
[Chapter 9 God's World]

Slowly put 15 down on ** and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Bai Xue whispered, "You stay here quietly first. I'll go outside and guard. No matter what happens, you don't come out? ......”

Of course, he can't hear it. I don't know how long it has been since his coma. During this period, Bai Xue came in twice, once to change his medicine, and once to light the oil lamp on the square table.

It has been a long time, and the faint light shines in from outside the house, and the thatched house is no longer dark.

15 opened his eyes, got up from ** with difficulty, and said to himself, "What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly faint? What about white snow? ......”

He hadn't fully woken up from the fainting and leaned forward to roll down from **.

"I, why doesn't it hurt? Why doesn't it hurt at all now..." Fifteen hands moved, and there was a thick bandage in the hand.

"I want to drink water..." This is his only idea at this moment. He got up from the ground and looked around. It seemed that the sky was not yet dawn.

But he is so thirsty, but where can he find water to drink?

"There should be something outside the house, right?" Fifteen thought that his pace had staggered outside the house.

When I opened the door of the thatched house, I felt that the smell was coming, and it hit his face. It was very comfortable. It was the fragrance of flowers, and it was made of hundreds of different fragrances, that is to say, there were hundreds of flowers nearby.

"What is this place? I seem to smell a lot of different smells?"

Looking around, the dark sky, the morning sun has not yet risen, and the faint hazy color is like a layer of gauze on flowers and trees. It can't be seen or real, as if it has entered a certain fantasy, and everything is like a beautiful dream.

15's heart was in a trance, and the cool breeze blew gently. He stroked his forehead, and every hair soaked his whole body with a slight coolness. He was in the tranquility, which made him vaguely think of a village like a paradise, which was rich in properties, rich land, and full of happiness and tranquility at every moment.

Is that Nianfeng Village?

He shook his head and subconsciously saw the stream before the thatched hut. Although it was not yet dawn, there was a glimmer of dawn in the distant sky.

In the stream, there were clear bottom, strange rocks and strange fish emerging one after another. It really opened his eyes to the 15th National Congress. He almost forgot to drink water.

He tried his best to take a breath, calm himself down, feel the cool air, and smell the flowers around him. Then he bent down to drink water.

"Gollum, Gollum..."

But when I was halfway through, a frightened female voice came from behind me.

"Don't drink water, 15! Spit it out, spit it out!"

You don't have to look back to know it's snow.

"15! Hurry up and spit it out!" She was so anxious that tears were about to flow out.

"What's the matter? I'm thirsty! Ah..." With a 15 exclamation, I found that my chest began to hurt violently, like a fire burning, and the endless heat kept hitting my chest.

Gritting his teeth, his face turned pale in an instant.

"How are you? Why do you drink water? Why do you drink water? Why didn't you listen to me... Why..." Bai Xue's eyes turned red, and her pretty face was suddenly full of pain.

Is it possible that the teenager who praised her cuteness and her beautiful eyes, the teenager who she spent countless efforts to treat, and the human teenager she met for the first time going to die like this?

How can she be willing?

"You... don't die, don't die! You...you haven't reinqued me yet?" Bai Xue's voice was a little choked.

She kept shaking the curled up body of 15, but finally found that 15's face had begun to twist, and his eyes gradually turned white. His hands scratched his chest, and a trace of blood stained the bandages on his body.

Bai Xue's heart also sank.

"It's all my fault. I should have told you a long time ago... Whoo-woo..." Bai Xue blamed herself and looked at the extremely painful 15 in front of her, and her tears could no longer be hidden.

"I... have nothing..." 15 spit out three words with difficulty and could no longer speak.

"Fifteen, fifteen..."

After a while, 15 suddenly calmed down and closed his eyes without any pain.

Bai Xue pushed on the shoulder of 15. Seeing that he was motionless, her heart was cold. After a few days of treatment, she got such a result. Why did she need to save him at the beginning?

She covered her face with her hands and squatted beside 15, sobbling and crying.

However, as soon as the wind blew, 15's eyes slowly opened. He saw the white snow crying, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. His heart couldn't help but have the impulse to hug her.

But it's just a hug.

With a faint light, 15 looked at the white snow that covered her face. As her name said, she was snow-white. Her whiteness was not pale or pale, but very pure and pure white, and a little rosy in her white skin. No matter how you look at it, she is a very beautiful woman.

Bai Xue cried enough and moved her hands away. Her pretty face was blurred, but she found that 15 was looking at her with her eyes open and spare no effort to look at her.

She was stunned and asked carefully, "You? Are you all right?"

"What can I do for you?" Fifteen.

"Pharmaceutical! The medicinal properties of Baihua Yulu pills can't be stained with water. You...you..." Bai Xue's expression was very strange, looking at fifteen like a strange person.

She also seemed to realize that something was wrong with what she said, and quickly added, "I mean, Baihua Yulu pills! That... It is a magical herb. According to the ancient medicinal scriptures, to collect 100 kinds of flowers, these 100 kinds of flowers must be poisonous and still need to be fresh.

"The flowers are mixed with each other, smashed and sealed for seven or 49 days, but during this time, morning dew and evening dew are collected every day. On the last day, the dew is mixed with flower pulp and refined in the elixir furnace for a year. During this year, you can't see sunlight, but you must shine with soft moonlight every day. Shoot, otherwise Dan will destroy the furnace and crack.

"This elixir is very difficult to practice, but once it is achieved, it will have the effect of bringing it back to life. The only disadvantage is that you are not allowed to drink water and eat before taking the elixir, otherwise it will conflict with the elixir and change the medicinal properties..."

"And those flowers are also very precious. Although the valley is full of flowers, these flowers are not poisonous. Those poisonous flowers are only found in cliffs or some deep mountains..."

"15? Are you...really all right?" Bai Xue turned to ask carefully, afraid that 15 would put his pain in his heart and refused to say it clearly.

Fifteen Guaner, looking at the white snow at this moment, has some inexplicable joy in his heart. When he looked at the edge of the sky, a red sun had already revealed more than half of his head, red, like Bai Xue's shy face.

15 said, "I'm fine!! Ha ha, where is this place? How did you find me?"

Huh? This is the world of God, a world of demons, and this valley is called the Valley of Hundred Flowers. I found that you were found in the flowers there about three days ago, but I thought you were dead at that time... but you were still breathing..." Until now, Bai Xue has been feeling the way he looked like when she first found him at 15 o'clock. Surprised, but looking at the current fifteenth, she almost couldn't believe it.

"Hey, thank you! Demons? This is the place where the demon lives..." 15 did not have any antipathy to the demon.

"Uh-huh! This is a space gap, which is different from your human world. It is its own space, and it lives in some demons. In the eyes of you human beings, demons are aliens, so they reject our demons very much..." Bai Xue seemed to remember something, and the whole person's expression became extremely depressed.

"Nonsense, Bai Xue is also a demon clan. Although we haven't been together for a long time, I think you must be a good demon, so I like Bai Xue very much. How can those human beings kill demons? If I meet them, I don't care if I kill bad demons, but if I kill good demons, I must care..."

When 15 said this, she didn't know the depth of heaven and earth, but when she heard it, she was very shocked. This teenager of her age, the innocence and persistence made Bai Xue stunned, especially when 15 said "like", Bai Xue's cheeks Unconsciously rosy.

Bai Xue didn't say anything, just looked at 15 quietly.

After removing the bandages, 15 cleaned the stream in front of the thatched hut. The white and clean face can't be said to be very handsome, but it has a mysterious beauty.

"Yes, Bai Xue, the world of God you just mentioned, and there is also a space gap. What's wrong with the human world? ..." After washing, he smiled at Bai Xue.

"The human world is a place where human beings live. It seems to be very big. There are many gods and demons and monsters, but most of them are human beings, and there are also many powerful human beings there. Those people are very strong and constantly practicing. Some people become immortals and some people become demons... By the way, the tree of life you asked me last time. It was born in the human world, but the living tree has long perished in ancient times..."

"Ancient? Tree of life?" Fifteen was slightly stunned.

What does the ancient creature tree have to do with itself? Is it possible that you came through ancient times? Obviously not, but why is there a living tree in my mind?

15's heart is full of doubts and knows nothing about every question, so how to restore his memory has become a must for him.

"I only know this, and I don't know the rest... Then there is the space floating gap, which is easy to understand... that is... It is another space. In this chaotic world, there is only one world in total, that is, the human world, which is said to be the human world. In fact, compared to the heavenly world and the earthly world is the gods and immortals. The place where people live, and the earth is where the demons live, which has become the three worlds.

"And the space outside the three worlds is void turbulence. Of course, there are also some spaces different from these three worlds in the turbulence. We all call these spaces space floating gaps, but one thing is certain that most space floating gaps are near the human world, or somewhere in the human world. Among the three worlds, the human world is fundamental, and the human world was the first to appear when it was created..."

"Ha, I don't know much about the history of the three worlds. I only know some situations of space gaps. Take our god world as an example. This space was forged by our ancestor God. He is an extremely powerful demon. Since he became an immortal, he has forged it to protect some weak demons. Here, the demons can not be persecuted by human beings, and this is also our paradise..."

"So that's it, haha, I know a lot of things today... But why I have no impression of what you said? I'm not unfamiliar with demons, demons, people and other things, but I feel like the human world you mentioned has never appeared in my life?" Fifteen is confused, but Bai Xue is even more confused.

"Aren't you from the human world?"

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