Ming God

Chapter 86 Leakage

The hero is lonely. The Rat King sitting on a rock and resting on a rock thinks so. It turns out that the hero is more lonely when he dies.

He covered his chest with one hand and gasped, while the other hand held a small dagger, and his face was full of sweat. He is unwilling, and everyone who is dying is unwilling and wants to fight again. The Rat King is no exception. This kind of blood has been cultivated by him several times in the past decades.

Even if he only has one breath left. He will not give up either.

The wind blew, and it was still not far from Sa's house. He could vaguely see the tall wall, but there was no time. His intuition told himself that the people behind him had come.

Wow! A gust of wind blew through the faint sound of the leaves, and the Rat King glanced at the tree. No matter what he thought, it was time to come.

The iron-faced king of the den stood on a small branch and swayed in the direction of the wind. He always felt that he was about to fall, but he looked at the rat king below calmly as if he were sticking to it.

Or not looking, but deeply ploughed back and forth on the Rat King with extreme contempt.

The breeze and bright moon can make a killing night. A thin cloud slowly moved to the top of the Rat King's head, and the fifth uncle shining in the moonlight floated elegantly and unrespeakably extraordinary under the white halo. No one would have thought that this man had just killed dozens of lives without blinking, just like crushing dozens of ants.

"Uncle, I didn't do anything wrong to my family. Did you want to kill me after listening to the young master's side?" The Rat King finally opened his mouth, and his eyes were humiliated and unwilling.

"Lao San, the patriarch has decided that he will be the next patriarch. You just need to obey. I don't care whether you betray or not, but you shouldn't disobey the young master." The erratic voice seemed to come from the sky.

The Rat King looked up at the sky. At this time, he suddenly felt that the clouds in the sky were so beautiful and the moon was so warm.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I didn't expect that the family would kill arbitrarily in order to do this, so I'm honored? Become a rebellious role model for everyone?"

"You are very smart. In fact, everyone can see your contribution over the years, but it's just a pity..."

What a pity... What a pity... It's a pity...

Some people said that again! The Rat King thought with a feeling, and he suddenly thought angrily, can I only be that weak person? Is it a pity to be pitied when you die? How ironic and pitiful. The Rat King's heart seemed to have been dug hard by a sharp knife.

"Death!" The fifth uncle flew down from the tree, holding a soft sword in his hand and stabbed the Rat King.

The Rat King has always envied the kind of flying fairy-like sword. At this time, when he felt it himself, he also felt very good. The fifth uncle's sense of anger has been firmly locked in the Rat King. No matter which direction the Rat King dodges, he can chase him.

The Rat King also felt the great pressure, and his body was suppressed by a momentum and could not move. At this time, he also had the idea of waiting to die.

But God was destined not to die, and another cold light cut off the way of the fifth uncle.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, sparks splashed in the air, and then a sharp knife shot back from the air. A white palm grabbed the knife, but the owner of the knife retreated four or five steps in a row.

Another few people came from the direction of Safu. First, he was a beautiful man. At this time, he was looking at the fifth uncle who fell from the air in shuddenly.

When the Rat King saw the opportunity, he jumped off the stone and quickly chose another direction to escape. He wanted to avoid the people of the mansion, but he didn't want the leader of the mansion to look at the Rat King and gave a soft "hey" sound. But he was immediately attracted by his fifth uncle.

whispered to the person next to him: "This man is a six-grade master. We can't be the enemy. Send someone back to report the news. Also, the man just now is not our man. We admitted our mistake. It seems that he was hunted and fled here, but the direction he is going to that place. Send someone to stop him quickly."

Several people here are like enemies, but the fifth uncle doesn't want to pester them, and he won't stay much longer when he just heard someone coming behind.

He snorted coldly, jumped a few feet high, stepped on the treetops and wanted to jump from the top of everyone. But several people below obviously didn't want him to do what he wanted, and a few sharp blades shot like cold light and lightning to the fifth uncle who had nowhere to borrow in the air.

But the ability of the six masters is no longer what ordinary warriors can imagine. I only saw countless wrists shaking, Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! A few crisp sounds, and a few sharp blades shot back backwards, while the fifth uncle jumped over several people's heads.

Soon after the Rat King ran, he found that the trees here had obviously been repaired and opened a lot. He walked forward dozens of meters and lifted a shrub. Suddenly, there was an open space in front of them. The open space was similar to a quarry, so he expected that he saw many clothes wearing a color in front of him. People are busy with something under a boulder.

The boulder appeared abruptly. Dozens of people were entering and leaving the black hole under the boulder, holding some packages in their hands. The Rat King's eyes were sharp, and he happened to see a few shiny stones. There are many tools for digging earth and stones scattered on the ground.

Several people saw the Rat King coming and ran over in a hurry.

When the Rat King saw the machine, his heart moved, staggered over, ploped and fell to the ground. He looked up and said, "Come on, someone broke in. Many brothers around us have been killed. Come on!"

This shout attracted everyone's attention. The people who ran over quickly walked to the Rat King and helped him up and asked, "What's the matter? How many people broke in?"

When the Rat King just fell to the ground, he rubbed in the soil. At this time, the moonlight was unclear and looked even more unclear. He cried and said, "Brothers, all the brothers are dead. I was the only one who escaped, and a person came. He is very good at martial arts, and we are not the opponent at all."

"Ah!" A sound of surprise sounded in the surrounding crowd. Many people don't believe what he said.

But the person who helped him up first believed him. He can't help but believe it.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he wisely chose to believe it when he saw the man standing on a thick branch. His strange movements affected the people around him, and everyone looked up at his eyes.

A gasp sounded on this open space, and everyone looked at the man standing on the treetops in horror. In this world where everyone basically practices martial arts, as long as he is not a fool, everyone knows that as long as he reaches the realm of five grades, he can almost fly flat on the roof of the treetops.

This man stands on the treetops so easily, at least he is already in the realm of six grades, six grades! What kind of realm is that?

However, the people below were surprised, but the fifth uncle on the tree was also extremely shocked. He stared at the stones scattered from the package by several workers. His face changed dramatically and muttered, "Spirit Stone!!!!!"

The Rat King hid in the crowd, but could not find any sense of safety. Facing the man standing still on the treetops, unless the Sa family sent seven or eight five-grade masters or one or two six-grade masters, he could really deal with this demon.

The evening wind is like water, the fifth uncle on the tree does not move, and the people below dare not move. Dozens of people have become quiet.

The fifth uncle stood on the tree, but the superficial calm could not hide the violent fluctuations in his heart. The Sa family actually found the spirit stone mine! This is a big deal. I have to tell my family, but if the Rat King lets him escape today and the Sa family knows our personnel stronghold in Xianchi City, the loss is unbearable, not to mention the further exploration of the spiritual stone mine in the future, and the stronghold cannot be lost.

Thinking of this, his murderous intention was even worse, and there was a flash of cold light in the eyes of the Rat King.

At this time, the Rat King really felt as pitiful as a little mouse under the eyes of Uncle Five. He was trembling and dared not look at his fifth uncle and retreated to the crowd when he was not noticed.

Can't wait! If you don't kill him today, I'm afraid that more people will die in the future.

Once the fifth uncle made up his mind, he would not hesitate. He stretched out his hand and pulled it from his waist. A cold and shiny soft sword was pulled out by him. With a transport of internal strength, the soft sword suddenly became hard and straight. As soon as he stretched himself, he attacked from the treetops like a rat king mixed in the crowd.

The attack of the six-grade master is not easy. The people below reacted instantly. Everyone pulled out the blades, long sticks, short knives, sword blades and so on. Everyone waited for the moment when the iron-faced king came down to attack.

The tip of the fifth uncle's sword pointed straight at the Rat King and did not estimate any other sharp blades. Without saying a word, the Rat King immediately made a mistake and ran in the direction of the Safu, where the wall of the Safu was standing high.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, the fifth uncle's elegant figure raised another foot in the collision of a blade and jumped out of the crowd with the anti-shock force. He chased the rat king who had hidden in the forest first.

Be sure to kill him!

Although the life-and-death chase is very exciting, it is not a good thing for the people who are hunted down. After so long, the injury of the Rat King has become more and more serious. At first, it is still a part of the pain, but now it has become numb pain in the whole upper body.

He knows how serious this is, which shows that if he is not cured quickly, his life will disappear completely. The clouds in the sky are getting heavier and heavier.

Seeing that the wall in front of him had arrived, the Rat King's heart was extremely urgent, because the death behind him caught up again. He turned around and violently tosw the only blade on his body. A flash of light flashed by, and in an instant came to the fifth uncle.

There was no chance, just a slight stroke, and the dagger had fallen into the grass in the distance. And the fifth uncle was only blocked by the dagger.

And what the Rat King wanted was this moment. He had strong skills, quickly climbed over the wall, and quickly penetrated into a corridor and disappeared. For these pickled corners, Rat King, an orphan who fled to Tang Lake since childhood, is obviously more familiar than the well-cultivous fifth uncle.

That's why he was able to get rid of this iron-faced king of the den in Xianchi City before.

Cats have cat roads, and mice have rat roads!

The embarrassment of the Rat King at this time is that people who knew him before may not recognize him. His face is messy with mud, rotten leaves on his hair, and dirty clothes dripping with water. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a beggar waiting for someone to give two money on the street.

The Rat King, who shuttled back and forth between the corridors of the yard, had been running for a while. He looked back and saw that there was no sound in his ears, so he comforted himself and temporarily got rid of the demon.

Before he decided to stop, he suddenly felt a huge crisis. He only had time to turn his body slightly and felt a huge force hitting him. Knock yourself out.

The Rat King, who flew away like a Superman in the air, felt that the side of his body had been injured. He looked at what he had injured in the air with difficulty. It turned out to be a vase and laughed at himself twice, and the Rat King "banged" into a flower bed.

The gren rat king was dizzy, and then heard a scream. He struggled to get up. At this time, he heard a voice that he would never forget in his life.

"King of Rat!"

struggled to raise his head. The Rat King saw Tang Lin as he wished. He tried his best to shout out what he wanted to say. Although it was small, he knew that Tang Lin heard it.

"Help me!!!"

Tang Lin looked at the Rat King struggling in the flower bed with a shocked face and couldn't speak for a moment. At this time, a figure flashed over the wall, quickly, and then a cold light pierced the Rat King struggling in the flower bed.

Tang Lin, who was shocked, finally understood the meaning of the Rat King's words. Before he could think about it, Tang Lin kicked his feet and immediately attacked the fast figure like a cannonball, and the air immediately filled a bloody smell.

Uncle was about to take the life of the Rat King, but he didn't expect that the attacker was also a master who was not weaker than himself. He immediately chose to stab the sword to Tang Lin.

"Bang!" With a slight touch, the two of them split and took two steps back at the same time. One was in a hurry to fight, and the other was to take it empty-handed. Under the match, there is no division.

At this time, the fifth uncle saw Tang Lin clearly. When he saw Tang Lin's young appearance, his expression changed greatly and his heart tightened. The young master of Jinyi doesn't know what it means, but he knows it and knows it clearly.

Seeing Tang Lin, he knew that he could not take the life of the Rat King today. In this enemy's nest, he did not dare to stay much. He took a deep look at Tang Lin, rose up and crossed the high wall and left.

Tang Lin here was also secretly surprised. Just now, it was very thrilling. Although the man changed his moves in a hurry, his experience of engagement was very old. If he hadn't been lucky in a hurry and almost slapped the man's sword face, I'm afraid that his palm would have become two halves.

When he went back, he took his Shenzhou No. 1 sword, and Tang Lin made a secret decision.

Turning his head and looking at the unconscious Rat King, Tang Lin frowned secretly. Why did he come here? Who is the person who chased him?

It's too late. That's fast. In fact, it happened in a few seconds. At this time, Xiao Pang and Tang Tiantian walked from the hall to the yard. However, they only had time to see the back of the pursuer leaving.

Tang Tiantian looked at the departing back and said, "This man is very powerful. He is already a cultivation of the sixth grade. No wonder he dares to kill people to Safu."

Xiao Pang was surprised: "Six products? It's so awesome, but why did he kill this man?"

Tang Lin walked to the Rat King, turned his body with one hand and held his head in the other. The Rat King's eyes trembled, looked at Tang Lin, and his lips moved slightly.

"Help me, son!"