Ming God

Chapter 85 Changes

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! A crisp laugh suddenly came from the hall, and even the servants in the yard looked at the hall in astonishment.

Little fat sat on the ground in frustration, as if he had suffered a huge blow. Tang Lin quietly came to his ear and said a few words, and he immediately looked happy: "Really?" Tang Lin nodded quickly. Xiao Pang seemed to be greatly encouraged and hurriedly stood up from the ground.

Tang Tiantian opposite is still covering her stomach and laughing wantonly: Finally, there is someone more funny than my name, sugar, sugar, ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! She was so happy that she didn't dare to say her name every time she introduced her to someone. Even a master like her master laughed happily when she heard her name for the first time. This time, she finally met a name that was more funny than hers.

I laughed for a long time, and even tears came out, and Tang Tiantian slowly stopped. I'm still full of smiles when I look at Xiao Pang. She walked to the little fat, circled him around the left and right, and kept staring at him. Xiao Pang's face was as hot as a piece of charcoal. Although he believed what Tang Lin said, he did not dare to look at Tang Tiantian when facing her.

Maybe the good things that the world often say will not last long. While Xiao Pang was fantasizing about his bright future with Tang Tiantian, a figure fell into the yard outside the hall, and then there was a harsh scream.

Tang Lin quickly stood up and shot out of the hall. He saw a black figure in the flower bed in the yard trying to get up. Tang Lin took a look and said the man's name.

"King of Rat!"

As if he heard Tang Lin's voice, he saw the dark shadow trying to climb up in the messy flowers and plants and saw Tang Lin standing on the steps. It was the Rat King, but at this time, his face was full of blood, his hair was messy, his clothes were ragged, and wet dripping with drops of blood. It's extremely miserable.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and he struggled to move his lips a few times to Tang Lin. He fell to the ground again. Tang Lin's ear was extraordinary, and he heard him say with difficulty, "Sir, save me!"


Time goes back to an hour ago.

The Rat King was forced to leave the yard by the young master in brocade clothes. Unexpectedly, he was beaten back by a figure as soon as he got on the wall. Fortunately, when he was in danger, the reaction he had honed in the life of swords and shadows in Tang Lake for many years played a role. He hurriedly blocked the gear with his arms and shoulders. Although he was still flew out, he did not It was fatally hit.

At the moment he was beaten, he saw clearly that the person who beat himself away was the leader of the punishment hall who was made an iron-faced king of death in the family. A six-grade master. At the same time, he is also the uncle of the young master of Jinyi.

So he will pretend to be dead and suddenly escape when they relax.

He did not underestimate the strength of the fifth uncle, but overestimated his body. When he escaped from the wall, he suddenly had a colic in his abdomen and almost made him fall from the wall. He bit the tip of his tongue, suddenly raised his breath, and fled into the darkness. He was right, and the blow of the iron-faced king of death used dark power. He has received a lot of trauma inside.

Lurking in Xianchi City for several years, he already knows the streets and alleys here, so at the beginning, he shook away the iron-faced king and the young master of Jinyi who followed him. But the good times didn't last long. When the iron-faced king of the den ran and followed on the roof, he was not so relaxed.

At first, his familiarity with the street could still hide in some shadows, but the iron-faced king became more and more proficient in his position that made him have to continue to flee. Finally, he thought of Xianchi Lake, where there was a boat he had hidden for his escape, but it was for his family. I didn't expect it to be used to deal with my own people this time.

As he rushed forward, he cursed that he had been working diligently and faithfully in the family for all these years. Unexpectedly, the young master's beast would do this to himself and the iron-faced hell. He thought hatefully, and his feet were a little dissatisfied like running forward.

Finally, he arrived at the lake, but the terrain here was wide. The figure of the Rat King was exposed, and he could no longer hide by the terrain like in the roadway. As soon as his body was exposed, the iron-faced king behind him immediately found him and quickly swept to the lake.

The Rat King came to the lake and pushed a boat from a branch-covered weed. An arrow stepped on the boat and began to row. When the iron-faced king of the world came to the lake, he had rowed dozens of meters away.

The iron-faced king of the world was very angry. A four-grade small domestic slave actually ran away from under his own nose, which had to be passed back, and his face would be put away in the future. At this time, he saw a willow tree more than two feet thick next to him. My heart moved.

He carried his palm like a knife, poured internal force into the edge of his palm, and everything on the willow tree. Suddenly, the willow tree broke, and the huge crown fell to the ground with countless willows scattered. There is a piece of dust.

The iron-faced king quickly cut off the leafy part at the top of the tree. Then he was lucky and picked up the trunk. The boat getting farther and farther away from the duizhun lake and retreated a few steps. Then he roared and rushed forward, holding the tree trunk in his arms and suddenly relaxed to the lake.

The five or six-meter-long willow trunk hit the rat king's boat with an unprecedented momentum like a huge arrow away from the string. The Rat King knew what he was going to do from the iron-faced king of the willow tree, but he could only watch, but he could not stop it.

When the willow tree hit the boat with the roar of the sky, he could only jump off the boat. As soon as he left the boat, the willow tree finally hit the boat. With great inertia, the willow straight bar boat runs through the whole.

The boat disintegrated, and there was a wave of water on the lake. The messy sound and the ripples of the willow boat entering the water covered the figure of the Rat King. Tonight's sky was not very bright moonlight. At this time, a few dark clouds came under the huge moon and contributed to covering the escape of the Rat King.

The iron-faced king of death saw that there was no trace of the rat king on the calmed water, leaving only the trunk of the willow tree and the smashed pieces of the boat lying on the water. Busy to the three young masters of Jinyi, who rushed over at this time, ordered: "Find a ship immediately and let's chase it."

Maybe God favored the Rat King. He jumped off the water and wanted to swim to the lake, but the willow tree in the water attracted his attention. It turned out that the trunk of the willow tree was in a part of the hull, so the trunk floated on the water in a balanced manner. I can rely on this willow tree and float forward.

This made him very happy. The sound of the iron-faced king of the den on the shore came. He did not hesitate, holding the tree trunk slowly moving forward and whispering as much as possible. Xianchi Lake was originally a very regular pit, but over the years, in order to transform this lake, the residents of Sajia and Xianchi Lake have dug many small waterways by the lake. Gradually, the water surface around Xianchi Lake has become complicated and there are more and more fork roads.

With a huge sense of crisis, the Rat King lurked beside the tree trunk and began to rack his brains to recall a safe place. The night was as cool as water, and the lake was still very cold at night. The injured rat king leaned his head on the surface of the water, and his lips began to turn blue. The moonlight filtered a layer of clouds and shone on the lake, which was hazy and more mysterious. It was quiet around, and occasionally you could hear the accidental sound of rowing behind.

Looking at the vast lake, somehow, the Rat King suddenly remembered his life for so many years. I'm really lonely. I don't have a wife and sister, only a sword-and-blooded Tanghu career and a bowing slave life.

At this moment, he felt deeply sad for himself. He doesn't want to die so early. He wanted to be eager for more powerful power, just like his childhood ideals. He longed to go to that level. At this moment, he thought of Tang Lin again. That magical teenager.

Thinking of Tang Lin, a strong light suddenly burst into his eyes, which was so deep and eager. The belief of the Rat King to survive burned like fire.

He finally muttered what Tang Lin said before he left: "I'm fine, but it's a pity... What a pity... What a pity..."

In the obscure night, there were several sounds of oars cut by the surface of the water from afar. Gradually, a small wooden boat sailed out of the mist on the lake. There were four people on the boat. First, a middle-aged man in black nailed the bow like a nail, as if the shaking of the ship could not affect him at all. Like. The night wind blew its clothes up.

Behind him was a young prince, but at this time, the prince was not handsome at all. There is only anxiety and tension on his face, mixed with anger and anger. He was looking at the lake and chattering, "Uncle, have you seen this traitor? He has long been rebellious. I have long felt that he is not normal these days. As expected, he must have defected to the young master of Tangzhuang Town..."

Behind the prince is a thin figure. He sat motionless in the boat, but his eyes flashed with disgust and worry. Looking at the vast lake, he secretly prayed in his heart: Lao San, whether you are impulsive or have the idea of leaving early, I just hope that you can escape as far as possible and don't be found by us again.

The last one was the rower, a burly man. He rowed the wooden oars in his hand, slowly and calmly and powerfully. He was just silent. He was always silent, but now he is more silent. In the sad night, it seems that his silence has also turned into silence.

The man standing in the bow of the boat finally opened his mouth, and his low voice slowly echoed on the silent lake. "He can't escape far. He was hit by my palm, which has hit his internal organs hard."

The situation is indeed the same. The Rat King floated on the water. After a short time, his vision began to blur and his consciousness began to slow. Fortunately, he was equally alert, suddenly biting the tip of his tongue again and suddenly woke up again.

But he knew that his injury began to attack and he could no longer move forward on the lake. He had to find a place to go ashore. The water surface of Xianchi Lake was far away from the place where the Rat King landed.

The Rat King suddenly thought of a place, which was a place he passed by when he went to explore the mansion. On the side of Xianchi Lake, there was a very dense forest, but the forest grew on the surface of the water. The terrain was complex and easy for Tibetans, but it was too close to the family.

And the Rat King's current place is very close to a waterway to that place. At this time, the rat king heard an occasional rowing sound in his sensitive ears. Suddenly, he was in a hurry and struggled to swim to the waterway despite the injury on his body.

In the night, the sound of the Rat King's swimming in the water was very weak, but he could not hide the iron-faced king of the world, who was already a master of the six-grade realm. He tilted his ear slightly and then ordered the seven fox: "Lao Qi, row in that direction, hurry up!"

The other three were refreshed and understood what the fifth uncle meant. Seven Fox did not dare to hesitate and quickly rowed in the direction pointed to by the fifth uncle.

The life-and-death chase is being staged, chasing one party to prevent the escaped from revealing some of their confidential secrets. The escaped person fled with his life. He knows very well the consequences of being caught, so that he will regret coming to this world.

How long has it been since he struggled on the front line of life and death? The latest one was more than ten years ago. The Rat King sighed secretly, and his career in the family slowly wiped out his keen sense of touch and intuition about life and death. Are you old? He shook his head, and now is not the time to think about these things.

It's almost on the shore. A very hidden waterway looks very mysterious under the cover of layers of leaves. Especially on this night, the Rat King staggered to the shore with his chest in one hand, fell down and sat down in a big tree. The sound of breathing like a broken wind box came out of his throat. The Rat King only felt dizzy and dark, and his hands His feet were cold, and facing the water shrouded in a layer of mist, he actually became confused.

A cool breeze woke him up. Maybe God took care of him once. As soon as he woke up, he heard the haunting sound of paddles on the surface of the water. This was the sound of death. The Rat King suddenly stood up and shook again. After a while, he stood down. He looked at the lake and immediately turned around and walked into the dense forest behind him, which had left the house. Far away.

The Rat King, who came to this dense forest for the second time, was not confused by the lush trees around him. He went straight to a place where it was Sa's family. He knew that the most dangerous place was the safest place now. When he got there, he only needed to find a place to hide and avoid the pursuit of the fifth uncle of the iron-faced man, and he had the hope to escape.

The forest is very dense, and the branches of the trees are scrambling to grow towards the sky. The bright moonlight also looks gray when it comes here. From time to time, the ground under the rat king will turn into water. He walks over with a deep foot and a shallow foot, but he dares not stay at all, because he deeply knows what kind of state Liupin is.

Maybe it was God's blessing. The walking Rat King suddenly heard a sound of speech. Although it was very light, with the Rat King's extraordinary hearing, he had identified that there was more than one speaker. He was shocked. Have they come in front of me?

Impossible. He listened carefully again. This time he knew that the voice in front of him was not the voice of the fifth uncle, but another group of people. Originally, he was about to leave with his feet, but he suddenly stopped again because he came up with a good idea, a good idea that could get rid of the pursuit behind him.

The sound of him leaning down and slowly approaching the opposite side, and gradually he heard it more clearly. It was the voice of two men.

One of the deep voices said, "No, I was heard by the head, and I had to be beaten again."

Another slightly loud voice also lowered and said, "What are you afraid of? We are on the outermost alert. No one will come to this damn place for a hundred years, let alone at night. Hey, what's the use of digging those? Although they are shiny, there are too many impurities in it, which is not good-looking at all. It's not as good as the water stone in my house.

said in a low voice, "Who knows? It's really idle to use so many people for those broken stones.

"Hey, have you heard? Today, the Qin family went to war again. The old man was half pissed off by the messenger on the spot and fainted."

"Yes, there is a great person in the Qin family. We have a family... This time, it's difficult"

The Rat King slowly lurked around the two and continued to walk inside. After a while, there was a riot behind him, and then immediately calmed down. The Rat King knew that the two people had been solved. Clean and neat, without any obstacles, came after him.

The Rat King didn't understand why the fifth uncle could always find him, because he had thrown him off several times on the road, but the iron-faced king of death could always catch up again. He didn't think about what kind of soul-chasing incense the iron-faced king of death put on him, but he didn't find it and had to continue to run for his life.

After walking for a while, he heard several people talking. This time, it was not two, but three or four voices, which were getting closer and closer to the Sa family. As if seeing the dawn of life, the Rat King quickly lurked and bypassed a few more.

The Rat King doesn't know what these people are doing here in the middle of the night, and he doesn't want to know. He only understands that these people can save their lives, and he is still very grateful to those who can save their lives. This can be understood from a few loud screams behind him that his gratitude is not something that ordinary people can enjoy.

Like a sharpness on his back, he accelerated his pace again, but this time, there were no longer a few people in front of him, but dozens of people running this way. Of course, not for the Rat King, but those screams were too harsh in this quiet forest. As long as it was not deaf, they must have been heard. .

Listening to the people flocking to the mansion, the Rat King was not only not nervous, but breathed a little. Just as those people were about to pass by here, he quickly lay down in a waterpit, caged himself with rotten leaves and miscellaneous branches, and pretended to be dead.

This is nothing to the Rat King. In the past, when he traveled through Tang Lake, he used this method to deceive the pursuers countless times, and this time it was no exception, especially in this dim forest. A group of men with knives, guns and sticks, oh, or warriors. He hurriedly ran over from the place where the Rat King was hiding. Especially when there was another sad scream in that direction, their footsteps were faster.

He hummed twice in his heart. The Rat King got up from the ground and didn't care about the water stains on his body at all. He looked at the direction that had been upgraded to a group fight, no longer hesitated, and turned away.

There is no sigh. When the Rat King walked hundreds of meters away, the fighting behind him was over. It was quiet, or this quietness was not what the Rat King wanted to hear. The gap is the gap between low-level warriors and senior warriors. **Naked. There is nothing to hide.

The Rat King's footsteps are getting heavier and heavier again.

God always likes to joke with you, doesn't he? The Rat King has a deep understanding of this.

He felt palpitations again. For the intuition that had just been restored, he had no choice but to cast infinite trust. This trust told himself that the iron-faced king of the den chased closer.

A loud roar suddenly sounded from the forest, like thunder, resounding through the jungle. The Rat King was shocked and immediately felt the roaring owner approaching quickly. Suddenly, a messy footsteps followed.

The Rat King is very happy: Iron-faced King of the Hate, Fifth Uncle and Fifth Uncle, you don't know how to avoid it. You can only kill blindly. Sooner or later, you will provoke the six-grade masters of the Sa family. Even a few five-grade warriors will have enough for you to drink a pot. The owner of this roar is full of vitality and fierce internal strength. It seems that he is at least a master of five grades, but I don't know how many of them have come.

If the Rat King hadn't been seriously injured at this time, he would have almost wanted to go back to see the stinky face of the Iron-faced King of Bad. However, it was still important to escape for his life. With a slightly happier mood, he embarked on the road to Safu again.

In an open space 100 meters away, four figures stood in a pile of corpses. The open land, of course, is the result of the killing of dozens of people, and the only result of the hanging of dozens of lives in the government. In addition to these, there are only corpses and blood all over the ground. Many corpses can no longer be called corpses. They should be called bodies. Under the palm of the six-grade warriors, no one is complete. At this time, there is a pile of meat on the ground.

The bloody internal organs are scattered everywhere, with human heads, broken hands, broken thighs, and thrown intestines. None of this matters. The important thing is that the iron-faced king standing on these people's meat piles was finally moved.

He frowned and twitched at the corners of his eyes, and then he ordered the three bloody people behind him: "You go first. I will kill that little mouse. The people below are not what you can deal with.

The young master of Jinyi said in a trembling voice, "Uncle Five, you, take care..." The seven fox and the thin and tall man no longer hesitated and left with the young master. Everyone cherishes life very much. Especially the young master of Jinyi. He felt that his life was far more precious than the Rat King. So I chose to leave without hesitation. Of course, Qihu and Erzhu don't want to stay any longer.

Without blind waiting, even if there are many people on the other side, it is not worth taking it seriously for a master like the fifth uncle. While the young master of Jinyi left, he flew to the tree and hurried on his way in a faster way.

For masters, especially warriors above the fourth grade, if they don't deliberately hide their deeds, they are still easy to be found by some masters who are not much different. Therefore, when the fifth uncle flew not dozens of meters away, a streamer quickly blocked his way.

When the sound of gold and iron resounded through the woods, the fifth uncle was also forced to stop, and the streamer fell to the ground, and then was grabbed by a big hand with exposed muscles and bones. This is a thin man, thinner than a tall man. He came out of a bush and was surrounded by a thin middle-aged man. There were still three or four people behind them, but looking at the elegant fifth uncle standing on a thick-armed branch, these people were invariably shocked.

First, the two looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes: six-grade masters.

The streamer was an iron bar, and the big man stood there, and Yue Zhishan's condensed figure made people dare not underestimate it. The people around him also held an iron bar.

There is no politeness, only a direct question: "Who are you and why did you kill my brother?"

The fifth uncle on the tree seemed to look at the direction of the rat king's escape. He smiled and said, "Yes, yes, both of them have reached the peak of the fifth grade. It seems that it will take some effort to kill you, so..." He suddenly stopped talking about this, and when the people below listened, he suddenly saw a figure quickly flashing over the forest at an incredible speed. People don't see it.

A faint voice came from afar: "See you, several people."

The big man angrily paused the iron bar in his hand. He didn't expect that the man's cultivation was so high, and he didn't expect that this man didn't have the demeanor of a first-class master at all.

"Go back!" He ordered. Unlike the warriors on the periphery, everyone in this group of people knows what is in that direction, and it cannot be known there. If it is found, it will set off a bloody storm in Xianchi City.

Several people quickly ran to the road, the dense forest, and the moonlight shone with a faint light through the clouds. The dark tranquility in the dense woods, like a giant mouth of a monster, made people shudder.

But for the person who licks blood, it's really a monster, and you have to cut him down. Blood has always been the favorite of pure men.