
[Chapter 56 Changes]

"Why don't you get away, give up eating other creatures, and destroy your own cultivation, otherwise when my eldest brother comes, you won't want to live..." He held the sword in his right hand and pinched a sword formula with his left hand, and a faint red light emitted from his sword.

"You are looking for death..." The White Tiger King was attacked by the evil spirit and wanted to move demons to resist, but now he doesn't know where two young and earthless and full of nonsense came out. How can he not be angry?

The White Tiger King's face turned pale and seemed to be going to take action again.

" Stop, Zhantian, you don't want to die. You have taken action once. Aren't you afraid of the erosion of this evil spirit?" Bai Qiong fiercely drank the Tiger King and shouted with a headbang.

And when her beautiful eyes swept over the two human monks, she suddenly found that the two were not afraid of the evil spirit.

"How can they resist this evil spirit? Is this evil spirit ineffective against human beings? Or did they wear any special protective equipment? Bai Qiong's beautiful eyes moved in turn and was a little surprised.

Hearing Bai Qiong scolding the White Tiger King, Feiheng and Feicheng also looked at each other. After seeing each other's nod, the two quickly moved forward. One of the two swords was cut horizontally and the other stabbed straight. The two red lights instantly crossed a beautiful arc in the air, and the red light flashed, accompanied by the sound of the broken wind, forming a The cross-shaped sword spirit of attacking the White Tiger King.

"Damn..." The White Tiger King took a step back, pushed forward with both hands, and a vast demonic spirit rose to the sky, but this only slightly stopped the sword spirit of the two people. The White Tiger King couldn't stop it and rolled to the side. The two crossed sword spirits crossed his body.

The White Tiger King rolled on the ground. When did he receive such an insult as the head of the demon clan, but the evil breath was like a maggot of the metatarsal, which greatly limited his strength. Otherwise, how could he be so embarrassed under this tentative sword spirit?

When Heng and Feicheng forced the White Tiger King with one sword, the two fell into the center of the five people. The two kept waving their swords, as if they wanted to separate the five people so that they could break each other.

The power of Bai Qiong's five people should not be underestimated. Although they are eroded by evil spirits and greatly restricted, they are all the patriarchs of the demon clan. How can they not see the ideas of these two young people? Therefore, when the non-hordevil swords came, the four people quickly flashed to the Tiger King.

"Xunjian, Longteng..." Fei Heng shouted loudly, and the long sword drew a circle in front of him. There seemed to be a light spot on the blade. While he kept waving, a dragon-like light appeared in the air. Under the guidance of his long sword, the layers of air waves flew to the five people of Bai Qiong.

"Meteor Sword..." Feicheng next to Feiheng did not seem to be willing to lag behind. He knew that the strength of these demon clans was not strong, so he also used his own proud sword move, Meteor Sword.

It's not a fast sword. Each sword is in the same place, and the speed of the sword is incredible. In an instant, more than ten swords have been struck. In the eyes of outsiders, these dozen swords seem to break out at the same time, and its attack is also sent out together with these dozen swords. The swordsmanship is fast, accurate and fierce, and the speed of the sword is like a meteor. Generally, fast, but not successful sword moves are also named for this.

The strength of the two human monks is not inferior to any demon patriarch. Even Bai Qiong and others, who are at the peak, dare not take it, not even their strength is less than three layers now.

"Touch..." The sword spirit flowed, the gravel was shooting everywhere, and a burst of smoke and dust was permeated. It was even more abrupt and incompatible in this evil jungle.

Non-horizontal and Feicheng withdrew their long swords, and the tip of the sword pointed diagonally up to make a defensive posture until the emitted smoke dissipated, and awkward figures appeared.

Bai Qiong and others were shocked by such a fierce impact, and their faces turned pale. The sword just now has the power of breaking gold and stone, and when the five people glanced slightly at the shocking pit behind the right, even the Tiger King was convinced that such an attack was necessary. Even when he was in his heyday, he had to think about it.

"We, Tianshan disciples, if you are captured obediently, I will not rush to kill them, but if you resist again, don't blame us for being ruthless..."

At this time, Feiheng also saw that the reason why this demon clan is so weak should be suppressed by something. If they are in their heyday, they must be able to leave even if they can't completely fight against their attacks. What's more, there are still five people with almost the same strength, except their masters. Brother, I can't help them.

"Hmm! Delusion... Even if you fight to the death, you can't do something wrong in our demon clan..." The White Tiger King shouted loudly and just wanted to withdraw the power to suppress evil spirits, but was stopped by Bai Qiong: "The Tiger King's anger. If you withdraw the power to suppress evil spirits, you will definitely die..."

If the evil qi invades, everyone must use nearly 70% of the power to suppress it. If the White Tiger King removes the suppression, then he will be invaded by the evil qi and destroy it after a hundred years of cultivation.

"But these human beings simply bully demons..." The White Tiger King opened his eyes angrily and stared fiercely at the horizontal and evil. If it hadn't been for the great loss of his strength, how could he be so aggrieved?

"Two of you, can you listen to me?" After stopping the Tiger King, Bai Qiong saluted a human being to the two people and said sincerely.

He was shocked. Bai Qiong's etiquette was indeed impeccable. He looked back at Feicheng and said, "If you have something to say..."

The tip of the sword is still obliquely upward. Although Bai Qiong is allowed to speak, the heart of defense is indispensable, not to mention the demons hated by human beings in front of her.

"We are indigenous people of this world, and we also came here to save... save our friends..." Bai Qiong's eyes took turns, and when they heard this sentence, the other patriarchs were slightly stunned and then relieved. Bai Qiong, as the patriarch, of course, said some words carefully. Of course, 15 and Yiyi were also him. Our "friends".

"Friend? The evil spirit here is soaring. What kind of conspiracy do you have here? Feicheng held a long sword and frowned.

"There is a demon called the Tree King in our demon clan. He has practiced the art of silkworm phagy, and our two friends were taken away by him as a nourishment for silkworms..." Bai Qiong continued, but the non-horizontal and inactive face was more solemn.

"You are human beings, and our two friends are also human beings..." Bai Qiong pondered for a moment and told the truth.

"Human? You lie, how can human beings be your friends? He scolded angrily that he didn't believe in this noble and enchanting banshee at all.

"It's a long story. Now it's important to save people. If it's a little later, then they..." Bai Qiong paused slightly and looked at the dark cave, with a trace of regret on her face.

"Hmm! Do you demons have any conspiracy? Do you think we will believe it..." Feiheng said coldly, the demon clan is full of tricks, at least it is everywhere in the world, and Feiheng has been dealing with demons.

So he didn't pay attention to Bai Qiong's words, but two human beings were caught, which made him a little hesitant. This time their task is to find their sister Yiyi, and it is so coincidental that two human beings were captured by the tree king, if...

The non-horizontal spine suddenly cools down, and there is also a trace of cold sweat on the forehead.

Although he did not believe Bai Qiong's words, it was related to the life of the leader's daughter. When he thought of this, he subconsciously glanced at the dark grotto.

"Believe it or not, if after a while, when the tree king completes the silkworm, the boy and the little girl will not even leave the bones..." The White Tiger King roared, and he was also sad for these stubborn human beings.

"Hmm! When did our demons become at the mercy of you humans? ..." The spirit snake king is also full of anger at this time, and the patriarch of a demon clan is now slaughterable.

These demons were also born with pride. When they saw this, Feiheng and Feicheng looked at each other. Just as they were about to speak, a heartbreaking roar suddenly came out of the grottoes.

The roar came, and the sound had the momentum of tearing and smashing the soul, bringing a layer of gray-black waves, shaking the trees around them violently, and the people who were facing each other were also suddenly in their hearts. They couldn't help looking at the thousand-year grottoes. At this time, the tree king was standing in the grotto, just Like a demon standing for ages, the surging power gradually spreads with the spray of evil spirit.

The five people of Bai Qiong were eroded by evil spirit, and as the tree king roared, the evil spirit suddenly became ten times stronger. No matter how strong they were, they seemed unable to be eroded by such evil spirit.

Everyone gritted their teeth and stared at the tree king in the cave. They saw that his whole body was dark. Even his skin, clothes, and even his vines turned dark. The only thing that made people feel different was his eyes, blood red and blood red, which were better than the eyes of the Yu people.

"What's the matter? Has the ritual of swallowing been completed? But why do I feel that he didn't devour them on the fifteenth..." The spirit snake king struggled to suppress the evil qi erosion, but he couldn't help asking.

"What, the snake king, do you really hope that the tree king will begin to absorb the fifteenth and then devour us?" Xianghu King smiled slightly. At this time, I'm afraid she is the only one who can make such a joke. The Spirit Snake King said that she had never noticed it.