Ming God

Chapter 98 Outbreak

Tang Lin, who was walking in the sun, slowly leaped in the woods. Every vertical jump was a hundred meters away, and the speed was very fast, but Tang Lin was worried. He is a little worried that Taotao and Xiaopang should have succeeded in the rebellion. So, has the mayor left?

Tang Lin did not feel anything wrong with forcing the mayor to make the choice to leave. When he decided to be a spy, he must bear the responsibility he should bear.

What about the family? Tang Lin thought with an awe-inspiring face: Do they know their identity? If they knew, would they take Taotao hostage to deal with themselves? Tang Lin silently calculated the possibility of this happening.

Zongmen! Tang Lin couldn't help recalling what his brother said on the road.

About 200 years ago, a genius appeared on the road. This man came to Guiyuan in just 30 years. This is a thing that has never happened in history. This person's name is Nan Xiaoyun, but he said that this person's origin is also very mysterious. Until the end, when he disappeared, no one knew what school he came from. . As if he had jumped out of thin air.

The process of Nan Xiaoyun's practice is simply like a process of killing. Because he is pregnant with a strange treasure, it has aroused the coveted by many people. As a result, these people all died under Nan Xiaoyun's sword. Later, there were more and more enemies, but Nan Xiaoyun's cultivation grew rapidly, and finally ended the fight in a bloody killing of hundreds of people. There are too many people killed and injured, and there are few people in the practice world. This competition is simply a disaster for the practice world. In the end, the winner was Nan Xiaoyun. From then on, no one dared to pay his attention.

After this incident, he established a sect in his forties. The sect is located in the Wuyi Mountains in the southeast of the mainland. In the next 20 years, his realm of practice soared and directly reached the late stage of the divine realm. It shocked the people in the world, and the people under them practiced very fast. Although the ability is a little low because of the short time. But it is still enough to scare the giants of the practice world.

The strangest thing is that the true qi cultivated by the people of the sect has a very good healing effect. And the blades of the sword poured by its true spirit are very hard. Therefore, other sects are extremely jealous. But because he was afraid of Nan Xiaoyun, he didn't dare to make a second one.

However, about 170 years ago, the conflict finally broke out, and Nan Xiaoyun's wife was ambushed in Jiuyang Mountain, 3,000 miles away from the mountain gate. Nan Xiaoyun was also surrounded and killed.

Five years later, the mountain gate of the sect was finally broken. People from his sect were arrested by various sects. Escape, death, arrest, overnight, the sect was removed from the practice world. However, because of the preciousness of the sect, the sects scattered on the mainland were also madly arrested, so that there has been no news of the sect for decades.

But Tang Lin believes that as long as he shows up, he will still attract a large number of people to chase him.

The feeling of what he had done before has reached crisis, and his current identity has been exposed, so he must leave Xianchi City and find a safe place to practice. He understands that these things will always find him one day, but now his strength is too low to deal with those at all. Compared with the practitioners of the imperial period.

Arrogance requires capital! Keeping a low profile is the right choice now.

When he came back, Tang Lin passed Baihuapo. At this time, Baihuapo had been cleaned up by the people of Xianchi City. If the blood of the mountains had not shown yesterday's bloody battle, this place would have been a beautiful scenic spot. The grass is blowing, and the wind is silent, as if crying about the ghost that had faded yesterday.

Somehow, Tang Lin suddenly felt a pain in the bottom of his heart, like a needle stuck in the bottom of his heart. He frowned and was a little puzzled. According to reason, he was that he was now an immortal. How could there be such pain for no reason, and he didn't believe in anything. Even if it is a real divine war in front of him, he feels that he is a relatively powerful person. What else can be called a god besides yourself?

If you can't think of it, Tang Lin stopped on the top of a hillside a few miles away from the wall of Xianchi City. He can't enter the city yet. He already knows about the sect, so he has to be more careful.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the slope, Tang Lin suddenly smiled and thought of the five people he was imprisoned in the cave. If you don't kill them, you will leave a glimmer of life for them. At this time, Tang Lin used the way to deal with the heart of killing in the spiritual sword. As he expected, the reason why Nan Xiaoyun is so easy to kill is that the spiritual sword has affected his mind.

killer, use it with caution!

Night came, and Tang Lin, who sat cross-legged on the top of the slope, fell into a wonderful state. When he was practicing, he suddenly thought that since his own aura would repair his own meridians, wouldn't it be two best to introduce domineering aura to practice his skills? Do it when you think about it.

Tang Lin slowly accumulated anger, concentrated his spirit, and gradually felt the domineering aura in the sword. Tang Lin slowly sent a trace of aura from his body to tease him. As a result, as last time, like a stone like water, the domineering aura instantly killed Tang Lin's body from the sword.

The violent and domineering aura rushed into Tang Lin's body like a huge waterfall and rushed through Tang Lin's whole body. Tang Lin immediately felt that his whole body was like a balloon full of air, and he urgently needed to release his aura.

Tang Lin led the domineering aura into his right palm and hit the sky, bombarding! An air explosion appeared, and a hurricane blew out of thin air. Blow to the sky.

Looking at the blown crooked dwarf trees around him, Tang Lin smiled. When he dissipated the domineering aura in his body, he immediately cut off the continued input of the aura in the sword, and then began to use his own aura to repair the place where his body was injured by the domineering aura.

Gradually, Tang Lin introduced peace and aura from the sword to repair the body. Because the time just now was very short, the domineering aura did little damage to the body, so it didn't take long for Tang Lin to recover as before.

Looking inside the situation in his body, Tang Lin was surprised to find that his cultivation had indeed entered the country again.

Although the progress has not been great, the strength and smoothness of the body have been enhanced a lot under the restoration of peace and aura. Moreover, after using the domineering aura, he can feel that some of his body's tricks and subtle spiritual veins have a sudden, cheerful and smooth feeling. This made him gradually understand that if he wanted to become stronger, until the imperial period or return to the original state, he must reorganized the big and small tricks of his whole body.

Although Tang Lin's physique has been washed by the spiritual sword, it is like a clear spring water. Tang Lin can bear too little aura. He needs to become a river, a sea and ocean.

With this discovery, Tang Lin forgot the business, constantly introduced the domineering aura to repair it, and introduced the destruction of the body to repair it. Although there will be some pain in this process, it is really insignificant compared with the ideal of becoming stronger.

The night came quietly!!!

Maybe it's fate, or maybe it's fate. When Tang Lin was immersed in practice, the Sa family broke into a person - a man covered in blood!

Tang Lin silently felt the changes brought about by the enhancement of his skills. If he had just arrived at the seventh grade before, then now it is the beginning of the seventh grade. He has consolidated the cultivation realm of seven grades in this short period of time.

Slowly opened his eyes, and the night could not stop Tang Lin's sharp eyes. He sat on the hillside. The distant spark was the huge wall of Xianchi City. From here, it is still majestic and tall, but now Tang Lin is no longer the little head he used to be. He squinted and carefully grasped the aura on his body. I just stood up from the hillside and walked to Xianchi.

The night is sleeping, but many people can't sleep this night. After the Sa family broke into the man, not long after, a group of people came out of the Sa family and marched towards the south gate.

Tang Lin traveled like lightning in the dark night, fluttering in a white shirt and flying freely in the wind. He quickly approached the wall. The place he chose was a relatively dark place. The tall wall blocked the warriors below the fourth grade like a barrier. Just as Tang Lin flew past the wall, a group of people also ran out from the south gate at the same time. The sound of several carriages crossing the bluestone road was harsh in the night.

However, Tang Lin doesn't know. Now he is going to take advantage of the night to go home to inquire about the news. By the way, go to the station of Qiliping for observation.

The sound of wind flowed through Tang Lin's ears, and the whining sound of the wind did not disturb Tang Lin's hearing at all. He flew like a bird in the moonlight. The moon is good tonight, but it is blocked by clouds, but the light is not strong.

Squinting his eyes and looking at the dark market, Tang Lin paid attention to the movement around him, the sound of insects and birds in the distance, the snoring after sleeping, the sound of dogs turning over in the yard, and the breathing of several people in several dark corners.

Tang Lin sneered. He had seen the mark left by the Three Rat King from the station in Qiliping, and indeed went to Sa's house!

I turned over a piece of black cloth from a yard. Tang Lin slowly disappeared into the night. Next, it's time to go home! There was a cold light in his eyes.

Sajia - the master of Xianchi City! At this time, the house was still brightly lit. Tang Lin, like a big black bird, instantly climbed into the high wall and moved his body under the rockery behind the flowers and trees. With his current seven-grade cultivation, he can ignore all the actions of the house, but Tang Lin is worried about Taotao.

Tang Lin has a very bad idea: assuming that Safu already knows his identity and also wants to pay attention, it goes without saying that the little fat will definitely threaten him. If so, he must take the lead.

And about Tang Tiantian, a very frank girl, why did he lie to himself? Tang Lin believes in his intuition, but he doesn't want to take risks. Both can be used for open and unannounced visits. The ancient wisdom of China will never go wrong.

Idged the dark whistle set up in all corners of Safu, and Tang Lin quietly approached Sayin'er's yard. The first thing he is worried about is Tang Tiantian. He came to the attic in Sayin'er's yard again, and Tang Lin hid in the tree and looked into the attic.

There is no one in the building! Tang Lin was very surprised by the discovery. There was no sound or Tang Tiantian in the whole yard. Except for a few maids, there was no voice.

When Tang Lin was about to go down to Sa Jirong's yard to look for it, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from outside. He looked at the door of the courtyard and saw Sa Yiner coming in with several family keepers and Mothers. There is no Tang Tiantian in the crowd. Tang Lin was a little puzzled.

Through the light, Tang Lin found that Sa Yiner's face was ugly, and to be precise, it was a kind of solemn. It's like something big has happened. As she walked, she suddenly stopped again. She turned around and said to the person behind her, "Let's go to see the man again!" Now I can't sleep even if I want to sleep. After saying that, she sighed and muttered, "How could such a thing happen? Who on earth did it?"

Sa Yiner turned around and walked out of the courtyard door and led the crowd out. Tang Lin looked up and saw that direction was Sa Jirong's yard. He got up and followed.

After a long walk, I arrived at Sa Jirong's yard. In fact, the two are brother and sister. How can they live far away? When she arrived at Sa Jirong's yard, Sa Yin'er went straight in. The yard was very lively, and there were many more lanterns than usual. Sa Yin'er went straight into the attic in the yard.

Tang Lin stood on a high roof and looked carefully at the yard, but the place where he stood was a little far away from the yard and looked very vague. At this time, he suddenly noticed that someone had carved a word "circle" in a corner. Tang Lin smiled and immediately shouted twice, learning from the cry of an animal like an owl in the world.

"Goo! Goo!"

Several people chatting in the yard looked into the sky and wondered how there could be such an unlucky bird at home! A bird with this call is a kind of bird called a nighthawk. Its call is like an owl on the earth, but in this world, where this bird appears, someone will die, so it is considered to be a mourning bird. Of course, several people will not be very happy to hear this cry.

After a while, Tang Lin saw a figure rushing out from an inconspicuous corner of the yard and moved quickly. The figure was very fast, comparable to a six-grade master. Tang Lin was shocked and looked carefully, and the man was slightly fat. The black clothes are bulging. Who is not the brocade mouse!!!

Tang Lin flew down and floated next to the brocade mouse like a feather, which looked quite strange. As soon as the brocade mouse saw Tang Lin, his little eyes showed joy: "Sir, you're back!"

Hmm! Tang Lin answered, and then whispered, "Let's find a safe place to talk first."

The two came to a shadow. Tang Lin listened carefully to the nearby voice. After confirming the safety, he suddenly smiled and said to the brocade mouse, "Is it good? It broke through to the realm of five grades so soon!"

The brocade mouse also arched his hand and replied, "It's all thanks to the prince to open my meridians that I can break through in one fell swoop." After he finished speaking, he immediately became serious: "Mr. Son, something big has happened! This evening, the war tiger suddenly came to Sa's house. When he came, he was covered in blood and shouted the prince's name and fell into a coma at the gate of Sa's house. After we woke him up, he told everyone that the whole town of Qiliping was dead.

Tang Lin's face changed dramatically: "What?"

Tang Lin said with a pale face, "What's going on? You say it carefully from beginning to end."

The brocade mouse said solemnly, "Tonight, when Lao Li Taotao and I were in Mr. Sa's yard, suddenly brought the war tiger in. At that time, the war tiger had fainted. Mr. Mr. Shan asked Dr. Shan to treat the war tiger's injuries. The war tiger seemed to be just overworked, so not long after, he Wake up. As soon as he woke up, he shouted, 'All dead! All dead!'"

Tang Lin's face became more and more ugly as he listened, "Go on!"

"After waiting for a while, the tiger slowly clarified the beginning and end of the matter: he was still on the way back, walking with everyone, but on the road, he broke away from the brigade and went back first, and I don't know why. However, after he returned to Qiliping, Qiliping has turned into a sea of fire, and the people in the town It's all dead. Then he rushed back overnight to report the news. Unexpectedly, some people in Qiliping who had not returned on the road also died on the road.

The little eyes of the brocade mouse turned and continued to say, "The war tiger is a little unclear. He just told us that we must wait until the prince comes."

Tang Lin took a long breath and temporarily suppressed his anger, "Then what?"

"Then Miss Tang Tiantian and Taotao little fat Uncle Li left." The brocade mouse said.

"What? Gone? When did they leave?

"It hasn't been long? However, the prince was relieved. When Lao Li left, he told me that if the prince came, don't rush to find them first and let him see the war tiger talking.

Tang Lin nodded and then asked, "Have you noticed that the Sa family mentioned a few words here?"

Jin Maoshu thought for a moment and said, "No, during this period, I have been secretly observing carefully and did not find that anyone has mentioned these words. If it has been mentioned, it must not be hidden from me. Except for the elders of the Sa family.

"Are they doing anything strange to restrict your freedom?" Tang Lin continued to ask.

"No?" The brocade mouse said doubtfully, "Son, is there something wrong?"

Tang Lin looked at a dark tree shadow in the distance. He said slowly, "The Sa family is no longer safe. Now I know why they killed me. All right, you go with me to find the war tiger. Let's take the war tiger away to find Tang Tiantian and others.

After Tang Lin knew that several people were safe, he gradually calmed down. He was very angry about Qiliping's tragedy, but what could he do? The world was so ironic that he could not beat the hero, but he could vent his anger on the hero's relatives. He could already guess who did it.

His figure slowly appeared at the door of the courtyard. Several guards saw Tang Lin, but did not recognize him for a moment, because Tang Lin's appearance was too strange. At this time, the black cloth on Tang Lin's body had been thrown away, and a white shirt was matched with Tang Lin's white face, like a white cloud glanning over from a distance.

A guard shouted, "Who is it?"

However, when the brocade mouse beside Tang Lin appeared, several people recognized Tang Lin. A guard hurried into the yard to report, and the others hurried forward to salute. Tang Lin's name has long been spread all over the family. How amazing it is for a six-grade master under the age of 20.

Tang Lin didn't see the salute of several guards, but quickly entered the yard, followed closely by the brocade mouse.

"Tang Gongzi!" Sa Yin'er hurried out of the room and saw Tang Lin and quickly greeted him: "When did Mr. Tang come? Why didn't you hear from me?"

Tang Lin replied with a serious face, "I came in directly. Well, now I want to see the War Tiger first, Miss Sa, and talk about me later!"

When Sa Yin'er looked at the brocade mouse behind Tang Lin, she immediately knew that Tang Lin had heard the news of Qiliping. She knew that Tang Lin was very angry at this time, so she didn't pay attention to his words and quickly got out of her body and led the way in front of her.

Entering the inner hall was a small compartment, and Tang Lin saw the tiger of war who closed his eyes and rested at a glance.

The brocade mouse went to the bedside and shook the war tiger. The war tiger immediately opened his eyes. He saw Tang Lin in the room, and his eyes showed joy: "Sir, you are finally back!"

Hmm! Tang Lin promised to walk forward. He took a stool and sat by the bed, and then said, "War Tiger, now tell me what you saw."

As soon as the tiger heard it, his face immediately fell down. He turned his head to look at the brocade mouse and Sa Yin'er, and didn't say anything.

Of course, the two people who were seen knew what he meant and came out of the compartment one after another. The room suddenly calmed down, and the tiger's eyes were wet. He looked at Tang Lin struggling to sit up, but his body was so weak that he only left the bed a little and lay down.

Tang Lin said gently, "Okay, don't show your strength, just lie down and say it!"

The war tiger choked and said, "Sir, I'm looking forward to you back. They all said that you were chased and escaped, but I know that you will definitely come back. My father said that we must find the prince. Only the prince can avenge everyone.

"Take your time, don't get excited!" Tang Lin saw that the War Tiger was a little out of control and comforted him.

"Sir, in fact, I didn't go back to Qiliping. My father told me the news that the people in the town died." The war tiger suddenly said.

"What?" Tang Lin was shocked and said, "Your father?"

"Yes, my father, now that the prince has known my father's identity, I won't hide it. On the way back with me, my father suddenly found me at night. I was surprised. Then he told me that the people of the court were going to destroy the people of Qiliping town to vent their anger, because the prince killed one of them. The character, my father said, is a man in black named Lord Li.

Tang Lin frowned and thought to himself, "It turned out to be that person. No wonder they will revenge. An eight-grade warrior is not an ordinary person."

When the war tiger saw Tang Lin frowning and saying nothing, he thought that Tang Lin couldn't remember. He explained, "My father told me that that man was very high in the court, as if there was a master. This time he died here, and he had to give an explanation to his master. So I sent someone to kill the people in the town to vent my anger.

Master! Tang Lin was shocked again. The apprentices are so powerful, isn't the master even better?

"Go on."

"My father left after saying that and told me to go back quickly and tell the news to the prince. But I didn't expect that when I returned to the convoy, all the people in the convoy were killed. That was more than a dozen people.

"Sir, you must avenge them!" With tears in his eyes and looking at his bloody clothes, Tang Lin's heart suddenly rose with great anger. How can these people kill innocent people indiscriminately? Aren't they afraid of retribution? Yes, there may be no karma in the world.

If so, then the world is completely a world of strong people without any axiom. In other words, the strong are the axiom.

Tang Lin's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly, and his body gradually exuded a murderous spirit. This murderous spirit aroused the resonance of the spiritual sword, and unexpectedly burst out a strong sword spirit from the sword.

Just as Tang Lin's anger was about to explode, in another unknown place, a whirlpool that he could not get rid of in the future quietly appeared.

Time returned to the day before yesterday. At night, it rained heavily, and Yu Xiaoxiao was so scared by Tang Lin's intimidation and warning that he dared not follow him again.

And Yu Xiao keeps remembering a precept of Xunyingmen that when encountering an invincible figure, life-saving is the first priority. Yu Xiaoxiao is determined to be a qualified disciple of Xunyingmen and will be famous all over the world in the future. How can he not abide by this precept?

He ran all night and finally walked out of the woods at dawn and reached the top of an empty hillside. When Yu Xiaoxiao looked around and felt that there was no high mountain barrier, he took out a bamboo tube-like thing from his carry-on package, which had a child's arms thick and less than ten centimeters long. Du, the black smoked tube is engraved with several crooked symbols, which looks very awkward.

Yu Xiaoxiao held the bamboo tube with both solemnly, and then squinted at the upper end of the tube and twisted it fiercely. With a click, the bamboo tube unexpectedly broke from the three points at the upper end. Yu Xiaoxiao was even more nervous. He pushed the broken part away, and then looked at the mouth of the tube and said straight.

The wind on the top of the slope was very loud, and his voice disappeared with the wind as soon as he said it. Yu's little sweat slowly flowed down his neck. He stared nervously at the mouth of the tube, as if there was something terrible there. After a while, when he saw that there was no response to the tube, he slowly took out a box from his package. The box was small, but it looked very delicate, and the brand-new surface showed that it had never been opened.

Without looking at the small box in his hand, Yu Xiaoxiao stared at the bamboo tube and opened the box. Inside the box was some scarlet powder, and a pungent smell spread out with the opening of the box. In an instant, Yu Xiaoxiao's tears burst into tears, but he seemed to be prepared and was not moved by it at all. Instead, he quickly reached into the box and dug out some powder. Then he closed the box and threw it into the carry-on package.

Yu Xiaoxiao grasped the bamboo tube with her left hand and stared at the upper outlet of the bamboo tube. Her right hand quickly began to apply powder on her hand. The scarlet powder was applied to Yu Xiaoxiao's white hands. His movements were very nervous, but it was quite fast. After a while, he applied the powder to his hand.

The black spots are getting bigger and bigger, and gradually Yu Xiaoxiao can see the situation of the bird clearly. It is a big bird with two meters of wings, gray-black feathers and two sharp claws, but its head is round and sharp eyes.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the sky, looked at the bird's appearance, and said its name: "Nighthawk! You're finally here!"

The giant bird flew to this hillside, circled twice in the air, and then suddenly pricked down and pounced on Yu Xiaoxiao. Its rapid posture made people feel that it was going to attack Yu Xiaoxiao, but Yu Xiaoxiao did not move, just standing there waiting for the night eagle to jump down.

When the night eagle was about to jump on Yu Xiaoxiao's body, its wings suddenly spread, the air resistance stopped, and the speed immediately dropped. The giant bird fell flatly on the ground. As soon as it fell, before it could stand firm, it hurriedly walked to the strange bug. Sharp eyes stared at the worm on the box that had turned into a skin, but the giant bird did not hesitate at all and swallowed the monster into its stomach with one mouth.

Yu Xiaoxiao just looked at it and did not stop it. When the nighthawk ate the strange insect, he walked slowly to the giant bird and took out a yellow scroll from the package. The scroll was also tied with a sleeve, which was mesh.

When the giant bird saw Yu Xiaoxiao walk in, it stood calmly and did not move, but its eyes were still sharp. Yu Xiaoxiao stroked the scroll, smiled, and then tied the scroll under the night eagle's stomach. The mesh sleeve is just tied to the night eagle, which seems to be specially made.

Yu Xiaoxiao stroked the round head of the nighthawk and said, "Okay, our lovely auspicious bird, go quickly!"

Who knew that the night eagle was touched by Yu Xiaoxiao and immediately cooed. Only then did it show its real cry. Yu Xiaoxiao looked at him helplessly, took out a pink box from the package in great pain, and gently opened the box. He took out a dark mass from it. As soon as the night eagle saw the thing, it cooed.

Yu Xiaoxiao cruelly threw the thing into Ye Ying's mouth and then scolded, "Here you are. Listen, you must deliver it to the elder quickly. Ah," the night eagle swallowed the black thing, shouted proudly, and arched his small hand with his head.

Then, it spread its wings and flew to the sky like an arrow, disappearing in a few breaths.

Looking at the night eagle that disappeared in the air, Yu Xiaoxiao said with a hopeful face, "With this credit, I can also be promoted to a deacon, right?"