
[Chapter 10 Things with you]

It's not from the human world, but where does it come from?

Bai Xue's doubts are written on his face.

"Well, I don't know, hey..." Fifteen scratched his head and smiled innocently, and his smile was full of innocence and innocence.

"What do you plan to do? You can't stay here for a long time..." Bai Xue looked at the distance and said helplessly to 15.

This is the territory of the demon clan, and those demon clans have also been persecuted by human beings. If 15 stays here, he will be quite dangerous.

"Me? I don't know...hehe..." Fifteen smiled a little stupidly.

Hearing this, Bai Xue shook her head and felt that the teenager was nervous and stupid. He said, "Then you can live here first... But you can't walk out of this valley..."

15 said, "Why?"

Bai Xue's face was slightly anxious. It's better to tell 15th to know something, so that he also had a psychological judgment and said, "This is the territory of the demon clan. If you go out of this valley and are found by other demons... maybe...may... you will be killed..."

Is the 15's head damaged? When he heard Bai Xue speak so seriously, he didn't care at all and seemed to feel that "being killed" should not appear on him.

"You... don't go out of this Hundred Flowers Valley casually, otherwise, or you will really die..." Bai Xue's eyes were full of pleading, not for fear that the 15th wouldlei her, but in her heart, she didn't want the teenager who praised her cuteness to die like this.

What kind of mood is this?

"So... will I stay here all the time?"

15 is a neurotic person. He has his own opinions, and he can also think by himself, but he is not willing to use his brain.

"Well... you stay in this Baihua Valley first. When you recover from your injury, I'll figure it out!" Bai Xue sighed. The complexity of this matter can be seen. If it doesn't work well, there will be only one dead end on the 15th, and she will not be much better.

"White snow? Do you really not know where Nianfeng Village is? After a while, 15 suddenly asked. He seemed to want to confirm, but he seemed to be very unwilling.

"Nianfeng Village, what a strange name! I really haven't heard of it! Sorry, 15..." Bai Xue stared at 15 with apologies. She thought it was a very sorry thing for her not knowing the problem of 15.

"Don't you know the book? Oh, forget it, it's better to take these things slowly, but I always feel very anxious. Is there any mission that hasn't been completed? 15 said to himself, but then relieved.

He knew that this matter was not urgent, so he did not ask too much about this matter. In short, at a certain time, those lost memories will always come back.

"The book of the underworld? Although I'm not sure, is it a book? Like the Three-character Classic?" Bai Xue answered 15 in a stunned way. Obviously, she didn't know, but she wanted to help 15...

Three-character Classic? What's that, a good earthy name, hey..." Wu grinned and didn't care.

"Hmm! ...Well, if there is a chance, I will help you check the books or ask for you, okay?" Bai Xue is really a kind rabbit. When she sees the depressed fifteenth, she has the heart to help him, but she doesn't know where to start.

"Ah!!! By the way, Bai Xue, can you let me eat something before that? Fifteen suddenly remembered that his abdomen was empty. At this moment, he thought that he was so hungry that his chest was close to his back.

"Ah...you wait." When Bai Xue heard the words, she had already woken up. Since drinking water on the fifteenth will have no effect on Baihua Yulu Pills, there is no need to talk about eating.

With a wave of her slender hand, a delicate bamboo basket appeared in her clean and white hand. She opened the basket and stared at the things in the bamboo basket, as if to jump out of her eyes.

"What is this?" Casually asked, 15's eyes were full of bright "fruits", which were all of a color.

"The demon carrot is delicious..." Bai Xue said with a smile, and there seemed to be an expectation in her eyes, just like when a person took out his baby to show off to others.

"Demon Carrot?" Fifteen doubtfully picked up a fine chew, and the mouth was sweet, and a fragrance penetrated into the lungs, which was indescribably comfortable.

And the sweetness quickly flowed all over the body. With the operation of this smell, 15 seemed to feel that something in the heart of his body began to move.

"How is it? Is it delicious? This is specially planted by me, which can not only beautify, but also prolong life and increase my power! Have I also spent a lot of time planting these things? Every day, you have to get the demon holy water from the patio for irrigation, hehe! Under my careful cultivation, it finally looks good... 15th, eat slowly..." Looking at the swallowing appearance of 15th, Bai Xue suddenly gave a delicate smile.

"Bai Xue, this carrot is so delicious. I should have never eaten such delicious food before!" Fifteen eats and says indistinctly.

"Ha ha, really? Then eat more..." Bai Xue held her cheeks and stared at 15 quietly. The sun hit her face, as if countless elves were cheering.

"Haha..." Fifteen smiled foolishly on the ground, saying nothing more, but just to fill his stomach.

Bai Xue sat next to him, with her hands on her knees, and suddenly remembered something and said, "Yes, I have something to give you..."

15 blinked her confused eyes and saw that Bai Xue had stepped into the thatched hut. When she came out, she had two more things in her hands.

15 doubted, asked Bai Xue with his eyes.

"You were injured before. These are the two items I found in your hand. I'll give them to you now. You can collect them yourself..." Bai Xue handed these two things to 15 with a smile, but when she gave them to him, Bai Xue's heart was a little complicated. I don't know if this teenager can live in this world full of demons. Go?

"What is this?" 15's eyes first fell on a bracelet, which was a crystal bracelet, and on which there were crystal beads.

But the shape of these crystal beads is not round, but a diamond with diamond corners. After 15th thought about it, the bracelet seemed to be very light. He took the bracelet in his hand and turned it over, and suddenly found that two words were engraved on the bracelet in an inconspicuous place.

Seeing these two words, fifteen's eyes suddenly had a glimmer of flexible light, because those two words were "Jijiu", which was enough to show that the owner of this bracelet was Jiujiu, and this also proved that Jiujiu was real and did not guess by 15 himself.

15 carefully checked the crystal bracelet, and what frustrated him was that there was no other useful information. He got the news that "Ji Jiu" was the existence, and it was the only information that the bracelet told him.

He just smiled and glanced at another item: "Huh? Is this a piece of jade?

In his right palm, there is a piece of jade the size of a thumb nail. This jade is emerald, and there seems to be a faucet printed on it. It is also transparent and opaque. The most important thing is that the jade seems to be incomplete and looks like broken jade.

"Is this a piece of broken jade?" 15 flipped the broken jade, and strange things happened between the continuous friction.

A soft light emitted from the broken jade, like a soft hand, wrapped around his body. It was warm and warm. Fifteen felt warm and comfortable.

His eyes moved down slightly, and he only felt that there was a gentle hand touching the wound, which made 15 excited and shocked. Suddenly, his scab wound slowly healed.

15 is completely quiet in the soft light of warm jade.

White snow's beautiful eyes moved in a circle, surprised, and her red lips moved slightly and muttered, "What's going on..."

Time has passed, and half a column of incense, and the light suddenly stirred up to form a giant egg. The giant egg rotated, and layers of colorful ripples spread out.

The wound on 15's body was getting smaller and smaller under the flow of colorful light, but it stopped after a certain extent, and the light slowly spread like a wave of water, leaving only two shocked people.

"What happened to you just now? ..." Bai Xue gently covered her red lips and asked.

"I, I don't know, either. I just feel that when I was illuminated by the light, something was flowing in my body... I... I felt that the wound... seemed to be healing... Ha ha..." Fifteen giggled and looked at Bai Xue with a doubtful face, as if Bai Xue could answer him.

PS: Ask for red tickets, ask for collection...