Ming God

Chapter 87 Healing

Tang Lin is not a compassionate doctor, but when he saw that the Rat King was on the verge of death, he still couldn't bear to save him.

Holding the Rat King or holding the Rat King to the hall, Tang Lin said to Tang Tiantian and the little fat war tiger, "I'll take a look at the injury for him. Don't let anyone disturb me." With that, he helped the Rat King to sit down in a corner of the hall.

He straightened the Rat King with his back and put his palm on the back of the Rat King. Tang Lin immediately transported the aura into the Rat King's body through his palm. The Reiki was indeed different from the Qigong of ordinary martial arts, and soon he found out the injury in the Rat King's body.

frowned, Tang Lin sighed: What a serious internal injury. I guess if I don't dredge blood for his main house, the Rat King can't survive tonight. Regardless of the identity of the Rat King, the treatment still needs to be carried out.

Slowly increasing the delivery of aura, Tang Lin began to repair and restore the displaced and ruptured internal organs in the Rat King's body one by one to dredge the blood in his body. Although a trauma on the side of his body looked serious, it was not fatal, and Tang Lin put him at the end.

In fact, after Tang Lin's aura in his body reached six grades, he found many wonderful uses, such as healing. He has carefully studied that as long as the aura is focused on one place, the injury there will recover quickly.

The injury of the Rat King is very serious. In fact, it is also the good luck of the Rat King. If it were anyone, his injury would not be so fast. Tang Lin's aura cured the injury in his body this time, and also helped him take care of the meridians in his body. This will benefit him a lot in the future.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps in the yard, and the noise suddenly filled the whole yard. The leaders were Sa Jirong and Sa Yiner, but the people behind them were the five-grade masters and guards who had played with the fifth uncle. Dozens of people came, and the courtyard suddenly looked much narrower.

The Sa Jirong brothers and sisters walked into the front hall first. When they saw Tang Lin healing the Rat King, they stopped at the same time. It stopped the people behind from coming in.

Tang Tiantian made a silent gesture to them and asked them to wait first. Sa Yin'er approached Tang Tiantian and asked a few whispers next to her ear. Tang Tiantian also answered softly. Sa Yiner frowned, but didn't say anything. She just shook her head at Sa Jirong.

Time passed quickly. Two hours later, with Tang Lin's success, the Rat King also woke up. He opened his eyes and felt the injury that was about to heal in his body, with surprise in his eyes.

He turned his head and saw Tang Lin, who had stood up. He knelt down and fell to the ground with a hoarse voice echoed in the yard: "Thank you for your mercy and saving my life. I am willing to serve you from now on. I will be sent to the prince all my life. Saying that, he kowtowed his forehead to the ground.

"Bum!" A kowtow could be heard by everyone outside the hall, and then the suppressed and excited voice of the Rat King came out: "Please accept me." Bang again! Bang! Bang!" A kowtow.

Tang Lin couldn't see such a situation. He just bent down to help the Rat King up: "Get up first and say something."

Who knew that the Rat King kowtowed stubbornly on the slate floor and just said, "Please have mercy and accept me!"

"You..." Tang Lin is also helpless, but he has his worries. You can't accept him so hastily in the mansion.

Just when Tang Lin was in a dilemma, the voice of the Rat King suddenly came from the ground. The voice was very small, but Tang Lin heard it. He said, "Don't worry, they don't know that I am from Jingnan. I used to appear in disguise, so they haven't seen me."

Oh, Tang Lin's eyes lit up, and then stopped as if he was thinking about something and said, "Get up, I'll take you." Stretching out his arm, the Rat King stood up this time.

The people in the hall were stunned by their hands, and then they reacted.

Tang Tiantian suddenly said, "So you know him, Mr. Tang, who is he?" People around also came up to want to know the origin of this person.

Tang Lin's eyebrows tightened slightly and said, "Oh, this is a friend I used to know. I didn't expect to be hunted down. He should have seen me enter the mansion, so he came to me.

At this time, a beautiful middle-aged man went to Sa Jirong's side and whispered a few words. Sa Jirong's face immediately changed, and then quietly waved his hand to let him retreat, but his eyes were much more complicated when he looked at the Rat King and Tang Lin.

Sa Yiner took Tang Tiantian's hand and asked carefully about what had just happened. Xiao Pang and Zhanhu walked to Tang Lin and said to Tang Lin, " boss, do you have any problems? This person is your former friend, or I haven't seen him before.

At this time, Sa Jirong suddenly thought of something and said to Tang Lin, "I didn't expect Tang Shaoxia to come, but the friend Shaoxia seemed to be seriously injured. When the man in black chased your friend just now, my homeyard just arrived and saw that this friend was seriously injured. Why don't you let him have a rest in the house?

Tang Lin said, "His injury is fine. I have just been cured."

As soon as Sa Jirong heard it, his face was overjoyed and completely ignored what had just happened. He was surprised and said, "Is the young hero really cured this friend?"

This question is quite impudent, because Tang Lin has just made it clear that he should not ask again.

Looking at Sa Jirong's happy face, Tang Lin suddenly knew what was wrong. This secular treatment of injuries should not be so fast. However, since I said it, it's not easy to change it, so I have to affirm, "Yes, it's okay."

When Tang Lin said this, not only did the brothers and sisters look at Tang Lin in surprise, but also Tang Tiantian looked at him in surprise, which made Tang Lin even more uneasy. Hasn't even Tang Tiantian from that world seen such a medical technique? This is not a good thing.

Before Sa Jirong could say anything, Tang Tiantian jumped over and pulled Tang Lin's arm and said in a crisp voice, "Mr. Tang, I didn't expect your master to be so powerful in medicine, so we should have a good competition."

"Cough! Cough!" Sa Jirong was a little hesitant after listening to Tang Tiantian's words, but he still stepped forward and saluted Tang Lin. He said in a low voice, "The prince has good medical skills and is kind-hearted. I don't know if I can also show my grandfather the injury.

In fact, Tang Lin knew what he was going to say when he saw Sa Jirong's face. Although he didn't want to participate too much in the affairs of the Sa family, he could not refuse.

At the moment, he said, "Yes, I heard that your elder is in a coma. I don't know what's going on now?"

Sa Jirong shook his head: "I haven't woken up yet."

"It's not too late. Let's go and have a look!" Tang Lin said. I'm going, too." Tang Tiantian became more and more interested when she saw that Tang Lin seemed unwilling to reveal her teacher. She smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll watch it myself."

"This..." Sa Jirong was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't be careless at all to heal his grandfather. However, Sayin made a color to him, and he understood it in an instant.

Among the people in the hall, the war tiger Xiaopang has no right to speak. She just stands behind Tang Lin and doesn't talk to the Rat King. Only Sa Yiner knows the origin of Tang Tiantian, so she will remind her brother that in this way, it's better to pass.

Sa Jirong said, "Mr. Tang, please come with me." With that, he led the way out of the hall first. Tang Lin and several people followed behind.

Tang Tiantian gathered beside Tang Lin and said, "Mr. Tang, where is your teacher? What's your name? The medicine is so good, is it Lianzong? No, Lianzong has always only accepted female disciples. Zhixinzong? No? Is that Yunzong? Oh, do you reveal a little? I told you all about my sect. Isn't it fair that you didn't tell me?

Everyone turns a blind eye to Tang Tian's delicate behavior. Even if you want to manage it, you have to think about it. Not to mention other people's power, even their personal strength is not what these people dare to provoke.

Tang Lin just smiled helplessly: "Sister Tang, if I call you Sister Tang, don't ask. If I could tell you, I would have told you that it is really strict. I can't help it either!"

Tang Tiantian pouted her little mouth and said, "You don't have to call me sister. I just want to know which sect's skill has such a magical healing ability."

"Okay, okay, won't you just take a closer look when I heal the elder? Even if you can see it, don't blame me if you can't see it.

"Okay, it's a deal."

I don't know how many corridors there are. When Tang Lin was a little confused, everyone finally arrived at a large yard. After a small bamboo forest, there were several elegant houses and a small door, but this door was a little difficult to enter. Only Tang Lin, Sa Jirong brother and sister, Tang Tiantian and the other people went in. Someone went to entertain themselves.

As soon as he entered the small door, Tang Lin found that it was not small. Under his feet was a long bluestone corridor, which went straight in 100 meters before he arrived at a small yard. After approaching Tang Lin, he knew that this was originally a small lake, and the small courtyard at the end of the passage was actually a small piece of land extending into the lake.

Looking at the hazy lake around in the moonlight, even Tang Tiantian, who has always been cheerful, can't help slowing down. The night wind blew, only the surrounding lake rippled, and there was a whisper from the opposite courtyard.

This land is not big, and the small yard above it occupies more than half. There are some reed-like plants near the water. At this time, it is swinging back and forth with the wind. Several people quickly walked outside the courtyard.

Without approaching, Tang Lin saw two guards and two five-grade guards standing by the door of the small yard from afar. They stood in the shadow, guarding their territory like a poisonous snake, waiting to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.

When they saw Tang Lin and the others walk in, they just watched quietly and were obviously notified. When Tang Lin passed by them, he felt a chill sweeping across their bodies. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

This reminds him of something he saw in the novel before - murderous!

However, it had no effect on him, and the aura in his body naturally gushed out to isolate the cold. Turning his head and looking at Tang Tiantian, she passed by like nothing. Tang Lin smiled and followed him into the courtyard.

The yard is very small. Except for a stone table and a cluster of bamboo, there are only a few houses left. At this time, there were four people sitting in the main hall, and they were talking about something. Two of them sat in the front seat facing the hall. On the other two sides sat an old man and a middle-aged man.

Sa Jirong took a few steps to a middle-aged man sitting in the right position with a similar appearance to Sa Jirong and said something. Then he said to Tang Lin, "Mr. Tang, this is my father and the patriarch of my family."

Naturally, Tang Lin will not lack etiquette. He held his fist and said, "I have seen the patriarch."

The patriarch stood up and said, "Please sit down quickly. It really makes us extremely happy that Tang Shaoxia can condescend to heal our father. Come on, let's have tea!"

At this time, Sa Yin'er also walked to another person in the position and said something. He was an old man with white hair and a very kind face. After listening to Sa Yin'er's report, she looked at Tang Tiantian happily and said, "It turned out to be the young lady of the Tang family in Liancheng. I don't know if your uncle Tang Junyi is okay?"

Tang Tiantian was surprised and said, "My uncle? Do you know him?

"Of course, oh, sit down and sit down and say, thirty years ago, your uncle and I were in the same army. Your uncle is a general, and I am the commander. The level is several levels worse, but thanks to your uncle's care, I not only did not die on the battlefield, but also fortunately learned good martial arts. This will be more than your uncle." The old man said happily with a white beard.

However, Tang Tiantian is still very confused. Seeing Tang Tiantian's expression, the old man said, "Oh, it seems that your uncle is still the same temper: he never promotes favors to others. It's been so many years, and I don't know how he is?"

"My uncle..." Tang Tiantian said depressedly, "I haven't come back since I left home 20 years ago."

"What? Is there such a thing?" The old man asked with a change of face.

"Yes, I haven't seen my uncle, and I also heard what my father said. But he really didn't come back." Tang Tiantian said with a gloomy face.

"There is such a thing! How can it be like this!" The old man sat slowly on the chair as if he had been hit and muttered.

Tang Lin took a sip of the tea handed over by the maid and looked at the people in the hall. Sitting opposite him was an old man. Looking at his dress, he seemed to be a man. The middle-aged man sitting next to him seemed to be a family man, but the two people stopped talking after Tang Lin and the others came in, but the man dressed up. People will look at Tang Lin from time to time when drinking tea.

Tang Tiantian sat opposite, and Sa Yiner stood beside the old man. Sa Jirong. Tang Lin looked up at the patriarch Sa, but saw that Sa Jirong was suppressing her anxiety. I suddenly understood.

As soon as Tang Tiantian and the others stopped talking, Tang Lin asked the patriarch, "I don't know how the elder's injury is?"

Tang Lin asked this, which means that if you want to see it, then hurry up and don't be clichéd here.

Hearing the string song and knowing the meaning, how could the patriarch not understand Tang Lin's meaning? He just couldn't interrupt the old man's words just now. At this time, Tang Lin asked, and he immediately said, "The elder is asleep now, but the situation is still not good. Does the prince need some medical tools?"

Tang Lin waved his hand: "No, I want to see the elder's injury first."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! You see, I'm confused. Then, please go this way." With that, he stood up and walked to a door on the side of the hall. Tang Lin followed in, and the others also stood up and followed one by one.

After passing the wooden door, there is a cloister, only four or five meters away, which is a bedroom, carved Zhulan, lacquered red porcelain willow, and a beautiful house. However, Tang Lin smelled a strong herbal smell.

The patriarch gently led the way in front of him, opened the door, and then the crowd rushed in. Entering the door, there is a small flower hall, and then a curtain separates the inner room.

The patriarch raised his hand to let others stay in the outer hall, and then took Tang Lin into the inner room, which was not big, and a bed was facing Tang Lin.

Maybe even the injured six-grade master will not lose his extraordinary six senses. When Tang Lin came in, he saw the old man lying in ** looking at himself with bright eyes.

This is a very old man. At least from the outside, he has sparse white hair and beard, and a wrinkled pale face. In addition to the faint light between his eyes, he is an authentic old man.

The patriarch leaned over the old man's ear and said a few words. Although Tang Lin could eavesdrop, it was impolite, so his mind was all on the old man's body.

There is a smell of medicine in the room, which smells from a copper tripod at the foot of the bed. The elder lay motionless **, covered with a layer of embroidered brocade quilts on his body, and the windows have been tightly closed, so only a few huge candles burning in the room.

In fact, you don't need to touch Tang Lin to know that the elder's injury is serious, and you can feel a fierce vitality overflowing from the elder's body, which is full of destructiveness. Presumably, such an injury must be extremely painful, and it is rare for this old man to bear it silently with no expression on his face.

At this time, the patriarch Sa had finished speaking, and the old man nodded slightly, and his eyes also showed hope.

The patriarch went out, and then Tang Tiantian and the man dressed like Langzhong came in. Tang Lin took a look at the patriarch and didn't say anything.

However, patriarch Sa still explained, "Mr. Tang, this is our doctor with a good doctor. I want to take this opportunity to observe it. I hope you don't mind."

Tang Lin nodded and said to Tang Tiantian and the old man, "You watch and don't make a sound." After saying that, he walked to the bedside and sat on the chair prepared for him by patriarch Sa.

Gently holding the elder's hand, Tang Lin immediately felt a fierce vitality coming from the elder's hand, went straight into his body, and began to destroy it. Unfortunately, Tang Lin's physical strength was no longer what this vulgar vitality could destroy.

The aura turned around, and these destructive vitality was immediately destroyed and assimilated. He felt that the elder Tang Lin's aura entered his body and was finally moved. He looked up at Tang Lin in surprise, and waves surged up in his heart.

"Relax." Tang Lin whispered. Just for a while, Tang Lin's aura swam in the body of the elder. Where the aura came, the vitality full of murder was melted by the ice and snow.

Tang Lin let go of his hand and looked up to the patriarch and said, "The elder's injury is indeed very serious, but it can still be cured, but I don't know if you still have a spiritual stone?"

As soon as he said this, several people in the room were shocked. The patriarch looked carefully at the elder lying in **. Seeing that the elder nodded slightly, he immediately said, "Yes, I'll get it."

"Don't worry, the color of the spiritual stone must not be bad. The elder needs pure aura to eliminate the vitality in his body, and repair the body without aura."

The patriarch Sa said, "Yes, I remember." Turn around and get out of the room.

At this time, Tang Tiantian couldn't help asking Tang Lin, "Does he still need a spiritual stone for his injury? I'm afraid they can't come up with decent spiritual stones. If it's some inferior spiritual stones, it will be bad!"

The doctor standing next to him has been stunned by the dialogue of several people. These people actually used spiritual stones to heal their wounds. No wonder, no wonder! He was so excited that his body couldn't help trembling.

Suddenly, the elder coughed and said, "Dr. Shan, we have also been acquaintances over the years. I have been interested in calling Dr. Shan as the chief physician of my house. How about Dr. Shan?" What he said was so difficult that it almost popped out of his mouth word by word.

The elder's words instantly woke up Dr. Shan, and he looked at the elder. Although the elder's eyes were full of solicitation, how could he not understand the meaning of the elder when he was very old? He did not dare to hesitate and agreed.

Tang Lin didn't care what the two said there, but just asked Tang Tiantian, "Don't you need a spiritual stone to heal your wounds?"

"Sometimes it is also used, but most of them use some spiritual herbs to make elixir to heal injuries. The effect of Lingshi is too slow, and it can only cure some minor injuries. Tang Tiantian replied.

"That's it!"

"No, why am I always talking about it? I'm at a loss again."

The curtain moved, and the patriarch Sa came in again, but this time he held a gorgeous box in his hand and opened it. The room immediately lingered with a layer of green light, and a green transparent stone the size of an egg was quietly placed in the box. A faint green light came from the stone, and the whole house was green.

"Well, I didn't expect you to get such a good medium-grade spiritual stone. It's very good." Tang Tiantian said in surprise.

This time, even Tang Lin was a little surprised: such a spiritual stone or a medium-grade spiritual stone, what does the top-grade spiritual stone look like?

Tang Lin took out the green spirit stone from the box and held it in his hand. He immediately felt a surging aura surging in the spirit stone, but this time it was very pure. Tang Lin looked happy and said, "Okay!"

Then he said to the patriarch, "Please open the window and turn off the furnace." He smiled sweetly at Tang Tian and said, "Don't you want to know how I treated him? After a while, I will let you put your hand on the elder and let you feel the process of treatment. If you can't see it, it depends on your ability.

When Tang Tiantian heard this, she immediately said happily, "What you said, dare to look down on me. Don't let me see all three generations of your master."

Although Dr. Shan's face was a little ugly, the patriarch still carried out Tang Lin's words.

Gently lifted the elder's body, Tang Lin closed his eyes, held the spiritual stone with one hand, pressed the elder's back with the other hand, and began to draw aura from the spiritual stone. This time, unlike in the past, the aura in the spiritual stone is much more abundant, like a big river, rushing into Tang Lin's body, through the assimilation of the aura in Tang Lin's body, and then flowing in the meridians.

After a while, Tang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Miss Tang."

Tang Tiantian had been preparing for a long time. Hearing Tang Lin's words, she quickly put her hand on the elder's shoulder. As soon as she pasted it, she felt a sharp gas raging through her palms.

With a straight face, Tang Tiantian immediately wrapped the gas in her body, and then isolated the palm from the elder. However, it didn't take long for her to refine the breath, and then she understood why Tang Lin needed the spiritual stone.

Just as she was thinking about whether to reconnect the elder's body, a vast aura instantly broke through the aura compartment on her palm and entered her body. Surprised, she quickly mobilized the aura to block it, but the aura was so fast that she swam all over Tang Tiantian's body between her breaths.

The aura she mobilized could not stop the advance of the aura, but then she found that the aura was not aggressive. Instead, it was nourishing her body. Looking up, she happened to see Tang Lin looking at herself with a bad smile.

Her face immediately turned red.