother and third sister followed him into the backyard.

Tang Lin just left, and these kids "coax!" It exploded and began to discuss. The little fat jumped on the stone platform and stood and said, "Well, I said that Boss Tang is at least a six-grade master!" You see, the young master of the Sa family said so. And have you seen it? Boss Tang just used a move, and only one move to beat the warrior away. Tell you, in my opinion, the warrior is at least at the level of Uncle Li, but he can't even make a move under the old man's big hand. It seems that the boss's skills have been created and reached the peak. Xiao Pang said with admiration.

"That's right, do you still need to ask! You see, those people didn't even dare to fart when they saw the boss take action, and obediently sent so much gold to make amends. In my opinion, the boss should teach them a good lesson and don't care about him!" A fourteen or fifteen-year-old teenager blushed and said.

After all, a young man in his 20s was older and lit the teenager's forehead and said, "You are stupid! Boss Tang doesn't want to make extracurriculars. His family is the controlling family of Xianchi City. Our Tangzhuang Town is under the jurisdiction of Xianchi City, if we fall out with the young master of the Sa family. What will we do in the future? Besides, Boss Tang has taught the warrior who beat Jiu Ge, and the young master of the Sa family also apologized. This matter can no longer be pursued.

At this time, Tang Lin had already walked to the backyard. Brother Jiu was punched in the chest. He just closed his breath and fainted. Now he is much better. With the help of the third sister Zhan Taotao, he followed Tang Lin to the backyard hall.

The mayor was already sitting in the chair facing the door. When he saw them coming, he waved them to sit down. The mayor's face was very pale. He sat there and gasped. He took a look at Tang Lin and glanced at the two brothers. Tang Lin was calm and said to the third sister, "Taotao, help Xiaojiu go to the side hall to wait for me first, and I'll heal him later."

The third sister's big watery eyes were full of spirituality. She nodded and helped Brother Jiu into the side hall by the door.

There are only Tang Lin and the mayor left in the hall. The mayor coughed twice. Finally, he said, "Mr. Tang, thank you very much. I know you may be blaming me for why I didn't say anything just now. You must have guessed that the Sa family is actually the real master of Xianchi City. Our Tangzhuang Town is under the jurisdiction of Xianchi City. We can't afford to provoke him. The prince should understand that this time they are willing to calm things, not because I, the mayor, but because the prince came forward. The prince is young, but he has cultivated a strong skill. In fact, everyone is thinking about which school he should be a disciple who went down the mountain to practice in the secular world. It's just that it's inconvenient for us to ask if the prince doesn't say it. The young master of the Sa family is so respectful to the prince. I just thought of the prince*."

Speaking of this, the mayor looked up at Tang Lin with complex feelings in his eyes. He continued: "The prince has lived in Tangzhuang Town for more than four months, and has tried his best to dredge the meridians and ventilate our lives. Everyone is very grateful. In fact, others don't know, but I know the difficulty of it. How can ordinary masters do it? I was lucky to meet a young monk in the army. He told me that the meridians of most people are blocked, and only a very small number of people can really practice vitality. If there is a master who spends a lot of energy to dredge the meridians for you, it is a great blessing, because it will lose power to dredge the veins for others, so ordinary people will not do it.

The mayor sighed, "Today, the prince finally mentioned the teacher, and he will not live in Tangzhuang Town for long. I'm not an unreasonable person. Mr. Tang has done enough for us. We can't ask for anything more. But if the prince wants to leave. Please be sure to say goodbye to everyone. The children like you very much and hope to practice as masters like you. I hope Mr. Tang will tell the children.

Tang Lin understood what the mayor meant when he heard this and said funnyly, "Mayor, I didn't say I was going to leave!" I mentioned that I just wanted to make them afraid, but I didn't mean to leave immediately. All right, don't think about it. I'm going to see Xiaojiu's injury. After saying that, he ignored the mayor and walked to the side hall. Speaking of healing, this is what Tang Lin found from Uncle Li. Using that airflow can clear blood and qi, activate the muscles and veins, and the use is infinite.

Tang Lin also sighed when he walked into the side hall. He has been in this town for more than four months. He has figured out some things. Why Uncle Li always respects himself and treats himself like a young master and treats himself as a servant. Why is the mayor's eyes so complicated? Because they all know some secrets. That is the world of practitioners in addition to the secular world. And that world is the world of the fairy sister Tang Lin saw.

There are only a few stools and a pine table in the hall. Brother Jiu and Sanmei are sitting on two chairs, and they are whispering something. Seeing Tang Lin coming in, he stopped talking. Brother Jiu stood up and thanked Tang Lin: "Thank you for saving my third sister. If it hadn't been for Boss Tang this time, I'm afraid my sister would never have come back!"

Tang Lin nodded motionlessly, "Hmm. Sit down and I'll take a look at your body first. The front yard was not checked carefully. With that, Tang Lin walked to Brother Jiu, took the chair handed over by the third sister and sat in front of Brother Jiu, reaching out to grab Brother Jiu's wrist. Tang Lin's luck entered Jiu's body.

After ponding for a long time, Tang Lin loosened the ninth brother's wrist and said to the two brothers and sisters who looked at him nervously, "The inner house was strongly hit and damaged. It takes time to recuperate, but the man is still not dead. You can go to Langzhong to have a look and grab some medicine.

After saying that, Tang Lin looked at his third sister Zhan Taotao and asked, "Taotao, why did they arrest you?"

Zhan Taotao's face turned red when he heard it. He hesitated and said, "A few days ago, I went to the city to sell some fox fur, but when I came back to go shopping, I was separated from everyone. I met a scoundrel on the road. He shamelessly wanted to follow me. I ignored him, and he pulled it. As soon as I was anxious, I kicked him. Unexpectedly, when he kicked him, he suddenly fell to the ground and howled. As soon as I panicked, I ran away. But the person who came today is not him, and I haven't seen this person.

As soon as Tang Lin heard this, he finally understood why Zhan Taotao was so missed by others. You kicked his second brother. Can he remember you from time to time?

After taking a look at Zhan Taotao with a red face, Tang Lin could not say anything more. He just waved his hand casually and said, "Take your brother to see Langzhong in the town!" Brother Jiu was still waiting to say something, but he moved the corners of his mouth and didn't say anything, so he had to stand up and leave Taotao.

In the past few days, Tang Lin vaguely felt that there seemed to be a breakthrough again. Whenever there was an airflow on his shoulders, he was extremely itchy. When he deliberately combed his shoulder sockets, the itching would stop. Tang Lin already knew the size of the meridians on his body. He knew that it was also a key point, so he had been hitting there in the past two days, and every impact made Tang Lin feel like he was about to break a layer of window paper.

Calm down and silently feel the airflow from Dantian, Xinkou and Lingtai. The airflow of Lingtai is delicate and tough, Dantian's airflow is large and soft, and the airflow in the heart is violent and radical. Dantian's heart converged up, and the spiritual platform flowed down. Mixed into a vitality at the shoulder socket, and hit one side of the shoulder socket fiercely with vast power, like the sound of broken shells of eggs. Tang Lin finally succeeded, and the airflow entered along the broken gap, breaking through the barrier at the shoulder socket. Of course, the other side is also very simple.

But I didn't feel any progress after getting through, but the use of my arms became more flexible. Tang Lin suddenly wondered why his physical skills had to be reopened? What will happen to the body after opening? Thinking of this, Tang Lin was secretly excited. Maybe his skills would make great progress. Maybe he could fly in the air? In fact, Tang Lin has never forgotten the matter of the fairy sister flying in the air, but buried it deep in his heart. Thinking about himself, he is too pitiful. Since he met Uncle Li and others, Shenzhou No. 1 has never responded in these months. Originally, I expected it to take me to fly to the sky and let myself feel the feeling of being a sword fairy.

Turning his arms, Tang Lin glanced at the hall door and said faintly, "Don't hide anymore. Come in quickly!" Little fat." In fact, Tang Lin is also a gentle and detached personality, but after coming to the alien world, especially in the small town of Tangzhuang Town, everyone is very respected. Over time, Tang Lin's personality has also become much calmer.

A round head popped up at the door, and the little fat came out laughing: "I knew I couldn't hide it from the boss. Hey hey! The boss doesn't practice anymore?" Xiao Pang's eyes rumbled and asked, " boss, you are already a six-level master. If you continue to practice, I guess even those old monsters can't compare with you, right?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Xiao Pang, my ability is actually not powerful. The set of Qi practice methods taught by your master is actually very good. If you practice hard, you can catch up with me one day."

After a pause, Tang Lin said again, "Although your master has opened several major veins for you, he has not completely opened up the other meridians in your body. I don't know what your master thinks. He shook his head and continued thoughtfully: "In fact, even if it is opened, it still needs to further deepen the acupuncture points and meridians. You will know this later. By the way, did your master say when to come back to you?

As soon as he talked about Xiao Pang's master, Xiao Pang's face was a little unnatural. He sat in a chair and said, "My master just wanted me to practice well and left without saying anything. He just left me a sword. I don't even know his name and sect. Hey! I don't know where the master has gone?" There was a trace of missing and worry in Xiao Pang's eyes.

Xiao Pang looked at Tang Lin and wanted to say something. Tang Lin looked at it and said with a smile, "Xiao Pang, when did you become such a mother-in-law? Just say whatever you want!"

Little fat pondered and said, " boss, I'll tell you not to say anything about it." After saying that, a pair of black eyes stared at Tang Lin.

"Good! OK! I won't say. All right!" Tang Lin laughed.

There was deep worry in Xiaopang's eyes: "I also found it by chance. That day, I was practicing in the yard and suddenly heard the master's cough. Although it was very light, it was indeed the master's voice. I watched it quietly. My master didn't allow me to walk around when practicing, so I could only watch it secretly. When I walked to the backyard, I saw that the master was putting medicine on his body. There was a scar on his back, which was very long. The wound is still bleeding out. Even the gauze is dyed red. Xiao Pang looked at Tang Lin, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Big, my master is very powerful. Although he doesn't show any effort, I know that my master is a master, like the boss. But how could he get hurt, and it looks like a new injury. After that, my master left, and before leaving, he told me not to show the sword left to me easily. Xiao Pang said that his voice trembled.

Tang Lin's face also became serious. He lowered his head and meditated for a while. He looked at Xiao Pang and said, "Xiao Pang, hide that sword in the future!" Don't take it out again. It's out of your mouth, like my ear. Don't tell anyone else.

Xiao Pang also answered solemnly, "I know, boss."

Tang Lin looked at the sky and said, "Let's go. It's almost noon to see how the monkeys are doing." He stood up, shook his brocade robe and walked out. Xiao Pang quickly jumped up from the chair and followed.

In fact, when he first began to adapt to the 36 hours of this day, Tang Lin was not used to it. He either dozed off during the day or was energetic at night. It made Tang Lin distressed and slowly adapted to it after a long time. However, this breakfast, lunch and dinner have to be eaten at least every * hours. Tang Lin can't stand it. Although his physical strength has strengthened his resistance much, the amount of food has also increased accordingly, so now Tang Lin has to eat four meals every day.

Little fat followed with a red face, and he wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. Tang Lin walked in front of him but seemed to know Xiao Pang's expression. He said leisurely, "Xiao Pang, in order to master your sense of qi and develop Dantian vitality as soon as possible, I decided to personally train your physical fighting ability. How about it? Are you happy?"

Xiao Pang's face immediately turned pale and howled: " boss, don't--"

Before Tang Lin walked to the front yard, when he passed through the dining room, he heard someone's noise from afar. Tang Lin was surprised why he had dinner so early today and there were so many people.

It was just the round hole door in the backyard. Tang Lin suddenly saw that dozens of people had gathered in the dining room. The mayor was still sitting in the front seat opposite the hall. The other town's practicing young men were sitting at a table. At this time, they were coming and forth. Talking loudly.

I don't know who shouted, "Mr. Tang is here!" For a moment, everyone looked at Tang Lin. The hall immediately became quiet.

The mayor smiled and said, "Ha! Ha! Mr. Tang, come in quickly. I'm just waiting for you. You were practicing just now, so I didn't disturb you. Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time. The mayor stood up, walked to Tang Lin, and kindly took Tang Lin's hand to the main table and sat down.

Little fat came up and said with a smile, " boss, how's it going? Is it a surprise?" Today, this is a banquet specially held by the mayor for you to celebrate the prestige of the boss today. Hearing Xiao Pang's words, everyone also complimented Tang Lin in a mess.

The mayor sat down and pressed his hands down, signaling that he had something to say. The hall immediately calmed down, and only heard the mayor's loud and powerful voice echo in the hall: "Today, the people of the Sa family came to find trouble to provoke and rob Taotao. Thanks to Mr. Tang, he suppressed the heroes with his skills, suppressed the arrogance of the Sa family with his strong martial arts, and saved Taotao. . I would like to propose this glass of wine to you on behalf of the whole town of Tangzhuang Town. With that, the mayor picked up a white porcelain wine glass on the table, which was already full of amber wine. Raise your hand and send it to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin smiled and took the glass: "This is what I should do. As a member of Tangzhuang Town, how can I not fight back when I see someone bullying me? Don't worry that with me one day, my family can't be wild in Tangzhuang Town." Raise your hand to dry this glass of wine.

The mayor waved to the third sister sitting in his hand. When the third sister saw the mayor waving, her face turned red. She obediently picked up the glass and sent it to Tang Lin. She blushed and whispered, "Mr. Tang, thank you for saving Taotao today."

Tang Lin saw Taotao with a red face and found that Taotao at this time was particularly beautiful. The simple youthful atmosphere came out of Taotao. His concave and convex figure had bloomed like flowers, and a pair of big talking eyes on his face. She is already a standard beauty. Zhan Taotao saw that Tang Lin was not taking the wine glass for a long time. He secretly glanced at Tang Lin and found that Tang Lin was also looking at her with bright eyes, and his face suddenly turned redder.

Seeing Taotao looking at himself, Tang Lin found that he was stunned. He quickly took the glass and smiled: "Okay! How can you not drink the toast of the most beautiful woman in town?" Take a glass and drink it.

As soon as I put down the wine, I found that all the people in the hall stood up. Everyone looked at him with a glass in their eyes full of excitement and worship.

Xiaopang stood in front of everyone with a large wine glass and shouted to Tang Lin, "This cup is to thank the boss for giving everyone a breath, and also for the boss's careful teaching us to practice martial arts. Don't let us be bullied. Let's have a toast to the boss!"

Tang Lin looked at dozens of eager eyes and couldn't speak for a long time. He just took the glass, raised his head and shouted, "Dry--"

Dozens of people said in unison, "dry--" the sound was deafening. Everyone drank the wine in the glass together.

The mayor also stood up and said with a smile, "Okay, everyone sit down. Today's banquet must not be drunk. Little rabbits, one by one, cheer up and toast to your boss."

Tang Lin was shocked and waved his hand repeatedly: "That's not good. Mayor, you are trying to get me drunk!"

At this time, a shout came from outside the hall: " boss!" Tang Lin looked at it. It turned out that Brother Jiu came. Brother Jiu ran into the hall breathlessly and went straight to Tang Lin. He stretched out his hand to dry the sweat on his head. He looked at Tang Lin and smiled apologetically and said, " boss, I was delayed to see Langzhong. Fortunately, I was in time to make a toast to the boss." After saying that, he stared at the third sister who stood up in panic.

The third sister was still clever. She knew what her brother meant and hurriedly poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. The ninth brother took it and gave a very serious look at Tang Lin: "Today's matter, the war chief remembers it in his heart. The kindness of the boss's creation can't be expressed in words. A glass of water and wine is toasted. I hope the old man can generally understand Xiaojiu's heart." Brother Jiu's words are regular and talkative. Tang Lin was greatly surprised.

However, he still took the wine and drank it dry and said to Brother Jiu, "I already know what you mean. Well, your injury hasn't healed yet. It's not appropriate to drink. Just sit down next to me today. It's also lively!"

At this time, the mayor stood up and announced the start of the banquet, and the hall immediately became lively. Tang Lin, the three sons of Jiuge, Xiaopang, Taotao, the mayor and the mayor, are on the table. Brother Jiu was saying something to the third sister with a solemn expression. The third sister's submissive response looked very pitiful. Xiao Pang got along with the mayor's son, and you drink a glass of wine.

The mayor approached Tang Lin and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Tang, are you really not going to leave?"

Tang Lin had to say, "Well, mayor, I said I won't leave. Now I'm fine here and have no plan to leave. Unless you want to drive me out." The mayor was very anxious when he heard this: "How come? You can stay as long as you want."

"Yes! Mr. Tang, I want to ask you something." The mayor continued.

"Please tell me!"

"Well, the day after tomorrow, our town will go to Xianchi City to participate in a semi-annual rally. I want to invite the prince to go with the people in the town. I don't know what the prince wants?"

"Oh--" Tang Lin suddenly realized, "It turned out to be this matter. If you don't tell me, I will forget that this matter is a big deal in the town!" Doesn't every family have to send people? It happens that these guys are going to the market, so I'll follow them if I have nothing to do!"

"Father!" The mayor said seriously. The prince can't be careless. In fact, there is a reason why I let him go. Every year at this time, there will be some robbers on the way to Xianchi City, specially picking this time to rob. If they resist, they will be slaughtered. Those people's methods are fierce, their whereabouts are mysterious, and even the public can't help it. In the past years, I led the team, but this time with the prince, I won't go. I will let the boss lead the team, and the prince only needs to take care of him on the road.

Tang Lin understood, "Don't worry, I will try my best."

When the mayor heard Tang Lin agree, he smiled cheerfully and said, "Then please, prince, come on!" Come on! Come on! Today, the prince showed his power and raised his eyebrows for Tangzhuang Town. Be sure to get drunk with the prince. Drink!"

This banquet was really drunk. From noon to afternoon, Tang Lin finally couldn't stand the mayor, and the students' repeated toasts finally over.

I woke up again the next morning.